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Gypsy: Sons of Sangue

Page 16

by Patricia A. Rasey

  Ryder squared his shoulders and took in the men surrounding the table. “The Devils found out I was the Sons’ snitch. That I was feeding you information about the drugs they ran. What they don’t know is your interest was more about the men they ran drugs for. I let them believe you wanted to run drugs, edge in on their territory. I thought it was better that, than to raise the suspicion of the cartel. The last thing you’d want is to give those bastards reason to come to Oregon on a manhunt. So I allowed them to believe the lesser of two evils. I’m sorry, I failed you. If you wish to end my life for the wrongs against you, then it’s nothing less than I probably deserve.”

  Only the sound of the ticking clock could be heard as every man remained silent, no doubt wondering whether it fitting to end Ryder’s life. He had been Grayson’s snitch. It was only right he go to Ryder’s defense.

  “You know the men who came on board the boat that day?” Grayson asked.

  Ryder nodded. “I do.”

  “You know if you give up their names, we will bleed them dry.”

  Again Ryder nodded.

  Grayson drummed his fingers on the wooden table. “I will personally see them drained. You will take me to them?”

  “I want in,” Anton spoke up. “I was there as well when they sliced Ryder’s throat.”

  “You have a mate to take care of,” Grayson grumbled. He needed time away from Anton, not continue to surround himself in the mess his life had become.

  Anton raised a brow. “I believe you were doing a fine job taking care of her last night all on your own.”

  Grayson wanted to refute his accusation, berate Anton for his disrespect, but he couldn’t. He owed Anton an apology, even if Anton had taken advantage of the situation first. He had crawled into bed with Tamera while she belonged to Grayson. How was this any different? Because, you ass, he hadn’t tried to seduce her.

  “You’re right. I owe you an apology, but this isn’t the place.”

  Anton put down the pen he had been toying with and gave Grayson his undivided attention. “Apology accepted.”

  Surely every man in the room wondered what the two vamps spoke of. Anton continued, “Let me do this.”


  “Because, regardless of our sins against each other, you’re my brother. I will always have your back.”

  Grayson missed their camaraderie. At one time they had been thick as thieves. He wasn’t sure, though, if he could maintain a close friendship with Anton as long as he fucked the one woman Grayson would now be forever denied. He had tasted of her blood, blood so sweet he thirsted for more. Just the thought of her hardened his dick and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  “I think we should take it to a vote,” Kaleb said, not giving Grayson time to respond. “Do I get a second?”

  “I second,” Kane spoke up.

  “All those in favor of Ryder, Grayson, and Blondy eliminating the lives of the two Devils who dare come into our territory and insult us?”

  Kaleb looked at each person as the vote traveled around the table, each vampire giving their affirmation until the vote stopped on Grayson. His gaze never strayed from Anton. He knew if push came to shove, Kaleb would side with him, and Anton would not be allowed on the hunt. If Grayson were to travel day in and day out with Anton until these fucks were caught, the end result could be explosive. Though now, Grayson had another reason to steer clear of Tamera, the desire to keep her head on her shoulders.

  Instead of bringing his transgressions to the table, Grayson replied with his own “Aye.” Tamera belonged to Anton, Vlad had made that loud and clear. It was time Grayson learned to deal with it. Losing her head was not an option he was willing to gamble with.

  “Then it’s settled. The two Devils will be dealt a swift death. Make sure their bodies aren’t found. This leads back to us, an all-out war will ensue. We have Draven working on a deal with the Devils that will get us closer to the cartel. The DEA still wants the La Paz Cartel shut down. We made a deal with the Sheriff’s Office, who is working with the feds to aide in their plan. Me? I want the bastard’s head who took my nephew’s life. Kane and I won’t stop until we fuck him over six ways from Sunday.”

  The Sons nodded, hungry for the spilled blood of Raúl Trevino Caballero and his fucking followers. The earth wasn’t big enough for them to hide from the Sons. They’d get their retribution against the ass and shut down his spineless followers. With Draven’s help, they’d cut the La Paz Cartel off at the legs, and stop the endless flow of money into the hands of the Devils. They’d kill two birds with one stone and see their rival gang stopped.

