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The Temple of Ardyn (Song of the Swords Book 2)

Page 23

by Tameri Etherton

  The lavender threads faltered and then receded. Taryn lowered her sword and pressed her hand against the shallow cut on Marissa’s chest. Blood oozed beneath her fingers through Marissa’s robe. “This will heal. Mostly. Every time you think of this night, I expect it won’t be pleasant.”

  “We’re more alike than you think,” Marissa said, her voice flat, detached.

  “We’re nothing alike—you’re selfish and cruel.”

  Marissa’s eyes held a shred of sadness for a moment and then filled once more with animosity. “You can’t see it right now, but someday you will.”

  “I know you detest me, but how could you do that to Rhoane? He trusted you.”

  “Who’s to say it was all me? It wasn’t as if Rhoane stopped once he saw you. I’d say that makes him culpable, wouldn’t you?” A cruel smile spread across her face.

  Taryn slammed Marissa against the wall with her ShantiMari. Her sister gasped and groped at the invisible hand that choked the life from her.

  “You drugged him, you fucking bitch. You had to make him think you were me to even get him to touch you. What we have, Rhoane and I, you’ll never know and for that, I am sorry for you.”

  Taryn threw her on the bed, releasing her throat with a twinge of regret. She finally understood the cause of Marissa’s muted ShantiMari. As much as she wanted to kill her sister, she couldn’t destroy the innocent life inside her. The child was, after all, her nephew.

  Through her gasps, Marissa glared at Taryn. “I don’t need your pity. You’re an ignorant Offlander pig and will never be my equal.” Marissa raised her chin, drawing in a deep breath. “Mother will never love you as she loves me. Never.”

  The words stung, but Taryn couldn’t let her sister know how much they hurt. “I’m going to leave you now before I do something I might not regret, like cut your fucking head off. Stay away from Rhoane.”

  “You might think you can erase me from his life, but you’ll find that harder to accomplish than you think. I suppose now you’ll take him home and have him purified. Oh, yes, I know all about the Eleri customs. You might be able to cleanse his body, dear sister, but in his mind, he’ll always know what he did.” She ran a hand over her body in a suggestive manner. “I think he quite liked the change.”

  A roar of blood rushed through her, clouding her hearing for a moment. Taryn struggled to steady herself. Her grip tightened on the sword. She imagined Marissa’s head bobbing off her shoulders to the floor. Taryn fought with her emotions. It would be too easy to kill Marissa. For one brief moment, Taryn saw into Marissa’s mind and knew that Rhoane had frightened her. He pounded his anger into her. He’d hurt her.

  Taryn bound her sister to keep her from moving or speaking and then set several wards around her rooms to prevent her from leaving. Many long days would pass before they wore off and Taryn expected to be far from Gaarendahl by then. Just before she left, Taryn turned to Marissa, saying only one word.


  Marissa’s face contorted with silent anguish and the wound bled anew.

  “You’ve chosen your path. Now I choose mine. If you ever fuck with me or my loved ones again, I will kill you.”

  A soulful melody from her sword and pendant swirled around the room, echoing Taryn’s words into an unbreakable oath. Kaida howled, adding an eerie end to the song. Marissa visibly shook against the headboard and Taryn turned away before compassion made her do something stupid.

  Marissa deserved whatever she got. Her sister played too many dangerous games and one day her duplicitousness would catch up to her. Kaida was right; the night wasn’t just about Taryn’s revenge on her sister. She had to think of the good of Aelinae.

  Taryn strode down the silent hallway to Rhoane’s room, sword in hand, alert to any danger. Thus far, Zakael had yet to appear, but he had a nasty habit of being where she least expected to see him. She knocked on the wooden door, the sound echoing off the stone walls with a horrendous clanging. When no one answered, she entered cautiously, calling out Rhoane’s name. He came around a corner, sword drawn, eyes wild.

  “Rhoane, it’s me.”

  He paused, incomprehension shadowing his face.

  Taryn gently lowered his blade. “It’s okay, Rhoane. I’m here.”

  He blinked and took a step back. “Is it really you?” Then he held the sword to her throat. “What have you done to Taryn?”

