Meant for Me (A Second Chance standalone)
Page 6
None of the acquaintances names sounded familiar, except when I got to the places of interest my eyes went wide in shock and I gasped. I knew them all, some of them I knew really well, and most of them I had been to when I lived in Vegas. One of them, however, I knew very well. It was a place I used to work at, a place where I could live my life and do whatever the hell I wanted. However, that wasn’t what had my heart pounding out of control. It was the fact that the place I considered to be a safe haven was the number one suspect place on Mason’s list.
Holy shit, what’s going on? Why would it be the number one suspect spot?
I didn’t realize I had said the question out loud until I heard Mason’s gravelly voice call out behind me, making me jump in the seat. “I see you got curious and decided to go snooping.”
Quickly, I closed the file and turned to face him. “I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help you and to see what you were up against here. Besides, you left the file out anyway so if you didn’t want me looking at it then you should have put it back with your stuff.”
Mason rubbed his eyes, and then ran his fingers through his hair with a smirk on his face. “I wanted you to look at it. I was going to see if you knew any of the people or places in there. I know it’s been years since you’ve been here and you weren’t here that long, but it’s a shot at least.”
He got out of bed and dug through his bag until he found a pair of blue and white Adidas running shorts and a white tank top. He stretched a few times, flexing those massive muscles of his, and of course I had to watch him before he joined me at the desk. He had seriously put on an amazing amount of muscle mass over the past few months we’d been apart. I handed him the letter he wrote to me last night and lifted an amused brow, wondering if he would tell me where he went. I already knew he couldn’t have gotten into the club I worked at, at least not without me.
He rolled his eyes and threw the letter in the trash. “Last night was a clusterfuck,” he growled, leaning his elbows on the desk. “I couldn’t find anyone’s descriptions matching the people on the list, and the one place I really had a hunch to find answers ended up being a place I’m not going to be able to get into without some kind of special connection. It’s all a bunch of bullshit.”
He reached for the file and slid it to him so he could look at it. “You know, when I caught you looking at the list here, your eyes went wide when you noticed something. What was it? Do you know someone on the list?”
“Not exactly,” I confessed sheepishly, “more like the places.”
Here I go …
If telling him about my time in the Sin City was the price to pay for answers then I would certainly do it, but in doing so it would involve cooperation on his part if I were to lead him into the lion’s den. Mason lifted a brow, waiting on me to continue, so I took a deep breath and began, “Okay, so you know how you couldn’t get into the one club you desperately wanted to get into? Well, what would you say if I could get us in?”
Narrowing his eyes, I could tell he was waiting on me to drop a bomb on him by the way he looked uncomfortable sitting in his chair. Sighing, he said, “I would think that’s great, but how do you plan on doing that?”
I paused, hesitating for only a moment before I explained, “Well, it’s actually a long story, but what it all boils down to is this … I used to work at that club. The Labyrinth was like a second home.”
Mason’s eyes grew wide, burning with a new flame of hope. “Tell me everything,” he demanded.
So I did … almost everything.
Twelve hours later, after waiting for the prime time of the night, Mason and I took a cab to the place I hadn’t been to in years; six to be exact. The club was like a different world, but also one where not everything was legal. It was easy to carry drugs in there and never get noticed, and there was really nothing you could do to avoid that. You could get lost in there if you weren’t careful. It was the size of a large mansion with many different rooms to venture in and out of. There were rooms where the music pounded and all you would see were people drinking and basically dry humping all over the floor. However, there were some hidden alcoves where you could partake in a little nightly fun. I, myself, had snuck off to them before.
If you wanted a mellower scene, there were VIP rooms that were mainly occupied by the social elite like famous actors, singers, athletes, and so forth. It was exciting when I first started working at the club, I got high on it, but after a while I got used to it and actually became friends with several of the regulars.
Mason nudged me in the side as we trudged down the road in the cab. “Are you nervous?” he asked, placing a hand on mine to keep me from fidgeting.
