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Page 18

by Faith Gibson

  Craig thought back to his time with Jasper. Making his fellow fireman fall for him had been easy. Craig almost developed feelings for the redhead, but the man had sensed it and demanded he end the charade. Craig had no idea why the man hated Jasper so much, but with all the money he received for seducing him, he really didn’t care.

  Now the man was going to pay him in a much better way. The first time he’d tied Craig up had been scary. Now just the thought of the ropes binding him, holding him hostage, had his dick weeping in anticipation. How long would the man make him wait to come? Half an hour? Two hours? Since he had done a good job in getting the kid to leave town, maybe the man would get him off quickly.

  Sundays were family day at the manor. What started off as a once in a while breakfast had morphed into an all-day gathering. It wasn’t mandatory, but if the Clan members could be there, they usually were. Priscilla, Rafael’s housekeeper, was like a mother to all the Goyles and loved to spoil them by cooking huge spreads.

  With so many of the immediate family out of the country, the house was fairly quiet. Kaya wrapped her arms around Rafael and said, “I’ve never seen them all this subdued. What’s going on?”

  Rafael placed a kiss on her forehead and protectively placed a hand on her stomach. “Mates, that’s what’s going on. It seems the fates have been conniving for a lot longer than we realized.”

  Kaya frowned, but let it go. Rafael would explain everything in due time, and Kaya was learning to be patient with him. When Priscilla announced breakfast was ready, they all headed into the dining room. Kaya was first in line, followed by Rafe, and the rest of the Clan lined up behind them. Once they were all seated, Rafael tapped his coffee mug with his fork. Everyone quieted and gave the King their full attention.

  “I wanted to wait until we were all together to make this announcement, but seeing it may take a while for that to happen, I have decided to do this today. It is with great pleasure I tell you I am going to be a father.” Rafael waited while the room erupted with shouts of joy, everyone standing and coming around to shake his hand and bow to Kaya. When the room settled back down, Rafael continued, “Since Kaya is going to be a mother, she has agreed to retire from the force. Dane will be stepping into the role of Chief.” Dane received congratulations from all around the table.

  “I’m not sure what is going on with the fates, but they have decided we should all find our mates immediately. While this is a positive thing for our future, for some reason they have decided to make it difficult for some of us. Just this week, three of you have figured out who your mates are.”

  Dane spoke up, “Four.”

  Sixx answered next, “Five.”

  Mason slid down in his chair and quietly said, “Six.”

  If Dane and Sixx had been a surprise, neither was more so than Mason. Rafael looked at their young cousin and asked, “You’re too young. Are you sure?”

  “If my reaction to her here lately is any indication, then yeah, I’m pretty darn sure,” Mason replied, blushing.

  Based on the young Goyle’s embarrassment, Rafael had a good idea what reaction he was referring to. “Would you care to enlighten us as to who she is?”

  Mason looked at the ceiling. “Not really, but you’ll find out eventually. It’s Willow.”

  Rafael was delighted. “That’s great!”

  “How is it great? I’m too young and she’s, she’s…”

  “She’s perfect for you. And she’s the best assistant I’ve ever had. Since she’s your mate, that means she’ll be around a long time.” Rafael clapped his hands together.

  “She has a boyfriend,” Mason reminded him.

  “No, she doesn’t. They broke up last weekend.”

  “They did?” Mason was surprised.

  Rafael grinned. “Yes, they did. Now, no more excuses. When you’re ready, we’ll discuss this further.” Mason rolled his eyes, Kaya laughed, and everyone else got busy eating.

  Rafael took a look around the table. Julian had informed him of the Katherine Fox challenge before he left for Egypt. “Dane, I thought you and Julian figured out that Katherine is his mate.”

  “Oh, we did. As soon as Katherine was out the door, my mate brought my food to me. The waitress at the coffee shop, Marley? I’m pretty sure she’s the one.”

  “Let us pray to the gods that she is a very boring girl leading a very boring life,” Deacon said.

