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USSR Hoax (Hoax Trilogy Book 3)

Page 16

by Paul Gillebaard

  “Tom happened to be wearing a wire in an effort to record the culprit during the transaction. In reviewing the tape, we found that the conversation between you and Tom had been recorded. It sounds like you were propositioning Tom to split the rocks with you. Unfortunately, the recording is garbled and we were unable to establish exactly what was being said. I just asked Tom if you had said this, and he denied you had.”

  Biting his tongue, Tom did everything possible to keep from cracking a smile. Wow! Good story, Dick.

  Chris shot Tom a relieved look.

  Dick slapped a hand hard on the desktop causing Chris to jump. “But you should know I’m not convinced. I think Tom is trying to protect a friend. I have been told the CIA has the technical knowhow to clear up that recording. But because it’s a costly undertaking, they’re holding off until it is deemed necessary.”

  Chris snapped to attention as he raised both hands. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, and I am unaware of anyone wanting to steal moon rocks.”

  Dick stared at Chris for a moment. “Have you discussed this with anyone outside this room?”

  “Absolutely not!”

  “I pray you are telling the truth. If I hear you have discussed this in any way with anyone before or after you leave this room, I will assume you are somehow involved. I will recommend the CIA clean up that tape. If you made those incriminating remarks, I can guarantee you will be going to prison for a very long time.”

  “I won’t say a word to anyone. I promise.”

  Tom eyed the squirming ass. Right, we’ve heard that before.

  “All right, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and allow you to stay on the Soviet mission. But because I’m not fully convinced you are telling the truth, I’m not having you participate in an upcoming public relations trip for the mission.” Dick turned toward Tom. “Tom, you will be the one to go, teaming up with U.S. diplomats. The meeting will take place next month in Geneva. The Soviet cosmonaut you will be meeting with is…,” Dick slipped on his reading glasses before scanning over a paper on his desk. “Viktor Alexandrov.”

  Since his boss mentioned the lunar material would be passed directly to a cosmonaut, Tom assumed this was his man.

  Dick removed his glasses. “This is basically a big photo opportunity to hype up the mission and show that the two countries are gearing up for a working relationship in space.” Dick closed his file. “Tom, I’ll fill you in on the full details later this week.”

  “Got it.”

  “All right, gentlemen, that’s all I have.” Dick leaned far over his desk, looking Chris squarely in the eye. “I assume we are all clear on what’s expected of us?”

  “Yes, sir. Crystal clear.”

  As the two astronauts left the office, Chris put his arm around Tom and quietly whispered, “Thanks for the help getting me on that mission.” Chris looked around to confirm no one was within earshot. “And keeping quiet on what I said in the conference room.”

  Tom’s voice was flat and emotionless. “We made a deal, and I stick to my word. I expect you to do the same.” Before Chris could answer Tom darted in the opposite direction to avoid walking with the ass.

  BEAT AFTER THE long day, Tom was pleased to be home. He fell back on the couch and kicked off his shoes.

  “Here’s your martini, sweetie.”

  Tom looked up to see Anne holding his savior for the night. He reached for the drink. “That’s exactly what I needed.”

  Anne sat next to him. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

  Tom figured this was as good a time as any to tell her about his upcoming trip. “Looks like I’ll be going to Geneva in a few weeks to promote a possible joint mission with the Russians.”

  Anne perked up. “Really? With the enemy? Wow! Will you be flying it?”

  “Don’t know. So far Chris Riddick is the only one assigned.”

  Anne raised an eyebrow before taking a long drag from the cigarette. She slowly blew the smoke toward the center of the room. “So you might be teaming up with him?”

  “I sure hope not. That guy is one cocky son-of-a-bitch. He’s one astronaut I can’t stand.”

  Anne crinkled her forehead and turned away, a sign something was troubling her. Tom reached for her arm. “Did I say something wrong?”

  Anne set her lit cigarette in the ashtray and paused for a moment. Anxiety lent an edge to her voice. “I’ve been keeping something from you.”

  “What’s that?”

  Anne looked over, sadness growing steadily in her eyes. “Chris made a pass at me.”

