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Page 15

by Faith Gibson

  Abbi gasped. How could this doctor know about her bruises? Frey. “You’re Geoffrey’s friend, aren’t you? The one he wanted me to talk to about…” The doctor pulled her hands into his.

  “Abbi, I’ve been a doctor a long time, and I’ve seen many cases of abuse come through these doors. I have seen enough of these cases to know that if you don’t stand up to your abuser, it’s only going to get worse. What happens next time when he doesn’t stop at breaking your brother’s ribs? What if he hadn’t stopped this time? I have to tell you, one of Matt’s ribs was precariously close to puncturing a lung. If it had been a couple centimeters over, your brother might not be here now.”

  “Oh god, no. Oh Matt.” Abbi pulled her hands away from the doctor and placed them over her mouth. The tears fell down her cheeks at the thought of losing her brother. The door opened again, and Troy strolled in. The leer on his face fell away when he noticed the doctor. The transformation was instantaneous. “Abigail, I came as soon as I heard. How’s Matthew?”

  She couldn’t speak. This monster had the audacity to nearly kill her brother, and here he was, pretending to care. He should win an award. Before she could speak, Dr. Mooneyham stood and got between Troy and her. Until the doctor stood toe to toe with her husband, Abbi hadn’t realized how large of a man he was. He reminded her of Geoffrey and his two cousins. Was everyone Frey knew that large? “Mr. Quinn, I presume?”

  “Yeah, I’m her husband.” Troy attempted to step around the doctor, but he stood his ground.

  “Matthew’s condition is tentative. We are keeping a close eye on him. We are also assisting the detectives in charge of this case. I assure you, we will not stop until whomever did this to your brother-in-law has been apprehended.”

  Troy continued his charade of the caring husband. “I really appreciate that. Now, I’d like to speak to my wife. Alone.”

  Abbi sucked in a breath. Even though they were in the hospital, Troy wouldn’t hesitate to punish her. The doctor had other ideas, though. “I’m afraid that isn’t possible right now. I need Abbi to come with me and fill out the paperwork. Mr. Quinn, if you wish to wait here, that’s fine. I’ll bring Abbi back when we are finished with her.”

  Troy sneered at the doctor. “I’m her fucking husband and I’m a cop. If I want to talk to her, I will.” Abbi took a chance and looked around the doctor. The first thing she noticed was the twisted scowl on Troy’s face. The second was the huge hickey on his neck.

  Dr. Mooneyham didn’t back down. Instead, he stood even taller, squaring his shoulders. “And I’m the fucking Chief of Staff of this hospital. You are in my jurisdiction, and what I say is law around here. If you do not cooperate, I will have you removed and banned from these premises.”

  “You can’t do that. I’ll call my boss and…”

  The doctor interrupted him, “I can do that, and I will. Either you wait here, or I will call Chief Kane myself. Your choice. Nice hickey by the way.”

  Abbi was impressed. She had never seen anyone stand up to Troy that way. Her husband was livid. His knuckles were white where his fists were clenched. “I’ll be back,” he seethed before slamming open the door and stalking off down the hall.

  Abbi was embarrassed. The doctor had every right to think the worst of her. How could she not press charges against that man? How could she continue to allow him to abuse Matt? She couldn’t. She had no idea how she would protect herself from Troy, but she had to try. “I’m ready,” she whispered.

  Dr. Mooneyham nodded. She didn’t have to explain. He understood what she was ready to do.

  “Very good, my dear. Please, follow me.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Sixx’s gesture meant more to Frey than any apology in the world. He knew the Goyle felt bad, and now he knew just how bad. Sixx, like Urijah, had given his solemn oath. Frey climbed in his Jeep and headed home. His heart hurt when he thought of Matthew and what he’d endured at the hands of such a large man. Frey was ready to find Troy Quinn and dish out the same punishment to him.

  He arrived home to an empty house. When he left earlier, he had been full of hope. He had enjoyed the ride to work, laughing and singing with Matthew. He’d been happy to purchase new phones the day before, knowing Troy wouldn’t be able to find them. Even buying groceries had been fun, making sure he bought what Abbi put on the list plus a whole lot of other items he thought Matthew might like. The candles he’d bought for the dining room table would sit in a drawer, unused. There would be no romantic meals for him now.

