Dakota Love Me: Tiller Brothers Book 2

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Dakota Love Me: Tiller Brothers Book 2 Page 10

by Lee, Judith

  Chapter Thirteen

  Georgia was a nervous wreck by the time she heard the announcer call Dakota’s name as the next rider up over the loud speakers. She looked up at Dr. Witting who was treating a cowboy with a bruised back he’d just brought in, and he nodded at her to go.

  She ran out and climbed up on the fence where another Doctor was waiting for the next bull rider. It was close enough she could see them clearly. Dakota’s eyes briefly met her gaze before he dropped into the bull. She watched the video cam above the arena show him grabbing the strap attached to the bull. She saw Cameron lean in and pull up on the rope before he gave it to Dakota. The bull cracked his body to the side and Dakota had just barely pulled his leg up out of the way. Another bull rider pushed the bull back to the center with his boot so Dakota could drop his leg back down. He rechecked the rope, she knew from what he had explained last night, to make sure none of the bull’s wrinkles would catch in the strap. He laid the rope on his gloved open palm before he wound the rope behind his hand one time, and pulled the rope tight across his hand in the front again and through his little finger. With his ungloved hand he hammered the rope tight to his grip. The bull was already bucking and Dakota put his free hand up in the air. She guessed he gave the verbal go ahead, as the gate flew open by two cowboys pulling on the rope outside the chute.

  The bull, as if he knew it was show time, flew out of the chute with all four hooves in the air and twisting his head back like he wanted to gore the rider. Dakota’s legs flew out to the side and his body slammed into the bull’s hump but he quickly recovered. She’d seen many bull riders thrown off in the first second with a vicious blow to the chest. The bull twisted to the right and while still in the air twisted to the left. Dakota slipped a little but the bull bucked and spun the other way, almost aiding Dakota to get centered again. The eight seconds couldn’t end quickly enough for her. She hadn’t taken a breath until the buzzer sounded. Dakota threw himself off the bull and the bull turned toward him on the ground and blew snot out of his nostrils. The bull fighter slapped the bull on the butt and the other bull rider grabbed Dakota by his shirt, brought him to his feet, and threw him back toward the fence. The bull came at them and they both jumped on the fence. The bull crashed into the fence just missing them. The cowboy riders came and roped the bull and dragged it off.

  She finally allowed herself to take her hands off her mouth and she smiled at Dakota. Cameron helped him over the fence and they hugged each other. The bull fighter retrieved his cowboy hat that had been knocked off and handed it to Dakota. Soon Cody was there and they were all hugging. When she saw his sister and Matt jump down from the stadium seats and join in the hug, Georgia couldn’t help but laugh gleefully and clap her hands. His family had all made it to watch him. They must have flown in to surprise him.

  Dakota turned to look at Georgia with a big grin on his face. She blew him a kiss. He looked away briefly to see his score, eighty-five. He waved his hat in the air to the crowd who were still cheering for him.

  A great score, she thought. He would probably make the finals. Dakota waved for her to come over. She looked at the other doctor and he told her it was okay to leave the Sport Medicine area and to go see him. She took off running. He met her half way and pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  “Oh wow, that was so exciting!” she yelled at him as she ran her hand over his cheek.

  “Thank you Georgia,” he kissed her quickly again. “Come see my family…they all came, can you believe it?” He’d beaten his bull and his smile was worth the fright of watching him almost being gored by the Devil. He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to his family.

  “Wasn’t that a great ride?” his sister Jenny asked as she hugged Georgia.

  Cody and Cameron told Dakota they were sure he’d make the finals with that ride. They all hugged her and made her feel like a part of the family. Tammy and Jared, Jenny’s new husband, waved at them from the bleachers. Dakota acknowledge them with a big grin and a wave, but he wouldn’t let Georgia’s hand go. He held it close to his body like he was never going to let her go.

  “I have to go back and finish my shift. I’ll listen to the announcer and see if you made the finals. It was a great ride, and I’m so proud of you.”

  He hugged her and she ran back to the medical center.


  Dakota watched her go. He was glad she had gotten there in time to see him ride. His addrelin was still pumping and he was so happy he was almost shaking. He looked back to see Cody and Cameron had jumped up to help the next bull rider who was having trouble with his bull that kept trying to lay down and his brothers and other bull riders were poking at the bull to get him to raise up. Jenny came over and put her arm around his waist.

