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Page 8

by Faith Gibson

Frey laughed at the teen. “Come on, I’ll get Mason to work with you tonight.” Matthew followed Frey to his office where Frey asked Mason to help Matt on the machines. After a quick shower, Frey climbed into his Jeep and headed across town to the community center. Frey pushed past the speed limits, not wanting to miss Abbi.

  Trevor was right. The man of his dreams was part of a badass club. That was the only explanation for what he had just witnessed. Jasper had gone toe to toe, glove to glove with the big guy and was still alive. Not only was he alive, he was joking and laughing. Trevor was so far out of his league with the hot detective he was ready to bolt. Only he couldn’t move. The sight of Jasper bent over, hands on his knees, shorts stretched across his fine ass had Trevor glued to the spot. Jasper turned and grinned. Yep, Jasper caught him ogling his ass, and he smiled. That beautiful smile caused Trevor’s stomach to do funny things. This wasn’t butterflies lightly fluttering around in there. Nope, this was monkeys swinging from tree branches, flipping through the air, catching the next limb one handed. Jasper said something to Geoffrey that Trevor couldn’t hear. Geoffrey removed Jasper’s gloves and tossed them in the corner. They exited the ring with the owner going one way and Jasper walking toward Trevor. Jasper wasn’t even winded or sweating. Yep, badass.

  “What are you?” Trevor asked, kind of joking, kind of serious. The Unholy were a type of superhuman monster Trevor had never had the unlucky chance of seeing up close and personal. What if Jasper was some kind of superhuman without the monster part? It was entirely possible.

  “I’m hungry, that’s what I am. I’m going to go home, shower, and find something to eat. You wanna stop by later?”

  Of course Trevor did. If for no other reason than to figure out the mystery that was Jasper Jenkins. “I’m going to finish my workout. I’ll need to go home and shower first. If it won’t be too late…”

  “Not at all. Do you like spaghetti? Or would you rather grill hamburgers? Both are quick.”

  “Dude, you’re cooking, you choose.” If either were half as good as the pizza he concocted last time Trevor visited, he would be in heaven. He hated to cook.

  Jasper laughed at him, “Okay, I’ll figure it out when I get to the kitchen. Oh, I programmed the gate so you can punch in a code to get in. That way you don’t have to wait in case I’m in the shower or something.”

  He had his own code? Was that like having his own key? “What’s the code?”

  Jasper looked around before answering. He pushed Trevor’s bangs off his forehead. “Your birthday.”

  Trevor didn’t know which was more disconcerting, the fact Jasper felt comfortable enough to touch him in public or that he knew when his birthday was. “How do you know when my birthday is?” Trevor didn’t tell anyone his birthday, mainly because he wasn’t born but created.

  Jasper winked at him. “I’m a detective.” There was that smile again. Fucking monkeys. “I’ll see you later, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” Trevor sighed, not able to keep his eyes off Jasper’s tight ass.

  Two hours later, Trevor pulled into Jasper’s driveway. Had it only been three nights since he’d first been here? So much had changed in that short amount of time, not all of it good. Trevor wasn’t one hundred percent sure Jasper was gay, but the detective didn’t have an issue touching him. He didn’t know if it was just the man being friendly or what. He really hoped it was or what, but if it was, that posed the same question as before- why him? Trevor punched in the month and day of his birthday, and the gate opened.

  He parked in the same spot as before, only this time, Jasper wasn’t waiting outside. He was probably in the kitchen cooking. If he had decided on burgers, he could be on the back deck. Trevor angled out of his car and made his way to the porch. He knocked on the door and waited. When Jasper didn’t answer, Trevor turned the knob. It was unlocked, so he let himself in and called out, “Jasper?” He didn’t see his host anywhere, so he walked to the back and looked out. Jasper wasn’t on the deck either. Trevor caught the scent of spaghetti sauce wafting through the air and headed to the kitchen.

