The Summer's Child
Page 13
“Just kiss me?” Roelle asked after a second. Samantha smirked.
“Mmh, perhaps undress you,” she murmured, pulling at the dress. Roelle raised an eyebrow.
“Someone’s being presumptuous,” she teased.
“If anyone were counting, I think our date count would be in the 100s,” was Samantha’s quick reply as she gently pulled at Roelle’s hand and got her to stand up, and walk over to the bed.
“Well,” Roelle started as Samantha sat on the edge of the bed, and then pulled Roelle on her lap so Roelle was straddling her, “that doesn’t mean - oh fuck.” Roelle was cut off mid breath as Samantha gently kissed the palm of Roelle’s hand. The action was so kind, so demure and yet so attractive, Roelle felt her mouth go dry. Samantha gently kissed her way up Roelle’s arm, and then frowned at the dress, still hanging loosely, still open, still on. She pushed at the sleeves, and looked up at Roelle.
“Please can I -” Before she could finish the question, Roelle was already answering.
“Yes.” She clambered off Samantha and shimmied out of the dress, dropping it on the floor to reveal a smart functional black bra and some flora panties.
“Do you -” Samantha began again, meaning to ask if Roelle wanted to lie down, but she was already complying.
“Yes,” she said quickly, and Samantha grinned.
“I kinda like how eager you are,” she murmured, straddling Roelle. Samantha kissed her. Roelle relaxed her jaw ever so slightly, and Samantha proved again really what kind of a wonderful kisser she was. She knew just how to pace her kisses so Roelle was arching up into her, hungry for more. “This a nice contrast to earlier when you were intent on dinner,” Samantha murmured as she kissed Roelle’s perfect cheekbone, and then the column of her neck, and then that tiny hickey on her collarbone.
“Shut up and make this worth me missing the dessert buffet,” Roelle replied. Samantha sat up.
“Who says we’re missing that?” She demanded. “We can always sneak in later.”
“I really hate you.”
“Mmh,” Samantha gently brushed Roelle’s hair out of her face and kissed her again. “I think you’re lying.” Roelle grinned and gently pushed at Samantha so she rolled over. Roelle sat up and saddled Samantha’s waist quickly. She pulled at Samantha’s top impatiently, and Samantha smirked as she lifted her hands over her head and Roelle pulled her top off her.
“You may be right,” Roelle murmured, kissing Samantha again. “But only a little bit.” Samantha grinned under her, and settled into the mattress, arching up to chase Roelle’s mouth as she pulled away. Roelle just grinned at her, and carefully kissed down the column of Samantha’s throat. She kissed the length of Samantha’s collarbone, but only with the lightest, softest of kisses, and Samantha found herself whining ever so slightly. Roelle was doing this on purpose, teasing her, and she couldn’t stand it. Samantha could feel Roelle smile against her skin, and that made the torture worse.
Before Samantha could complain though, Roelle gently nipped at Samantha’s skin right at the bottom of her neck, and Samantha gasped involuntarily. Roelle looked up.
“Can I do that again?” she asked softly. Samantha looked down at her, and only managed a silent nod. Roelle nipped again, and Samantha shivered again. Roelle experimented, nipping, and then sucking, probably trying to leave a hickey on Samantha’s skin. But it wasn’t working. She frowned, and tried again. Samantha squirmed in delight under her, but her skin wasn’t changing. Roelle frowned.
“Wait - you don’t bruise?” She demanded.
“Oh,” Samantha murmured breathily, “no. Not at all.”
“Why the fuck not?” Roelle demanded. She wanted to leave Samantha with a hickey.
“I don’t know,” Samantha mused, “But - holy shit.” Before she finished, Roelle redoubled her effort to give Samantha that hickey.
“I’m going to give you a hickey if it kills me,” she whispered quietly against the wet mark on Samantha’s skin, and Samantha shivered in delight under her.
“I think it’s going to kill me,” she rasped in response. Roelle grinned.
