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Dakota Love Me: Tiller Brothers Book 2

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by Lee, Judith

  Dakota Love Me

  Tiller Brothers Book 2

  Judith Lee

  Published by Judith Lee, 2015

  Kindle Direct Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people are entirely coincidental. The real rodeo dates have been changed for the fictional story line and the fictional story characters did not really compete. Events in the rodeo scenes were fictional as well as order of events, and type of awards.

  Dakota Love Me

  First edition, May 2015

  Copyright © 2015 Judith Lee

  Written by Judith Lee

  Cover Photo by CanStock Photo

  Before you Begin:

  Warning: Due to frequent strong language and detailed scenes of a sexual nature, this book is intended for mature (21+) readers only.

  If these things offend you, then this book is not for you.

  However, if you like books with a strong love connection as the dominate storyline, consensual sex between a rodeo super star bull rider and a spunky barrel racer, brothers and a family who will stand behind their brother’s choices, and suspense that will keep you turning the pages, read on…

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Author’s note

  About the Author

  Dakota Love Me

  By Judith Lee

  Chapter One

  Dakota was lounging in the lobby of Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas with his five hundred dollar Stetson cowboy hat pulled down over his closed eyes and his neck resting back against the rich leather chair. His head was pounding and his mouth was dry. The entire touristy noise was making him blanch.

  There should be a law that no one talks over a whisper in Vegas so early in the morning. Okay so it’s near eleven o’clock in the morning. Hell, surely other people have a hangover, too.

  Damn I had too many shots of whiskey last night.

  He knew he should have tempered his drinking but hell it was his big brother Cody’s wedding. If that isn’t a reason to celebrate than what is? he wondered. At least he had several days before Friday to clear his head before his first bull riding event at the National Finals Rodeo.

  His younger brother Cameron was going to meet him here and they were going to get brunch at the buffet. Surely that would calm his stomach. Cameron was still in a meeting with his Rodeo Magazine editors. Cody cracked his eyes open when the elevator door made a dinging sound and a dozen cowboys and ladies emerged, but no Cameron.

  He was about to close his painful red eyes again when he noticed Georgia Cooper exiting the elevator with an older woman.

  Hot Damn!


  His heart beat sped up. He had been looking for her at all the rodeos he had attended since Cheyenne Frontier Days and their special evening that had been cut too short by a family emergency. He couldn’t help smiling at the memories of this feisty dark haired beauty with the deep blue eyes and long black fringed eye lashes that still haunted his dreams, not to mention her perfect body that had glistened from their love making. Just remembering made his cock start to swell.

  He was about to stand up when she stopped a few feet away and turned her back to him to look at the older woman who looked pissed off.

  “I didn’t tell Dad he had to come to every event I have been in, Sharon.”

  The older woman put her hands on her hips. “Georgia, you are twenty-five years old. You don’t need your father tagging along with you. It’s time you moved away from the ranch anyway. How do you expect our new marriage to work when you’re always taking all of your father’s attention?”

  “It’s not like that. My dad and I are very close. We run the ranch together. And I’ve been gone a lot over the last few years. Of course we’re still going to spend time together Sharon.”

  “Speaking of running the ranch, you know it’s time he taught my son how to run the ranch because he will be taking over, not you. You are just a girl. Your father always wanted a son. Just because you’re a tomboy doesn’t mean you’re capable of running this ranch.”

  Dakota noticed Georgia drop her shoulders and take a slight step back looking down at her feet. He wanted to reach up and hold her and tell the bitchy step-mother to go take a hike. God she’s vicious. He sat up and adjusted his hat, intent on doing just that. Her back was still to him.

  “Roy is only twelve and he has lots to learn before he can help dad run the ranch. I’ve been training him and I like him, but Sharon he doesn’t really seem to like it.”

  “How dare you talk about my son like that? If your father spent more time with him he would be better prepared. If he would just adopt him and give my son his name he would have more self-confidence and it’s entirely your fault because he pays so much attention to you,” she huffed and pushed her bleach dyed blond hair behind her back. “Now that you didn’t make the finals, thank God, your father and I are going to go to some of the country shows and you better give us some space you spoiled little trouble maker.”

  Oh Hell! He’d missed Georgia barrel riding race.

  Justin Cooper walked up just as Dakota rose to his feet. Damn why didn’t I realize that Georgia’s his daughter. This was a friend of his deceased father who lived in Casper, Wyoming. Dakota had met him several times before on trips to buy bulls from his ranch, but he had never seen Georgia there.

  Dakota decided to hold back a minute.

  “Sweetheart,” the older woman put her arms around her husband’s waist. “Georgia was just telling me she has other plans tonight and she isn’t going with us to the shows. In fact, she said she decided to go to Denver for the National Western Rodeo and some of the other rodeos by herself. Looks like your daughter is finally getting the courage to go out on her own. Aren’t you proud of her?”