  Grayson couldn’t wait to see that day happen.

  He rose from his chair. “If this meeting is over, Ryder, Anton and I will head out.”

  Kaleb struck the hammer against the plate. “This meeting is adjourned. Next time we see you, I hope to hear the deed is done.”

  Grayson smiled. He couldn’t wait to eliminate the two bastards who would so callously slice a man’s throat and save the population from their worthless hides. “The bastards are about to draw their last breath.”

  * * *

  Tamera snuggled into the corner of the sofa, cooing softly to baby Stefan, who lay in the crook of her arm. He had the cutest little ball on the end of his nose and the sweetest, shell-shaped ears. She had volunteered to watch the beloved child while Suzi took a quick shower. No way could she allow harm to come to the child. Rosalee had to know that. Tamera had no choice other than to try and worm her way back into the clubhouse and Grayson’s heart.

  The men had sequestered themselves an hour ago behind the heavy, wooden, double doors for a meeting. The room having been specially soundproofed, so Tamera had no idea what was on the agenda. With a bunch of super-hearing vamps under one roof, she supposed it was of utmost importance they had one room for confidentiality.

  Catching sight of Grayson briefly beforehand, he had refused to look her way. She had wanted to question him about what Vlad had to say following her departure the night before, but he hadn’t given her a moment of time since her arrival. Tamera was sure it wouldn’t be long before she found out. Vlad had demanded Anton and her presence, and he’d likely make his appearance at any moment. Her stomach ached in anticipation. She hadn’t needed to ask Anton to accompany her today for a meet and greet with the old guy, because he had already been summoned for the church meeting.

  She couldn’t help wondering when that might be.

  Vlad had a habit of showing up at the worst possible time. Or at least that had been her experience with the man. Tamera hoped he waited for the rest of the Sons to clear out. She didn’t need everyone privy to the shameful way she had acted the night before. Her face heated at the reminder. Grayson’s desire was essential for getting back into the clubhouse, and she had gotten that in spades. Tamera had been a fool to think she could ever act on the bitch from Italy’s plan and not walk away unscathed. Her first order of business was to convince Vlad she belonged with Grayson, then she’d work on swaying the vamp himself. Figuring out what to do about Rosalee would come later. Hopefully much later. She supposed it was too much to hope the bitch would just forget about her. Fat chance.

  If Grayson ever caught wind Rosalee had been behind her taking of his blood, or the fact she knew exactly what she had been doing in her attempt to gain eternal life, she’d be good as dead to him. Tamera might as well pack a bag and head for Italy, because should anyone find out, not a single Son or their mate would come to her defense. Not that she could blame them.

  Stefan let out a tiny wail, then found his itty-bitty fist with his mouth and began suckling it. Suzi had just breast fed him shortly before heading for the shower, so surely the little sprite couldn’t be hungry already. Tamera had very little experience with infants, let alone vampire babies.

  Did they need blood?

  The double doors opened and the men filed out one-by-one following their meeting. Her gaze stayed glued to the exit, waiting to catch a
glimpse of Grayson. He had said they would talk, so why the sudden cold treatment? Anton walked through the door first, followed by Grayson. The blond vampire smiled, and immediately headed in her direction. Grayson, on the other hand, barely looked at her before heading for his quarters, a room she knew intimately.

  What the hell had she done?

  Last she knew, he was just as involved in their little romp as she had been. Anger took root and itched up the back of her neck. She had to resist the urge to follow his arrogant ass and tell him what she thought of his current behavior.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” Anton said, drawing her attention. “Don’t you look all motherly holding baby Stefan.”

  “Don’t get any ideas, Blondy.”

  Anton’s laugh rumbled up from his gut, obviously truly humored. Tamera hadn’t meant her statement to be funny. As a matter of fact, as entangled with Rosalee as she was at the moment, babies were the last thing on her mind.

  Anton winked at her. “I’m sure Gypsy would agree.”

  “If you haven’t noticed, he isn’t exactly talking to me at the moment.”

