The Summer's Child
Page 2
And yet.
Roelle stood there, and considered; there was a chance something could happen. Something. The traitor in her chest stuttered at the thought, and Roelle sighed and closed her eyes.
She needed to go on the goddamn trip, if only to prove to Julie, Lise and her dumb heart wrong.
She was going to do this.
Samantha looked up and caught her eye, jumping up in excitement. There was a clutter; Samantha had dropped her phone. She grinned and scooped it up, jamming it into her back pocket. She pushed off her headphone and bounded over and gave Roelle an excited hug.
“I’m so excited!” She exclaimed, bouncing in Roelle’s arms. Roelle raised an eyebrow, and pulled at the small pouch around Samantha’s neck that bounced up and down every time she did.
“What’s this?” she asked, tugging at the pouch playfully. It was about the size of her hand, and it was bright and unmissable.
“Giselle won’t let me travel without it anymore since I nearly lost my passport that one time in Japan,” Samantha explained with a rueful grin. Roelle raised an eyebrow.
“What?” She asked. “What’s in there?”
“My passport, my phone and my tickets are in here,” Samantha explained, opening the pouch. She looked down for a moment in panic. “Wait, where’s my phone?”
“In your pocket.”
“Oh yeah.” Samantha grinned. “See, this is why I need this.”
“Isn’t this what they give children when they fly unaccompanied?” Roelle asked. Samantha’s grin widened.
“That’s where Giselle got the idea from!” Roelle shaking her head, smirking.
“You’re a mess,” she said affectionately. Samantha grinned back at her.
“Of course I am. Let’s go! We have business class tickets, Roely Poly!” Roelle smiled at that.
“This holiday really is fancy, isn’t it?”
“Heck yeah!” Samantha scooped up her duffle bag. “I would never drag you on anything half-assed.” Roelle side-eyed Samantha, but Samantha was practically skipping through the airport.
“What’s got you so chipper?” She asked, suspiciously.
“I get to spend a week in my favorite place with you! Why wouldn’t I be excited?” Roelle frowned and trailed after her, biting her lip. Samantha spun around and waited for Roelle.
“Aren’t you excited?” she asked, frowning at Roelle. Roelle returned her smile quickly.
“Of course I am,” she said. Samantha examined her face critically, and frowned, suddenly concerned.
“Because you know I wouldn’t be angry at all if this was too weird for you,” she told Roe honestly. “I know it’s gonna be weird, and I know you get stressed out -”
“It’s fine, Samantha,” Roelle interrupted. Samantha tilted her head.
“Are you sure?” She asked carefully.
“Yes,” Roelle said, giving her a small uncertain smile. Samantha returned it with a relieved grin.
“Okay well, let me hold your hand,” she said, holding out her hand.
“What?” Roelle said, confused.
“Someone over there is taking pictures of us - no don’t look!” Roelle stopped herself from spinning around just in time.
“Where?” She asked, curiosity burning through her.
“Behind you.” Samantha said, nodding over Roelle’s shoulder.
“Why?” She asked, suspicious. Samantha grinned at her.
“I think they’ve recognized us as celebs,” she assured her gently. Roelle breathed out. Of course. This happened all the time. This was fine. She accepted Samantha’s hand, and threaded her fingers through Samantha’s. It was warm, and Roelle immediately felt better.
“Are they coming over?” She asked quietly. Samantha shook her head.
“No, I caught one girl’s eye and she turned away.” Roelle smiled weakly at that.
“You probably scared her.” Samantha grinned at her.
“Oh well,” she hummed. “We’d better continue.”
They got through security without much further incident. Samantha nearly walked through security with her belt and hoodie on, so Roelle pulled her back by her hood and made sure she got through clean. Samantha grinned at her, and Roelle felt the butterflies in her stomach flutter again.
“I’m dying for some coffee,” Samantha admitted as they came out of security. Roelle checked their gate, making sure that they were walking in the right direction, and then she gestured at a Starbucks.
“The city’s finest,” she said, smirking. Samantha rolled her eyes.
