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Cocky Love: Emma Cocker (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 11)

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by Faleena Hopkins

  He opens his palm. “We’ll take my car.”

  “Afraid of walking?”

  His eyebrows lift. “That close?”

  “Three houses. We can drive if it’s too much for you.”

  His lips twitch. “We’ll walk.”

  Through the next mansion my tour plays out in exactly the same manner as all of the others. Mostly his jaw remains tight while mine won’t stop yapping. As usual I continuously catch him staring at me in a way that is unsettling. Not in the bad way, but in the good.

  We run out of rooms—even the attic has been explored—and now that we have nothing left to look at, we’re standing on the front porch, staring out at the street, silent.

  Neither of us is making a move to return to our cars.

  Tanner coughs and looks up. “Nice day.”

  “It is,” I reply. After more awkward silence I ask him, “Did you know that it rains more in Atlanta than in Seattle?”

  He eyes me. “That true?”

  “Yes, I dated a reporter at CNN briefly and he told me.”

  “Why don’t they publicize that?”

  “Maybe because it’s sunny here most of the time, and in Seattle it’s gloomy, so it feels worse. Here it’s more like Hawaiian weather, tropical. Not today, light humidity today. But when it is raining and warm, it’s very much like that, often the sun peeking out quickly afterward. Gorgeous. Not all shadows and darkness.”

  Tanner eyes me then fixates on the sky, grabbing his wrist behind his back, both elbows bent in an L-shape. “You store a lot in that brain, Emma, don’t you?”

  Descending the short row of steps I casually tease him, “That’s what it’s for, isn’t it?”

  Behind me I hear him say, “I want to see that one.”

  Following his pointed forefinger to a For Sale sign just up the street on the opposite side, I blurt, “That’s not one of ours,” before I realize that doesn’t make me look good. Glancing to him I stand straighter. “I’ll call the number and get the code from them.”

  “Good girl.”

  Rolling my eyes I unlock my phone. Giving my name wouldn’t impress the other agency, unfortunately. A fact which Tanner knows. He said it himself that I’m just her underling.

  Cora has been very impressed that Mr. Hamilton is so interested in buying a home from us. Every time I tell her he’s scheduled more showings she smiles, “Good good.” Especially of this size and price, what’s not to be happy about?

  He walks toward the other mansion, tilting his head as he appraises its value to him. I’ve seen this look repeatedly, but it’s what everyone does. You have to find the right home for you, and we all have specific details we won’t budge on, especially rich men like this jerk.

  I narrow an annoyed look at him while telling our competitor, “Hi there, I’m with Cora Williamson Realty and I need the password or keypad code for one of your estates.”

  Over his shoulder he glances back, smirking as he catches me checking out his ass. “See something you like, Emma?”

  Sighing I ignore his question and give the other agency the new address, memorizing the password they give before I get an uninvited promise that if this sale goes through they’ll be generous with splitting the commission, but it won’t be 50-50.

  “We’ll talk about financials if the need arises. Thank you. I’ll be in touch.” We say goodbye and hang up.

  “Are they being fair?” he asks on our way to the property.

  “They don’t have to be.”

  He pauses.

  Stopping, I wait for him. After a moment of silence we continue onward, but under his breath, almost to himself he says, “I’ll make sure they’re fair and then some.”

  Are you being shrewd or kind?

  I can’t tell which.

  Inside, whenever we enter a new room I read the notes emailed to me from our competitor. I even email them questions when I find intriguing things missing from their list that might make Tanner happy to know more about. It takes time but he never shows impatience, so I remain thorough and relaxed as we make our way through unfamiliar territory.

  In a guest bedroom on the south side I scan my phone and tell him, “It says here this fireplace doesn’t work.”

  “We wouldn’t need it.”

  My eyelashes flash up. His face betrays no humor this time. I glance to his ring finger. It’s naked, and there is no tan line, either. It’s not the first time I’ve checked. But it’s the first time he’s seen.