  He nodded. “He does seem out of sorts. I thought things had gone well last night.”

  Her face heated. She may have expounded on her late night activities to Anton, but she had yet to tell him about Vlad’s untimely arrival. Standing, she walked over to Kaleb and handed over baby Stefan. The dark haired infant cooed and snuggled against his father’s chest. Kaleb looked down upon him with pride. His face beamed as he took to cooing back to his son. Tamera returned to Anton, then dragged him to the meeting room and closed the double doors, knowing it would be the only spot their conversation wouldn’t be overheard by a house full of vampires.

  She faced off with Anton, hands on her hips. “There’s something I haven’t told you yet.”

  One of Anton’s dark blond brows rose.

  “Vlad showed up right about the time I was wrapping myself about Gypsy. Talk about embarrassing.”

  Anton’s humor returned. “And?”

  “It’s not funny, Blondy. As a matter of fact, it might have gone against our plan to get Gypsy back.”

  “How so?”

  “Vlad seemed pretty pissed.” She worried her lower lip between her teeth. “Apparently, he knew about Gypsy’s decision to give me to you. He said I was lucky he didn’t skin my hide.”

  “You worry too much.” He shrugged. “Easy fix. We tell Vlad about our plans.”

  “That’s what I was thinking.” She grimaced. “I was hoping you’d be the one to tell him.”

  “I could, but it will have to wait until our return. That’s what our meeting was about. Gypsy, Ryder and I are heading out to find the son of a bitches that tried to kill Ryder.”


  He tucked one side of her hair behind her ear. “No worries, doll. I’ll have him back in one piece. When we find them, we’ll drain them. Trust me, those fucks are no match for Gypsy, even if he went on the hunt alone. The man is a dog in a fight. First one in, last one standing. But I’ll have his back.”

  “That’s not what I was going to say, Blondy.”

  The door opened and Vlad Tepes strolled in, all six-foot-six of him. He stood easily an inch taller than Anton, who towered over most the Sons. His black hair lay past his shoulder, shining midnight blue in the florescent lighting. His broad shoulders and trapezius muscles silhouetted in the light streaming through the doorway before he closed it. His bright blue gaze ringed black, telling Tamera not to piss the old man off. It likely wouldn’t take much for his vampire side to surface. She had a feeling she might wind up on the receiving end of his anger.

  “Anton Balan, just the man I was looking for.” Vlad’s deep voice resonated through the room, commanding attention.

  Too late to tell Anton about why Vlad stood before them. Tamera wasn’t on the primordial’s good side by any means. Hopefully, Anton could persuade the old guy’s opinion. They had never truly mated, so technically she hadn’t cheated on him.

  “Tamera.” He acknowledged her with a brief nod. “You’ve spoken with Anton on why I requested an audience?”

  She scratched the tender spot beneath her ear. “Not exactly.”

  “Have you told him anything?”

  “He knows about Grayson.”

  Vlad frowned as he turned to Anton. “And you’re okay with your mate’s infidelity?”

  Anton stepped forward, putting himself between Tamera and the ancient ruler. “She’s not my mate.”

  “Then what I heard from my grandsons is incorrect?” His gaze narrowed. “Grayson did not give Tamera to you? And yet she lives under your roof?”

  “He did and she does.”

  “But you do not claim her?”

  Anton shook his head. Vlad seemed to assimilate Anton’s words, his gaze briefly landing on Tamera. A shiver of dread ran down her spine. If Anton didn’t fix this and soon, Vlad might just take her head before Anton got a chance to stop him.

  The blond vamp cleared his throat. “You see, we have a bit of a situation.”

  “I’d say you have a lot of explaining to do. I don’t believe I gave Grayson a third option. Shall I call him in here to settle this mess?” He pointed a long forefinger at Tamera. “One that she started? To be honest, I tire of this quandary. Maybe I should solve this myself and relieve you both of Tamera.”

  “And do what?” she squeaked. Not only did she have the threat of Rosalee ending her life hanging over her head, but now Vlad wanted to do the same.

