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Daddy's Girl: Cape High Book Five

Page 5

by R. J. Ross

  "Then that might be enough, but," he says, turning back to his table, "something a little more discreet might be useful as you start heading into the schools. I was thinking gloves, but that's only good for winter and even then it'd only work outside."

  "I like the necklace," I say, poking it.

  "That's standard issue," he says. "It's full power or none at all. I think we need something a little more flexible for this job." He starts more items floating and I watch curiously as they connect and disconnect, reforming into another version of a bracelet. "Let's see... we'll need a discreet switch, something you can reach easily without being noticed..."

  I sit on a nearby stool, watching him for a while before glancing back at the hologram screen saver. "Why are you going this far for me?" I hear myself ask. I can't bring myself to look at him, so I just watch the bouncing ball.

  "It's not just for you," he says. "It's for both of you. If I find out another one of the kids is related to an inmate, I'll do the same for them."

  "But you're going against everything for this," I say. "I've already looked it up--nobody gets into the Cape Cells, especially if they have powers. It's been that way since the place started. I never expected to get to see Dad ever again." A tear threatens and I blink hard, trying to keep it from escaping. "I don't even know if I want to. He did all those things--I would have been normal if it wasn't for him. I would still be living with parents and I--I never would have been caught by Collector--"

  "You know," he says slowly, "we can't help the way we're born. We can't change our parents, as much as we might hate them. Trust me, I would have done that a long time ago. But... do you hate him? If he died would you skip his funeral?"

  "Of course not!" I say, shocked enough to turn and look at him.

  "Then I need to do what I can and you need to work out what you can," he says, simplifying it far too much. "This will work," he says abruptly, tossing me what looks like a charm bracelet. "Each of the charms blocks a certain amount of power--actually it'll effectively be taking your energy to block your energy, turning you into its power source. The large one is the controller, tap it and all the charms will light up one by one. Tap it after they're all lit up and it'll turn off. Only one of them is on right now, since you don't need the others yet, but when you get older you will. Keep it on at all times."

  I nod, slipping it on and looking at it for a long moment. Looking closer, it's unlike any charm bracelet I've ever seen, with one glowing charm right in the middle. I tap the charm until the glowing turns off. I get off the stool, looking around because I know I'm about to be kicked out. "Hey, is that Noelle's watch?" I ask, seeing it on the next table. "Is it working yet?"

  "Not yet," he says. "It's not technology I've ever seen before, but that makes sense."

  "Yeah, since she's a time traveler."

  "She told you?"

  "I was there when she first showed up," I say, heading for the watch. It's partially taken apart with all the pieces surrounding it. "How can you travel through time without the powers to do it? Or does she have time traveling power?" I ask, glancing at him.

  "Honestly? Even if she does have those sorts of powers she wouldn't be able to jump very far in time at her age," he says. "I'm not sure what's going on with that girl, but it's interesting. Although there's another reason I stuck her with you."

  "What's that?" I ask.

  "If she turns out to be an assassin from the future, I want you to take her powers before she manages to get too far."

  Noelle. An assassin. I stare at him to make sure he's not joking. Then, when I can't tell, ask, "You're kidding, right?"

  "Not at all. Children have been used for nastier jobs since the beginning of time, practically. They look innocent, they probably ARE innocent, which I have to admit, makes them worse."

  I still stare at him, horrified at how easily he's discussing this. "Noelle isn't an assassin," I finally say.

  "Watch her a bit longer before declaring that," he says. "Because if that watch was made by a technopath, it wouldn't have broken that easily."

  "You think she broke it?" I ask, stunned.

  "Or stole it before it was ready. But don't tell her I said that," he goes on. "We don't want her getting suspicious."

  No, we just want ME getting suspicious. As if I didn't have enough to worry about already! "I'll keep an eye on her," I say reluctantly. I've got a headache now, thanks, Nico. We both glance up as someone knocks on the door, watching as a tall, beautiful redheaded woman peeks in.

  "Nico, dinner's ready," she says. She glances at me. "For you, as well," she adds.

  "I don't--" I start out.