  She held out her hand to show him the runes glittering in the dim light. In Eleri she said, “Rhoane, it is me, the Darennsai. It is Taryn.” At the sound of her name, he dropped the sword and fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face.

  “I have failed you, my beloved.” His words came out slurred from the remnants of the drug.

  She knelt before him and reached to embrace him, but he backed away. “No! Do not touch me. I am tainted.”

  Tears spilled over her cheeks. “Rhoane, we have to leave right now. I am going to take you to the vier, where you will be purified.”

  “Yes, purification.” He put a hand on his head. “She drugged me.”

  “I know.” She stood and waited for him to rise on unsteady legs. “Can you ride?”

  “Well enough.” Her ShantiMari wrapped around him, lifting him up, supporting much of his weight. He sagged into her power, pulling it around him like a comforting blanket.

  What few belongings they had she threw into their bags, the whole time keeping an eye on Rhoane. His unsteady gait made their escape difficult, but they raced from the castle to the stables, where they hurriedly saddled the horses.

  Once they were across the long bridge and outside the gates, Taryn allowed herself to look back. Gaarendahl loomed large against the cliff, its windows dark and foreboding. Zakael’s gaze blazed at her, but he didn’t try to stop them. A sick feeling nestled in her thoughts that he’d gotten from them exactly what he wanted.

  Chapter 26

  TARYN watched Rhoane that evening and for the next several days as he slipped deeper into himself. On good nights, several morsels of food would pass his lips before he waved her off. If their skin came within a hair’s distance of touching, he jerked away as if scalded. Each day brought new challenges and she accepted them with composed serenity. Inside she roiled with hatred for her sister and questioned her decision to let her live. The baby. She’d spared Marissa’s life for the unborn child she carried. For that, she would endure Rhoane’s pain, taking as much as he’d allow as her own. She’d take it all if she could, if it meant he’d return to her. Her Rhoane.

  They rode hard for the first few days, stopping at night to sleep for a few hours before they saddled up again. Rain battered them relentlessly, slanting from the north or blowing gusts from the east. Their horses and clothes were soaked through, but Taryn pushed them on with a merciless desire to get them home.

  After a week of relentless riding, a village appeared on the horizon like a beacon of warmth and it took Taryn all of a second to make the decision to stay there for the night. When they reached the stables, Rhoane slid off his horse, regarding her, uncomprehending.

  “We need rest and provisions.” Her ShantiMari folded itself around him, warming his cold skin, keeping him upright. Kaida waited until they were inside the inn before she ran off to hunt. She’d not left Rhoane’s side since Gaarendahl and considered it her duty to protect theSurtentse. Kaida’s presence allowed Taryn to rest, but the grierbas was just as exhausted as she.

  After a silent meal in the common room, the innkeeper led them to their room. When they were alone, Taryn went to Rhoane. He reflexively jerked away when she put a hand on either side of his face. “Look at me.”

  He raised his eyes to hers. In them, she saw his pain and shame. A searing heat coursed through her pendant and bonds, overwhelming her. It would’ve knocked her backward, but Rhoane held her steady, knowing what she hadn’t. This was the torture Rhoane had felt every moment of every day since his betrayal. Her touch only amplified it. The pain he’d allowed her to take, it was nothing compar
ed to the torment he suffered. Bitter tears stung her eyes.

  “Kiss me.”

  “I am tainted.” He tried to pull away, but she held him close.

  “Please let me in, Rhoane, or this will destroy us.” She put her lips to his and he stiffened, but didn’t pull away. Encouraged, she pressed her body against his, welcoming the warmth of him, melting into their kiss. Despite his objections, his body responded to hers. She stripped his jerkin over his head, quickly followed by his shirt, and pushed him onto the bed.

  She kissed his eyes and nose, then his lips before moving down his chest and across his abdomen. When she untied his breeches, he shook his head. “No, you will be tainted.”

  Taryn tugged on his pants, pulling them off. Rhoane lay on the bed naked, his face a torment of fear, anguish, and desire. She stripped off her clothes and stood before him, robed only in her shining hair. The pulse in his throat quickened as she lay next to him, kissing the heartbeat on his neck. “We will be purified together, my love.” She rolled on top of him, kissing his lips, tasting ale on his tongue. His eyes were wild, and he put up his hands to stop her.