  “Georgia, are you alright?” her six foot three father asked as he leaned down to kiss her on her cheek, ignoring Sharon.

  Dakota moved into the circle and he put his arm around Georgia’s shoulder. She looked at him with surprise and then he saw the flash of recognition on her face. He also noticed the smoldering heat that was there for only an instant before she assumed a nonchalant facial expression.

  Dakota turned and put his hand out to Justin. “Mr. Cooper, do you remember me, Dakota Tiller? I am afraid I should have asked you first if I could take Georgia out tonight.”

  Justin shook his hand, “Of course, I remember you. I’m so sorry about your father. I didn’t realize you knew my daughter. And of course, she can go out with you,” he smiled at his daughter.

  “Yes dad… you and Sharon need to go have a good time. I’ll be alright with Dakota,” Georgia smiled and said…although her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes Dakota noticed.

  “Well Georgia if you’re sure…you know…you and Dakota could come with us?” he seemed almost eager for her to agree.

  “Dad, it’s okay really. Dakota and I have some things we need to discuss in p
rivate. You and Sharon have fun and I’ll see you in the morning before you head back home.”

  Justin just looked at his daughter and back to Sharon. “We’ll talk in the morning about this nonsense that you want to move out. You two have fun.” Her father and Sharon walked off, and Sharon turned back to give Georgia a smirking smile.”

  “That bitch,” Dakota grumbled under his breath.

  “You can say that again. Thanks for coming to my rescue. I didn’t realize you were there and I’m sorry you had to witness my step-mother’s behavior. She and dad are going through a little newlywed jitters, I guess,” she looked anywhere but at Dakota’s face.

  Dakota turned her so she was fully facing him, his hands gently caressing her elbows. “She shouldn’t have treated you like that. I wanted to punch her and I never hit ladies so you know how pissed off I am.” Being pissed didn’t stop his cock from twitching as he looked at Georgia’s beautiful unflawed face with full red lips.

  She laughed halfheartedly, “Well thanks for helping me out. See you around.” She turned and started to walk off.

  He reached up and grabbed her elbow again. “Wait a second, Georgia. I was serious about taking you out. I’ve been looking all over for you.” Panic. He couldn’t let her get away again.

  “Really, Dakota? Have you ever heard of a telephone?” She looked up into his eyes and he caught his breath, stunned by her dark blue eyes and thick black eye lashes as they blinked over unshed tears.

  “I didn’t put two and two together and realize you were Justin’s daughter. You never gave me your number, but I have been looking for you everywhere.”

  “Maybe that’s because you left in the middle of the night while I was sleeping.”

  “I left you a note that I had a family emergency.”

  She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill and opened Dakota’s hand and slapped the bill there. “When I saw you again I had it all planned out that I would yell and be all indignant and tell you I wasn’t a whore. Just a tip for your future one nighters, never leave money on the night stand when you leave a woman’s bed without waking her up. I’m too tired and sad to show you how angry I was about your behavior, Dakota. Now I want to go lie down.”

  “Honey, I had promised you breakfast and I left the money quickly without thinking and maybe it was a bad idea. I’m sorry. I certainly didn’t think you were that. Being with you was… amazing.” Amazing, hell, it was damn right spectacular.

  “Look at you Dakota. You are a famous smoking hot cowboy that can have any woman he wants and well me…you can count how many times I’ve made love on less than three fingers, although you probably would call it fucking. I didn’t expect forever. You just charmed me at a moment when I was feeling vulnerable and I’m not that kind of girl. It was a beautiful experience, but you need to find one of those bunnies for your needs. It isn’t me. Now thank you again.”

  She quickly stepped into the elevator as it was closing and left him standing there with his mouth open. Damn, I was only her second lover. Georgia had been passionate and responsive and he could still hear her moans inside his head. Sparks had been flying. He snapped out of it and looked up to see what floor she was going to. It stopped on five floors so that didn’t help him much, but he would knock on every door on those floors if he couldn’t figure how to get her number.

  He hadn’t wanted another woman since they had been together in Cheyenne. It had actually cleared his head and made him focus on all the rodeos that led up to him getting into the top fifteen in the standings and qualifying for the NFR in Vegas. If he was smart, he’d put her out of his head so he could focus on his bull riding. This was his first time to qualify for the finals. His brother had placed first in the saddle bronc competition last year, and Dakota wanted to do well for his father who had just passed away a few months ago.

  Yeah, I should just forget about her… he ran his hand over his face…hell that‘s a stupid idea. He hadn’t quit thinking about her since he had left that night to go help Cody protect his woman from her crazy ex-husband.

  The elevator doors opened and Cameron walked out. He raised his eyebrow at his brother. “Dakota, you hungry?”

  “Yep, but for more than food.” His hangover forgotten, his mind was running a mile a minute trying to figure out how he could get to see Georgia again.