  Tanner rolls his eyes. “Women, you’re all the same.”

  Annoyed, I toss back, “Oh? And how is that? We don’t want a married man hitting on us, or are you accusing us of wanting marriage?”

  “Yes,” he flatly replies, eyes dead.

  I stare at him, mouth twisting at his quippy, blanketed generalization and deliberate non-answer.

  “For your information, Mr. Hamilton, I do want to get married someday. And soon would be nice.”

  That sharp chin of his angles up like he’s never heard someone admit it before.

  We walk into the hall, but just before the final bedroom, I turn and face him. “I have a wonderful family and it’s taught me a lot. Mostly about loyalty, support, humor, camaraderie, and so far there haven’t been any divorces. Some of my cousins, and even my brother, have found wonderful people to love. I hope to find that someday. To know someone special is on my team, and mine alone. That he’s the type of man I’d love my children to call Daddy. Someone I laugh with, trust, and a myriad of other wonderful qualities. So don’t you worry, you’re safe. I wouldn’t want that from someone like you, so hard and cold you think to love and be loved is a trap. You are saved from my charms, Mr. Hamilton, because I’ve never met anyone I wanted to slap as much as you. And I hope you won’t hold that against me. I’m just being honest.”

  His eyes are on fire, but he smirks, “Nothing personal, I’m sure.”

  “I didn’t mean to say all of that, and the moment I felt the train going I wanted to jump off but couldn’t seem to stop myself.”

  He chuckles, “It would have been a tragedy if you had been able to.”

  I blink and adjust my purse, shrugging my shoulder to get it to a more comfortable place. But this bag is not what’s bothering me. My agitation is so great I run into the doorframe mid-sentence. “And this is the Master, oof! Ouch!”

  Tanner’s fingers flash around my left arm. “Careful now.”

  Chapter 7


  Embarrassed I stammer, “I’m fine,” and jut my chin in a challenge, I dare you to tease me.

  I have not one, but two, brothers.

  I’m the oldest but the only girl.

  I’m ready to skewer this guy.

  He releases me, strolls into the empty bedroom, the hardwood floor making his presence all the more known. “You didn’t mention the plumbing. Modern or old?”

  My head feels cloudy as I follow him. I expected to be made fun of after all the jabs he’s given. Puzzled, I glance to their email and answer, “There’s a well on the property.”

  Disapproval dashes across his eyes, and he slides a hand into his pocket while thinking of how to solve this. “I have friends in construction, connected with the water department here in town. I’ll throw a little business their way.” Inspecting a wall sconce he mutters, “If I were to buy, that is.”

  My parents work in the water industry. Desalinization, reclamation, reservoir maintenance. Large properties like this they’ve been known to do as well. “Are you talking about Likuss?”

  Oddly, he sneers, a reaction I never expected. My mom and dad are loved by pretty much everyone they work with. Few exceptions, and those people I don’t like at all.

  “I’d fly someone else here to do the job before I’d give Likuss my business.”

  My temper kicks. What the hell is wrong with my parents’ company, you obnoxious jerk! But as the words itch inside my tongue, a loud vibration makes both of us look at my hand. My aunt’s name shining from t
he screen gives me the pause I need. This timing might have saved me my job. I’ve pushed my luck a lot.

  Tanner catches my frown. “Is it important? Answer it.”

  “She never calls unless there’s an emergency. I’m the phone-vine person for my immediate family.” I unlock the screen in time. “Aunt Rachel? Everything okay?” Walking to a sun-filled window, I stare at the beautifully landscaped backyard while we talk.

  “Emma, I’m not sure what inspired me to call Cora, but I’m glad I did after what she just told me.”

  “What’s wrong? Is she hurt?”

  “Cora’s fine. Or crazy,” she mutters, asking more loudly, “Are you with a man named Tanner Hamilton?”

  Surprised I blink. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Are you?!”

  I glance from him back to the view. With forced casualness I answer, “Sure.”

  “He’s watching you, isn’t he?”