I shrugged. “Not nervous as in going into the club, but kind of nervous with you getting a glimpse into my past. I don’t want you to get the wrong impression of me. Also, I haven’t really kept in touch with the people I knew from there. After Mom died, I had ignored so many people’s calls and just never returned them.” I turned away to gaze out the window, but Mason gently took my chin and turned me back to face him.
“Trust me, Claire. I’m sure your friends will understand why you broke away. Anyway, I’m not happy about my past either, and mine is probably much darker than yours. I had a huge head back when I was fighting and I didn’t give a fuck about what I was doing. You have nothing to worry about.”
He lifted my hand to his lips and kept his heated gaze on mine as he kissed my knuckles softly. His hair was gelled in messy blond spikes, and he looked so unlike himself in a nice white button down shirt and a pair of dark denim jeans. Mason was the typical T-shirt and holey jeans type of man with his favorite New York Yankees baseball cap. I liked that about him, though.
Mason lowered his gaze to my lips, and then slowly down my body, sighing. “If there was a way I could keep you out of this I would, especially with you wearing that sexy ass dress. I’m going to be spending all my time here fighting to keep the dicks away from you tonight.”
Bursting out in laughter, I squeezed his hand to reassure him. “No you won’t. I’ll be by your side all night. I even wore my hair down for you so it would cover my bare shoulders. I couldn’t exactly go in there with jeans and a T-shirt on now could I?”
I put on a strapless red dress that hugged every single curve just right and stopped a little above mid-thigh. Not to mention I had five inch red stiletto heels on as well. The heels made me almost the exact same height as Mason.
When we pulled up to the club, Mason handed the driver his money while I stared at the building in front of me. Nothing had changed as far as appearance; it was still a huge, impressive stone building that was made to resemble Roman architecture. The massive white, stone columns in front had to be at least thirty feet tall and were also hand carved. The owner, Jake Montgomery, who I had gotten to know pretty well, was fascinated with Roman culture and had made everything inside the club fit the part as well, including the people who worked there.
“Was it this crowded last night when you came here?” I asked curiously as Mason put his arm around my waist. It was always crowded at The Labyrinth, but it was never this crowded. I guess the business grew since the last time I was here.
Mason nodded and answered, “Yeah, but it looks like it’s more crowded tonight.”
“Hmm … interesting. I’m curious to know what’s changed since the last time I was here,” I muttered as we walked toward the crowd.
From the distance we were at, I couldn’t tell who was working the door, so I decided to take a chance and find out. I didn’t want to have to wait in that long line if I didn’t have to. “All right, Mason. We’re about to piss off a bunch of people, but if Wade or Tyler are working the door then we’re set. If not, then we’ll have to wait in line and do this the hard way.”
As Mason and I strutted past the impatient crowd on the way to the door, we heard several disgruntled comments and angry words spewed our way. Mason had a smirk on his face the whole time and it took al
l I had not to laugh, but those people looked ravenous. I definitely didn’t want a fight on my hands just yet.
Up ahead, the door finally came into view along with the two mammoth sized men guarding it. Wade wasn’t there, but Tyler was, sporting the usual tight black Labyrinth T-shirt and platinum blond shoulder length hair. The nights when Jake made him work inside wearing a toga were very interesting. The women loved it. Both Wade and Tyler, who were the usual guys who worked the front, were my closest friends when I lived here. They had asked me out when I started working at the club, but it was against Jake’s rules and they knew it. However, it didn’t stop me and Wade from stealing a few moments here and there for fun. We were the infamous trio at The Labyrinth.
The moment Tyler looked my way he didn’t register it was me at first, but then quickly glanced toward me again. He whispered something to the other guy, whom I didn’t know, and then came bounding out of the doorway toward me with the biggest grin on his face.