  “Do not do this, Taryn. You should not touch me.”

  “I am yours, Rhoane. For all ages. Your trials are mine. We will suffer together and be healed as one.” She slid him inside her; he closed his eyes, arching his back to meet her. A small, agonized moan escaped his lips and she kissed it away. Her ShantiMari enveloped him in its healing power. Physically he held back, but mentally he left himself exposed, vulnerable.

  Taryn entered his thoughts with trepidation, but he coaxed her further into his mind, inviting her to understand the struggle he battled. She witnessed Marissa’s seduction, then rape, and Rhoane’s subsequent reaction. How naive of her to think she could take his pain as her own. To relieve him of the burden when doing so would never alleviate the memory? He blamed himself for everything that had happened. He could’ve stopped himself and didn’t.

  Tears coursed angry streaks down her cheeks and she shrieked at the heavens for what Marissa had done to him. How easily she’d been manipulated! She’d been far too trusting. Going to Gaarendahl had nothing to do with Taryn learning to use her Dark powers. Zakael never intended to help her. In fact, Taryn could see now how the whole affair had been carefully planned so Marissa could rape Rhoane. To destroy their bonds. To weaken Taryn.

  Rhoane was studying her, a look of surprise on his face. He’d opened his mind to her in the hopes she would hate him, but she couldn’t hate Rhoane for what he did. She understood. He was used by her half-sister and half-brother in the most vile, disgusting way imaginable and Taryn would never forgive either of them, but of Rhoane? He needn’t ask for forgiveness. He did nothing wrong. They’d not weakened her. They’d strengthened her love for Rhoane.

  His ShantiMari enveloped them, comforting in its strength. Finally, he gave himself to her completely. When she arched her back, he exploded inside her, whispering her name over and over again.

  Far away, in a castle overlooking the stormy sea, Taryn knew Marissa felt their union and cried out in bitter pain. The wound above her heart bled anew.

  Taryn lay next to Rhoane, their naked bodies tangled together, their powers coalesced into one. “You are tainted now.” Sadness tinged his words.

  “I know.” Taryn stroked his smooth chest. “And in a little while I am going to be tainted again.” She propped on her elbow to kiss him.

  “You mock me.”

  “Never, my love.”

  His eyes flinched for the merest of moments.

  “What is it?” She traced his forehead with her fingertip.

  “We should not have done this. Father will never allow the purification. I will be sheanna once more.”

  Taryn shushed him, letting her hair fall over his chest. “You leave that to me.”

  He absently stroked her hair as she hoped he would.

  “If only for tonight, let there be just the two of us in this world. Only our happiness matters. Tomorrow, in the harsh glare of the sun, we will once more know our sadness.”

  “When did you become so wise?” He entwined his fingers around a handful of her hair, gently pulling her to him. He rolled her over, entering her so tenderly Taryn held her breath. He moved as if she were made of the finest Danuri glass and the slightest pressure might shatter her.

  Rhoane held her arms above her head, stroking the soft undersides down to her torso and farther still to her hips. He raised himself up, watching as he entered her again and again in such a way like he wished to memorize every detail of their lovemaking as if it was the first time.

  Or the last.

  Taryn shuddered at the thought and Rhoane bent his head back in delirious rapture. They came together, faster and stronger than either expected. His eyes became wild again, this time with desire. He fell on her, pulsing deep into her body. She wrapped her hands in his long Eleri hair, pulling it ever so slightly and then scratching down his back.

  She cradled him in her arms until they both fell into a deep sleep. When she woke the next morning, he was sleeping beside her, a small smile on his lips. She lay with him until his eyelashes fluttered and his eyes opened.

  “Good morning, my love,” she said, kissing his lips.

  “You are too good for me. I do not deserve you.”

  “We deserve each other.”

  He held her close, breathing in the scent of her hair. “You are selfless in your devotion and I betrayed you. I am not worthy.”

  “Do not talk like that. It does no good.” Taryn searched his eyes, but he held back from her; he’d retreated into the dark place once more. “We must continue to the vier.”

