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The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe ( Lycan Romance )

Page 11

by Briers, M L

  He didn’t know how damned long he was going to last like this but it wouldn’t be long. “Nic-“ He groaned down at her- his hand fisting her hair and she sucked him harder- took him faster- making it damned clear that she wasn’t giving up now that she had him.

  He spat out a dark curse as she dug the nails of her other hand into his backside- urging him to move- that natural sway of his hips that he’d been holding onto with all of his will and he pushed towards her as she suckled him hard- her nails digging in further in encouragement.

  Ryan couldn’t hold back any longer- he fisted her hair with both hands and started to move his hips- long strokes that nudged her throat and each time she swallowed him down as best she could- the sounds she was making driving him almost as insane as her mouth sucking him hard- her cheeks pulling in tightly around his erection as he took her mouth- her hand leaving his backside to massage his sack.

  Ryan could feel the tension inside him- his sack was pulling up into his damn groin under her manipulations and he felt the steady climb towards release, “Nic-“ He bit down on the growl- but she didn’t make a move to pull away- he started to thrust into her mouth- long deep strokes filling her up and then he was pumping his hips and for the life of him he nearly died with pleasure when she just barely grazed over his ridge a couple of times with her teeth- he exploded down her throat- taking her deep and holding her there with his hands in her hair as she held against him.

  He pulled back as quickly as he could, letting her draw the air back into her lungs before he thrust down her throat again- his seed being massage out of him by her cheeks and tongue as he growled with pleasure each time he thrust back against her- pumping out until he was done.

  Nicole continued to massage his erection even after he let go of her hair and palmed the wall- his legs weak beneath him- her tongue playing around his shaft and glands until he pulled out of her- his hand reaching down and helping her from her knees. He was still trying to control his breathing when he opened his mouth to speak and she got there first.

  “I bet that puppy is on his back with his paws in the air begging for his tummy to be rubbed.” She oozed sarcasm mixed with triumph and he groaned as she sidestepped him with a snort of amusement. Ryan dropped his forehead against the wall and groaned again for good measure. She was certainly going to kill him off one way or the other.

  The pounding on the cabin door had Jake frowning as he rose from the sofa on a dark curse- they had been settled since dinner watching a movie on the TV and Shay seemed to finally be getting comfortable with his presence- when someone decided that a polite knock wasn’t the order of the day and was now hammering even though he got there in record time.

  “What? “ Jake barked out staring down at Layla with dark murderous eyes as she grinned up at him. “Are the damned woods on fire pup?” He demanded and she shrugged.

  “Dunno- you been cooking again?” She shot back at him with a sarcastic glint in her eye and a don’t bust my chops attitude about her. He growled down at her.

  “What do you want?” The look Jake got from her told him she thought his attitude left a lot to be desired as she reached into her backpack and yanked out a handful of clothes, thrusting them at him- her knuckles hitting his abdomen on purpose as he grunted and rolled his eyes.

  “Mama said to give you these- for my new sister-“ She tried to see around his huge frame that filled the door into the room but he held firm- fisting the clothes in his hand he frowned.

  “How did she know Shay was here?” Layla snorted a chuckle.

  “It’s Mama Jake- she knows everything- so can I see my new sister?” Layla tried to peek under his hand, only getting a brief glimpse of her on the sofa as Jake raised one brow down at her.


  “Oh come on-“ Layla almost stamped her foot and Jake snorted a long sigh down his nose.

  “It’s ok Jake- I’m supposed to be meeting your pack right?” Shay’s voice carried out of the door and Layla gave him a an amused look as he narrowed his eyes in warning before moving aside, but she didn’t wait that long as she bustled past him and he gave another low growl of annoyance.

  Layla dropped down on the sofa and held out her hand, “I’m Layla- Jakes sister- well pack sister- you’re my sister too now- which is great- the more females the better against these knuckleheads.” Shay shook hands as her eyes flicked to Jakes who gave her a look of pure amusement. If there was one thing Layla could do it was talk- almost nonstop- he pitied the Lycan who mated her and would buy him ear plugs as a bonding present.