Mason let me go at the same time Tyler scooped me up in his arms and twirled me around in a circle, hollering, “Holy fucking shit, look at what the cat dragged in. You know, I should be pissed at you for not returning my calls for the past year, but being the friend that I am I understood you had a lot going on. We’ve missed you, kitten! How long has it been … six years?”
Kitten was my nickname among everyone, since at the time I was the youngest of The Labyrinth’s employees. I was the youngest, but I was the smartest. That was why Jake hired me to begin with.
When I caught my breath from laughing so hard, I swiped the hair out of my face and responded, “Wow, I’m surprised you remembered it’s been that long, Ty. I’m sorry I let time slip away. I feel bad for losing touch with you and everyone else from here. Anyway, you know I had to finish college and move back home. My time to run wild had come to a close.”
Tyler scoffed and a mischievous smirk tilted up his lips. “Somehow I don’t believe that,” he teased lightly. “I’m sure you got into plenty of trouble once you went home.”
“Whatever, Tyler Rushing,” I grumbled playfully. I peered over his shoulder to the door where his partner for the night stood checking ID’s. “So where’s Wade?” I asked. “I was hoping to see him tonight, too.”
I wanted to see Wade, but there were some circumstances there that might not bode too well for Mason. Wade and I were friends, or I guess you could say friends with benefits. Before I left Vegas, he told me he had actual feelings for me, but since I was leaving, we never acted on them. Plus, I was twenty-one years old and I didn’t want a long term relationship at that point in my life. Wade was a great guy, though, and I had fun with him while it lasted.
“Oh, he’ll probably be around later this week. He’s been in the Bahamas for the past week or so. I’m sure he’ll come running here once he finds out you’re in town. I know he’s missed you.”
He winked at me, and then his gaze finally landed on Mason who stood by watching our reunion all calm and collected. However, deep down I knew he was anything but calm.
“Who’s your friend?” Tyler asked, looking straight at Mason.
Mason extended a hand out to him. “I’m Mason Bradley,” he told him.
Tyler narrowed his eyes and took Mason’s hand, shaking firmly. “Why does your name sound familiar? For some reason I know I’ve heard it before.”
Mason shrugged. “Don’t know, man. I guess it could have been from anywhere.”
Tyler pondered for another few seconds and then said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Well, anyway, any friend of Claire’s is a friend of mine. Come on, brother, let’s get you a drink. I know Jake is going to be thrilled by this visit.”
The moment we stepped inside it was like a maze where each different path would lead you on a journey of ecstasy. There were bars set up in each section of the club where you could order whatever your heart desired, but the section right in the middle of the club was where the magic happened for me. The stage called to me like it did all those years ago when I would dance. It was a time when I could express my feelings not by words, but by the movement of my body. It was like another language for me.
Mason came up behind me, placing his hands on my waist, and whispered in my ear, “Are you okay, baby? You faded away there for a moment.”
“I think she misses the stage,” Tyler cut in humorously. “I could tell by that dreamy look in her eyes. She had that same look when she worked here, and let me tell you, she was a fucking goddess up on that stage.”
At hearing Tyler’s words, Mason clenched his fingers into my hip and replied, “I bet.”
I could feel the anger pouring off of him, and I was thankful I couldn’t see his face. When I explained to him about my time at the club, I left out that I danced at the club also, except little did he know what kind of dancing I did. Judging by his level of intensity he most likely thought I stripped, but it was far from it. I was going to have some explaining to do later.
Tyler led us past everyone to the hidden staircase I knew would be behind a thick, medieval rug hanging from the ceiling. “All right, kitten, you know where to go. I’ll let Jake know you’re on your way up,” Tyler said, winking one of his stormy gray eyes. He smirked at Mason before going back to his post at the front door.
We started up the winding staircase and once we were out of ear shot, that was when Mason exploded, “Please tell me you and Tyler didn’t …”
“Oh no,” I said quickly, stopping him on the stairs. “Tyler is just my friend. He likes to flirt a lot, but that’s just his personality. He flirts with everyone.”
