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Pups in Tea Cups: Tales of Littleness Overcoming BIG Odds

Page 9

by Carolyn McCray

  Finally, she sobbed out that “Diva” had taken over her life. She couldn’t do anything. Couldn’t go anywhere. Couldn’t have anyone over.

  Confused, I asked her what she was talking about. “Diva” was housebroken, right?

  She finally admitted they hadn’t really housebroken “Diva” as much as trained themselves to stop her accidents.

  What? I didn’t understand.

  It turns out that the whole family would walk around with potty pads in their pockets, and when “Diva” squatted, they would rush over and put a pad under her!

  Talk about royal treatment!

  Oh my gosh! How did “Diva” get so lucky?

  My client relayed that the process was a pain in the butt, and time consuming, but with all three of them home over the summer it seemed the best course of action, since “Diva” had convinced them housebreaking wasn’t for her.

  But now that it was just my poor client at home alone with the puppy, the ritual was sucking the life from her.

  I could understand. Her life had become about following a puppy around, waiting to put a pad down for her to go on!

  Talk about the antithesis of housebreaking!

  First, I had to give credit to “Diva.” She was working it. And working it well. She had convinced three otherwise completely sane and logical people that following her around with a potty pad made the most sense.

  That’s got to go into the “Littleness” hall of fame!

  After having a good laugh, I asked her if she was ready to crate-train. Of course she was, but she was worried about her daughter. “Diva” had clearly wrapped the girl around her little finger, and they would become hysterical with the screaming and whining. And that was just the daughter!

  I suggested that she send her daughter out on a weekend sleepover and get to work. My clients were nervous. They let “Diva” get away with this behavior for over four months! How could she change it in just two days?

  I agreed. Her daughter needed to go straight over to her friend’s house after school on Friday. This was going to take three days.

  My client was still exasperated. One more day wasn’t going to help. One more week wasn’t going to help.

  Shaking my head, I couldn’t disagree more. It really had little to do with time and more to do with determination. If she could just convince “Diva” that she was serious, this would go smoothly (after the prerequisite screamfest, that is).

  She just needed that extra day to steel herself. The more convinced she became, the quicker that this would work.

  By the time she left, I’m not sure she was totally sold on the idea, but she was definitely sick of chasing after “Diva” with a plastic-lined potty pad all day long.

  I wasn’t at all surprised when she came in on Saturday morning. She and the puppy had gotten no sleep. She had tried everything I told her (except the part where she was convinced it was going to work) and the pup still wouldn’t tolerate being crated.

  I asked how long she had left the pup in the crate.

  Five whole minutes!

  You have to give “Diva” credit again. She was working her little dog mind-control magic.

  There are times when earphones come in really, really handy. I sent my client home to put in a pair, and she was not allowed to let “Diva” out until she stopped crying.

  I told my client to pick out her favorite movie and sit down and watch it with earphones.

  But she shook her head. She hadn’t been able to sit down and relax for that long since the puppy came home.

  I reminded her that the puppy was in her crate. No chance for accidents. It was okay for her to relax.

  It was like a light bulb went off. For the first time, she remembered what life was like before she assigned herself to potty-pad patrol.

  She started to cry, but this time with joy.

  “I can get my life back.”

  “Yeah, that’s what housebreaking is all about,” I assured her. It wasn’t torture. It wasn’t even inconvenient, really. It was a down payment on years of freedom, really.

  I could see it in her eyes. This time, it was going to work.

  So I wasn’t surprised when she called me the next day and asked me to “Listen!”

  I listened. Nothing.

  Not nothing. It was something incredible! The perfect silence of a puppy sleeping in her crate!

  As a matter of fact, “Diva” was doing so well that my client was going out to brunch!

  It turns out that “Diva” loved her crate. She also loved going outside. She also loved walks. She also loved not being shadowed constantly by a strange human with a potty pad.

  She began playing more. Tearing through the house, playing games of “tag” and “capture the flag.”

  Even her daughter had to admit how much happier “Diva” was, now that she was not only housebroken, but crate-trained as well.

  It opened up everyone’s world.

  Tales from the Tea Cup:

  “Gazpacho” – The Master of Mind Control

  I knew Chihuahuas were manipulative, and I thought “Chief” particularly gifted with his powers of mind control.

