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Cherry Bomb

Page 21

by J.W. Phillips

  I straightened my back and stuck out my chin as I opened the heavy glass doors, I would never let them sense my fear. Immediately, I was greeted by a blonde. She had to be a least five foot ten inches and had a waist so small I could easily fit my hands around it. She wore a shocking hot pink skin-tight dress. I had reassured myself more than once that both Drake and I had a history. The only difference was my history was with James. His was with the likes of women like her.

  “Can I help you? This is a member’s only event.” The blonde’s voice was neutral, but I got the general impression she was not overly happy to see me. The look in her pale blue eyes were icy. The other two greeters were not too happy to see me either going by their suddenly stiff postures.

  “Is Dr . . .” I started to ask when I remember him telling me that no one here knew his name. I wondered for a second if that was true. Would they know who Master was? Or did all Doms go by Master. “Is the owner here?”

  The blonde flipped her long blond hair over her shoulder, letting it fall against her obvious fake tits. “Would that be B or D?”

  “D?” I answered questionably.

  “How do you know the owner?” The greeter to the left rudely asked me. Her chocolate-milk skin and deep brown eyes were perfectly framed by a mound of silky black curls. She barred her teeth at me in what could loosely be described as a smile and raised her perfectly arched eyebrow.

  “He’s a friend,” I said and shrugged my shoulder. The way both ladies let their eyes roam over my body, studying me, caused every doubt and negative thought I ever had about myself come to the surface.

  Then I heard one of my biggest fears. “I must say, you’re a little out of shape,” the dark, exotic beauty said with a little grimace. “I doubt you could handle the strain of his type of friendship. I happened to know how . . . how do I say it . . . demanding he can be.”

  I closed my eyes, insulted by the implied meaning of her statement. I opened them and my heart rose to my throat when I saw Kelly come out of the side door. She was the lady I met the first night I came to this place and her warm smile put me instantly at ease.

  “Ladies, let her in. She should be on the MVP list,” Kelly said with a trace of a snarl. She motioned me to follow her back through the door she entered from. The ladies stepped to the side in shock to let me by.

  The doors led into a small office. Kelly took a seat behind a metal and glass table and started to rummage through a small metal file cabinet, pulling out a blue file folder. She slid out a piece of paper and tossed it across the desk at me. “Sweetie, you will need to sign these. It’s just a formality with you but this is a private event and we have to cross all our T’s and dot all our I’s. You will need a health screen if you come to another mixer but I doubt you will be joining in any of the festivities.”

  Her hand trembled and I couldn’t help but believe something was bothering her. Was it my presence? Was she stalling me because Drake was with another sub? Was he with another sub? I scrawled my name along the dotted line without reading a word of it, just to stop the thoughts from coming.

  “Drake’s not here but Billy is. I’ll take you back to see him if you are prepared?”

  After I let out a puff of air, I asked, “Prepared for what?”

  “A party. Tonight is one of the biggest parties of the year.”

  “Then were is Drake?”

  “He hasn’t been here in about two months.”

  My eyes went large, my breathing heavy. That was about the time I first ran into him at Touchdown Wings. Had he stayed away because of me?

  Before I had a chance to respond, the door opened and a man walked in wearing a gray tux. His big, burly body contrasted with the sleek lines of the suit.

  “Jake, can you show this lady to Master B,” Kelly asked, motioning in my direction.

  “Whatever,” he said in a grump voice, and forcibly helped me to stand.

  He wrapped his massive arm around my waist, letting his muscle flex across my back, and guided me down a long hallway. With his free hand, he opened a double, solid-wooden door and led me into a huge banquet hall filled with people. I had only been upstairs at this point and could easily see this room taking up most of the first floor. A large wooden bar took up the entire south facing wall. Wrought iron chandeliers cast just enough light over the room to create shadows to easily hide in. Couches and chairs were organized into small intimate spaces. The center of the room encompassed a large dance floor and music pumped throughout the room, causing my body to throb in motion with the song. Toward the left, a partition was up and blocking a brightly lit space.