  He helped himself to a bottle of water from the fridge and sat at the island to wait on Jasper who was probably in the shower. A stack of photographs were peeking out of an envelope in the middle of the island. Trevor knew he shouldn’t look, but the man in the picture was familiar. Trevor picked up the top photo and stared. This was the creep who’d been looking in the window at the gym. He slid out the next photo, unsure of what he was looking at. The man was tied up in an elaborate system of knots. When he saw the next one in the stack, his breath caught. Was the man being tortured or did he like it? If his hard cock was any indication, he was enjoying it. Trevor turned the picture sideways, taking in the intricacies of the rope.

  “It’s called Kinbaku,” Jasper said behind him, causing him to jump.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dane and Julian had danced around the Katherine topic long enough. Using the envelope as an excuse, Dane drove to the lab. He didn’t bother knocking, as all the Gargoyles had clearance into the building. He entered the computer lab where he found Julian typing away at a keyboard. He didn’t know how the Goyle didn’t have calluses on his fingers. “Julian, sorry to interrupt,” he said as he entered the room.

  “Dane, what can I do for you?” Julian turned his way, giving him his undivided attention.

  “Jasper received this.” Dane held the envelope out, still secure in the plastic evidence sheath. “It’s personal, so he would rather you check for fingerprints.”

  Julian took the envelope from Dane, turning it over, looking at both sides. “What was inside?”

  “Photographs. Until he knows who sent them, he wants to keep this to himself.” Dane didn’t blame Jasper. He wouldn’t want anyone to see an ex-lover of his in such compromising pictures either.

  “Understood. I’ll do my best to find something for him before I leave.”


  “Yes, I cannot sit here any longer while Nikolas needs me. I’m leaving for Egypt tomorrow.”

  “Oh.” Dane didn’t want to hold up Julian over their disagreement.

  “Oh, what?” Julian asked with one eyebrow cocked.

  “I wanted to discuss Katherine. Possibly set up a time to have her meet us so we could put this to bed, so to speak.”

  Julian sighed, “If you can set up a meeting in the morning, I’ll do it. I want us to be able to move past this as well.”

  Dane nodded, “Okay, I’ll reach out to her, see if she’s available. I’ll call you tonight or in the morning and let you know.”

  “Sounds good. And Dane? If she turns out to be my mate, no hard feelings?”

  “Of course not. At least I’ll know one way or the other.” He reached out a hand to Julian who fist bumped him.

  “Good. I’ll get started on Jasper’s envelope.”

  Dane left Julian to do just that. He exited the lab and leaned against his cruiser. He needed to come up with a feasible excuse to lure Katherine to a meeting.

  When Frey arrived at the community center, he noticed there were only a couple of vehicles in the lot. Not paying attention to the cars, he strode into the building. He would have to remember to say something to Abbi about the door being unlocked.

  Reaching out with his shifter senses, he heard music coming from the hallway to the right. He followed the sound of tinkling notes floating through the air. Frey wasn’t a classical music person, but this tune was familiar. He slowed himself as he reached the door to the only lit room.

  Abbi was dressed in dance leotards with a large button down covering the top of her body. How did she dance in that baggy shirt? She was standing at a desk, writing something on a piece of paper. She closed her eyes, swaying to the music. She opened her eyes and wrote something down. Closing her eyes again, she moved away from the desk and spun on her left foot. This time when Abbi opened her eyes, she didn’t move to pick up the pencil. Instead, she walked to a closet, opened the door, and stared. Frey could

n’t see what had her so entranced until finally she reached her arm in, coming out with a pair of ballet shoes. She clutched them to her chest reverently with her chin bowed as if she were praying. Or remembering. How long had it been since she danced?

  Abbi sat down on the floor and placed her feet in the pink slippers. After wrapping the ribbons around her ankles, she tied them in bows. Slowly she stood and removed the too large shirt she was wearing. The first thing Frey noticed was his mate’s beautiful body. She was lean like a dancer but still curvy like a woman should be. Troy no doubt insisted she wear the baggy clothes to hide this gorgeous figure from the appreciative eyes of other men. The next thing he noted were the bruises on her slender arms. Obviously, she thought she was alone, or he doubted Abbi would have dared to bare the evidence of her abusive husband. Frey was ready to go to her. He calmed his body so he wouldn’t run to her and grab her up, squeezing her in a crushing embrace.