“It’s better than nothing,” she chirped, and she stood in line, gently pulling Roelle along to stand next to her. “Do you want something?” she asked, glancing at Roelle. Roelle shook her head.
“I want to sleep on the plane.”
“You could get a decaf.”
“Starbucks coffee always tastes weird.”
“Oh wow, someone’s picky,” Samantha teased, grinning. Roelle made a face.
“I mean, their fancy drinks are okay, but their filter coffee is just...weak.”
“Snob,” Samantha said with a grin. Roelle gently punched Samantha in the shoulder.
“I prefer to refer to myself as having a sophisticated palette,” she disagreed. Samantha snickered.
“Nerd,” she murmured.
“Always.” The barista waved them over, and Samantha announced her order, sliding her non-spill travel mug over to the Barista. Another gift from Giselle, Roelle assumed.
The barista filled up the coffee mug, slid it back to Samantha, and Samantha paid, and, with a small smile at the barista, they were off again.
“There are more fans,” Roelle observed as they stepped out of the Starbucks. Samantha looked up and grinned.
“One of them is coming up to us,” she noted. The fan walked towards them, but her eyes slid over Samantha and landed on Roelle.
“Hi, you’re - you’re Roelle, right?” Roelle could feel Samantha shrink a little in disappointment next to her. She smiled at the girl, trying to cover up her delight at Samantha’s love for fan recognition.
“Yes!” Roelle said. The girl turned to Samantha with a small smile pulling at her lips. “That must make you Samantha Lee,” she said. Samantha immediately brightened.
“Guilty as charged.”
“I’m - I’m such a big fan oh man I’m so excited to see you I nearly started sobbing over there.” Roelle laughed.
“Please don’t cry!” She said quickly, and the grin blushed an even deeper shade of red.
“Can I have a photo with you?” She asked. Roelle laughed.
“Of course,” She said. The girl brought up her camera and frowned at the camera.
“Oh no, oh god, I look awful. I’ve been flying for hours and my hair is unwashed,” she said apologetically. Samantha chuckled and took off her hat.
“Here, you can borrow my hat.” She put it on the girl’s head. “That way no one on the internet will know.”
“Oh my god.” The girl was now a furious shade of red that Roelle didn’t think was humanely possible. She hoped the girl wasn’t going to pass out.
“I need that back after though,” Samantha warned her. “My hair will look like that when we arrive tomorrow morning.” The girl snapped several selfies, got her friend to take two group shots, and then regretfully gave Samantha back her cap.
“Where are you going?” She asked.
“France!” Samantha said, excitedly, putting her cap back on. “The south of France! I won us a vacation.”
“Oh my god. That sounds….romantic.” She glanced between the two of them, eyes narrowing in suspicion. Samantha just laced her arm around Roelle’s waist and leaned into her. Roelle felt her heart stutter, miss a few beats, and then hammer in chest like it was working overtime. She thanked god that blushes weren’t obvious on her brown skin as she felt her cheeks warm. She instinctively stiffened against Samantha’s warmth, but Samantha pretended not to notice.
“The best
part is that it’s free,” Samantha agreed happily. “Anyway, we have to get to our gate.”
“Of course!” She glanced at Samantha’s arm around Roelle’s waist for one long second, and then waved at them, “thank you so much!”
“Of course,” Roelle replied. “Bye bye!” The second she was out of sight, Roelle stepped away from Samantha and started walking again, trying to make her heart calm down. No such luck. Samantha fell into step next to her.
“What was that, Samantha?” Roelle hissed. Samantha rolled her eyes.
“We’re practicing, Roelle!” She explained.
“Well, it’s going to be all over social media now,” Roelle muttered, annoyed. Samantha stopped in the middle of the hallway. Roelle walked a couple of steps before she realized Samantha wasn’t next to her anymore. She spun around.
“Roelle, we’re going to a couples retreat,” Samantha pointed out. Her voice was slightly too loud - Roelle rushed to come closer to her. “Did you really think no one was going to speculate?”
“Shush,” Roelle warned. “Not everyone in the city needs to know right now.” Samantha’s brow furrowed, and she frowned in confusion.
