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So Happy Together (Bishop Family Book 4)

Page 9

by Brooke St. James

  "It's okay," I said. "I feel better now."

  Daniel let go of me just long enough to kick off his shoes and climb around me and onto the bed. He stacked a couple of pillows next to me and sat down with his legs stretched out as if he didn't plan on going anywhere. I watched him complete the whole maneuver, and by the time he was finished, I turned to find Denise standing at my bedside. I gave her a sleepy smile.

  "You okay?" she asked, referring to the fact that Daniel had just made himself at home next to me.

  I smiled and nodded. "I want him here," I said.

  "The doctor just went downstairs for a second. He'll come check on you when he gets back," she said.

  I nodded. "That's fine. I'm fine. Daniel will come get you if I need anything."

  Denise was still slightly confused, and she smiled reluctantly at me before turning around to head out of the room.

  I turned onto my side, snuggling up next to Daniel. He put his arm around me, creating a spot for me to lay my head on his chest. The soft, familiar smell of sandalwood comforted me greatly.

  "I prayed," I said.

  "You did?" he asked.

  I nodded without even looking at him. "I had to. I didn't know what else to do. I was sicker than I'd ever been before a show. It seemed impossible for me to get through it. I'm so glad it's over." I touched my stomach. I was still a little nauseous, but nothing like I had been earlier.

  Daniel rubbed my shoulder comfortingly. "Trevor told me none of the crew even knew anything was bothering you. He said you were a soldier out there."

  I smiled against his chest. "I'm so happy you're here."

  "You won't believe what prompted me to come," he said.

  His statement made me so curious that I lifted my head to glance at him. I was tired and sleepy, and it showed, so Daniel put his hand on my head, encouraging me to relax and rest. "I'd been thinking about you since I left, but this afternoon I was standing in a grocery store when I heard a man say my name and tell me to go to Dallas."

  I picked up my head again to stare at him curiously. "Who was it?" I asked, wanting to thank this man.

  Daniel regarded me seriously as he shrugged. "No one had said it—at least no one in the store. But it was real and clear, and I heard it with my own ears. So I left there, packed a bag, and went straight to the airport. I called Trevor, and he told me where you guys were staying."

  "Do you think it was God?" I asked, resting on his chest again.

  "It had to be," he said. "The only other thing I could think of was that it was my subconscious, but I've never had anything like that happen before. It was loud, and I heard it with my own ears."

  "That's crazy," I said. "That makes me feel like God really loves me if He did that."

  "He does love you," Daniel said.

  He held me there for a minute while I imagined him in the grocery store having that whole experience. The thought of it made me smile.

  I heard noises from the other room and saw through the crack in the door that the doctor had returned from getting coffee. He and Denise were positioned where I could see them, and I watched as they spoke to each other before heading my way.

  Dr. Thomas came to my bedside, but Denise hung back by the door, watching us with sweet concern. He smiled at me before going to work checking my vitals and changing the IV fluids.

  "How are you feeling?" he whispered.

  "Getting better," I answered. I touched my stomach. "I think whatever you gave me made it not feel so cramped up."

  "Great," he said, still fiddling with the IV bag. "How about the nausea?"

  "Still there, but it's not as bad," I said.

  "Good," he said. He stood by my side, taking in the sight of Daniel lying next to me. "It's really important that you get some rest, Courtney. I wasn't sure if you wanted guests in the room."

  "Daniel's not a guest," I said. I reached up to put my hand on his cheek, hoping this act of familiarity would show the doctor how much I cared for him. "He's my boyfriend," I added. "I'm more comfortable with him in here."

  Dr. Thomas glanced at Denise with a quick but confused expression, and I watched as Denise tilted her head at me. She had the right to be confused, but I didn't really have the energy to explain.

  "Tell them you're my man," I said, shifting to look at Daniel.

  "It's true," he said. "I'm here because I love her. I want her to rest, too. I promise I won't keep her up."

  The doctor glanced at Denise again who gave him an innocent shrug.

  "If you're sure you're comfortable…" he said, looking at me.

  "I am," I said. I cozied up next to Daniel, trying to demonstrate just how very comfortable I was. "I'll sleep better with him in here."

  "All right," he said. He turned to head for the door. "I'll be here all night. I'm right out here if you need anything."

  "Thank you," I said.

  "I'm gonna go to bed," Denise said from the door. "Trevor's in his room, too. Just holler if you need us."

  I gave her a little smile and wave before both of them disappeared into the living room. I let out a long sigh, feeling so grateful that Daniel was there with me. He was the one person in the world capable of making me feel safe and secure, and I needed that so badly right then.

  I yawned. "I've never heard of God talking out loud to anyone," I said.

  "Me neither," Daniel said, "Except for in the Bible. But He did it today. I heard it with my own ears."

  We were quiet for a few seconds before I whispered, "You told that doctor you love me."

  "Yep, I did," he agreed.

  "You also let me tell them you're my boyfriend."


  The noise of agreement came from his chest, and I smiled at the low sound of it next to my ear. I almost made Daniel confirm that all of that was true and he wasn't just saying it so that they would leave us alone, but I decided I could save those questions for another day. For now, I was content to drift off to sleep.