  His nostrils flared, no doubt detecting her fear. “Maybe you should work harder on convincing one of the two men in your life to keep you. Trust me when I say you wouldn’t like the alternative.”

  The door opened and Grayson poked his head in the door. “We’re ready to leave, Blondy.”

  “Do you have no manners, boy?” Vlad roared. “Where I come from, knocking is customary.”

  “Sorry, but no one told me of your arrival. Had I known, I would’ve knocked.” Grayson’s gaze went from Vlad’s to Anton’s before landing on Tamera. “Is this something I need to be in on?”

  “Depends,” Vlad said, while both Tamera and Anton chimed in, “No.”

  “Interesting.” Vlad gave Grayson his attention. “I don’t believe at the moment we need to speak, Grayson. I said my peace last night. It hasn’t changed. You may leave. Anton will be along posthaste.”

  With one last glance at Tamera, Grayson closed the door.

  “Hear us out, Vlad.” Anton indicated one of the chairs surrounding the heavy wooden table. “I think you might be interested in the plan we’ve devised.”

  To the best of Tamera’s knowledge, this room was reserved for the Sons. She wasn’t about to push her luck and take a seat, nor had Anton offered her one. So when he sat, she stood to his back while he explained their plan to the primordial. He nodded slowly, showing his understanding, but kept his opinion to himself through the telling of it.

  Finished, Anton said, “So you see, Tamera belongs with Gypsy. We just need to convince him of it.”

  “And you approve of this plan?”

  “I care a great deal for this woman.” Anton spoke as if she weren’t standing at his back. “But the fact is, she belongs to someone else. Always has. I could never replace Gypsy in her heart. For that reason alone, I think it’s worth convincing Gypsy that he needs her.”

  Vlad scratched his bearded chin. “From what I witnessed last night, I can’t say I disagree. However, I told Grayson if he so much as touched Tamera, I would take her head. I’m not about to retract my threat. By doing so, I would appear weak.”

  Tamera sucked in a breath. If their planned worked, then she risked losing her head. If her plan didn’t work, then Rosalee would take it. Talk about a lose-lose situation.

  “You seriously cannot think to carry through after all we told you?” Anton’s voice rose. “Tamera belongs with Gypsy, not me. How can you not withdraw your threat?”

  “Grayson must heed my warn
ing. Anything else I would consider insolent. It will be up to him to figure a way out of this mess.” Vlad glanced at Tamera. “When he no longer sees giving you to Anton as a decision he can live with, he’ll petition me. If he presents a good argument, I’ll then decide if I’ll make an exception. You, my dear, better be on your best behavior. Do not give me reason to deny Grayson.”

  Tamera swallowed, fear rising up her throat. If Vlad found out about her pact with Rosalee, she might as well just hand over her head.

  Chapter 15

  Grayson road out front, taking the curves of Highway 101 with ease on his Sportster. Anton and Ryder followed closely behind on their bigger bikes. The V-Twin Evolution engine rumbled beneath him. He still preferred the lighter, leaner frame over their much bulkier ones. They took the scenic route, heading for California and into the Devils’ territory. Their cuts had been left behind. No sense announcing their arrival before they got there.

  Now, just a few miles north of Santa Barbara, the forest vegetation gave way to palm trees and sandy beaches. The trip had taken over thirteen hours of riding time, stopping only long enough to gas up and rest their heads at some dive hotel. Had they checked with one of those online hotel booking sites, the place would be lucky if it were given a two-star rating.

  What did he really expect for seventy dollars? He had taken one bed, while Anton took the other. Ryder used the hard as a rock sofa, but slept like the dead anyway. After about five hours of shut-eye, they were back on the road by early evening.

  Grayson’s gaze traveled out to the surf, making him miss his board. The crests were white-capped, indicating good local winds and bigger waves. Finishing his job here, he intended to take Ryder and head out to his buddy’s beach house. No better therapy than riding the surf. A good couple of days of catching waves and maybe he’d exorcize Tamera from his constant thoughts. This trip might’ve been good for getting his head together had he not been forced to drag along Anton.

  Talk about a six-foot-five reminder of the one woman forbidden to him.


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