  They rode on, stopping at night and riding hard by day. When they neared the vier, Kaida bounded ahead of them, oblivious of the veils and wards set to protect the Narthvier. She was just as excited as Taryn to be home again. “Kaida, go see your family. Come to the Weirren when you’re ready.”

  Kaida bowed her head.I have done what I can for the Surtentse. Now it is up to the tree-things to heal him.

  She ran off before Taryn had a chance to thank her. With Kaida gone, she felt more alone than ever since arriving on Aelinae. She looked at Rhoane, at the distance in his eyes and the dirt on his face. He wasn’t her Rhoane anymore. She didn’t know the stranger who rode beside her.

  When King Stephan saw Rhoane, the sadness in his eyes almost crushed her spirit. It wasn’t just the king who grieved for his son, but the entire court, their prince. The Eleri regarded Taryn with new fears and doubts, placing the blame of Rhoane’s malaise upon her, she was certain.

  After she settled Rhoane in his room, Taryn met first with Carga to explain all that happened and then went to see King Stephan, with Rhoane’s sister for support. Bressal demanded Rhoane besheanna,but Taryn argued against such a drastic measure. When he insisted, Taryn showed him the rune representing his oath to follow her, to be her servant if need be.

  King Stephan stepped between them. “Rhoane will be purified.”

  “I must be purified with him.” Stephan looked at her in surprise and Taryn confessed that she’d taken Rhoane into her body as a means to heal him.

  “You are not all-powerful, Taryn. Your touch can heal, but this is beyond you. Only the collective Eleri can heal the soul of one who is tainted,” Stephan explained.

  “Tomorrow, I will perform the ceremony for Rhoane and you as well. It will not be easy and you will not like what you discover about yourself, but it must be done,” Carga said.

  Taryn was suddenly afraid. “Will it hurt him?”

  “Still you think of him before yourself?” A note of sadness tinged Carga’s words.

  “He is a part of me and when he hurts, I feel it. I need him, Carga. I cannot be Darennsai without him.”

  “Of that, you are wrong, Taryn,” Stephan interjected. “Rhoane is broken. Only he can bring himself from the dark place where he resides. His love for you kept him strong until now. We can only hope it will be

  “Broken?” Taryn asked, confused. Tainted she understood; broken was new.

  “When the crown princess took him into her body, she split his spirit in two. Purification will ease his suffering, but only Rhoane can heal that which has been torn asunder,” Carga explained.

  “I do not understand. When Carga and Zakael were together, she was not harmed.”

  “That was mutual, Taryn. I wanted to share my body. Marissa stole something from Rhoane he was not willing to give.” Carga wrapped her arms around Taryn. “You will both be purified, but you must brace yourself for the possibility you will be alone in the end.”

  Restful sleep eluded Taryn that night. Instead, she dreamt of a dark castle where an ominous shadow crept from the corner and whispered ancient words to her. She tossed against the covers, her hands reaching for Rhoane and finding cold, empty blankets. The nightmare shifted to her beautiful sister. Her black curls glistened in the moonlight; her lavender eyes flashed with gaiety. In an instant, her visage changed.

  Rhoane knelt at her side, a collar around his neck, a golden chain dangling from Marissa’s fingers. “He is mine, dear sister.”

  “No.” Taryn wheezed in her sleep. “No.”

  Marissa yanked on the chain and Rhoane’s head snapped back until Taryn saw the thin line beneath the leather collar. Her sister bent low, taking her time to reach Rhoane’s lips. An ephemeral light passed between them and Taryn woke screaming.

  Carga burst through the door, followed closely by Illanr and Carld, and then Eoghan.

  Drenched in sweat and shaking, Taryn did her best to calm her rattled nerves. “It was a nightmare. Nothing more. Please, go back to bed. I am fine, really.”

  Carga checked her forehead while the faerie maids fussed with her nightclothes and bed linens. Eoghan, completely out of sorts in her bedchamber, excused himself. Rhoane stumbled in a moment later, looking ruffled and dazed.

  “She is well, brother. Return to your slumber.”

  “Let me see for myself.” Rhoane pushed past Carga to Taryn’s bedside. He stood for several moments without speaking before saying at last, “Can I get you anything?”


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