  I slowly answer, “In a way, yes.”

  Rachel, my normally zen aunt, unleashes a torrent of information, totally out of her mind with worry, “Tanner and your father got into a huge fight, about ten years ago I think it was. Something happened. Jake wouldn’t say what. It cost him and Drew the job they were working on, some guy who was a friend of Tanner’s and when the drama hit… Anyway, I have no idea why Cora has you showing him houses, Emma, because she knows damn well that Jake said if Tanner ever came back to Atlanta he’d cut off his…you know what. Get out of there! I told Cora she has to cut ties with this one. Just make up an excuse. Say you have to get back to the office!”

  I’m intrigued now, and have to ask, “Don’t you think you’re overreacting a bit?”

  Rachel reminds me, “You know this family’s temper. How many times have the Cocker Brothers been in jail? You and your cousins, too! Justin is always pulling strings to bust one of you kids out. If it weren’t so funny it’d be mortifying. You all get riled up and don’t care what society thinks of your reactions.”

  I tilt my head a little, because she’s right. “I’m with a client, Aunt Rachel. Do you mind if I call you later?”

  “Be careful. I met Tanner once. He is as ruthless as he is handsome, and that can be very alluring.”

  She’s not wrong about that either.

  He also can inspire a good punch.

  I’m not surprised Dad clocked him, I just want to know why?

  Frowning I steal a look at Tanner to find him watching. His lips curve into a slow smirk. Completely unnerving how handsome he is.

  “I have to go, Aunt Rachel. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, Emma.”

  Tapping the side of the phone against my open palm I force a smile. “I apologize for that, Mr. Hamilton. My family and I are very close. She was overly excited about a new recipe she’s concocted for our Family BBQs.” On an unconvincing laugh I wave my hand. “She’s always competing with my Grandma Nance over who makes the best chili.”

  At their ranch, Uncle Jaxson is the chef.

  Rachel doesn’t like to cook.

  Grandma’s chili is incomparable.

  Impossible to beat, it tastes so good.

  How he’d laugh if he heard my lie.

  The ruthless man I’ve been told to get far away from, strolls up next to me, and glances out the window. The sun sets fire to his profile. Hints of gold dance inside almost-black irises. He’s so watchable I don’t realize I’m staring.

  With a frown, his volume private and almost intimate, he side-eyeballs me as he asks, “Your aunt warned you against me?”

  “What?” I adjust my purse. “No!”

  The sexiest, knowing smirk tugs at his lips. “You’re a terrible liar.”

  On an uncomfortable laugh I insist, “I’m not lying. You’re looking at an honest face. How would she even know who I was with? What a crazy idea. Would you like a tour of the backyard now? We’ll pass the kitchen on the way.”

  “I’d love one,” he muses.

  Hoping I’m off the hook, I head for the door, all the while keeping my stroll steady and maybe even a little sexy in my attempt to act calm, cool and collected.

  Raising his volume Tanner adds, “We’ll continue this tour but I know she warned you to run.”

  I slide the phone away, zip my purse and adjust the sunglasses on my head while trying to think of a convincing retort. “You’re harmless so stop giving yourself so much credit.”

  Okay, that sounded childish. I lock eyes with him as those smoldering lashes flicker and narrow.

  “I’m anything but harmless, Emma.”

  Speechless I get warmer by the second.

  Tanner glances to the floor, chewing on his bottom lip. I lick mine. Walking toward me he asks, “What I want to know is, now that you’ve been warned to leave, why aren’t you leaving? Aren’t you afraid the flirting will lead to more?”

  “Flirting?” I gasp. “Please! I’ve nearly hit you at least twice.”

  “Because you’re attracted to me.”

  My heart pounds. “You say the most annoying things.”

  “Because?” he smirks.