  The curiosity got the best of me as I realized the casually dressed people in the parking lot were simply hiding their true attire for the night. Everyone in the room was in extremely provocative clothing from eloquent corsets and loincloths to pleather pants. A few women were completely nude. One woman walked passed me with only a set of nipple clamps on with the connecting chain clutched between her teeth. I thought back to my one experience with them and knew she had to be in somewhat pain.

  I peeked over my shoulder to see my guide had vanished in the crowd. Something told me, I would find Billy on the other side of that partition. I started to push through the crowd when a woman wailed out in an unmistakable orgasm. At the same moment, a man crawled past my legs with multiple clamps placed on his dick. Ouch! The telltale redness crept across my face as I thought back to begging Drake to spank me. My body hummed in awareness of what he was capable of doing to me. Holy hell, I’ve only been here ten minutes and already I’m wanting Drake to do naughty things to me.

  As I approached the opening to the partition, I was stopped with a firmly placed hand on the shoulder by two men who could easily pass for Greek gods. Their buff, toned bodies were flaunted in a pair of tight leather pants. My eyes darted to the floor, and my nipples went hard and painful at the sight of their rather large penises impaling out from a peekaboo hole where their zipper should be. Now that’s a serious hard-on. I was too intimidated to look up and examine their facial features. How could I put it nicely . . . they were a man's man.

  “I’m looking for . . .” How did those ladies address him? Oh, yeah. “I need to find Master B.”

  They both looked at me as if I was an intruder in this little game they were playing. One of the men waved his hand in the direction of the doorway. “He’s in there. But be warned it might not be the place you were looking for.”

  I stepped through the small opening and walked into an adventure I was not prepared for. The room was filled with men, testosterone, and hard dicks. If only my Grandma Eugenia could see me now. Who am I kidding, what if my daughter saw me right now. Looking in every direction other than where my feet were going, I almost stumbled over a man with a man fucking his ass and still another one fucking his mouth. Taking in the room, my eyes grew larger. In my direct sight line was a stage with four men presently tied to a large wooden pole, helpless. Other men stood around groping them and using their bodies as if they were scum on their shoes. Occasionally, a man weighing close to two hundred fifty pounds of pure muscle, holding a cane, would bear down on their bodies with a swooshing sound. I squeezed my thighs together, shocked how aroused I was becoming. And made a mental note to check out gay porn.

  On the wall to my right were five men on their knees sucking any dick that shot through a hole on the wall? Two men twirled around me, the bigger man guided the other man how he wanted, touched him wherever he wanted, all the while the little guy jerking the big one off. No wonder Drake never brought me to one of The Dungeon’s illicit parties. A man accidently bumped into me with skintight jeans that bulge with a serious hard-on. I glanced down at the thin-cotton blouse I was wearing. Fuck, my nipples are poking out like two hard marbles had been super-glue to my fucking chest. Calm down, ladies, no one in here wants what we have to offer.

  “Wrong room, sweetheart?” the man asked.

  “Uh, oh.” I waved my hand in the air and screamed over t
he music, “Looking for Master B.”

  He smiled a smile that would melt any woman’s panties, that was if he swung that way, and pointed over my shoulder. I looked back and saw him. Billy was sitting on a throne observing the room as if he was a king surveying his kingdom. In each hand, he held a dog leash connected to a large metal dog collar hooked around the necks of two men sucking a dick, with a long line of men waiting their turn. Not what I expected after his family’s little barbeque.