  Tom’s grip tightened around the martini glass thinking of Riddick making a move on his wife. Struggling to keep his emotions in check, Tom angrily asked, “When?”

  Anne gave a reluctant sigh as she opened up guardedly, her voice barely audible. “It happened when I went to his home to pick something up.”

  Tom set his glass down. He assumed that something was the Snoopy toy. “You were at his apartment? Did he play the piano?”

  Anne nodded with a curious expression.

  “I bet it was a Beethoven song, the only tune the ass knows. In fact, it’s a big joke among the guys. It took him a whole year to learn that song. He likes to brag that the girls eat it up when he plays it. He claims they’re putty in his hands when he finishes. I’m sure his goal the whole time was to hit on you.”

  Anne turned away in disgust, probably for falling for the charade. Her voice was intense. “He’d been going on about the blonde he caught you with and…”

  It was Chris who told Anne about Connie.

  “…it was all a big mistake. I let him get close, and…he kissed me.” A tear slid down her cheek. “I immediately left. I hate that he was able to manipulate me.”

  Anger raged within Tom at the thought of Chris putting his lips on his wife’s. Satisfied it was only a kiss, Tom gently wiped the tear off her face. He needed to show his trust in her. “Sweetheart, I don’t blame you. I blame Chris. I know it didn’t mean anything.”

  With fire in her eyes she exclaimed, “It didn’t mean a damn thing. I was confused and just wanted out of there.”

  Tom gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. “I know. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Chris crossed the line. I’ll teach him a lesson.”

  Anne grabbed his arm. “No, honey. Don’t do anything stupid. It’s not worth it. Think of your career.”

  “My career? Don’t worry about that. I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize that.”

  Suddenly Anne’s eyes narrowed and her lips compressed. “Chris told me you were involved in something illegal.”

  Damn it! Riddick can’t keep his mouth shut. Furious, Tom asked, “What? When did he tell you that?”

  “Does it matter?”

  Tom needed to know if the incident happened after Dick’s ultimatum. “Yes.”

  “Day before yesterday, when I ran into him again at the store. He didn’t tell me what it was. I think he was trying to intimidate me.”

  At least it was before their meeting. “Intimidate? Why?”

  Anne shook her head. “I don’t know. He’s just a bad man.”

  Tom couldn’t wait to put his hands on Riddick and straighten the ass out. “Don’t believe anything that jerk says. Yes, I’m involved in a top-secret operation, which Chris knows nothing about. He stumbled upon something and thought he knew what was going on. But he has his facts wrong and is out of the loop. Unfortunately, that’s all I can tell you.”

  “Should I be worried?”




  The flashbulbs going off in a staccato effect blinded Tom as he shook Viktor Alexandrov’s hand. Tom struggled with the fact he was cozying up with the enemy while American families were building bunkers back home out of fear the Soviets would drop an atomic bomb at any moment. He forced a smile as he held the pose for the cameras. An American astronaut publicly shaking the hand of a Soviet cosmonaut was big news, especially as
the Cold War escalated and the two countries fought for space supremacy.

  Despite having sat next to Viktor while answering questions for the media about a possible joint mission between the two countries, Tom still hadn’t been able to speak directly to the cosmonaut. Ever since entering the hotel conference room, there seemed to be two separate camps. The Americans, all in coats and ties, were on one side. The Soviets, mostly dressed in military uniforms, were on the other.

  Tom had been hesitant about approaching Viktor due to the Soviet men in uniforms constantly surrounding him. Tom had no idea if these men were aware of the secret transfer that was to take place, especially since none of the Americans in the room knew. He decided to play it safe and wait for Viktor to make the first move. With the meeting coming to an end, Tom needed to get a coded statement from Viktor validating he was a part of the operation before Tom could turn over the lunar material. He had his own coded message he was to reply with.

  While the cameramen continued to take pictures, an American diplomat stepped in front of all, waving his arms as he spoke over the loud clicking sounds. “That’s it, gentlemen, thank you for coming.”

  As the bright flashes subsided, Tom let go of Viktor’s hand. Soon the press were gathering up their belongings and heading toward the exit.