  Abbi began to move, slowly at first, as though she was getting reacquainted with the shoes. Frey was mesmerized as this magnificent creature stood on one foot, leaning forward with her right arm extended as she raised her left leg behind her. Abbi held the pose before stretching her leg higher. She lowered her leg then performed the same move with the right one.

  Abbi was finding her rhythm. Frey knew from his experience with martial arts, part of the warm up was finding yourself, seeking that place where you are one with your craft. He knew the exact moment Abbi found hers, because she let go. She floated across the room, jumping, turning, spinning, bowing, and stretching. Frey’s soul felt as if it had left his body and was moving across the room in hers. He had never seen anything more beautiful in his life. He wasn’t an expert in ballet, but he knew what he was observing should have been shared with the world, not stuffed in a closet in a community center to be forgotten. This creature before him wasn’t Abbi Quinn. This exquisite woman was Abigail Swanson.

  When the song was over, Abbi stopped dancing and hugged her arms around her middle, her body shaking. Geoffrey Hartley… Gargoyle, soldier, boxer, martial artist… didn’t try to stop the tears creeping down his face. What he did want to stop were the tears rolling down Abbi’s. Without a thought to the consequences, he closed the distance between them. When she realized she wasn’t alone, she gasped, crossing her arms over her chest as if she were naked. Maybe without the large shirt covering her she felt exposed. He stopped inches from his mate, willing her soundlessly to look at him, see the pain in his eyes. The pain for her. He gently lifted her chin and cupped her face in his large hands. Her tears fell faster than his thumbs could erase them. Not knowing what else to do, he kissed her.

  Frey expected Abbi to keep her mouth closed tight, to back away and look up at him with disgust. Instead, she opened to him, her tongue seeking his. Her arms snaked around his waist, pulling their bodies closer. Frey put one hand on Abbi’s back where the leotard dipped down. Feeling her skin underneath his fingers had his cock coming to life. A moan escaped her mouth into his causing a growl to rise up from somewhere deep in his chest. When she needed to come up for air, only then did Abbi back away. She placed her fingers on her lips. Tentatively, she reached her other hand up and touched the corner of his eye where a lone tear had refused to fall. She studied her wet finger as if the tear was something she’d never seen before. Turning away, she retrieved the too big shirt and slid it on, grasping the two sides together.

  “I… what are you doing here?” she asked as she sat down in a chair and began untying the ribbons.

  “I wanted to talk to you, and then I saw you dancing... I’m no expert, but Abbi, that was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. You are so talented.”

  “What do you want from me?” she sternly asked as she removed her shoes and returned them to their place in the closet.

  “I told you, I want to talk.” Frey stuck his hands in his pockets, willing his claws to stay put.

  “I’m married, but you already know that.” Abbi closed the closet door and gave her back to him. She buttoned up the large shirt before turning back around. Digging inside a tote bag on the desk, she pulled out a pair of sweatpants. Of course, they too, were baggy.

  “Why?” That was the million dollar question. She could give him every excuse, but none would be good enough.

  “Why what?” Her brow was etched with shallow wrinkles. His mate had frowned far too many times.

  “Why are you married?”

  “That’s what people do. Get married, settle down…” Abbi paused. Was she going to say have kids?

  “Yes, they do. But they usually get married to someone who loves them, takes care of them, has their best interest at heart. Not someone who abuses them, beats up their kid brother, and takes advantage of every bad situation that comes along.” Abbi’s face paled, but Frey didn’t let up. “Let me rephrase the question. Why are you still married?”

  “It’s not that simple. I… He’s…”

  “You what, love him? He’s what? Sorry when it happens? Promises to never hurt you again?” Frey was getting madder with each word he spoke.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “No, what? No you don’t love him, or no, he isn’t sorry?”

  “Both.” Abbi walked to the other side of the room. Even when she wasn’t dancing, her moves were smooth and graceful. Frey would give anything to see her dance again.

  “Then I will ask you again, why are you married to the bastard?” Frey asked, his voice raising.