  His eyes narrowed and he stood when he realized it was me, the lone woman in the room. I stumbled backwards and fell over a guy, doing . . . I didn’t even want to think about it. Billy handed someone the leashes he was holding and raced down the stairs. I would say he pushed his way through the crowd but he didn’t have to, the club's attendees moved in his wake then followed his path with their eyes. He held the same swagger and confidence as Drake but, somehow, Drake made every man in the room including Billy seem weaker and less than. Billy came over to where I stood, and gripped my arm, rather harshly, and drugged me out of the back of the room. We passed by a man tied to a large cross on the wall. He was hanging there as men pawned at him like he was not a real person. The laughter coming from the man's body was in direct contrast to the scene I was witnessing. I instinctively fought against Billy's grasp.

  This place is seriously fucked. But so was I because I wanted nothing more than to recreate every scene with Drake.

  Billy’s grip grew tighter as he hauled me up a set of stairs. His hand was muscular and yanked me around with such ease it was frightening. The blaring music of the club started to only tickle my ears. I thought about screaming. But knew screams would go unnoticed. Plus, it was Billy. Would he hurt me?

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he asked.

  He let go of me when we reached the last step and I twisted around to look at him. The tears came and this time they streamed down my cheeks. “I just wanted to find Drake. I’m sorry.”

  He had me tucked against his body, stroking his hand over my hair. “Sweetie, don’t cry. Drake wants you to find him too.”

  A warmth spread out over my body. Those words felt better than his hug. “Come on, I’ll show you to his suite then I’ll call him.”

  “I’ll wait downstairs; I hate to disturb his space.”

  “Oh, hell, nah, Drake would kick my ass if I let you stay down there in that skirt and those fuck-me-heels.”

  Cherry Webb

  I melted to the floor, and let all the emotions of the past few months flow from my body. I had been in Drake’s room for over an hour when it dawned on me, not once have I had a thought about James since setting foot in the club. The idea that my husband had been living a double life should have pulled the rug out from under my feet and knocked me on my ass. But the truth be known that rug was ripped out from under my feet the day I crossed paths with one Mr. Drake Hart. He had taken away my control, my heart. I had so much more to learn and figure out, but all I needed that very second was to feel his presence insert its will over me.

  I looked up from the spot I had planted myself on the floor, and saw Drake standing in the doorway. By the intensity of his stare, I would guess he had stood there long enough to witness my most recent meltdown. I waited for him to speak. I wanted to hear his voice tell me everything would be okay. Instead, he decided to show me.

  Drake crossed the floor in three even strides and had me on my feet. His hands lingered up my waist and over my breast where he cupped them in his strong, reassuring hold. My nipples pebbled under the warmth of his touch, sending blazing lust searing through my body.

  Should I tell him to stop? Tell him I didn’t need this? Who was I kidding this was exactly want I needed. And as always he knew it before even I did.

  He placed his hand flat over my chest to feel the erratic beating of my heart. A heart that pounded for him. He drew his hand back and took a small step away from me. I instantly missed his touch and how easily his powerful body controlled mine. The strong, hard-muscles of Drake’s arms made me feel safe in a world where there was no safety.

  “Are you okay?” he asked in a hush, calming tone.

  I nodded. Now that he was here. That was the cue he needed. He held me against his body, instantly I felt both calm and terrified in the same breath, and leisurely unbuttoned the blouse I was wearing, letting it fall to the floor. Kissing across my bare shoulder, he unfastened my bra. “I so want to pierce these,” he said and brought his hands to the underside of my breast, rolling the nipples between his fingers. Even the fears those words brought couldn’t suppress the sensation he awakened in me. He twisted my hair securely around his free hand then gingerly yanked my head back and pulled me to the bed. Laying me against the mattress, he lingered his lips from the tip of my skirt to the base of my breast. “Sit up and close your eyes.”

  I scurried to get in a sitting position and closed my eyes. A smile flirted across my lips when I felt him place the choker back around my neck. My hand started to touch it when he slapped it away. I went to open my eyes when he looped his finger in the ring on the choker. “Did I tell you to open your eyes?” His stare was so fierce the blue of his irises seemed to be quivering. I wanted to look into them forever but instead I closed mine, my body responding instinctively to his command before my mind caught up and told it no.

