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Daddy's Girl: Cape High Book Five

Page 11

by R. J. Ross

  "Jack," a different voice says as the air swirls in front of his eyes, forming into Ace. The man is about his age, thin and wiry, with long, matted black hair and shadows under his eyes. "Jack," he says again. "I'm going to kill you this time." There's a hint of desperation in his voice that he can't hide, even as he brings his hands up, holding a dagger in two tightly clutched fists. "I'm going to kill you and it'll all be over--"

  Jack groans, only to stare in shock as Morgan comes into view behind the other male, her hand held out. "No--" he starts out, starting to shove Ace off of him. But it's too late. Her hand presses against the back of Ace's neck--

  And the world goes completely still. The sky clears, the wind calms. Ace's eyes roll back into his head.

  "What..." Morgan says as Ace collapses on top of Jack. "What is he?" she asks.


  *The Present*

  "So what," Banshee says with strained patience, "exactly happened?" They're back at the dorm, having grabbed all of the kids and ran off off before people could start asking questions. "Nico, where is Morgan? And Justin? And Noelle!" she demands, moving in front of him. "What did you do to Mega?" she goes on, pointing at the unconscious man on the couch.

  "0100110101--" Nico says, only to stop and scowl. "I mean," he says slowly, "Mega lost it. All of a sudden he was--"

  "Mega has never 'lost it' in his life," Banshee snaps. "And if he did, it definitely wouldn't have something to do with kids! What. Exactly. HAPPENED?" she demands again, getting right in his face. "You swore you weren't going back to being a super villain--"

  She stops abruptly, glancing over at the kids that are watching this entire thing. Aubrey is crying, Vinny looks ready to kill, and the others are right in the middle--except for Zoe. Zoe is staring at Nico with a confused expression. But she lives with the man, right? Of course, Banshee has never heard him speaking in computer language--binary, she thinks it's called--but she assumes that it's just a normal--

  Is it normal? Something seems... off. About his voice, she decides. His inflections. "Nico?" she asks, her tone calm. "You're the principal, so tell me what you think we should do."

  "I'll take Mega somewhere where I can keep an eye on him until he wakes up," Nico says. "Then I'll find out what he's done with the children."

  "You can keep an eye on him here," Vinny says, getting to his feet, his lighter in his hand. "And when he tells you what he did with Morgan, we'll go and get her."

  "You don't need to--"

  "You're an outsider," Vinny says coldly. The rest of the zoo kids move behind him even as his hair lights up all on its own. It's the first time he's been able to do that without a lighter, but he doesn't even seem to notice. "You don't know us, we don't know you, and we don't trust you, either. We want Morgan back, and we'll be the ones to get her back."

  The group is large, but no threat to Nico. Banshee lifts her hand, about to tell them to calm down, but stops when she sees Zoe and Sunny look at each other then stand.

  "Dad," Zoe says, looking at Nico intently. "DAD," she repeats when nothing happens. Nico looks at her, finally. "Aubrey should check on Mega. He's been unconscious for too long."

  "Aubrey?" Nico repeats.

  "Of--of course, I should have thought of that--" Aubrey says, practically running across the room and pressing her hand to Mega's chest.

  "Wait--" Nico says, but it's too late. Aubrey's hair starts floating around her and her dark blue eyes turn white, glowing faintly. He curses and takes to the air, racing at speeds so fast that the furniture is thrown against one wall--and he's gone, leaving them staring at the door that's barely hanging off of a hinge.

  "What just happened?" Vinny asks finally. His hair's out, but he hasn't even noticed it yet.

  "Ban--Banshee?" Aubrey says, worry clearly evident in her voice.

  "What, Aubrey?"

  "There's no one here."

  "What?" Banshee asks.

  "It's not Mega. I think... I think this is Nico, but... he's not here, either," Aubrey says. "Like... his spirit. His body's alive, but his mind... it's like a computer set on sleep mode. It's--I can't explain it any better than that."

  "But--then who was that?" Carla asks, pointing at the door.