  You know, the times when I was walking across the room, telling him that he couldn’t control me with his mind, only to realize that I was taking him outside, just as he had asked! Those mind-control powers.

  But I met another Chihuahua with possibly even greater powers.


  She was so cute and sweet in the room. She had a broken tooth that we needed to fix, but besides that, everything was great!

  Except, I kept forgetting to write down her orders! My poor tech kept saying...

  “Dr. McCray, didn’t you want to give ‘Gazpacho’ an antibiotic injection?”

  Why, yes, of course!

  Then, two minutes later...“Weren’t we going to do a heartworm test?”

  Why, yes, of course. We need to!

  This went on and on. Everything I had said I wanted to do in the room whisked away from my mind.

  I apologized to “Gazpacho’s” mom. “I am not usually forgetful like this! I am so sorry!”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it. ‘Gazpacho’ has incredible mind-control powers!”

  Both my tech and I started to laugh. We talked about “Chief’s” mind-control powers all the time.

  Once I knew what I was dealing with, I combatted “Gazpacho’s” hazing of my memory. As hard as she tried, though, she still got all the medicine she needed!

  Now I know to guard myself (and have my tech take PLENTY of notes) whenever “Gazpacho’s” around.

  Tales from the Tea Cup

  “Rambo” – Fashion Icon? Yep.

  You see, my clients couldn’t decide on a name for their new Boston Terrier. They wrangled over names like “Twerp,” “Jazzy,” and “Pete.” But nothing would stick. And he wouldn’t answer to any of them.

  Now, it wasn’t like “Rambo” didn’t have enough personality. He had TOO much. As a matter of fact, one of his favorite things to do was to pick out his outfit for the day.

  And yes, he was macho enough to pull off a pink sweater occasionally!

  But the one that was his favorite guessed it—a red headband and leather pants.

  So one day, he came in for some vaccines—dressed up as I described. Well, some of my other clients weren’t as understanding, and laughed at him.

  Well, he barked right back!

  In that moment, we knew we had a true “Rambo” on our hands!

  # # #


  Thank you so much for allowing me to share these amazing stories of “Littleness” and what a BIG impact our pups can have on our lives.

  If you loved reading Pups in Tea Cups as much as I loved writing it, I would ask a favor of you…please go back to Amazon and review Pups. We authors live and die by our reviews!

  Also if you have a story to share that you think would make a great entry in the next book, please email the
author here. Even if it doesn’t make it into the book, I love to read a good dog story!

  Volume II of Pups in Tea Cups should be out in the summer of 2013, so be watching for it!

  In the meanwhile you might want to check out some of Carolyn’s other work in the next section…

  Other Works by Carolyn McCray

  If you loved the silly antics of the pups in Pups in Tea Cups, then you'll laugh out loud reading Pet

  Wyatt and animals...don’t always see eye to eye. But that doesn’t mean he can’t make a rip-snorting pet psychic, right? I mean, seriously. What could possibly go wrong? Other than an elephant with a wandering trunk and a ferret that likes to dance around inside his pants, that is.

  Oh, and the serial-killer Chihuahua.

  Okay, so maybe a lot could go wrong.

  Pet A book where the animals talk back!

  To purchase or sample Pet Whisperer…er…rrr simply click here!

  * * *

  If the pups stole your heart in Pups in Tea Cups, you'll want to read a sweet tale about two lovebirds in 8 Hearts Beat As One.

  Love Birds? is a Pet short story.

  Can Wyatt rekindle the love between two dueling lovebirds on Valentine's Day? And still make his three dates?

  In addition to Love Birds? Are seven other tales of romance. Some are sweet. Some are spicy. All are fantastic!

  To sample or purchase 8 Hearts Beat As One, simply click here.

  * * *

  Thought Fiona saving a marriage was romantic in Pups in Tea Cups? Then you'll love the mischief Hurricane and Fury create in Indian Moon.

  Although Indian Moon has a far more serious tone than Pups, and tackles difficult situations and hard themes, it is real romance…for the rest of us.