  "We'd be happy to have you, Morgan," she says with a smile. This is Lady Rose, Zoe and Sunny's mom. She was there when I first met everyone, but it's been so hectic since then that I almost forgot. "If you want, you can call the dorm and tell them you won't be there?" she offers.

  Before I can reply, Nico's tossing me a cellphone. "Push three, star, three," he says. I do as he says, listening as the phone rings for a moment.

  "What now, Nico?" Banshee asks.

  "Hi, Banshee," I say. "I'm going to be at the apartment for dinner--can you tell Vinny for me? I know he always gets irritated when people don't show up."

  "Of course," she says. "What happened?"

  "Well... can I tell you when I get back?"

  "Sure, I'm not the only one who wants to know."

  That means I need to tell the entire dorm who I am, I think with a sick ball forming in my gut. I'd rather not, but if Mastermental is going to take me, himself, they really need to know, don't they? Maybe? "Yeah," I say belatedly. "Thanks."

  I hang up the phone and hand it back to Nico. "I can stay," I say.

  "Good," Lady Rose says, "now enough playing with machines, let's eat!"


  It's almost nine by the time I get back to the dorm. My head is spinning, so many things have happened. The dinner was strange, being in an actual family setting rather than in the dorm setting. I've never actually had a family dinner before, at least not since before Mom left us. Even then, what little I remember about the meals is tense and stressful. The meal at Nico's place had been... different. They had two apartments, basically, with the wall taken out between them and the second kitchen converted into this plant nursery place. I have a small potted plant in my hands now, a gift from Summer (Lady Rose insisted on me calling her that.)

  I stop at the panel outside the canyon, juggling the plant so I can see the footprints and cross through the security system. I'm alone, but I'm sure one of the adult capes is watching me from the apartment building to make sure I get home safe. It's still a little strange, being out in the dark, all alone. I stop, turning and glancing around with a slight frown. It feels like... well, like someone's out there.

  The footprints light up and I head inside, never losing the odd feeling that someone other than Nico or Summer is watching me. I actually feel relieved when I get inside the campus grounds. Maybe being stuck behind walls for that long has affected my mind.

  "Where have you been?" The question comes as I reach the bottom of the steps. I look up blankly at Justin, wondering just how long he's been standing there. Instantly I forget about the strange feeling of being watched and focus.

  "What's wrong? Who's hurt?" I demand, starting for the dorm.

  "Nobody, but--"

  "Nobody?" I repeat. "Nobody's hurt--is someone dead?"

  "No, everyone's fine, I think."

  "Then what does it matter?" I ask irritably. "As long as everyone's fine, where I've been is my own business." I slow down, but keep heading for the dorm, irritated that he'd made me panic for a moment.

  "They're fine, but they fought through most of dinner," he says, falling in next to me. "And every time I tried to get them to calm down they would turn on me, even the ones that'd been fighting each other! I can't deal with them, Morgan!"

  I stop, turning to look at him. "Then stop trying," I say blu
ntly. "Go back to the way you were at first, don't try and bother them and they won't bother you."

  "This place is enough like prison as it is," he says. "You'd really stick me in solitary on top of it?"

  I wince, because his words make me think of my dad. "It's either that or learning how to deal with them," I say a bit too sharply. "Those are your two choices. I asked to get you transferred and Nico said no." I start walking again, leaving him standing there with a stunned expression on his face.

  "You were with the principal?" he asks.

  "Yeah, I was," I say. "Got a problem with that?"

  "Why did you talk about me?"

  "The subject of annoying people came up, of course we talked about you," I say callously.

  "Thanks for that," he drawls in an irritable tone.

  "You're welcome." I open the door and instantly every single person in the dorm starts asking questions. "One at a time!" I yell. The room goes silent and everyone looks at each other--then at Vinny.

  "Where were you?" Vinny asks

  "With Nico," I say. "There's... um... something I need to tell everyone," I go on, hating the fact that I needed to. But do I? Do I really need to tell them? If they know I'm related to a crazy cape, will they still listen to me? I stare at them, my eyes going from face to face. If they stop listening to me, who would they listen to? I don't--I can't--

  "Are you in trouble?" Carla asks.