  “Here, here,” several of the Goyles raised their coffee mugs in agreement.

  “That brings us to another topic of discussion. Since so many of us are finding our mates, my plan to visit the other Clans is back on. I cannot put it off any longer. With Julian out of the country, Sixx has agreed to be our information back-up. Dante is home safely with his new family. Frey is meeting with Malakai, another transfer from the west coast. With everything that’s going on at the moment, Frey needs another body at the gym, and we need another body in the sky.”

  “Speaking of bodies, where’s Jasper?” Priscilla asked as she brought in another basket of biscuits.

  “He had a late night on a stake-out,” Dane answered before anyone else could. The rest of them would eventually find out Trevor was gone, but for now, it wasn’t anyone’s business.

  When breakfast was finished, most of the Clan spread out around the manor, either playing video games or shooting pool. Sixx excused himself to head over to the lab. Dane pulled Kaya to the side. “We need to talk about Troy Quinn.”

  “Let’s go to Rafael’s office,” Kaya replied. Rafael knew this was police business, but Kaya was his business. Now that she was pregnant, he wasn’t letting her out of his sight too often.

  Frey opened the gym, but instead of working out, he was meeting with Malakai Palamo, a Gargoyle who had recently transferred from the west coast. The newcomer was a martial arts expert, and Frey needed an extra body to help out around the gym. Mason had manned the gym the previous day while Frey and Uri took care of Abbi and Matthew. Hopefully soon, things would get back to normal, but until they did, Frey didn’t want to tie Mason down.

  Frey grinned to himself when he saw his newest employee. The Goyle belonged on an ad for surfing equipment. He was native Samoan, wearing a tank top, ripped blue jeans, and flip-flops. “Hey, Malakai, welcome to New Atlanta.”

  “Please, call me Kai. It’s good to be here, I think. I don’t know about this weather, but at least the scenery’s nice.” Kai shook Frey’s hand and looked around the gym. “So, this is your place? Sweet.”

  “Yeah, come on. I’ll show you around.” Frey gave him a tour of the facilities, stopping a few times to talk with some of his regulars. Until he had a chance to spar with Malakai, he wouldn’t turn him loose with classes. “So, what do you think?”

  Kai smiled. “I’m impressed. This is much larger than the gym I came from. Everything is state of the art. I would be honored to be part of your dojo.”

  “Glad to hear it. Let’s go to the office so we can talk in private.” Frey led him to the back and explained some of what was going on with the others. “Urijah is our resident swordsmith. He and I are in charge of the sword training. Mason is our youngest Clan member, but he’s maturing nicely. He’s getting stronger every day.” Since Rafael and Sinclair spoke on the phone often, Rafe had filled him in on what Alistair was up to and the importance of taking up arms once again. Sinclair had already started the west coast Clan training as well.

  “Normally, I’m here most of the day, but with my mate’s brother coming home from the hospital today, I will be taking the day off. Uri will be here soon to take over. He will teach you everything you need to know. You can shadow us for a week or so. We’ll add you to the rotation whenever you’re ready.”

  “Sounds good. I’m glad to be able to continue in the same type of work I was already doing.”

  The bells over the door sounded and Frey looked at the monitor. Uri had arrived. He introduced the two Goyles and excused himself. It was time to go get Matthew and take him home.


sp; Frey didn’t waste any time getting to the hospital. If Matthew had already been released, he didn’t want the teen and Abbi to have to wait on him. He stopped at the door and spoke to Lorenzo. “Good morning, Lor. Thank you for standing watch.”

  “My honor, Frey. Matthew is a good kid. The doctor has already been in to release him. You’re right on time.”

  “Good, good. If you wouldn’t mind hanging around, I don’t want to take any chances getting them both to the truck.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  Frey turned to the laughter coming from Matthew’s room. He didn’t understand their obsession with the old comedies, but if it made them both happy, he wouldn’t dare begrudge them their amusement. He rather enjoyed their laughing. He waited a few minutes until the show was over before entering the room. “Hey there, Buddy. How’re you feeling?”