  While the commotion unfolded in front of them, Viktor leaned over and whispered, “My boy vant go Disneyland for see Mickey Moose.”

  Tom swallowed hard. Even with the heavy Russian accent, Tom recognized the confirming code. He was surprised the cosmonaut had gone straight to the code message without any small talk. Tom assumed it was because Viktor was free of the men escorting him. Tom cleared his throat before countering with his own scripted reply. “Your son can even meet Donald Duck and Goofy.”

  Viktor smiled. For the first time, Tom got a good look at the man’s face and detected nothing sinister about the cosmonaut. Instead, Tom saw a happy and joyful expression. Tom glanced over at the other Soviet men standing close together in the corner of the room, intently eyeing Viktor. Tom was instructed to pass over the lunar material directly to Viktor in the privacy of his room. He figured this was as good a time as any to attempt the transaction. Leaning toward the cosmonaut, Tom asked, “Would you like to get out of here and have a drink?”

  Viktor nodded. “Dah.”

  “Can you go alone?”

  “Dah, but please vait.” Viktor turned and walked over to his keepers. After a brief conversation, Viktor returned, straightening his tie. “Time to vodka.”

  Tom smiled at the Russian’s English. He called out to one of the U.S. diplomats. “Freddy, I’m going to have a drink with Viktor.”

  The man gave an acknowledging wave.

  As the two men left, Tom decided it was best to skip the drink and go straight to his room to pass over the canister. He turned to Viktor. “I need to get something out of my room, if that’s okay. It’s on the first floor.”

  Viktor nodded as if knowing the reason. “Dah.”

  The two men walked in awkward silence down the long, dimly lit hallway, making Tom uncomfortable. His mind started racing, wondering if Viktor actually was a Soviet cosmonaut. For all Tom knew, the man could be an undercover KGB agent. Tom was well known throughout the space industry for his spacewalk. But there was no public record confirming that Viktor was a cosmonaut, let alone, having ever flown in space. With the Soviets being so secretive, Viktor could hold any title within the USSR.

  What if this guy has a gun? Tom was starting to get nervous as they approached his room. He needed to protect himself. But how? Tom looked over at Viktor, who flashed a conspiratorial grin. Tom faced forward and reached into his pocket for his room key. Hey, I’ve seen spy movies. I can figure this out.

  Tom opened the door and motioned for Viktor to enter. Tom followed the balding man, closing the door behind them. For a couple of beats both men just stared at each other, neither moving or saying a word.

  Viktor broke the silence. “Nyet vodka this room?”

  Neither had mentioned anything about the lunar material, and Tom felt funny just blurting it out. “Sorry, I don’t have any alcohol in here. But I do have a package for you.”

  “Dah, vhy I here.” Viktor started scoping out the place, as if looking for the canister.

  “Viktor, I’m sorry, but I need to pat you down.”

  The cosmonaut reacted with surprise, “You spect me KGB?”

  Tom didn’t know what he thought, but felt it was the appropriate protocol. He decided to blame his agency. “NASA instructed me to frisk you before handing over the package.”

  Viktor casually moved a few steps closer and raised both arms. “Dah.”

  In the movies, the detective always frisked the suspect from behind. So, awkwardly, Tom walked around Viktor and, starting just under the Russian’s raised arms, he began patting along the sides of Viktor’s body, not sure what he was looking for. He worked his way down. Reaching the bottom of Viktor’s coat, Tom felt a lump.

  “Zat eye glasses.”

  Tom reached into the pocket and pulled out a small leather case. He thought it was odd a cosmonaut needed reading glasses. All NASA astronauts had to have 20/20 vision or better to fly. He established it was only glasses before returning the case. After finishing the pat down, Tom motioned toward a small table. “Please have a seat over there.”

  Viktor nodded and walked across the carpeted room. Tom headed straight for the closet, reaching behind some clothes for the small briefcase that held the canister. As he approached the table holding the case, Viktor gave a nod, indicating he suspected what was in it.

  Tom had been given no instructions on how to pass over the lunar material. Do I just say ‘here you go’? He set the case by his chair and sat down, placing his arms on the table.