  "No," I say. "I'm not. I just--there's somewhere I need to go in a day or two. I'm not going to be gone long or anything, but I might miss school. It's not anything--I mean, I'm not in trouble or anything, I swear," I tell them. "It's... family business." There. I sort of told them. I told them as much as I dare to. I don't think I could handle it if this group starts to think I might turn out like Dad. I mean, I know Mastermental said I never will, but that hasn't helped me as much as I hoped.

  I look at Justin, who's got a dark expression on his face, and I know why I still question myself. If given the chance to start over with a different past, to be someone else with different responsibilities--or better yet, no responsibilities at all, would I turn it down? When just having their basic abilities is a rush already?

  I look away, guilt gnawing at me.


  "So what didn't you tell us?" Noelle asks that night.

  "It's lights out again," I say, staring at the ceiling rather than looking at her. "We're supposed to be asleep."

  "I only have a little bit of time in this time," she says. "Do you really think I want to waste it sleeping? What's going on? Does it have to do with Cold Steel--Jack? Did he say something to you?"

  "Jack?" I say, trying to figure out where he even came into this. Oh, right. She saw me and him talking/arguing/whatever earlier. "Not really. It's... family business." I finally look over at her, Nico's comments about her being an assassin playing in my mind. "Why DID you come to this time?" I ask her.

  "I... it's REAL family business," she says snottily before turning so her back is to me. "It's lights out. Go to sleep."

  Real family business? Is she trying to say mine is fake family business? That little brat! I glare at her in the dark for a moment before rolling over so my back is to her, as well.


  "Do you really think this is a smart idea?" Ken asks as Nico steps out of his apartment, ready to go to school. Nico looks over at the twins, then back at Ken.

  "How about we discuss this later?" he asks mildly. "I need to get to work."

  "You can be late," Ken says. "I've already sent the boys down, your kids will be perfectly fine going without you. We need to talk."

  "Fine. Go on, guys, I'll be there soon enough," Nico says. Zoe hesitates and he can already see what she's thinking. "Go, Zoe," he repeats more firmly. Zoe is still far too nosy for her own good.

  Reluctantly the twins start down the stairs and Nico silently mutters a curse as the door opens again. Summer comes out, looking at them for a moment before holding the door open wider. "I think we can discuss this inside?" she offers. "Is Jeanie joining us?"

  "She has cape business this morning," Ken says. "She's being interviewed."

  "Fine, then let's get this over with," Nico says as he goes inside. Ken follows him, closing the door behind him.

  "Bringing a teenage girl that's had a difficult past into the Cape Cells is NOT a good idea," Ken starts out. "The only close ties she has are kids that have the same sort of problems as she does. It'll be far too easy for her father to manipulate her--"

  "Wait," Nico says, holding up a hand. "Take a deep breath. A thirty minute visit with Double M on one side and me on the other isn't going to give him the chance to try and talk her into something. He'll be able to ask her how she's doing, what she's been doing since he last saw her, things like that."

  "You're underestimating the desire for love, Nico," Ken says seriously. "For family. I would be happy to reunite her with her father if I knew he was mentally stable, but from the reports I've seen, he is absolutely not."

  "He's a little strange, sure, but I wouldn't call him unstable," Nico says, frowning at the thought. "I've talked to him a few times, he's just a bit strange is all. It's to be expected from a cape that powerful."

  "No, Nico, YOU are a little strange. Shawn Matkey is a certified sociopath," Ken says, bluntly.

  "Thanks for that evaluation," Nico drawls. He looks at Summer. "You're being remarkably silent," he complains. "Don't you have something to say in this argument?"

  "I... see both angles," Summer admits. "I would have wanted my children to see you while you were in the cells, they grew up not knowing their own father, but at the same time... if Mimic is a sociopath with those abilities, I'm not sure... perhaps a one time thing?" she says. "To reassure Morgan. It's too late to take back the offer, she'd be heartbroken. You understand, don't you, Ken?"