  "A shapeshifter," Banshee says. But she can't think of someone with those abilities strong enough to take down Technico. "I'm going to call Mastermental, you kids--" But half of the group is gone already, chasing after the fake Nico. Banshee curses, racing after them. They have no chance against someone like that. They're all going to get themselves killed.


  He has his powers, Mimic thinks as he reaches the panel and presses his hand to it. His body is a perfect copy--which is proven as the exit opens and he steps on each of the lit footprints, so why is it he was caught so easily? And why is it that he's having such a hard time actually USING Nico's memories? It's practically impossible! Seeing into Nico's thoughts is like staring at a wall of numbers and letters that don't line up--in fact they float around and through each other, so even if Mimic DOES start to recognize a line it's rapidly overlaid with another--

  He grunts and trips over himself as he gets out the exit, turning just in time to see the kids reach the force field. He has to get out of here. It's either that or attack children, which will get the Hall on his back so quick that his already spinning head will drive him insane. So he jumps into the air and takes off, because flying is one of the few things he knows how to do in this body. It's forming complete sentences that's hard.

  Seriously, how does Nico live with this?


  *The Future*

  I find myself staring at the sleeping Ace, just sitting here next to him, staring. "We need to leave, Morgan," Jack says. He's standing there with an impatient expression, his metal surfboard under his arm. Justin's been released, finally, but--

  "We can't just leave him here! The Hall is going to be here any second!" I protest, getting to my feet and grabbing the thin man on the ground. He weighs more than he looks, I notice as I get him off the ground. And he's tall--far taller than I expected. In fact he reminds me of someone--

  "If we take him with us, he'll just start it all over again," Jack says. "And the Hall isn't coming--don't even think they are."

  "Of course they're coming! We just broke in and out of the Cape Cells and--and released a very dangerous guy! They're going to be here any--" I stop, looking into the air in stunned silence. The Hall surrounds us, floating in a circle over our heads, looking way more dangerous than I've ever seen them in pictures. "Ja--Jack--"

  "Do you have your bracelet?" Jack demands, grabbing my wrist. "Where is it?"

  "I--I don't need my bracelet right now, we need to LEAVE!" I bellow, trying to jerk free of his hold.

  "Hold it!" Mastermental says. "We've got you surrounded, so put your hands in the air--"

  "Morgan!" Jack says, shaking me. "Stop imagining the Hall!"


  "You are!"

  "Where do you get off--"

  "Because Mastermental's retired!" he snaps at Justin before Justin finishes. "He's taken a desk job--there's no way he'd be out here hunting down a single cape! Especially one that he sent in the first place!"

  The Hall disappears and I stare at him blankly. "What?"

  "Can we discuss this at my place?" Jack demands, leaning over and picking Ace up. "Put your bracelet on," he orders. I nod, digging through my pockets and pulling out my bracelet. "Put it on the strongest level," he adds.

  "How do you know so much about my bracelet?" I ask, pushing the controlling charm a few times before slipping it on.

  "This might come as a shock," Jack says, waving his hand. A plate of steel shoots out of the ground and he steps onto it, motioning us to come over. "I keep these around the area just in case," he adds as we climb on, "but like I was saying, you and me? We're friends in this time. What, with you being my wife's best friend. You've got your own apartment at the steel palace."
/>   "Wife?" I repeat blankly.

  "Aubrey," he says as the plate takes to the air. "You had to see it coming, right? I mean, we're dating even in your time, right?" He looks over, grinning at me. "I'm not that bad a guy, you know, even if I play one in the photo-op game."

  I stare at him, wondering who kidnapped the Jack from my time and replaced him with this guy. "I always expected her to come to her senses," I mutter finally. I dare to glance around this time, only holding onto Jack's shirt as we fly through the air. "How are you doing this, anyway?"

  "I'd like to know that, myself," Justin says, not touching either of us but looking rather pale. "I didn't know you could fly."

  "I can't," Jack says as the large, evil castle looking building looms ahead of us. "But I can make metal fly, which is just as good." He lands the sheet of metal in front of the castle and picks Ace up again. "I think it's time to shut up, though. Telling you this stuff might mess up the past, right?"