“Roe -” She started, biting her lip. Roelle knew what was going to come next - did she not want to be here? No, that wasn’t it. Had she not liked Samantha’s touch? No, that wasn’t it either.
“You’re right,” she interrupted before Samantha could say anything. “I’m sorry. We’re here to pretend we’re dating, and we’re sure as hell going to have fun doing it.”
“It’s not too weird?” Samantha asked, her voice uncertain again. Roelle smiled.
“I’m fine, Samantha,” she promised, breathing out a steadying breath. “I’m just...not used to this.” Samantha tilted her head.
“Can I help?” She asked gently. Roelle shook her head and smiled sadly.
“No. I just need -” She paused. What did she need? “actually, yes,” she decided. “I need help. What should I do?” Samantha smiled and gently tucked a strand of Roelle’s hair behind her ear. Roelle froze at the touch. Samantha smiled sadly.
“First of all, don’t stiffen,” she murmured.
“What?” Roelle asked, almost defensive.
“When I touch you, you stiffened!” Roelle bit her lip, and Samantha gave her a small encouraging smile. “That’s not girlfriend behavior.”
“Are you going to give me a master class in Girlfriend Behavior?” Roelle asked quietly. She could feel Samantha’s breath ghosting along her cheeks. She was so close. She could smell her, that weird combination of old spice and vanilla shampoo.
“Of course I am,” Samantha replied with a smirk. “You can ask Charlie, she has receipts. I am a good pretend girlfriend.”
“I’d rather not,” Roelle replied, rolling her eyes. Samantha’s grin widened. “But, go ahead, Professor Lee.”
“Okay,” Samantha said with a small smirk. “First of all, you need to get better at casual touches.” She took a strand of Roelle’s hair and lightly twirled it around her finger, gently unwinding it again. Roelle swallowed and crossed her arms over her chest. She had never found anyone playing with her hair this attractive before.
“What does that mean?” She asked, instead.
“When two people like each other,” Samantha began, before winking at Roelle, and Roelle laughed nervously. “When two people like each other,” she started again, seriously, “they can’t get enough of each other.” Roelle looked at the ceiling. This was too much.
“I’ve been in a relationship before, Samantha,” she said, trying to make her voice sound exasperated. She just sounded uncertain.
“I know!” Samantha said, gently pulling at Roelle’s hair again. “I just don’t think you’ve ever been in a pretend relationship before.” Roelle shifted on her feet and sighed, uncrossing her arms and letting them drop to her side.
“That’s true,” she admitted, looking back at Samantha. Samantha tilted her head.
“And you’re not a big PDA person anyway,” she continued. Roelle swallowed.
“That’s true again,” she agreed.
“So, let’s try this again,” she offered. “You need to casually touch my hand.” Roelle looked around them nervously. They were standing in the middle of the way.
“Why?” She asked quietly.
“Just like, hold my elbow, lean against me, kiss my head, all those things.”
“I just don't want to draw attention to us,” Roelle whispered. Samantha grinned.
“People instinctively ignore couples in love,” she told her casually.
“I don’t feel that’s true,” Roelle replied, frowning. Samantha’s grin widened.
“Their eyes slide over us in annoyance,” she promised. “We create a gap in space for them.”
“You’re making this up,” Roelle accused, though a small smile was pulling at her lips now.
“I promise, I’m not. Look, people are just walking around us.” Samantha stepped closer, leaning her forehead against Roelle’s. Roelle clenched her fists and desperately tried to keep her breathing even. Samantha was so close; Roelle could smell her hair, smell her breath that tasted like coffee. She breathed in deeply, and closed her eyes so she wouldn’t be tempted to stare at Samantha’s lips.
“They’re parting around is like the red sea,” Samantha whispered, her hand cupping Roelle’s cheek. Her thumbs traced Roelle’s cheekbones, and Roelle eyes fluttered open as she took a deep breath, desperately trying to contain all the emotions welling up in her chest.
