Dakota Love Me: Tiller Brothers Book 2

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Dakota Love Me: Tiller Brothers Book 2 Page 9

by Lee, Judith

  She found another cowboy who she had just cleaned and taped a cut on his arm and asked him if he would take the other wrangler over to the hospital. He agreed. She got a plastic bucket he could throw up in so he didn’t ruin the other cowboy’s truck and then she helped him get the other injured cowboy loaded into the truck. Finally at four o clock she got off her first shift work.

  After checking on her horse, she jumped on the shuttle. She couldn’t help smiling about her new job and about how special Dakota had become to her in such a short time. It felt like she had been waiting for him all her life. She wanted to pinch herself as it was too good to be true. Maybe she was dreaming. Naw, my body hurts too deliciously to be a dream. She couldn’t help herself, she laughed out loud, and all the passengers gave her a questioning look.

  She stopped and ordered steaks, loaded baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and apple pie for dessert, and a bucket of chilled beer in ice. She paid for it and said she’d be back to pick it up in about twenty minutes. She ran out of the restaurant and up to her room and grabbed a quick shower and changed into her black leggings and a sweat shirt. She braided her hair and grabbed her large purse and threw in her honey colored night gown Dakota had given her, and a few toilet articles before she flew back down the elevator to get their meal. When she got there, they had it already set up on a beautiful tray with a red rose and offered to have a waiter help her take it up to the room. She tipped them both but said she could manage.


  Dakota was pacing the room. He thought she would have been there by now. It was a little after five. He had called her on the cell phone several times but it had just gone to voice mail. He tried again, and she answered and Dakota said, “Where are you honey?”

  “Outside the door, open up?” He threw the phone on the dresser and walked quickly to the door. He pulled it open and she stood there with a dazzling smile, and pushed the dinner cart into the room. “You did order room service, didn’t you? I’m here to take care of your every need and you don’t even need to tip me,” she teased and leaned up and brushed a kiss over his lips.

  He growled. “You look good enough to eat.”

  “Not yet…buster. We have to do things in the right order. Food and a couple of beers first. Then if I remember, it’s fucking, and then the films.

  “Never fucking with you honey, I’ll make love to you.”

  “Sounds so good, but steaks first before they get cold.”

  He put his arms around her, “Did you say steaks?” he kissed her neck, “Hmmm, you smell good.”

  “Come on Dakota, feed you first…I even got you apple pie.” She lifted the lids off the various dishes.

  “Okay, I’ll hold off on what I am most hungry for, but I may have to have a second desert after the apple pie, and it smells like oranges.” He dipped his fingers into the v of her tight black leggings and kissed her while he caressed her pussy. She moved closer to him and he heard her purring. He pulled back and smiled at her surrender, “Did you say steaks? My second favorite thing.” He took her hand and pulled out her chair for her to sit down. “Thanks for picking up dinner. It really looks delicious.” He twisted off the beer tops and handed one to her. He took a big swig of his beer.

  After they started eating they shared their day’s events with each other and laughed about the stubborn cowboy who refused to go to the hospital by ambulance while he kept passing out and throwing up. She’d gotten him to sign a release first before she found him a ride to the hospital. He liked sharing their meal and conversations about everyday things. Her very presence made his hotel room feel like a home. She couldn’t finish her steak so she fed him her last few bites.

  They shared the dessert deciding to save the other piece for a later snack. They fed each other’s apple pie between kisses. His stomach was near to bursting. After he moved the dinner cart outside the door, and put up a do not disturb sign, he took her hand and guided her over to the comfortable leather chair that was in his room and pulled her into his lap. He turned on the station that was carrying the live rodeo feed and they finished another beer. Georgia’s head lay on his chest and after a few minutes he felt her drift off to sleep. He smiled. They were so comfortable together, but it didn’t take much to turn the flames that were always there, burning on low to instant inferno heat. The firestorm could be lit by a smile or a touch or the smell of her body. He kissed the top of her head. He’d let her rest because they hadn’t gotten much sleep last night and he liked holding her. He laid his head back and decided to close his eyes for a minute.

  When he woke up later she was standing in front of him now wearing only her honey colored night gown, looking at him with that look. The one that sat his blood on fire. “Don’t move,” he whispered to her in his husky voice.

  He rose and stood a few feet away, absorbing her very essence while he started removing his clothes. First his shirt went flying. Then he sat on the bed and removed his boots and socks. He rose slowly and unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. His eyes never leaving her eyes, he slipped his pants and boxers off and stood in front of her with his cock in full arousal and his powerful body already gleaming with perspiration. For a good minute he continued to stare at her.

  He moved to the bed and crawled into the middle of the huge king-size bed and turned around and got on all fours facing her. “Come here honey.”

  She lifted her silk almost transparent gown above her knees and crawled on her other hand and knees to him, facing him, her head a few inches away from his lips. He leaned forward and smelled the scent at her neck and his nostrils flared. They were like two wild primal animals in heat sniffing and claiming each other. He leaned forward and kissed her with his mouth full open and captured her tongue. He growled at her. She moaned in his mouth.

  “Get up on your knees, Georgia, and pull up your gown so I can lick your pussy.”