  "The past is already messed up, I think," I admit, feeling guilty.

  "Yeah? How?"

  "Because I think my Dad went back in time. And... I think we're stuck in this." I feel a little sick to my stomach at that fact and find myself holding the bracelet that's keeping my powers--Ace's powers--in check. "I need to talk to Nico," I say.

  "I wish you could," Jack says. "Problem is, nobody's heard from Nico in months."


  *The Present*

  Traveling by internet is distracting. It's the main reason that Nico still hasn't allowed Zoe to access the internet even by computer, he thinks as he dodges yet another firewall and slips into the Hall database. He needs to find Liz. Or possibly Mastermental. Mastermental would be good. The only problem is, he thinks as he pauses in one of the machines, ever since they realized he's been hacking the database they've put up tiny little traps throughout the system. If he goes too fast he'll be caught. If he's caught the norms will find out what's happened. Even if they are black suits, they still might panic at the idea of a Cape Cell escapee with Nico's S Class super powers.

  He'd jumped ship as soon as he felt his consciousness leaving. A sense of guilt is still gnawing at him--he'd left his kids alone with Mimic, including his (and this still messes with his head) granddaughter, who knew exactly what had happened. But in this form he can only do so much. He absently tweaks the computer system he's sitting in, speeding it up before he leaves for the next one. Neither Double M or Liz are using this one.

  He stops in the next one, looking over the history and trying to figure out why anyone would want a history overview of the last--he stops, realizing too late.

  "Is there a reason you're in my computer, Nicolas?" Superior asks.

  Nico turns, reluctantly appearing in the monitor. For a long moment he just stares at his father. "I'm looking for someone," he says.

  "You've found someone," Superior says. "Unless you're lying and using the Hall computers for your own benefit."

  "Yes, Father, I'm breaking into the Hall computers in the middle of the day for absolutely no reason. Would you tell me where Double M is or not?" Nico demands, feeling like a rebellious teenager all over again. "I've got a situation on my hands and I need his help."

  "You need help," Superior repeats. "Pathetic. I thought you were better than that, Nicolas."

  "My name is NICO," Nico grits out. "Not Nicolas--and I'm wasting time arguing with you," he mutters, turning to leave.

  "Tell me what's going on. I'll fix it," Superior says.

  "You never fix anything, you just finish things," Nico practically yells. "I don't need you--I haven't needed you in over thirty years, I don't need you now--"

  "Why did you come in this way?"

  Nico goes still. "Superior," he says quietly, shoving his own emotions down. "Have you even met my kids?"

  "Of course I haven't. I've been stuck in this room having history shoved down my throat for the past two weeks. Hardly time to meet the family."

  "Well right now my kids are in danger--my granddaughter is in danger. I don't have time to waste on you!"

  "You're wasting time right now," Superior says, standing. "Tell me who I need to go after and the problem will be solved."

  "You always--" Nico starts out, only to stop. He hates the man, but personal feelings all too often got in the way of logic. The problem is that even his logic is saying it's dangerous--as much as Mimic needs to be taken down before he causes more problems, who's to say that Superior won't take him down permanently? Can he really let Morgan's father be killed by his own? "Fine," he says. "I need you to find Mega--not the man that might look like him, the REAL Mega."

  "The man that might look like him?" Superior repeats.

  "The real Mega is unconscious right about now, and most likely hidden in this area--I think," he says slowly, "that I have an idea of where and when it happened, too."

  "And where and when would that be?" Superior asks.

  "In this building, about a week ago. I think he came up the elevator shoot," Nico says, his virtual hands fisting at his sides. "It happened while I was here. He was in the building and I didn't even notice. I let this--"

  "So somewhere in the vicinity is an unconscious super hero," Superior says.

  "Yeah. See if you can't reboot him." Then he's gone, jumping to another computer and leaving Superior standing there.

  "Reboot him?"