  "I'm happy you're here," I whispered.

  "Me too," he said, kissing my forehead.

  "Night," I said.


  Chapter 13

  Dr. Thomas stayed in my room the following day. After that, he thought I had recovered enough that he left and told us to call if I needed anything.

  The whole crew went back to Los Angeles except for Denise and Trevor who stayed with me. We weren't sure how long I'd need to recover in Dallas, so we sent Anthony home with the tour bus, telling him that the three of us would fly back when I felt up to it.

  We ended up staying for three days.

  Daniel stayed the whole time. He and I grew even closer during those days when I was holed up in my room recovering, and I knew it would be incredibly difficult to say goodbye when the time came.

  We acted like we were together when we were alone in the room, but we toned it down when Denise or Trevor were around just because neither of us felt like answering questions about it. They both knew we had feelings for each other, but we laid off of the PDA when anyone was around, and even when we were alone, we took it really slow.

  Both of us wanted to make sure I got back on my feet physically, so we took a little step back from trying to be romantic with each other. It was actually a neat experience for me because I got to see that he truly cared about me and wasn't just interested in me because of physical attraction.

  He was kind, compassionate, and patient, but at the same time, he was direct and in control. He was a man's man, and yet somehow so tender toward me.

  It was like torture when the time came for us to leave Dallas. I wanted Daniel to just fly back to L.A. with me when we left, but he had to get back to his responsibilities in Memphis.


  Days passed. I had been apart from him for two weeks, and I missed him more than I thought possible. I swiped one of his shirts out of his bag before we left Dallas, and I loved the fact that it still smelled like him. He knew I had it, but he had no idea that I stuck my face
into it every night, breathing in what remained of his sandalwood smell.

  I honestly didn't know what was next for Daniel and me. We talked on the phone every day, but we hadn't discussed plans for the future. As far as I was concerned, I should just sell my house in California and move to Memphis, but I hadn't said that to him. I was trying to be patient because I knew he needed that.

  Daniel hadn't informed his family about us—and especially not Owen. Of course, I wanted him to do it, but I couldn't blame him for being hesitant. The accident and the guilt from it was something he had held onto for so long that I knew it would take time. He had worked really hard to forgive himself, but he loved Owen so much that it was almost impossible for him to move forward with his life.

  Frankly, it was better for me to take things slow, anyway. I had been involved in a few relationships over the years, and the press always had a field day trying to dig up dirt on us. I wanted to spare Daniel that until he was ready.

  I stared at my reflection in the mirror, thinking I wish he was ready tonight. Tonight, I was hosting the end of the tour celebration for the whole crew (otherwise known as "the tour party"). I wished more than anything that Daniel could be there to go with me.

  Nearly the entire crew would be present and most of them would be bringing a date, so the guest list included nearly two hundred people. It was something I did to thank my crew at the end of every tour, and they always looked forward to it.

  I bought goodie bags for everyone, which always included nice gifts like massages and gift cards. I also gave trophies for funny achievements like 'best air-guitar', 'hungriest', 'most calls to their mom', and 'best dental hygiene'. Everyone always loved the awards ceremony because the categories I chose were always truly reflective of the person who deserved it, and this made everyone laugh.

  Not every musical artist made it a custom to host an after tour party, but I had been doing it for a number of tours in a row now, and it was always something I looked forward to. After spending so many months together preparing the tour and then taking it on the road, we all felt like family, and it only seemed fitting that we got together to celebrate the team's success.

  The album we had been promoting was called Freedom, so the tour party for tonight had affectionately been named "The Freedom Party". We were hosting it in a beautiful hotel ballroom. Denise had hired a party planner to take care of the details, but I would be making a speech and emceeing the award ceremony since that was my favorite part.

  I decided to wear a gold dress since it fit the theme we had gone with for costumes on the tour. I wanted Nina and Jake to relax and enjoy their evening at the party, so I had hired someone else to come over and help me get dressed for the event. She had just left my house.

  Denise and her boyfriend were riding with me, along with Trevor who still worked full-time for me even at times when we weren't on tour. He was downstairs, and I yelled for him to let Denise and Gabe in when I saw them pull into the driveway.

  I took one last look in the mirror before heading downstairs to meet them.

  "Look at you!" I said when I caught sight of Denise coming in the door. She was a jeans and T-shirt type of girl. I had seen her wear black slacks on occasion when she really needed to get dressed up, but tonight she looked adorable in a little navy dress.

  "This is Gabe's doing," she said, bumping playfully into her boyfriend who smiled and raised his eyebrows.

  "Good job, Gabe," I said.

  "I don't think I've ever seen her legs," Trevor said, staring at the lower half of Denise as if he was totally perplexed. He was only kidding of course, but Gabe reacted by scowling and fake-punching him for looking at her legs.

  "We better go," Denise said. "Trevor's plus-one is waiting for us in the limo."

  "Thank y'all for picking her up," Trevor said. "Does she look good?"

  "Beautiful," Denise said.

  "Trevor's plus-one?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him for not telling me he was taking someone. "You're bringing a date? Who is she? Why did she wait in the limo? Why didn't she come inside?"