  “Annoying because they’re off base.” My temper flares, shoving me forward two steps, dangerously close to him. “First you call me a child, flat out tell me I’m incompetent. Then you repeatedly challenge me for almost two weeks of private touring. Now you’re saying that not only did my aunt psychically sense who I was with, but she also said, run! Which is ridiculous on many levels. And you believe I’m attracted to you? That’s insane. I apologize for having to tell you this, because you’re a client, but you are out of your damn mind.”

  A dazzling grin flashes. I stare at Tanner and instantly realize I’ve never seen a man so attractive as he is. The effect multiplies with his growing and genuine laugh. Not a loud bursting kind but a steady and deep build from his gut that ends with his shoulders shaking as he rakes his hair back. “If you could see how hard you’re trying to convince me, when we both know you’re lying, you would laugh, too,” he finishes, walking past me but pausing to say in my ear, “You want me, Emma, and I want you, too.”

  My jaw drops a little, heat pooling between my thighs as he leaves me all alone with that riveting proclamation. I’m staring at an empty doorway while footsteps fade.

  What is this sensation in my core?

  Everything burns.

  My pussy is throbbing.

  Quick, heavy pulses.

  I’ve never experienced this without touching someone, and even then it wasn’t this.

  Hurrying, I follow him and call out, “Mr. Hamilton!” At the far end of a hallway before descending stairs he pauses. “Did you still want to see the garden?”

  A devilish smirk curves his mouth again.

  I respond like it doesn’t affect me, but there is this thick heartbeat between my legs that he can’t see and I can’t stop thinking about.

  “Alright, Emma, show me the garden.”

  Swallowing, trying to pretend I’m just doing my job, I smile, “Good, because it is stunning.”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “I’ve no doubt.”

  Chapter 8


  I remember when my nephew hid all of my sister’s makeup when he was eight years old and insisted she didn’t need to wear any. He liked her just the way she was.

  Jennifer and I were in her kitchen having coffee and catching up while he banged around, blissfully thinking we couldn’t hear him. What he considered covert was overt. We had life experience, knew exactly what sneaking around sounded like. She later acted surprised when she ‘discovered’ her vanity emptied. Hilarious.

  The young think they’re so sly.

  But with Emma here I couldn’t pretend I didn’t see her sneaking peeks and getting very tense as her knuckles grew whiter around the phone. I have experience with people spreading news about my reputation long before I arrive at meetings, lunches, events, etc. Telling them to hide their sisters, daughters, nieces, whatever.

  I’m s
urprised that call didn’t come through on the first day we met.

  But what interests me is the gleam afterward that lit behind her whiskey eyes when I told her I’m anything but harmless.





  She wants to play?

  I can play.

  I’ve never fucked a realtor during an open house before, but the image occurred to me repeatedly as Emma and I traveled around Atlanta. Out of habit I’ve not entertained the possibility until now for the main reason that I always date older women, not younger.

  My gaze lingers on her body as we stroll through a bright kitchen that meets my standards. Emma motions around and brings various aspects to my distracted attention. Her hips are average, not as curvy as I normally prefer, yet I like their confident sway. And her ass has a nice bump to it. Could wrap my hands around it, with pleasure. Her chin is always high with self-respect and poise, and her wrists are so feminine I picture pinning them above her head and watching those pouty lips moan.

  None of what she’s saying sinks in.

  Only one thing on my mind now.

  Little Emma liked the warning.

  Her aunt has no clue what she’s done.

  Thrown flint against steel.

  Sparks inevitable.

  Flames unstoppable.



  Let’s see how this aunt of hers will like hearing about how I picked this sweet, ripe cherry from her overly protective family tree while savoring every inch and moment.

  I’d have to be quick.

  There’s that haircut appointment I keep putting off. Told them I would not cancel again.

  But I could get her off in less than five if I put my mind to rushing, take a bit more time to savor it until I had my fill.

  "You can see above the windows here that the stained glass accent squares match those in all the bathrooms.” She points and her navy-blue dress lifts a little at the hem. I drink in the backs of her knees and cock an eyebrow as they disappear.

  We stop and she gives me a moment to look around. But I keep my eyes on Emma.


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