  Read on to see why:

  "I love this's so touching, beautiful & fulfilling. Thank you Ms McCray for sharing such a beautiful love story.”


  "I love romances that are "real" and this one is so very real. The characters are not larger than life, they have pasts, things they regret and dreams they have forgotten. They are real everyday people with everyday problems...I loved this book, it was beautiful, sweet, sad in places and oh ever touching, watching the changes that true love brings to their outlook on life."


  To purchase or sample Indian Moon simply click here.

  * * *

  Still want more pups? Then you won't want to miss the white wolf, Pale in 7 Folds of Winter.

  Told in the fashion of the fantasy masters Robert Jordan and George R.R. Martin, this YA Epic fantasy, 7 Folds of Winter has been described as “a fresh breeze into the high fantasy annals” and “a beautiful balance between action and sweetness, the clash of steel and the tenderness of the heart.”

  Appealing to the young and young at heart reader, 7 Folds of Winter is filled with heroism from both the humans and their animal companions!

  To purchase or sample 7 Folds of Winter simply click here!

  Medical Disclaimer

  (You knew there had to be one)

  Pups in Tea Cups has been written for ENTERTAINMENT purposes ONLY. Even though I describe some of my medical philosophy and treatments/advice/techniques recommended to clients and their pets, in no way should you take this to be a recommendation for your pet or household.

  If you have any problems with your pup/pets/family, please consult the appropriate medical professional. The advice given in this book was specific to those particular situations and should NOT be used for your situation.

  Onward to the legalese…

  The information provided in this book should not be construed as veterinary medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this book.

  The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the author, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the any risk. This book/author/publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.

  Furthermore, information contained in this book is intended as ENTERTAINMENT ONLY. This book in no way replaced the need for services provided by medical professionals or independent determinations.

  A person’s individual veterinarian must determine what is safe and effective for each individual situation, person, or pet. The publisher and author do not assume any responsibility or risk for the use of any information contained within this book.

  The author provides no endorsement of and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement made within this book. The author and publisher are not liable for any loss or damage caused by the reader’s reliance on the information provided.

  Please seek the advice of a veterinary medical professional to properly evaluate the accuracy, comprehensiveness, and utility of any information, opinion, advice, or other content within the book.

  Furthermore, reference to other third-party material and links to other websites does not mean that the author or publisher endorses the materials or linked websites. The author and publisher are not responsible for any content that appears in these materials or on these linked websites.

  Copyright Information

  This book is a work of nonfiction. The people, incidents, places, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s real-life experiences. In each case, the privacy of the individuals has been protected.


  An Off Our Meds Project/published by arrangement with the author


  Copyright 2011 by Carolyn McCray

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Any inquiries can be made to:

  3524 South Star Lake Road

  Auburn, Washington 98001

  Or check out my Contact Information page…

  Contact Information

  Carolyn McCray can be found just about everywhere social media exists (and some that are just in her head).

  Her personal social media links:







  Off Our Meds MultiMedia, LLC


  Her Indie Book Collective (where she and the rest of the Collective help teach authors how to use social media to market their books)







  Technical Publishing articles on

  Poignant articles on

  Motivational article on


  So many people contribute to any book that it is hard to list them all. However, I intend to try!

  This book would never have come into existence without, of course, Jim. Ever cool. Ever there.

  Dee Dee, who has believed in me for so long it is almost impossible to remember a time without her. #andnothatsnotadissonyourage

  Carrie, my editor, who knows of my love for sentence fragments and run-on sentences, yet who still patiently edits them to the point where they are readable!

  Table of Contents

  Book Cover

  Main Menu

  Start Reading

  Other Works by Carolyn McCray

  Pet Whisperer…err...rrrrr – New series with Ben Hopkin. Animals talk back!

  8 Hearts Beat as One – A romance anthology featuring a Carolyn short

  Indian Moon – Carolyn’s tender contemporary romance

  7 Folds of Winter – Carolyn’s YA fantasy featuring a quest…and a white wolf.

  Pups in Tea Cups: “Tales
from the Tea Cup” Essays:

  Section One: An Introduction to “Littleness”

  “Antoinette”: The Ballerina

  “Boss”: More Curious Than a Cat

  “Wasabi”: Shower Guard


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