  "I told her to wait outside," Trevor said.

  We all made our way to the door as I continued to stare at Trevor like I was shocked and disappointed that he hadn't told me about his date.

  "She didn't want to come in because she was afraid she looked too much like a man," Denise said once we were outside.

  "Like a man?" I asked.

  About five different thoughts crossed my mind about Trevor's date and what this statement could've possibly meant. Maybe it was because they went so far as to call Trevor's plus-one a "she" in an effort to trick me, but it never once entered my mind that Daniel would be the one waiting outside.

  I was absolutely stunned when I stepped out and saw him at the bottom of the staircase, standing by the limo. He was wearing a smile and a dark suit, and he looked like he was ready for the red carpet.

  I stared at him for a few long seconds, feeling like I couldn't possibly get to him fast enough. My heart began racing. I wanted to just melt into nothing and then reappear standing right in front of him.

  As much as I tried to think that scenario into existence, it didn't happen. Daniel stood there, smiling and casually leaning against the limo as if he was waiting for me to make the first move, but I was so stunned that I just stayed there, staring at him. He saw my stunned expression and his easy grin broadened as he gestured with his hand for me to come to him.

  I had to cross a wide patio before I came to a set of curving stone steps, and I don't even remember doing any of it. I did it as gracefully as possible, but I was in such a hurry that I felt like I might trip with every step.

  And just like that, I made it to the limo where Daniel Bishop was standing. I stopped when I was a few feet in front of him. I stared at him, wondering how in the world he was possibly standing right in front of me. I had just talked to him an hour before. I was completely out of breath and not just from my descent down the steps but also from the rush of excitement I felt from seeing him.

  "How did you get here?" I asked in between short breaths.

  "Denise sent the driver to pick me up at my hotel," he said, wearing a gorgeous amused grin.

  "You have a hotel? You're staying in a hotel? In my town? In Los Angeles? When'd you get here? How'd you do this?"

  The more I rambled the more Daniel's smile broadened, and soon it was just too irresistible. I threw myself into his arms, breathing in the smell of his neck and knowing that his T-shirt had done nothing to represent how he really smelled.

  I placed a kiss on his neck before I pulled back and turned around to look at Denise, Gabe, and Trevor who were now headed down the stairs to meet us. I held on to Daniel with my arm wrapped around his waist because I couldn't bear to let him go. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as if he felt the same way.

  I knew we hadn't talked about showing our affection in public, but I couldn't help myself, I missed him so much and was so relieved to see him that I squeezed him tightly and rested my head on his shoulder.

  "You guys tricked me," I said, narrowing my eyes at the three others as they approached.

  "I guess you're happy to see him," Denise said, stating the obvious.

  "I've been working for you for three years, and I never once got that kind of greeting," Trevor said.

  "Thank God," Daniel said impassively, causing us all to laugh.

  Trevor reached out to shake Daniel's hand, and Daniel let go of me long enough to greet his friend. "Good to see you again, boss," Trevor said. "Even though I'm starting to think I'll be looking for a new gig soon, given the frequency of your visits."

  The driver had been hanging back, but he stepped forward to open the door for us, and we all climbed into the limo. Daniel and I sat in the rear seat, facing the front of the car while Denise and Gabe sat on our right and Trevor on our left.

  I should've probably been content to sit next to Daniel without making contact, but I couldn't resist reaching out to hold h
is hand. Feeling a little shy, I tentatively reached out and touched the back of his hand with my fingertips. He glanced at me with a sweet grin before turning over his hand to offer it to me. I gently placed my hand in his, feeling all sorts of nervous anticipation as he closed his fingers.

  Chapter 14


  All these years, Daniel Bishop had no problems keeping his distance from women. It wasn't that he didn't find women attractive, because he did. It's just that his boundaries had been in place for so long that he didn't even consider looking at women in that way.

  He was a cute boy who grew into a handsome man, and he had his share of willing, would-be girlfriends over the years, but none of them were even a temptation to him.

  That all changed when he met Courtney Cole. She had the capability to tear down walls he didn't even know existed. She somehow made her way through the back door of his heart and took up residence there. She did it so swiftly and subtly that he didn't even know it had happened until it was too late.

  He loved her and that's all there was to it.

  It wasn't just because she was rich, famous, or talented. It wasn't just because she was beautiful. It wasn't just because she had the capability of leading, inspiring, and commanding a room full of tens of thousands of people.

  All those things were true, but that wasn't why he loved her. He loved her nature, her spirit, and her heart. He loved her when she was sick and when she was well. And the best part of it all was that he could tell she loved him in that same way. He could tell she loved him in spite of his struggles and his past mistakes. She loved him for who he was.

  There was still so much to do in their relationship—so much to talk about and so many steps to make. No one besides Daniel and Courtney really knew the extent of the feelings they had for each other. She hadn't even met his family, and they hadn't even been seen in public together.

  But none of that mattered.

  Daniel knew that everything would fall into place. What mattered most was that love existed at the very core of their budding relationship. At the center of it was true love—the type of love that no one could take away from them—the type of love that didn’t see outward beauty, or talent, or past failures.


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