  “Like I got run over by a tank,” Matt said over a smile.

  “I hear you’ve been released. You ready to get outta here?”

  “Yes, Sir. I can’t wait to sit on the deck, get some fresh air. This place stinks like disinfectant. No offense,” he said to the nurse waiting with a wheelchair.

  Abbi and Frey laughed at the teen. Frey turned his attention to his mate. “And how about you? You ready to get some fresh air?”

  “What I want is a shower, but yes, I’m ready to go.” She looked tired, like she’d slept in an uncomfortable hospital chair all night.

  “Okay, Matt, let’s get you in your wheelchair. Abbi, I’ll take your bag.” Frey had to look away when Abbi bent over to retrieve her bag. Her ass looked too good in her blue jeans.

  “Here you go,” she said, drawing his attention back to her face.

  Once she handed the bag to him, she turned to Matt and helped him transfer from the bed to the wheelchair. He’d already changed clothes, so there was nothing they needed to do except get him seated. Once that was accomplished, they left the room. Frey led the way with Lorenzo bringing up the rear.

  When they reached the front exit, Frey tossed his keys to Lor, who went and brought Frey’s truck around. Soon, they had Matt loaded in the back seat and were ready to leave. Abbi climbed in the passenger seat and closed the door. Frey could tell she was frazzled. She needed to rest in a good bed. “Thank you, Brother. I owe you one,” he said to Lor.

  “Nah, it’s what we do. You know that.” They clasped hands, and Frey pulled him in for a man hug. Lor clapped him on the back and headed toward his own vehicle.

  Frey walked around the truck and got in. His cell phone rang. “Yes, Jasper.”

  “Just wanted you to know that Troy still hasn’t left his house. You’re clear for the time being.”

  “Thank you, Brother.” Jasper sounded funny, but then again, he had been staking out Troy’s house all night. He was probably tired. Instead of responding, Jasper disconnected.

  Troy was pissed. No, he was beyond pissed. He’d borrowed George’s car so he could remain incognito. If Matthew named Troy as his assailant, they would be looking for him. So far, things had remained quiet. He had his portable police scanner and would be alerted instantly if they started looking for him. He had called the hospital to make sure Matt was still there. He was going to wait around at Abbi’s car for her to come out and take Matthew wherever she was hiding out, only her car wasn’t at the hospital. He parked as close to the entrance as possible without causing suspicion.

  He expected Abbi to wheel Matthew out and get in a taxi. If she was hiding, she knew he would be able to spot her car anywhere. What he hadn’t expected was for her to wheel her brother out of the hospital accompanied by the big man he’d seen at the precinct, along with an equally big man who brought around a truck. They got Matthew settled into the back with Abbi climbing in the front. The two men spoke quietly and clapped each other on the back.

  Who the fuck was this man, and why was he insinuating himself into Abbi’s life? First he’d come to the precinct right before Troy was put on second shift. Now, here he was, playing the part of the happy husband to someone else’s wife? Fuck that shit. Troy didn’t give a damn how big the man was, he was not going to let him take Abbi away. Troy pulled out of the parking lot and followed the truck.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “I didn’t know Jasper was your brother. Y’all don’t look alike,” Matthew said from the back seat.

  “He’s not; we’re just really close like brothers.” Frey needed to be more careful with what he said.

  “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

  “I have two brothers, Julian and Nikolas. They are both in Egypt right now.”

  “Do they live there?” Matthew should be tired from the pain meds, but obviously, they were wearing off.

  “No, they live here. Nikolas’ girlfriend is there with her parents, and Nik decided to join her. Julian hasn’t had a vacation in a long time, so he decided to go as well. Nik and Jules are really close.” Frey smiled thinking of his two younger siblings and the way they bantered with each other.

  “Why aren’t you in Egypt with them?”

  “Because I’m here with you and Abbi.” That was the truth. He’d had every intention of going to the sandy country until Matt stormed into his life. Abbi was sitting quietly, staring out the window, but he knew she was taking in the conversation.