  She rose and pulled her gown to her breasts and spread her legs wider so he could reach her woman’s core, and laid a hand on the top of his head. He licked and sucked, and murmured with his lips until she was swaying sideways and almost lost her balance. He pulled back before she reached her climax. “Take your gown off and throw it off the bed,” he commanded in a low sensuous voice.

  She slipped her gown slowly up her body and dropped it off the bed. She was already breathing hard. Her perfect breasts beckoned to him, but first he had other plans for her. “Georgia, climb on my back, I’m going to give you a ride.” She rose, threw her leg over him and climbed on his naked back. “First lie on my back and rub your breasts against my back, and slide your slick pussy over my ass.”

  “Ahhh, nice.” One of her hands slid down and across his stomach. He grabbed her hand and moved it to his swollen cock so she could fist it in her hand. Without further encouragement she began to stroke him. He began to sway and move and rock his body in a mating movement.

  He could feel her heat and moisture rubbing against his back and buttocks as she pleasured him with her hands and pleasured herself on his back. “Yes, honey, like that.” Her lips kissed his back and neck and he felt her tongue licking his skin.

  After a few minutes he lifted her hands from his cock, “Sit up now, honey. I’m going to give you your ride. Put one hand up in the air and hold on to my back with your other hand.”

  He started rocking and humping his back, swaying from side to side. He heard her laughter, felt her joy. He looked at her face in the dresser mirror and saw her eyes were closed and her face was lifted upward. Her smile was pure happiness and he couldn’t stand not being inside of her at that moment. He flipped his hips and sent her to her side where he caught her and rolled on top of her. His lips sought out her mouth and he poured his love into the kiss. Reluctantly, breaking the kiss, he reached for the dresser and ripped the condom package open and slipped it on. He returned to her and kissed her until they were both breathless. His hands reached down and spread her thighs apart and he pushed deep inside her. She was so wet... she started contracting
around him almost instantly. Damn yes, whole at last. He felt himself tremble trying to fight off the climax that was threatening to burst forth and he hadn’t even started to pump inside her. His growl let her know he was claiming her here and now. Mine.

  No longer able to hold back he started pumping and grinding into her soft compliant body and she was digging her nails into his back to get closer, meeting his every thrust. Her legs were wrapped around his body in a lover’s grip. Their tongues tangled. Their breaths mingled together as one. This was not going to be slow, but hard and fast. That’s what they both wanted.

  Dakota felt Georgia tighten again and start convulsing around his cock and when she cried his name over and over it was the signal he had been waiting for so he would feel complete. Home at last. For a moment he wondered if the rubber would overflow with his sperm. Then all thought vanished and he lost himself in her neck whispering her name.

  After a few moments to get their breathing controlled, he rose a few inches from her face and looked into her eyes. “It has never been like this for me. Never.”

  She smiled and tears fell from her eyes. “Dakota I will never forget this night, this week. I can’t believe anyone in this world has ever felt what we shared together. It can’t be possible.”

  He kissed her sweetly. “I think you have an award coming to you. That was a mighty fine ride,” and he smiled at her. He scurried off the bed. First he ran to the bathroom and disposed of his condom and grabbed a towel for them, but he stopped at his pants. He removed the buckle off his belt and crawled back into the bed.

  “Georgia you won this buckle but you also won my heart.” And he handed his buckle to her.

  “I can’t take your Circuit Championship Buckle, Dakota, but I’ll definitely take your heart. And I’ll never give it back.”

  “I won’t take it back,” implying his heart, “and you earned this buckle. I want you to have it. Really, I have an extra one here and dozens at the house. I used to give them all to my dad and he put them in the awards glass cabinet in his office. Between all of us and even his and mom’s awards, it’s packed full. No one’s going to miss this one, and I want you to have something to remember me by whenever we have to be separated, but I can damn well assure you, it won’t be for long periods if I can help it.”

  “Thinking about leaving you makes me sad. I think I’ll go buy some superglue tomorrow.”

  “You will, will you?” He commenced to tickle her. She picked up a pillow and started swinging it at him. He grabbed the other pillow and they were softly pounded each other. Georgia got in a really good swing and he lost his balance and fell off the bed.”

  “You calling uncle yet?” she smiled at him as she looked over the bed at him sprawled on the floor.

  “I surrender. You are Queen of the mountain, or bed in this case. Let’s eat that pie. I’ve built up an appetite because of you. I can’t keep up with your cowgirl strength.”

  “Sweet talker…I’ll get the pie and the forks and you get your computer set up so we can watch your bull rides.

  She slipped on one of Dakota’s t-shirts that was lying on the dresser, and he slipped into his boxers, and set up the computer. They stacked pillows high on the bed and sat up in bed eating the pie and watching his bull rides.

  When she got up to put the pie plate away she looked at his room. They’d always been too preoccupied for her to notice. “Hey, how come your room is nicer than my room and it was even upgraded?” she turned to ask Dakota. “I know bull riders make a lot of money, but this room is over the top nice.”

  She joined him back in bed. “Normally I just stay in the trailer with Cameron,” he told her, “but my sponsor paid for this room.”