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take,” she decided, and tried again. After another three successful attempts, Samantha gently tugged at the hair at the base of Roelle’s neck.
“Can we table that? Because,” and with that Roelle finally lifted her head, “I want to kiss you some more first,” Samantha murmured. “And also, I’m really fucking wet.”
“So greedy.”
“Very.” Samantha grinned and anchored her hand more securely in Roelle’s hair, tugging her forward ever so slightly. Roelle groaned into Samantha’s mouth, and Samantha grinned against her, pushing up her own hips and giving Roelle some friction.
Roelle settled down on Samantha’s leg, and Samantha impatiently tugged at Roelle’s bra.
“Yes,” Roelle muttered before Samantha could even formulate the question, and Samantha grinned against her.
“You are so eager,” she crooned as she sat up, shifting Roelle’s weight to her thighs, and desperately trying to unhook Roelle’s bra.
“And you’re terrible at bras,” Roelle giggled after Samantha wrested with the clasp for a solid ten seconds.
“I assumed this would be easier,” Samantha admitted.
“Here let me -” Roelle reached to unhook it herself, but Samantha batted her away.
“I got it!” She said after another five seconds, pulling the bra off triumphantly. Roelle grinned.
“Now let’s get yours,” she decided, pushing Samantha’s sports bra up.
“So practical,” Samantha hummed as she held up her arms, and Roelle pulled the bra off her.
“Stop sassing me,” Roelle murmured, throwing the bra off the bed and gently kissing Samantha again.
“Come here,” Samantha murmured, rolling them over again so Samantha was straddling Roelle. She gently brushed a strand of hair aside, humming happily, before she gently kissed Roelle again. Roelle squirmed under her, pushing her center against Samantha’s thigh, and Samantha grinned against their kiss.
“You’re really hot,” she murmured. Roelle grinned, and pulled Samantha closer by grabbing her ass.
“And I like your ass,” she said happily.
“You have perfect biceps,” she whispered in return. “I wish I could say those lines don’t work on me.” Roelle admitted, a small blush on her chest now. Samantha kissed her again, grinding her own center down on Roelle’s thigh.
“You’re too easy,” Samantha purred quietly, kissing her way down the valley of Roelle’s breasts. Roelle’s nipples were already harden with arousal, black against the brown of her skin. Samantha reverently cupped one of her breast, and Roelle made her small aroused huff sound again.
“I’m not easy,” she complained. “I’m - oh my god.” Before she could finish, Samantha had decided to leave small bites on the edge of her breath, turning them to hickeys as Roelle writhed underneath her. She travelled towards her nipple one tiny brown bruise at a time, and then finally gave Roelle’s nipple the attention it deserved.
“Suck harder,” Roelle moaned quietly, trying to find some friction against Samantha’s thigh. But Samantha held her down, and switched to her other breast, and Roelle swore.
“You were saying?” Samantha asked, when she’d finished. Roelle’s chest was heaving, and a small sheen of sweat was on her brow. She looked down at Samantha with hooded eyes, and smirked.
“I’m putty in your hands, Samantha Lee,” she murmured, and Samantha shifted up Roelle’s body so she could kiss her again.
“I like the sound of that,” she whispered. She shifted against Roelle again, and Roelle shivered.
“Please Samantha,” she murmured, her eyes fluttering open as she looked up at Samantha plaintively.
“Tell me what you want,” Samantha replied immediately.
“I want you inside of me,” Roelle groaned, and Samantha bit her lip, suppressing her own small moan.
“Are you we
t?” She asked quietly, and Roelle grinned.
“I’m so fucking wet for you Samantha. Please.” Samantha paused, clearly trying to assess for how much longer she could torture Roelle, so Roelle played her final card. “Samantha.” Samantha wasn’t very good at resisting the desire written in clear lines on Roelle’s face. Her hooded eyes, her hair barely contained in a messy bun, her hands fisted into the bed sheets. Samantha shimmied down Roelle’s body, and Roelle whined for a second as Samantha removed the pressure of her thigh. But then instead she leaned forward and gently, ever so gently, kissed her over the top of her underwear. Roelle gasped quietly, and her hips arched up, and Samantha found herself suppressing a shiver of her own desire. There was nothing quite as raw, or as honest as this, and the fact that she was here, like this, with Roelle made her want to consume her.