  Ken hesitates, running a hand over his face. "I want to believe that everyone can be saved," he says quietly, looking at them with a serious expression. "That there's hope even for the worst out there. I also know that he's been being treated for his ASPD, regardless, we should protect Morgan first and foremost. If he says or does anything questionable, Nico, you'll get her out of there, right?"

  "Of course I will," Nico says. "It'll be fine, I promise."

  Ken lets out a sigh, his shoulders relaxing. "I need to get to work, myself," he admits. "Mega's been slipping on his rounds lately."

  "Really? Too busy playing it up for the cameras, probably," Nico says. "I heard he had a movie being made about him."

  "Yeah, I figured that, too," Ken says with a shrug. "Don't forget your promise," he adds. "Oh, and Summer, Jeanie wants to know if you'd be interested in going shopping this Sunday after church."

  "Tell her I'd love to," Summer says. "Does she mind if Zoe comes?"

  "Of course not, Liz and the girls are coming, too."


  I sit towards the front of the classroom, angled so I can keep an eye on the rest of the zoo kids that surround me, but I'm not really paying attention right now. I keep thinking that any minute Mastermental could show up and tell me they're ready for me to go and see Dad. Part of me is excited, the other part dreads it. What if he's in one of those silent phases? Where he refuses to talk to anyone? What do I do then? Mastermental and Nico will think I'm so pathetic because my own father doesn't want to talk to me, even after six years of being apart.

  I stare blankly at Carla, who has suddenly decided to put her face right in front of mine. "Earth to Morgaaaan," she says, waving a hand. "You there?"

  "What?" I ask.

  "Blackjack just asked you a question."

  "Oh," I say, glancing up at him. "I don't have any money, so I'm out," I say. The entire room starts laughing, both sides.

  "Nice to know," Blackjack drawls, his feet still kicked up on the desk. "But I was saying that someone's here to see you."

  I jerk and turn so fast I almost get whiplash. Mastermental is standing in the doorway. I have no clue how
long he's been there, I realize as I start fumbling to get all my books and things in my bag. I accidentally flip my chair and almost trip over it to get to the door.

  "Morgan?" Carla asks in a worried tone.

  "I'll be back," I say, stopping in front of Mastermental. "It's already ready?" I ask.

  "Are you?" he asks.

  "I--yeah, yeah I am," I say as I hug my bag to my chest. "Is Nico ready?"

  "He's waiting outside with your escort," he says as we walk away from the classroom. I can't help but glance back once, wondering if something is going to change after today. It's a ridiculous thought. I mean, what could change from going to see one man for a visit?


  There's three shiny black cars on the other side of the yellow tape that surrounds the canyon. A line of black suits stand in front of them, armed and watching all directions. I almost don't recognize Nico as Nico, even though he's standing right in front of me. He's got his back to me and is wearing a form fitting black suit with a collar around his neck. It's nothing like the collar he made me, it looks a lot like a metal dog collar and has a red spot blinking on the back.

  "Does he really have to wear that?" I ask. It strikes me as retarded, since he could have been the guy that made it.

  "He does. He invented it, actually," Mastermental says.

  "What? Why?"

  "Because he got extremely tired of being chained and held under two million pounds of pressure." I stare at him. "He found going to the restroom to be the most irritating part of it," he adds almost blandly.

  "But how could you trust it to work on him if he made it?" I demand.

  "Oh, it doesn't completely," Mastermental says. "Even with that specialized material of his outfit he can still change the TV channels and, as I've learned recently, hack the Hall's database. But he behaved well enough so we didn't call him out on it. Besides, it DOES work on the others."

  "Done talking about my past, then?" Nico asks, turning towards us. He looks like the perfect super villain in that outfit. It's black, but has a sheen to it, like electrical wires are laced through it, glinting slightly. It's cut like a cape uniform. I mean, we all know it's the exact opposite of one, but I'm pretty sure it was designed by the same people that make the uniforms. I wonder if they built the muscles in. I mean, if they didn't, for an old guy he's seriously ripped.


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