  *The Future*

  "You should say something." The sentence makes Justin jerk, staring at the steel covered man that looks far more dangerous now than he remembers him being--or he would look more dangerous if he wasn't lounging in front of a massive hologram game system playing what looks like a kid's monster raising game. They're in the "Steel Palace" as Jack calls it, which is really just a regular (although huge) house with an intimidating front view and metal walls. Okay, not completely regular. Morgan is in the bathroom, leaving him here alone with Jack. Joy.

  "Say what?" Justin asks, staring at the 3D dragon waiting for a treat. "Isn't that a kid's game?" he asks.

  "Yeah, it's my kid's game, but it's still pretty awesome, don't you think?" Jack says, reaching out and patting the virtual dragon. "Zoe developed it. But I'm talking about Morgan."

  "What about Morgan?" Justin says, looking to the bathroom instinctively. She's been in there too long. He's starting to get worried.

  "You never did in my past, you know? Even though it's pretty obvious, looking back on it," Jack says. "You like her."

  "I thought you were supposed to keep your mouth shut about this kind of stuff," Justin growls.

  "I'm a bad guy," Jack says shamelessly, tossing the dragon a virtual fish. "I can ruin history if I want. It's practically in my charter."

  "It's not any of your business. Seriously, I thought you'd turn out a lot different," Justin complains. "Cooler. Way cooler."

  "Is it really cool to be one of those brooding dark super villains that aren't ever happy?" Jack asks seriously, looking over at Ace. The black haired man is sound asleep on a couch, snoring as if he hasn't slept in years. He probably hasn't. "Tormented for one reason or another? Think it's cool, huh? Honestly, it seems more disturbing than anything else."

  "What changed you?" Justin asks, looking at him closely. "Seriously, what changed you? You're definitely not like this in the past."

  "I was starting to be," Jack says. "Do you know who my dad is? Not the guy whose genes I used to have. My REAL dad."

  "What, America's Son?" Justin asks. "Like that--"

  "It matters," Jack says, glancing up as the front door bursts open.

  "COLD STEEL!" the bellow echoes through the entire building. "What in the heck were you thinking, breaking into the Cape Cells?? The entire world is expecting me to drag you in, now!"

  "Sup, bro?" Jack says, getting to his feet. Justin turns, staring in shock at the man standing in the doorway. He's huge, and looks exactly like--"America's Son?" he says.

  "Liberty," Trent says, then stops, doing a double-take.
"Justin? When'd you get back from tour? Wait, forget that--when did you shrink?"

  "Time travel," Jack says. "Mini-Morgan's in the bathroom."

  "I... does this have something to do with the Cape Cells?" Trent asks.

  "That's where they popped up. Double M sent me to fetch," Jack says. "Justin, get Morgan and head down that hall right there, would you? We need to make this look believable, which is a bit dangerous for kids." He holds out his arm, making a fist. Two spikes of steel shoot out of his forearm, well over two feet long.

  A snort sounds from the couch before Ace sits up, rubbing his eyes. "What just--"

  "You brought ACE here?" Trent yelps. "Are you insane?"

  "Well... Crap," Jack says, staring at the man in question. "Coulda sworn he'd sleep longer than that."


  Nico's missing, Dad stole the watch, Jack isn't Jack--but is--but--I don't know what to think. He's got to be in his thirties, but it's hard to tell with supers, remember? If I'm right, we've gone eighteen years into the future, where I'm in Africa right now, doing who knows what, and when I'm in America I'm staying here in an apartment in a guy's house--the guy I can't stand the most, but am friends with--

  I might be having a panic attack right now. I mean, it's not something a super in training should have, but I can't seem to stop myself. My head is spinning, I feel queasy, and the floor seems to be shaking beneath my feet.


  I look at the things on the counter--they're shaking too. It's not me, I realize as someone starts pounding on the bathroom door. The floor IS shaking. "Morgan!" Justin bellows through the door. "Trent is here and they're going to fight--but Ace--Ace woke up!"

  The light over my head flickers, swinging back and forth before going out entirely. It's not just the light, though, the entire room is pitch black. I grope for something to hold onto as the room shakes in earnest. "Is this Trent, Jack or Ace?" I bellow.


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