  Viktor seemed to sense Tom’s uneasiness. The cosmonaut looked around the room. “Nyet vodka?”

  It was obvious Viktor liked to drink. Tom again conveyed he didn’t have any by shaking his head no.

  Viktor leaned back in his chair. “Umm, is…” The cosmonaut seemed to be struggling on how to say something as he motioned with his hands. “Umm, is you have child?”

  Tom settled into the chair and leaned forward. He understood that Viktor was inquiring if he had any children. “I do, a four-year-old boy.”

  Viktor’s eyes lit up. “I too, Dmitri. He five. He a little devil.”

  Tom smiled. He was starting to relax. “My son’s name is Peter. He has been a good boy so far, but I’m sure he’ll be a handful down the road.”

  “Vant more child?”

  Tom rubbed his lip. “Maybe someday.”

  “I vish a girl. My vife, Maria, she pretty. I know girl pretty.”

  Tom was feeling more comfortable with Viktor. He wasn’t acting like some crazy Communist who wanted America destroyed. The short man was becoming more human to Tom, erasing any preconceived notions he had of Russians.

  “Maybe our boys meet someday, play.”

  Tom seriously doubted that would ever happen, even if the joint mission actually took place. He just smiled at the cosmonaut.

  “Spacevalk good?”

  Tom sat back, impressed Viktor was inquiring about his Gemini flight. “Like any space mission, there were problems. But it was wonderful. I can’t wait to go back.”

  “Maybe you go to moon?”

  “Maybe. How about you? Have you been up yet?

  “Nyet. I at bottom, but happy I here. I hope fly zis mission. Maybe ve share vodka in space?”

  For the cosmonaut’s sake, Tom hoped the joint mission happened, even though Tom doubted he’d be a part of it. “That would be nice.”

  Viktor took the pair of thick, black-rimmed glasses out of the case and slipped them on. He said in a more serious tone, “Vhere moon rocks?”

  Tom assumed the small talk was over and nodded. He reached down and picked up the briefcase. He gently set the case on the table and slid it over.

  Viktor adjusted his
glasses slightly and looked at Tom. “Vat code?”

  Tom had thought the Soviet was just going to take the case and leave. Tom rambled off the numbers from memory. “9, 2, 9, 6, 1.”

  Tom heard soft clicks as Viktor turned the small dials. A sudden loud snap signaled his co-conspirator had entered the numbers correctly.

  Viktor lifted open the cover, blocking Tom’s view. After hearing movement within the case, Viktor’s hand reappeared over the top before closing the case. Viktor had a big grin on his face as he removed his glasses. “Zis good. I take to room. Then ve go have vodka.”



  A sudden fury swept over Tom at the sight of Chris Riddick entering the empty hallway of Building 4 at the Manned Spacecraft Center. Chris had his head down reading paperwork, unaware he was approaching Tom. The two had been on different travel schedules ever since Tom learned Chris had made a pass at Anne. Tom had been forced to suppress the anger while it festered deep within during his time in Geneva, waiting for the moment when he could release his wrath on the man. The opportunity had arrived.

  For maximum effect, Tom kept quiet as Chris came closer. At the last second, Tom pounced and shoved his hands hard onto Chris’s chest. The man was caught off guard as he was firmly slammed up against the wall, causing paperwork to fly all over the place. Chris was speechless, stunned by the attack.

  Pointing his finger at Riddick, Tom spewed venom as he fiercely shouted, “I thought I told you to stay away from my wife.”

  Chris stood motionless for a moment, confused by the assault. “What are you talking about?”

  “Anne told me you played that stupid-ass song on your piano and then tried to hit on her.”

  Chris’s demeanor unexpectedly changed. He pushed Tom’s hand aside and bent down to pick up his papers.

  Overcome with rage by the brush-off, Tom seized Chris strongly by his shirt, forced him back up and pushed him hard against the wall again. This time Tom held on as he stared directly into Chris’s eyes. “This is my last warning—stay away from my wife, or next time I’ll beat the crap out of you. I mean it!” Tom let go, waiting for a response. Not getting one, Tom felt he had gotten his point across. He turned in disgust and headed down the hallway.


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