  “Master?” I questioned.

  “Yes,” he answered and I could hear the smile in his voice. He bent over me, the smell of his lethally sexy body invaded my every cell, and left me with the will to beg.

  “Will you lock it?"

  “No, because when I do I’ll never let you take it off.” He raised back to a standing position and left me feeling abandoned and alone. “I promise to never leave you again but you have to promise to give me your all.”

  My stomach plunged to my feet. He already had my all. He just didn’t know it.

  “Lay on your stomach and place your hands on your back.”

  A second later, I assumed the position he described, still never opening my eyes. Drake scraped his fingernails down my legs and run a finger over the heels I was wearing. “Don’t for a moment take these off tonight. Your legs in these . . .” He let his thoughts trail off and worked my skirt up around my waist, exposing my ass in the process. “Beautiful,” he whispered and massaged his powerful hand in a circular motion over my ass cheek, his touch was gentle but I could still feel the hardness of his palm. Then rearing back his hand, he brought it down over my ass with a stinging, gut-wrenching smack. I bit down on my lip determined not to smile. He rubbed his hand back over my ass and down my thigh before hooking a finger inside my panties. He worked a finger down the saturated folds of my cleft. “Fuck, my sweet cherry pie,” he said then ripped the panties I was wearing off. Taking the destroyed material, he banded my wrists together with it.

  He rustled his jeans off then slapped them across my back with a pop. My breathing went ragged when I realized there was a roughness to his touch I had never sensed before.

  A whimper escaped my lips when he started rocking his large, hard cock back and forth between the crevices of my ass. In one high-powered motion, he plunged into me hard and dry. Him buried in me to the hilt was an assault I was not prepared for. He pounded and pounded away at me.

  “Shit, I wasn’t ready for you. I wasn’t ready to allow someone to control my fucking heart,” he hissed out between clutched teeth.

  Wham! Fuck! His hand landed on my ass with a smack. Stinging pain speared my skin. The need to scream overwhelmed me. The agonizing torture and the pounding of his cock caused me to gush. Drake stroked a finger over my pulsating clitoris before rimming it around my ass. "No!" I finally screamed with no avail.

  He plunged his finger in and wiggled deep into my virgin asshole. “This is my body, say it.”

  The deep timber of his voice was as comforting as the sensation he was causing in my body. Another finger joined the first as he fucked my ass. “Say it.”

  “I’m yours. All o
f me.” Especially my heart.

  “Always,” he whispered.

  Right on the cusp of an orgasm, he pulled out and walked around the bed until he was in front of me. “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”

  I did what he commanded as he coated my mouth and tongue with his sperm. It was a first for me. I counted to three, opened my eyes, and looked at him. Drake’s steady gaze studied me for a long moment. His thick, hard cock was in line with my face. I tried to bring my hands up to touch him. I could spend the rest of my life tracing my fingers over the detailed lines of his tattoos and it still would never be enough, but the restraints on my wrist held on tightly. The need to please him was strong and compelling. I jerked my head up and curled my lips over the tip of his cock, and sucked gently. He hissed, his fingers gripping the sheets around my head with white-knuckled force, only encouraging me to take more of his shaft into my mouth. As his fingers worked through the base of my hair, the strangest feeling flowed through me. This was his way of making my problems go away. If only for a brief and fleeting moment.

  My body became aware of the way his hard muscles moved against the softness of my skin, the way his hand tenderly combed through my hair, his very scent. I reassured myself that I could do this, he wanted it so I couldn’t help but please him. Taking it slow, I brushed my lips teasingly, down the length of his wide cock, and pulled back when I choked as his tip slipped into my throat.

  “Oh, God.” Came and came again from his lips. The more he hissed the harder I worked his shaft into my hallowed cheeks. His cock was soft velvet over hard steel. He kneaded his fingers deep into my skull, coaxing me to take him deeper.

  Drake ever so slightly touched my cheek. “Kiss it.”


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