  “I know they did it for Cody when he retired but this isn’t the normal is it?” she asked.

  He gave her a big smile.

  “Okay, I know that look. You are holding out on me. Who is your sponsor?”

  “Georgia, I can’t say.”

  She turned to stare at him, “What?”

  “I’m under contract not to reveal myself until the ad campaign is over and then they’ll use my name in their print.”

  She looked at him confused and a little hurt that he wouldn’t tell her who was footing the bill.

  “I can’t say, really, I can’t, but if you guess and don’t tell anyone I can’t help that you are a good guesser,” he moved to fast forward his computer through a recorded televised bull riding event and paused on a Levi commercial.

  There was a cowboy in his tight fitting Levi jeans hung low on his hips supporting a big buckle. His hand was holding his cowboy hat next to his hip. He was bare-chested and his biceps were large. His abs looked chiseled and his body was glowing. The picture showed him from the neck down.

  She studied the picture and looked back at him, “Oh my God Dakota that gorgeous hunk of cowboy is you. I’d know that body anywhere. Why’d they cut your head off, your face would have had the women drooling?”

  He laughed at her. “They wanted the men to see themselves in those jeans and the women to visualize their man in that commercial, or so they told me. I guess in the next campaign ad, they are going to use my face in some of the commercials, too. I didn’t care, they paid me a lot of bucks to wear their jeans and I got a fancy hotel room I could bring my girl to at night, so I’m all kind of happy.”

  “I’m glad they didn’t show your face because once they do, I’ll be history. The women will be crawling all over you to try to steal you away,” she said teasingly.

  “Not going to happen. This bull rider’s taken,” he leaned over and kissed her.

  They watched the rest of the recordings and Dakota explained what he did right, and wrong, and sometimes he explained the bull was just better that night. He showed her the recording of the bull he would be riding tomorrow. Its name was Devil Do-little.

  “What a funny name,” she said. “Will he be hard to ride?”

  “All the bulls that are here are the best in the world, the top guns and anyone of them could knock a cowboy into the next state. Do-little is one of the best, and when you get bucked off you feel pretty little under his 2,000 pounds. But I can ride him. If I stay on, I mean when I stay on him, I’ll get into the finals. See how he likes to twist one way while he’s bucking and then he twists the other way in mid buck. Amazing bull, really. Only rode eight seconds twice this year.”

  “Have you ridden him this year?”

  “Yeah, once…went off about a second into the ride. I guessed wrong which way he’d spin first. I know better now than to anticipate, I’ll stay centered and balanced whichever way he goes. And boy can he buck.”

  She put her arm around his neck. “I’ll admit to you I’m a little scared. He looks so mean.”

  “Honey, don’t worry. Even if he throws me, I’m good at scrambling away. The bull fighters are the best here. It’s an honor for them to be selected to the NFR and they won’t let the bull get me. People don’t realize they are the true heroes of the rodeo. I respect them and am good friends with most of them. There are a few I don’t know but every bull rider knows without them, we’d be toast.”

  “My dad was my bull fighter. I should probably call him and let him know things are going good.”

  He kissed her. “Just good… huh?”

  She laughed and punched his naked abs. Then she leaned and kissed his hard stomach. “I’m not going to be excited to know I’m sharing your amazing body with the world. I hope they lose your head shots and then you’ll just be mine. And Dakota…you don’t need to be told you’re better than good. Lacking in confidence isn’t one of your faults.”

  She jumped out of the bed and just barely felt him slap her on the butt. Her phone was in her purse. Turning to smile at him, she punched in her dad’s number.

  “Hey dad…did I wake you?”

  She sat in the leather chair that she and Dakota had shared. “Nah, we’re just watching rodeo stuff on TV and kind of just relaxing.”

Dakota’s knowing-smile set her heart racing just remembering the way he had made love to her. “Yeah, I get off work to watch him.”

  He crawled out of bed and kneeled at her feet and put his hands up under her T-shirt to gently cup her breasts. Her eyes closed.

  “Oh no dad, I heard what you said. I’m sorry Dakota was distracting me. Yeah I’ll head out Saturday morning early. I’ll call and let you know when I’m on the road.

  Dakota didn’t like hearing about her leaving. He lifted her up and sat her on his lap as she talked to her dad and held her tight.

  “No dad, I haven’t gotten any more texts from her. Is she being awful?”

  Dakota nibbled on her ear. He wrapped her long braid around his hand and pulled her closer so he could kiss her. She put her hand over the phone and whispered, “Dakota.”

  He chuckled at her. Finally she said good bye. He lifted her in his arms and took her back to bed.

  “I...need…you…now.” he desperately pleaded with her.

  She threw her arms around him. “I don’t remember you telling me that you got lucky after you watched your videos?” she teased him between kisses.

  After he kissed her speechless he hummed in her ear in a low timbre, “Oh but don’t you know, I’m with my Lady Luck. And I can’t resist you in my t-shirt.” He kissed her again, rolling her over onto her back, “and I am going to start a new tradition to end every night before my bull riding event with me on you,” he kissed her again, “and you on top of me…and me behind you…” his kissed her deeply, “but mostly me inside of you.”


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