  Frey grabbed some of the plastic bags from the recycle bin and carried them upstairs. As bad as he wanted to place Abbi’s clothes and toiletries in a decent piece of luggage, he knew that would be a red flag when Troy saw her stuff. With a heavy heart, he filled the grocery bags and took them to the Jeep. What he didn’t do was gather Matt’s stuff. Even if Abbi was his guardian, Frey would die a martyr’s death before the boy stepped foot in his old house again. He would kidnap him from the hospital if need be. Matt would not be going back to work at the restaurant. When he was well, he would work at the gym where Troy Quinn would not be welcomed.

  Frey drove back to the hospital, parking close to Abbi’s car. He looked around, making sure nobody was lurking. When he was sure the coast was clear, he deposited Abbi’s things in the front seat of her car where she couldn’t miss them. He locked the car and headed to Jonas’ office. The doctor would make sure Abbi got her keys. As he rounded the building to enter the door, Troy Quinn came barreling outside. Frey stepped back quickly before Abbi’s husband had a chance to see him. The man was so irate, he wasn’t aware of his surroundings. Frey tracked his movements until he was in his vehicle, speeding out of the parking lot.

  Frey called Jasper, alerting him to Troy’s whereabouts as he headed into the hospital to Jonas’ office. When he was almost there, he reached out with his shifter senses. Even with the door closed, Abbi’s sad voice floated into his ears. “But he didn’t protect Matty like he promised.”

  Shit, she was talking about him. Jonas responded, “Please, Mrs. Quinn, reconsider. There is no one more qualified than Geoffrey Hartley and his men to protect you and your brother. I have known him and his family a long time, and I would trust them with my own daughter.”

  That was good to hear since Dante had just rescued both his daughter and grandson from the hands of Alistair Giannopoulos, an old Gargoyle with a huge grudge against Jonas.

  “I…I don’t know. He seems nice, but I still don’t understand why he’s so interested in helping me.”

  “It’s who he is. He and his family are some of the most honorable, uh, people I know. It’s in his blood. It should be the way of all of mankind, to help one another, not tear each other down.”

  After that, there was silence. Frey wanted to barge into the office, pull Abbi into his arms, and reassure her. Instead, he remained where he was: stone still against the wall, waiting for her next words.

  “None of that matters right now. I’m not leaving here until Matthew is released.”

  Frey expelled his breath. He had time, probably not much, but time to set up a security detail for Abbi. Matthew would be coming home with him.

  The phone rang and Jonas excused himself to answer it. When he hung up, he told her, “That does it for the paperwork. Matthew is in room 1213. Let’s get you up there to see him. We will have a security guard stationed outside of his room. Other than hospital staff, nobody is allowed in to see Matthew other than yourself, not even your husband. If I might suggest, please allow Jasper to continue with the restraining order for both you and Matthew.”

  Frey didn’t hear a response. He could only hope Abbi had nodded in affirmation. When the screech of a chair being pushed back met his ears, he hurried away to call Urijah, letting him know what room to guard. When that was taken care of, he called Jasper, requesting that he or Dane come to the hospital on the chance Abbi agreed to the restraining order. He knew he was asking a lot of his fellow Clan members, but that’s what the

y did. They were family and had each other’s backs.

  Abbi was scared. She was putting things into motion that could not be stopped. Trusting people she didn’t even know. Granted, getting away from Troy was something she’d dreamed about for years, but now that it was a possibility, she couldn’t believe it might actually happen. After what the bastard had done to Matthew, there was no way she could continue living with the monster. Dr. Mooneyham assured her she was doing the right thing. The doctor, who was walking beside her, spoke softly to the employees he encountered along the way. He addressed them all by name and with a smile. There was something calming about being in his presence.

  When they arrived at room 1213, there was a huge man standing outside the door. She recognized him from the gym. He was another one of Geoffrey’s friends. As he and Dr. Mooneyham shook hands, he looked her way, “Abbi, good to see you again.”

  “I’m sorry; I don’t recall your name.”