“No one even glances our way.” Samantha stepped back, and Roelle swayed for a split second, missing the power of the gravity of Samantha’s orbit before she coughed, and stood straighter. The spell was broken. Samantha was just trying to help her pretend better. Pretend being the operative word.
“We’d better get to our gate,” she murmured, her voice suddenly breathless. She cleared her throat. “Wouldn’t want to miss our business class boarding.”
Roelle should not have been worried about anyone missing any boarding calls; they arrived at the gate with another thirty minutes until boarding time. Roelle sat down heavily and let out a sigh. This vacation was going to be a lot more trying than she realized.
She opened her phone, saw several taunting texts from Janine (are those wedding bells i hear?), some kind ones from Alise (no weather delays expected for all cross-atlantic flights so you should be good) and some helpful ones from Julie (ask her about French cinema). Samantha was also checking her phone, and Roelle side eyed her, desperately hoping to catch whatever was on her screen. But Samantha had one of those screens on her iPhone.
“Why the privacy filter?” Roelle asked, surprised, gesturing at Samantha’s phone.
“Gag gift from Alise,” Samantha said with a grin. “It drives Charlie insane when she can’t read my texts.” Roelle snorted.
“Useful,” Samantha countered. “Now she has to ask me when she wants to know who I’m talking to.”
“What do you answer?”
“I mean, I’m usually texting my sisters or Giselle, so it’s not that exciting.” Roelle perked up.
“Have you heard from Giselle recently?” She asked.
“Yeah,” Samantha said making a face, “she still refuses to name her daughter Samantha.” Roelle grinned.
“I’m sorry,” she said, patting Samantha on the arm. Samantha sighed dramatically.
“It’s fine, I suppose, I just think at least a Miles would have been nice?”
“Aren’t both Samantha and Miles family names?” Roelle asked, raising an eyebrow. Samantha made a face.
“Yes,” she grumbled.
“So wouldn’t it be weird for them to end up in Giselle’s family?”
“She used this argument too, didn’t she?” Roelle asked, grinning.
“Yeah, and she claimed that Jason had more say in the naming than I did.”
“I’m sorry.”
> “I know! I mean, I love Jason, but I think I am more important to the creation of the child.”
“I don’t know, it is half his DNA,” Roelle pointed out.
“Whatever. My cheerleading created that union.”
“It did?” Roelle asked, forehead furrowed. That wasn’t the story she’d heard from Giselle….
“Not really,” Samantha grumbled, crossing her arms, “but I think it did.”
“You’re so odd.”
“Thanks. Do you have any good texts?” Roelle hurriedly locked her phone.
“Nothing, except Alise telling us we should have minimal turbulence.”
“That’s nice of her.”
“She’s looking out for me. She made sure I bought a roaming package and everything last night.”
“A roaming package?” Samantha frowned.
“Yeah, so you don’t rack up so many charges.”
“Really? That’s a thing?” She asked, amazed.
“Of course it is! Who’s your provider? Wait, actually, just give me your phone. I’ll do it for you.” Samantha blinked, and then handed Roe her unlocked phone.
“Thanks,” she said quietly. Roelle rolled her eyes.
“Well, if I’m going to be your fake girlfriend for the next week, I don’t want you to rack up too many debts.” Samantha settled back and pulled out her iPad, setting herself to play solitaire while Roelle texted with AT&T, setting up a roaming plan for her.
She felt there was something between them; she felt like she should say something. Somehow dismiss Samantha’s actions earlier, perhaps even laugh them off? But what could she say? ‘Hey, you pretending to flirt with me earlier and standing really close to me and leaning against me felt really nice, but only in a friend way? Hahah friends, right?’ That sounded moronic even in her own head.
Why had she left Janine talk her into this? Why hadn’t Julie or Lise pulled her out of this, given her a good excuse? Why was she stuck here now?
Roelle finished with AT&T - Samantha had a roaming plan now. She looked down at the phone and sighed in relief. She was about to lock it when a text from Charlie came through. “Go woo her, Tiger,” it said. Roelle found her heart hitch in her throat, and she hurriedly locked the phone and handed it to Samantha. Samantha blindly stuck it in her pocket.