I did, however, have something with Wade. Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t have a reason to tell Mason about him because it wouldn’t matter. However, if we ran into Wade and something was said about our past, I didn’t want Mason to think I was keeping something from him. Should I tell him? I wondered.
“What’s that look for?” he asked. “Is there something you’re not telling me? Because most of the time when I see that look it means there’s bad news. Just tell me and get it over with. Did you date the bartender or something?”
I shook my head and sighed. “No, he wasn’t the bartender. I know you heard me mention his name to Tyler. His name’s Wade, and we were really good friends. We weren’t exclusive or anything, so it wasn’t like that. I know you’re probably going to meet him at some point and I know how you guys get when the testosterone starts flowing.”
“I’m sure I can handle it, Claire,” Mason assured me. “I’m not really worried about the guys you dated. What I am concerned about is the fact you failed to mention to me that you were a goddamned stripper.”
We had reached the top of the steps and Jake’s office was just a couple of doors down. I didn’t want him to hear us so I hissed quietly, “Look, Mason, it’s not what you think. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the dancing part, but I’ll explain everything later, okay? So calm down.”
Grabbing my hips, he pushed me against the wall and caged me in with his hands beside both sides of my head. He leaned in close, pressing his hard body flush with mine while ravishing my lips in a punishing kiss. It was all tongue, heat, and passion. I could feel the tension melting off of him so I breathed a sigh of relief. If he keeps this up we might have to visit one of those private alcoves and release the rest of the tension.
“Oh, I’m calm, kitten,” he purred seductively. “I’m sure there are plenty of ways you can make up for failing to give me all the information.” He backed up, leaving me breathless and alone against the wall.
Once I righted myself, I grinned and smoothed down my dress. “Mason, I would be glad to do whatever you want me to do for not telling you, but just so you know, I wasn’t a—”
I didn’t get to finish because a door down the hall flew open, and there with a huge smile on his face was none other than Jake Montgomery. “Well, well, I was beginning to give up hope that you would ever visit. It’s been too long, kitten. I never thought this would be pos
sible, but you look more amazing now than you did when you worked here. Come here and give me a hug,” he exclaimed.
Jake started down the hall with his arms wide open and gave me a long, hard squeeze. “It’s good to see you again, Jake. You don’t look a day over thirty,” I teased.
Jake Montgomery was in his early fifties, and I wasn’t kidding when I said he didn’t look a day over thirty. He had short, salt and peppered colored hair that he always kept expertly coifed, and it was no surprise that he was wearing a light blue button down shirt with gray slacks. I don’t think he even owned a pair of jeans.
Jake chuckled and let me go. “I may not look a day over thirty, but I sure as hell feel like it.” He turned to acknowledge Mason and extended his hand. “I’m Jake Montgomery. If you’re with Claire I’m sure she’s told you about us.”
Mason smirked and shook Jake’s hand. “Not everything. I think she forgot to tell me about the dancing part.”
Jake’s eyes went wide and he gasped, “Really? That’s shocking considering that was what she was most known for here … well, other than keeping my ass in line with the books. I tell you what, I’ll get Avery down at the bar to send up some drinks and I’ll tell you all about our little summer goddess here.”
I groaned and waltzed into Jake’s office with Mason on my heels behind me. This was going to be interesting.
Jake ushered us into his office, or better yet, I would consider it a mini suite. He had a large wooden desk in the corner, a small gym set in the other, and a couch with two separate chairs in the middle. Claire and I sat on the couch, and when she sidled closer to me I draped my arm over her shoulders.
Jake sat across from us, and by looking at Claire’s expression I could tell she felt at ease with the man, but in my experience, most of the club owners I knew were all a bit shady. Jake might be a good man underneath all that sophistication he wanted to exude, but if there was anything deceitful about him I would find it. Anyone had the capability to deceive, and I learned a long time ago never to trust anyone.