  “So- you’re a rogue- or you were- “ Layla absently brushed her mistake away and Shay nodded. “Why?” Layla actually stopped talking and just stared at Shay.

  “Why what?”

  “Why wouldn’t you want to be part of a pack?”

  Jake saw Shay’s eyes flick to his for a moment and he was tempted to tell Layla not to be nosey, but this was all part of pack life- everyone knew everything.

  “My parents were killed by a coven when I was young- they didn’t have a pack and so I never had one.” Shay shrugged her shoulders and Layla tossed that over in her mind.

  “Is that why you wanted to kill my brothers mate- real brother- Ryan- his mate’s the Fae Nicole-“ Layla cleared all that up in one go, she didn’t like there to be too many misunderstandings.

  “Yes- I was passing through the territory and scented her- I didn’t know she was your brother’s mate and I didn’t know she didn’t have a coven- I don’t usually go after solitary witches-“ Shay fingered the worn patch on the sofa as Layla sat back in her seat.

  “Why not solitaries?”

  “Because they aren’t part of the war on Lycan’s-“

  “So you’re not going to try and kill Nicole?” Layla was looking for clarity and Jake wondered if Ryan had sent her here to find out what was going on.

  “Not unless she joins a coven-“

  “And you’re going to be my sister right?- “ Jake growled low in his chest and Shay’s eyes flicked between them- Layla carried on uninhibited. “Because I know he can be a jerk sometimes- well- more than sometimes- but he’s kinda cool too- for a guy- and a Beta- and a brother.”Jake grabbed her under the arms and lifted her from the sofa- frog marching her towards the door as she just hung there knowing she had little choice.

  “Bye Layla- don’t come back until you’re invited.” Jake muttered putting her on her feet and pushing her out of the door.

  “Bye Shay- nice meeting you – you’ll have to come to the house for dinner.“ Layla was shouting over her shoulder, completely unphased by Jakes dismissal of her and she was still chatting away as Jake slammed the door behind her and turned on his heels towards Shay.

  “Well- if that didn’t scare you off pack life nothing would.” Jake mused scratching his head, his eyes on Shay who was chuckling into her hand. He reached down and snatched up the clothes that Shay had been sent to deliver. “You want to give these a go?”

  Shay pulled herself to her feet, she was getting too comfortable here- it was perhaps time to leave- retreat- regroup- while this had been a nice interlude, the constant pull on her senses towards Jake was getting tiring to try to ignore- the wings of frustration were fluttering within her, she wanted him- there was no doubting that- her damn wolf was all but pinning within her.

  “I should be leaving-“ He was in front of her in a heartbeat- his hand gently resting on her bare arm, the electricity that flowed through her body making her shiver deep within as she kept her eyes planted firmly on the broad chest covered by the scrap of material that she desperately wanted to tear off- already having committed the memory of the hard muscled chest of her mate in her mind- she could see it now- see her nails embedded in his flesh as he pounded into her- the flash of fire that tore through her gave her pause to shake those thoughts away.

  “Stay.” A simple word that had her knees weak with longing- yes stay- stay in his arms- in his bed- mate with him- take him inside- let him mark you.<
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  “I need-“ She swallowed hard before her tongue darted out to moisten her lips and he felt his erection twitch against the confines of his jeans.

  “I need too-“ His words teased- but she could hear the tension within- see the way he held his body tight- muscles straining to control the urges within him. “I need you in my bed Shay- I need to be inside you- I need to feel your legs wrapped around my hips-“

  The pure sex of his voice drove her body wild- if she didn’t leave now she never would.

  “Jake- please- back off-“ Shay dug the nails of her hands into her palms- the instinct to be with him was unbearable- the closer he was to her- the longer she stayed in his company the more she needed him- it wasn’t a want- but a primal need to be claimed and to claim her mate- worse than any breeding cycle she had ever endured.