  “It’s not that simple!” her voice cracked as she yelled in response. Again, she turned her back on him. And again, she wrapped her arms around herself.

  “What if it was?” Frey moved closer to her. Even though she was just on the other side of the room, the distance was too great. Taking care with her bruised arms, he gently turned her body so she was facing him.

  Her blue eyes shined brighter because of the tears. “Now it’s my turn to ask you why. Why are you doing this? I know Matty is a great kid, and he’s told me all about how you’re trying to help him. But why me? What do you want from me?”

  Forever. “Why? Because I see a beautiful woman whose light doesn’t shine. I want to give her the sun. I see a talented dancer whose song doesn’t play. I want to give her the music. I see a loving sister whose brother is fighting for both of them. I want to give him the lessons. I see someone who deserves the best life has to offer, and I want to give that to her. I can’t explain it, Abbi. I was drawn to you the minute I saw you walk into the gym. Yes, you’re married, and normally I wouldn’t cross that line. I’m not a homewrecker. But from where I stand, your home is already wrecked, and it’s your husband who’s to blame. What I want from you is a chance. A chance to show you how a woman should be treated. So, I’ll ask you again, what if it was that simple?”

  Abbi couldn’t breathe. She’d been so lost in her dancing she hadn’t heard him come in the room. He watched her, saw her. He cried for her. Geoffrey Hartley, the big, badass boxer, cried for her. She couldn’t wrap her head around that. Matty had told her all about how nice he was. What if he could help her get away from Troy, what then? She couldn’t jump out of one relationship into another. Could she? Was it possible he really wanted to be with her? She so desperately wanted a relationship like the one her parents had, full of love and happiness. Would he really give that to her? He didn’t know her, and she definitely didn’t know anything about him. Except…

  The words, those beautiful words he spoke with tears in his eyes, had her heart humming. There was something inexplicably different about Frey. Some type of tether drawing her to him. If Abbi closed her eyes, she could see the line between them. It didn’t stretch from her heart to his. No, this went deeper- soul deep. How could that be? When he kissed her, there was an energy that started in her lips, traveling down through her stomach, ending between her legs. If she wasn’t married, she would have been tempted to do more than kiss. If she was honest with herself, she was already tempted, married or not.

; Abbi spoke truthfully, “I’m scared, Geoffrey. Honest to god scared. I left Troy once before. I ended up in the hospital for a week. So, you have to understand if I’m a little hesitant. It isn’t that I don’t want to leave him; I do. I never really wanted to be married to him in the first place. After my parents died, I was lost. My aunt gained control of my parents’ money. Mine and Matt’s money. If it hadn’t been for Matt, I would have rather been dead, too. He was the only thing keeping me going. He still is. Him and all the kids I teach.

  “My aunt spent our money on drugs and gambling, before I even knew it was gone. Luckily, I got a scholarship to college and was still able to get my teaching degree. Long story short, I married Troy, my aunt died, and Matt came to live with us. If it hadn’t been for one investment my father made that my aunt didn’t know about, we’d have been penniless.”

  She paused to study this man standing before her. His dark brown hair was shorn in a military style. Even though it was late November, he was wearing a short sleeved t-shirt that hugged his chest and stretched over his massive biceps. Black fatigues were tucked into black military looking boots. “Were you in the military?” she asked.

  “I was. I did a couple of tours as a helicopter pilot. I retired several years ago and opened the dojo. I’ve been thinking about opening another one on the west coast.”

  Her heart sank. Was he moving? Leaving New Atlanta? How could he talk about being with her if he was moving? “So, you’re moving?” She sounded like a whiny teen.

  “No, of course not. I would travel out there and oversee the building of the structure and the opening, but I would hire one of my cousins to run it. I like New Atlanta and plan on being here for a while. I’d like to think I now have another reason to stay put.”

  Abbi liked that. She shouldn’t, but she did. She needed to guard her heart instead of putting it in the hands of this stranger. His wanting to be with her this quickly didn’t make sense. She had heard of love at first sight, but there’s no way he could love her. This was all way too sudden.


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