  “Urijah. You may call me Uri, if you wish. I am taking first shift watching over Matthew. In the few days I’ve known your brother, I’ve become quite fond of the boy. Please rest assured, I will allow no further harm to come to him. To me, this is personal.” Uri placed a fist on his chest and gently bowed his head. That was the second time he’d done that. His accent came and went, but she was certain he wasn’t from around there.

  “Abbi, I believe Matthew has been waiting to see you. Let’s go on in,” the doctor drew her attention away from the tall guard. She entered the room but stopped short when she got a look at her brother. Her knees grew weak at the battered image before her. Dr. Mooneyham wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her upright. He whispered in her ear, “Shh, he’s going to be fine. The bruises will fade. He will heal. He needs you to be strong for him, okay?” Abbi nodded and steeled her spine. She took a deep breath and sat down in the chair next to the bed. She gently picked up Matthew’s hand and held it.

  Her brother’s eyes fluttered open. He saw Abbi and his eyes teared up. “Abs,” he managed to squeak out.

  “Shh, don’t try to talk. Just rest okay?” Abbi had to fight back her own tears that were forming.

  “Water,” he whispered.

  Abbi grabbed the large plastic jug that was full of ice and water and placed the straw to his lips. Matt sipped just a little.

  The doctor stepped closer to the bed. “Matthew, I’m Dr. Mooneyham. I know you’re still groggy from the pain medicine we’ve given you. I want you to rest for now. We will keep you sedated for a while so the pain level isn’t too much.”

  Matthew nodded and turned to Abbi. “I’m sorry…”

  Abbi couldn’t stop the tears. “Shh, Matty. You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m the one who’s sorry. I should have tried harder to get away from him. I promise you I’m doing everything I can to make that happen now, okay? Please don’t worry about it. You’re safe here now. Urijah is outside the door, and Troy can’t get you in here.”

  “No, Abbi,” he said glancing to the door and back to her, eyes wide. She turned to see the guard leaning against the door frame, listening. He didn’t move from his post, but he did speak, “Hey kid, no one’s getting past me, I promise.” Matt nodded again as his eyes fluttered.

  The doctor placed a hand on her shoulder. “Abbi, your brother will be asleep for a while. We want to keep him knocked out so he doesn’t move around too much. Why don’t we go back to my office where we will have privacy?”

  The doctor had already documented her injuries. Now all that was left was to file the restraining order and begin divorce paperwork. The decision to follow through on both was easy now she’d seen Matthew’s face. She rose from the chair and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. “I’m so sorry, Matty.” She grabbed a couple of tissues from the box on the bedside table and wiped her face. “I’m ready.”

  Troy blew through a red light. Oncoming traffic had to slam on their brakes to miss him. “Fuck!” he cursed as he pounded his palm on the steering wheel. Wrecking his truck was the last thing he needed right now. Goddamnit! I’ve worked too hard and too long to lose her now. No, Troy would not lose Abigail. He’d set his sights on her in ninth grade. It took a while, but he finally wore her down. He was forced to take some pretty drastic measures, but in the end they paid off. There was no way all his sweat, planning, and deals with the devil would go down the fucking drain now. If her punk ass brother had just told him where Abbi had holed up the night before, none of this would be happening. And who did that self-righteous doctor think he was, keeping Abbi from talking to Troy? Granted, the man was big, but Troy wasn’t afraid of him. Hell, he wasn’t afraid of anyone. He was a cop, and his badge afforded him some privileges.

  Gravel flew as he pulled into their driveway. He threw the gearshift into park and cut the engine. He needed a new plan. The earlier one would have worked if the doctor hadn’t butted in. If he could have gotten Abigail alone for thirty seconds, he would have convinced her to get her ass back home. If he was right, Matthew would have to stay in the hospital at least a day. Troy was pretty sure he heard some ribs cracking when he kicked him. Maybe that would convince the kid to stay away from him now. He never wanted the boy living with them in the first place, but that stupid bitch Judy had to go and fucking overdose.

  He sure was glad Matthew had been the one to find her with a needle sticking out of her arm. Troy would’ve had a hard time explaining why he had gone to see her. Their arrangement had been a good one in the beginning. Judy got the house and half the money for putting up with the kid. Troy knew Abbi would go on to college, so she wouldn’t be around enough to figure out what was going on. Thinking of those earlier days, Troy really needed to find those videos they filmed and destroy them.