  She couldn’t move- rooted to the spot by his presence- his hand on her flesh- the desire that rolled from him and encased her body with his scent- his virility- his wolf calling to hers- if he didn’t move she would never get away- she would be his.

  Jake hesitated, so caught up in her that he couldn’t think of anything but having her- his wolf was pawing the earth, she was so damn aroused he could scent nothing else but her- she’d offered a plea for him to release his tether to her and he found he couldn’t move- she had to be feeling the damned same thing which was why she hadn’t move back from him- any longer and he wouldn’t be able to control the urge to pick her up, wrap her legs around his hips carrying her off into the bedroom and tear his clothes from her beautiful ripe body- made only for him. Just to be buried within her sex- I would give my very life.

  “Please Jake-“ Her words were so small- almost a whimper of pain behind them that slapped him around the back of the head like his den mother’s hand- bringing some semblance of sense back into his addled brain and he had to literally tear himself back from her- his hand still outstretched in mid air from where he was touching her.

  Shay practically gasped a breath into her lungs- taking two long quivering steps back from him- she closed her eyes and shook her head trying to dislodge the desire still rampant within her veins- her blood still coursing with his scent through her body.

  “Stay on pack land- don’t run from me Shay.” He growled out using every last ounce of willpower within him to turn away from her- holding every muscle in his body taunt to stop him stalking across the room and devouring her body.

  Shay heard his words like a wakeup call to her self preservation- forcing her legs to carry her towards the front door- her hand outstretched in anticipation of the freedom from her Lycan instinct as she reached for the door handle and yanked it open.

  “Promise to stay on pack land.” Jake growled out the warning and she swallowed hard- she had never broken a promise in her life- if she granted him her honour she would have to abide by it.

  “I promise Jake.” She ground out between clenched teeth knowing her fate was sealed right then and there- if she stayed they would mate. Hesitation gripped her for one long moment before she propelled herself into the freedom of the outside world.

  Tearing the clothes from her body as she went she shifted into her wolf- claws tearing up the earth as she ran free and wild- her mind a rollercoaster of thoughts and most of them for her mate.

  “If you don’t let me in- I’m going to thunderbolt your damned front door off its hinges!” Darcy’s fist battered the weather worn door until it was yanked open- her eyes widened as she took in the state of her friend- panting hard- her face flushed darker than she had ever seen and her hair looked like a hedge witch was her beautician.

  “Holy Cow!” Darcy gasped on a chuckle of amusement at her state of disarray.” I guess you mated the wolf then?” It was a mixture of question, accusation and amusement.

  Nicole dropped her chin down and regarded her friend from under her brows, “What are you doing here Darc?”

  “When I didn’t get a reply to my numerous voice messages and texts I thought the wolf might have carried you off into the damned woods to have his wicked way with you- now I see that he didn’t need to- you invited him into your bed.” Ryan took that precise moment to stand behind Nicole- his bare chest caught her attention as her eyes followed the direction of the hair that disappeared down into those low lying jeans that hugged his hips.

  “Witch-“ He nodded in amusement and she snapped her eyes back to his face- narrowed on his with suspicion.


  “Mutt.” She countered and Nicole rolled her eyes as she grabbed Darcy’s wrist in her fist and dragged her into the house slamming the front door behind her as Darcy eyed Ryan and he returned the favour.

  “Darcy- Ryan- Ryan- Darcy.” Nicole stood between them eyeing the pair of them. “My best friend- My mate- My mate- My best friend. Get it. Got it. Good- Play nice or else.” Nicole tipped her chin up and walked off leaving them still eyeing each other for a long moment. Ryan capitulated first.

  “Nice to meet you again Darcy.” He drawled in that sexy voice that had Nicole’s ears pricking up and the excitement rolling through her body as she walked straight through into the kitchen.

  Darcy’s lips pouted out for a second as she mulled over what her friend was telling her- this was her mate- her choice- she needed to respect that, the alternative was to distance herself from Nicole and that was never going to happen.