  Chapter Two

  Georgia entered her room and threw herself on the bed. She closed her eyes. That didn’t help, all she saw was Dakota’s deep dark blue eyes and sexy black hair that kept falling over his forehead. Damn that man. Why couldn’t he be ugly and skinny with no muscles? Why did he have to have such flat abs, and a sexy smile, and…Crap…? Every time she had gone to sleep the last few months her dreams always turned to Dakota. He was above her, pumping into her as his naked body rippled with muscles and sweat. His lips had been so full, soft and ravishing. His eyes so focused on her. Damn, Damn, Damn!

  She couldn’t forget that night. The minute the door had closed he had nearly taken her against the wall. His mouth had consumed her as he gripped her chin to give him the angle he wanted, taking the kiss deeper almost to her soul. In her mind she could still hear him growl when his tongue had slid inside her mouth. It was a kiss of possession and she had been a slave to his passion. No man had ever kissed her like Dakota had. His smell, all man, still lingered in her mind these many months later.

  He had stripped her clothes off before she had even realized it and had laid her gently on the bed. He turned his attention to her breasts lifting them in his large hands and rubbing his calloused thumbs over her nipples, while never taking his eyes of her. He devoured her. He had reverently kissed her lips again softly before his lips went to her breasts. Oh my God. She had nearly come from the way he sucked her breasts.

  She rolled on her stomach and pounded her fist into her pillow. Stop it!

  The only man she had ever had before Dakota was an old boyfriend during College and all she remembered was that he had been too drunk and quick to even realize she had been a virgin. It had been very painful and left her wondering if sex was all it had been made out to be. She had quickly broken up with him and since then had focused all her energy on school, her family and the ranch. Barrel back racing was her other love and she had finished up her senior year as one of the collegiate top barrelers. Then she had finished up her three years graduate work getting a doctor’s degree in physical therapy.

  Before she went into her field she had decided to give the Professional Woman’s Rodeo tour a year to see how she did against the nation’s best racers. And she had done well. In her last rodeo she had bumped the 15th place rider out of the standing allowing her to qualify for the NFR in Vegas. Her race today had not been one of her best. Her horse had been favoring his right front leg and she pulled back not wanting to hurt him. She loved her horse, Damian. He was more important to her than winning.

  Her dad had followed her to most of her competitions which she could understand how his new wife would be upset. Sharon just didn’t realize how close they were. She was a bitch, but Georgia did need to back off and give them some space. She loved her dad enough to do that. After all it had been Georgia’s idea that he get back into dating last year. It had been six years since they lost her mother. She still felt the loss of her mother deeply.

  She’d have to convince her dad in the morning that it was for the best, even if she was going to miss her dad and the ranch. It was time for her to get a job and make a life for herself. She sat up in bed determined that she would be a better daughter.

  Quickly she undressed and jumped in the shower. When she got out she wrapped a towel around her thick deep brown hair and slid into the white fluffy hotel robe that they provided just as someone knocked on her door.

  “Oh dad,” she said under her breath. She knew he would be worried. Quickly she went over and threw open the door.

  Her mouth opened in surprise. “Dakota?” she swallowed and pulled the robe tighter across her
breasts. “How did you find my room?”

  He smiled a devilish smile at her. “I remembered Cody had your dad’s cell number in his phone contacts and I called him. Cody wasn’t too happy. He and Tammy are on their honeymoon and I seemed to be interrupting their love making, but I needed the number.”

  She continued to stare at him. Unbelievable. She wanted him to leave but her body cried out that she wanted him to stay, too. Make up your mind, you senseless twit.

  “I called your dad and told him I forgot your room number and I was supposed to pick you up. Your dad was very helpful. May I come in?” Her mind was slamming the door in his face, but again her body didn’t listen and she stepped back; he followed her in and closed the door.

  He reached over and pulled her into his arms; as if it was his right and he belonged there, and leaned down to kiss her. He gave her a tender kiss and he pulled back and looked into her eyes. She should have pulled away but her eyes went back to look at his full lips with a touch of moisture beading on them. He lowered his head again and the minute his lips sealed over her mouth the second time the kiss turned all consuming. Damn, she thought, he is doing it to me again.

  Dakota slipped one of his hands into the front of her robe, opening it so that his fingertips caressed her ribs up to the bottom of her full breast. She felt his hand slide up and lift her breast before his thump stroked her nipple. He kissed her like he was starving for her…like a minute hadn’t gone by since the last time they had been together.

  She moaned and put her hands around his neck into his hair. “Oh my God,” she moaned under her breath. Why did she have to desire him so much?

  His hand slid down to her moist clit and he growled and pulled her closer with his other arm.

  She knew if she didn’t do something he was going to take her right there on the floor. She had no willpower when it came to Dakota. It felt so good what he was doing to her with his fingers. Her cell phone’s bell tones startled her. She jumped back away from him.


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