"You're driving me insane," Roelle whined.
"You smell wonderful." Roelle smelled like dirt and sweat and thick rich honey, and Samantha kissed her again before Roelle was desperately pushing her underwear down. Samantha pulled it off then, and then carefully put a pillow under Roelle's hips.
"I hate you," Roelle whined quietly as Samantha started kissing the crook of Roelle's knee again. Samantha grinned, and then left hot open mouthed kisses trailing up to the apex of Roelle's thighs. With a quiet thud, Roelle lay back down on the bed, and Samantha finally reached her center. Samantha slowly dragged her tongue over Roelle's labia, listening, pleased, as Roelle made quiet groans in frustration. She licked upwards, and then hummed against Roelle as she groaned and her thighs pushed against Samantha's head, urging for more. Samantha dutifully lapped against Roelle, choosing the exact right moment to gently tongue against Roelle's clit. Roelle let out one extended breath, a small "God," and Samantha shivered again despite herself.
She gently sucked at Roelle's clit, and Roelle arched against Samantha's mouth, quietly whispering a series of pleas to Samantha while she flicked the bud of nerves with her tongue. Responding to Roelle's need, Samantha gently slid two fingers into Roelle, coordinating the slightly crooked arch of her finger with her ministrations on Roelle's clit and pushing her towards the edge.
Roelle's begging gave way to small wordless cries. Samantha buried her face in Roelle, desperate to force her to ride this out to the very end, pushing her further and higher and Roelle’s thighs became impossible tight around Samantha’s ears and then relaxed.
“You’re amazing, Samantha Lee.”
“Mmh, I know,” Samantha murmured. Roelle pulled her face up, and kissed her gently. “You taste amazing,” Samantha informed Roelle, and Roelle laughed.
“You’re being sappy,” she complained.
“Probably,” she agreed, settling into Roelle’s side. She was still incredibly turned on, and very ready to go, but Roelle’s eyes were closing, and Samantha was more than happy to wait. They did have the rest of the night ahead of them.
Suddenly, Samantha’s phone started ringing loudly from the nightstand. Samantha groaned, but groped to pick it up.
“Hello?” She snapped into the phone, settling back against Roelle’s chest.
“Hello, it your favorite person here!” Janine said cheerfully. Roelle rolled her eyes and snorted, and Samantha frowned.
“Janine, what do you -” she began, but Janine interrupted her.
“Wait, did I just hear Roelle?” She demanded. Samantha’s frown deepened.
“What?” She asked,
“I swear I just hear Roelle snort at me.” Samantha glanced up, and Roelle visibly shrugged, before answering Janine herself.
“Hey Janine.” There was a pause.
“Oh my god,” Janine gaped. Samantha raised an eyebrow at Roelle, who looked equally confused.
“What?” Samantha asked.
“Either, you’re ability to pretend has gotten too good, or you’re currently in bed with Roelle, doing things I should never ever know about.” Roelle laughed and fell back on the bed, and Samantha smirked.
“You’re so smart, Janine.” Samantha hung up the phone to the echoing cries of “have safe sex, idiots!”
“We have the worst friends,” Samantha murmured, throwing her phone over the side of the bed and leaning over to kiss Roelle.
“Really terrible friends,” Roelle agreed, pulling Samantha on top of her. “Let’s ignore them forever so we can just continue doing this.”
“I’m down,” Samantha murmured, kissing Roelle slowly. “I think I could kiss you forever.”
“That’s good,” Roelle grinned, brushing some of Samantha’s loose strands behind her ear, “since I’m not going anywhere.” Samantha grinned, and suddenly she realized she couldn’t feel any happier.