  “Caught any tasty rabbits lately-“ She offered lightly on a shrug off her shoulders and Ryan’s eyes twinkled with amusement.

  “No just a very tasty human-“ He had leaned towards her and dropped his voice to a whisper as Darcy eyed him for another long moment before the snigger hit her lips and the grin shot across her face, lightening her eyes and her mood.

  “Be gone wolf- let me talk to my friend in peace.” Darcy said lightly and he gave her a little curt bow of his head before he turned and strolled up the stairs giving Darcy the perfect view of his backside and the muscles of his back that moved with those sexy hips.

  Darcy tore into the kitchen- eyes wide with excitement as she palmed the counter in front of her- practically panting in her need to spit her words out.

  “Holy cow you mated with him- how the hell was it?”

  Nicole raised a brow and regarded her friend- if Darcy were a wolf she would have been salivating right now- she practically was as a human.

  “How unlike you for that to be your first question.” Nicole rolled her eyes sarcastically and Darcy balked.

  “Yeah- little miss innocent like that wouldn’t have been the first question out of your mouth.” She spat back on a chortle and Nicole shrugged, she had to give that point- it would have.

  The grin that started small on Nicole’s lips and spread wide over her face was enough to make Darcy’s heart pulse faster within her chest- the excitement evident as the grin matched Nicole’s.

  “Seriously- wow?” Darcy was looking for details but Nicole put her index finger to her lips and hushed her pointing to the ceiling.

  “My what big ears you have grandma-“ She whispered before chuckling to her herself as Darcy bit down on her lower lip.

  “From the look of him I’m surprised you can still walk-“ Darcy hissed out causing Nicole to explode in a fit of giggles, nodding her head she didn’t need to over exaggerate her mates attributes- he was more than well endowed and Darcy’s mouth dropped open as she shook her head.

  “I gotta try me some Lycan-“ She mused and Nicole nodded in agreement.

  “Maybe I can help you out with that-“ Ryan’s deep tone echoed through the room- Darcy jumped in place as her eyes went wide at Nicole who just grinned her amusement. “I have some pack brothers who would find a woman with your attributes very desirable.”

  “I was kidding-“ Darcy snapped out quickly- twisting in place she eyed him standing there propping up the doorframe, his arms folded across his bare chest- his eyes twinkling with amusement.

  “No you weren’t.” He informed her with an easy grin of amusement and Darc
y flushed deep crimson- giving him a look of warning, her spine snapped straight.

  “Don’t you dare send any wolves to my door Mr-“ She hissed at him and he rolled the amusement around his lips for a long moment.

  “Might not have a choice- you’ve put yourself in danger by coming here.” He admitted, a little more seriousness in his stead now as his eyes flicked to Nicole who frowned back at him.

  “You think the rogue would go after Darcy if she can’t get me?” Nicole noticed Darcy’s head snap around to look at her.

  “Rogue-?” Darcy echoed.

  “She might- although Jake’s working on it at the moment.” He admitted and Darcy balked.

  “Hello- I’m sitting right here-“

  “What do we do?” Nicole asked the tension evident in her voice as they both ignored Darcy much to her annoyance.

  “She could go to pack land- stay with my family- they would protect her.“He offered and Darcy snorted her contempt at the idea of being in the heart of the Lycan’s- never a good place for a Fae to be.

  “Would someone tell me-“ She injected but Nicole spoke over her.

  “An unmated Fae in a pack of wolves? Really?” Nicole shot back and Ryan rubbed a hand over his face, he wasn’t about to let Nicole’s friend become another casualty of the war between the sects. Nicole would never forgive him if anything happened to her he was sure.

  His pack brothers would do his bidding and protect the female- although they wouldn’t be too happy about it and his mother and sister would take her under their wing and keep her close- but still from the look of horror on Darcy’s face he didn’t think she would be too willing.

  “My brother’s would protect her- she wouldn’t be harmed.” Ryan assured Nicole as his eyes darted between his mate and her gobsmacked friend.


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