  Matt sighed and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not. Listen to me.” Frey looked in the rearview mirror at the teen. “I have no regrets. You might not realize it, but we’re like family now. I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

  “But they’re your real brothers.”

  “They’re my brothers by blood. Jasper’s my brother by choice. Doesn’t make him any less of one. You’re a little young to be my brother, but you mean just as much as if you were. It’s hard for you to understand now, but one day you will.”

  “Frey…” Matt paused, a pained look in his eyes.

  “Yeah, Buddy?”

  “Remember the first day we met, and I told you not to call me Son?”

  Frey’s heart skipped a couple of beats. Surely Matt wasn’t going there. “Yeah?”

  “You can call me Son,” he whispered.

  Abbi felt more than saw Frey nod his head. She couldn’t stop the tears from falling. She had failed her brother miserably. She had allowed Troy to be a part of Matt’s life with no positive influence at all. Not only had he been a bad role model, but he’d abused Matt. She was the worst kind of sister in the world. She didn’t deserve his love. The man sitting beside her did, though. In less than a week, Geoffrey Hartley had shown her brother more love than he’d seen in the last ten years.

  Frey reached across the truck and grabbed Abbi’s hand. Now he was offering her his strength. “So, Matt.” Frey cleared the frog out of his throat. She wasn’t the only one affected by Matt’s words. “Some of the guys and I moved your bed and a dresser downstairs to the gym. I figured until you’re all healed up, it’ll be easier on you than walking up and down the steps.”

  The man kept surprising her. He not only opened his home to them, he also upended it so Matt would be more comfortable. Still, she couldn’t get out of her mind that he had failed him as well. Maybe if Frey had been watching Matt instead of trusting Michael, Troy wouldn’t have gotten to him.

  They arrived at Frey’s driveway, and it dawned on Abbi, “We left my car at the hospital.”

  Frey rolled the window down and spoke into the security panel. The gate slowly swung open and he drove through. “I brought it back last night after you agreed to come here instead of going home with Kaya.”

  “How did…” Abbi shouldn’t be surprised, but she was. “Is there anyone you don’t know?” Was everyone she’d met a friend of his? She bet if she could see the police chief’s fiancé, he’d be part of the male Amazon club, too.

  Frey pulled up to the garage and parked the truck. “I’ve been in this town for a long time now, so yeah, I know quite a few people. I’m not going to apologize for having good friends.”
Frey got out of the truck and opened the back door to help Matt out. He didn’t wait on Abbi.

  Instead of going in the side door, Matt headed toward the back of the house. By the time Abbi caught up with them, Frey and Matt were sitting side by side on the back deck. Matthew had his eyes closed, soaking in the early morning sunshine. Frey was staring off into the woods, his body still. She had to watch closely to see if he was actually breathing. When he didn’t look at her, she continued on into the house. She carried her new bag upstairs and unpacked it. She tossed her dirty clothes in a hamper that hadn’t been there the day before.

  She opened the closet to store the bag and stopped when she saw the clothes hanging there. She stepped farther into the small space, running her hands over each garment. Tags were still attached, yet none showed the price. The pieces were casual yet stylish. In the very back of the closet was a black leather jacket. Shaking her head, she placed the new travel bag in the back of the closet beside a pair of black riding boots. Ah, his Harley. Abbi had never ridden on a motorcycle. The thought excited her. On a hunch, after seeing the new panties he’d brought to the hospital, she opened the top dresser drawer. There among her plain white panties was a selection of lacy numbers in an assortment of colors. The next drawer held matching bras.

  Abbi couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that the mountain of a man sitting downstairs had gone shopping for her. The clothes were mostly modest, some in a simple, sexy sort of way. The undergarments were also sexy without being slutty. She grabbed some of her new clothes and took a quick shower. After she dressed, she flopped backwards on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She didn’t know how to feel. When she was near Frey, it was like an invisible tether connected them, drawing her to him. Her body hummed, and she constantly wanted to touch him.


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