  Enough about Judy. He needed to focus on getting to Abbi. He had to play it smart. He could try the hospital again, but if Matthew was stupid and told Abbi it was Troy who put him there, he’d have to take even more drastic measures. He went into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. He unscrewed the lid and took a long drink, deciding he needed a decoy. He called George and told him what he was planning.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  When Frey received the text from Jonas that Abbi was ready to file the restraining order, his heart lightened a little. Urijah had already called and updated him on Matthew. Frey could feel the ire coming over the airwaves as his Clan member spoke of the boy’s injuries. He knew they needed to get Abbi away from Troy the right way, but Frey couldn’t guarantee the man wouldn’t meet his demise if one of the Gargoyles ever got their hands on him.

  As badly as Frey wanted to be with Abbi, he felt it best to keep his distance. He needed to go help Mason at the dojo since Uri was at the hospital. Before he headed that way, Frey looked in on Matt. He wanted to see the boy for himself. He and Uri bumped fists as he entered the room. Frey took in the new injuries to Matt’s face. The old bruising was covered by fresh splotches. Various butterfly bandages held together some of the lesser cuts. Stitches had been needed for a deeper gash. He pushed a strand of hair off the teen’s forehead. Clenching his fists, he turned to Uri. “If that motherfucker comes anywhere near him…”

  Uri cut him off, “He’s not getting past me. I promise.”

  Frey nodded. He knew Uri would protect Matthew at all costs. He had one more stop to make before he headed to the gym. He paused outside Jonas’ office and listened. Frey was surprised when the voice he heard was Kaya’s. His queen had stepped in and was talking to Abbi. The fates couldn’t have chosen a better female for Rafael. Instead of sending one of the Gargoyles, Kaya had come to talk to Abbi, woman to woman. She was taking her statement, documenting the bruises, and offering her a place to stay. Frey wasn’t shocked when Abbi agreed to go home with Kaya. He’d known in his heart she wouldn’t trust him again. The fact she would be staying at the manor brought a big sense of relief to Frey.

  “Jonas,” Frey whispered, knowing the doctor would hear him.

  “Ladies, please excuse me a moment.” Jona
s closed the door behind him as he stepped into the hallway.

  “Here are Abbi’s keys. Her clothes and toiletries are in her car. Thank you for all you’re doing to help.”

  “I’m just glad I could convince her to file the order. You go do what you need to do. Kaya and Rafael will take good care of her.” Jonas had hidden from Rafael’s Clan for hundreds of years. About ten years ago, he had met with Rafael posing as Joseph Mooneyham, but wouldn’t declare his loyalty. Now, after the incident with Isabelle and Connor, he was fully on board.

  “Thank you.” Frey shook the doctor’s hand and headed to the dojo. As he reached his Jeep, his phone rang. “Sixx, did you find something?”

  “Can you stop by the lab? You’re not going to believe this shit.”

  Abbi had expected to have to talk to Jasper, or another male detective. When the female police chief showed up, she had been pleasantly surprised. Kaya Kane was down to earth and seemed to be genuinely concerned. She had taken Abbi’s statement and filled out the paperwork for the restraining order. All Abbi had to do was sign it. Kaya also recommended a divorce attorney since Abbi had no idea who to call. The kicker, though, was when Kaya offered to let Abbi stay with her and her fiancé. She assured Abbi they had plenty of room, as well as a housekeeper who would love to dote on her and Matthew. The place was secure, and no one would be able to find her at Kaya’s home.

  Abbi wasn’t leaving the hospital as long as Matthew was there, but as soon as he was well enough to be released, she agreed to the woman’s hospitality. Abbi knew there were kind people in the world. Heck, she was one of them. She just couldn’t show it as often as she liked because Troy kept her pinned down.

  As soon as the chief left, Abbi returned to Matt’s room. She nodded at the tall man standing guard and quietly entered the room. She pushed the chair close to the bed and sat down. She wanted to hold her brother’s hand, but she was afraid of hurting him. Instead, she placed her hands in her lap and watched him sleep. Every time she heard a male voice in the hall, Abbi would look over her shoulder, fully expecting Troy to be there.


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