  “They got it big brother. You can rest a few minutes. I’m so proud of you. I know your goal was to at least make the finals and I’m sure you did that.”

  “Thanks sis. How’d you guys get here?”

  She giggled, “It was supposed to be a surprise so Cody flew us here. He wanted the whole family to watch you. Sorry mom couldn’t come. The rodeo reminds her too much of dad and she’s still struggling. She told me to tell you good luck.”

  His heart sunk a little knowing that not only his mother wasn’t here, but his dad had missed his big ride at the NFR. “Wish dad had been here.”

  She wiped a tear from her eye. “I think he’s watching. You know he’s here in spirit and represented by me and your brothers, and now your Georgia. Looks like you’re pretty serious with her?” she asked.

  “Yeah, she’s special. Can’t believe how fast it’s happened. She’s not like the buckle bunnies. She’s a real woman…she’s genuine and she makes me happy.”

  “Dakota you don’t know how pleased I am for you. You’ve been in another world drifting the last few years, searching for something. What’da you say we keep her?”

  He gave her a big hug. “That’s my plan.”

  “I liked her when I met her in Cheyenne at Cody’s retirement party,” Jenny said. “It didn’t look like you were going to catch her that night, but now it looks like maybe you did. I know you’ve been looking for her. Did you find her here?”

  “I was so dumb. I didn’t even check to see who made the women’s top fifteen to get in the NFR’s barrel racing. I would have been there to watch her. Luckily she popped off the elevator right when I was about to leave and go look for Cameron. Also found out that Georgia Cooper is Justin Cooper’s daughter. It sure would have helped if I’d put the two together but I never met her at the ranch the couple of times dad, Cody and I went there.”

  Dakota joined his family in the stands. He wanted to go see Georgia but with as many bull riders that went down with one injury after another, he knew she’d be busy. After the last five riders completed their rides, Dakota learned he indeed had made the finals currently in third place. They would be riding again around seven o’clock. His family all cheered and slapped him on the back. They had all watched together the end of the preliminaries.

  Georgia joined them a little after three. He had been watching for her and he jumped up and escorted her to his family. They decided to get a quick bite to eat at the nearby concession stands. Dakota didn’t want to go back to the casinos until it was over. He was only a little nervous, hell it’s the finals, and he knew not to add any more stress by worrying if he would get back on the shuttle in time. They ate hot dogs, nachos and cheese, pretzels and fried turkey legs. And of course lots of beer, except for Dakota. He had ice tea. They all made Georgia feel welcome and a lot of razing went on between the brothers. They were sitting under the tent in the concession eating area which gave them some relief from the Vegas heat even though it was December.

  Dakota noticed Georgia got a text. Her face turned pale. He grabbed her phone, I’m having you watched. You will be followed until I can get my revenge against you. He looked to see who the caller was from and it was unlisted. They exchanged looks with each other. “It’
s Sharon. You just ignore this. I’ll text your dad and tell him about the message but don’t you worry. We’re all here with you and I’ll follow you home tomorrow.”

  He could see her sit up straighter and get a determined look in her eyes. “I’m okay, I don’t want you worrying about me when you are about to get on a 2,000 pound beast. Dad will call the police and tell her to quit heckling me.”

  “That’s my cowgirl. You be strong. She is just a bitch. She better hope she never runs into me again.”

  “Dakota, this time I wouldn’t mind if you’d pop her one, or better yet, let me get in a good swing. She has had this coming for a long time.” He put his arm around her and smiled at his feisty, confident cowgirl.

  They filled their family in on Justin’s crazy wife and they all assured Georgia that they’d keep an eye out for here. Tammy looked especially worried after having just lived through being kidnapped. Cody sensed her unease, and whispered in her ear. She touched his mouth with her fingers and smiled at him. He enveloped her in his arms.

  “When do you have to work again, Georgia?” Jenny asked.

  “I’m through for this event but they’ve told me they’d like me to go to Denver for the next rodeo. I hadn’t signed up yet for barrel racing and I think after making the NFR I may be retiring from the barrels. Sharon was right about one thing, it’s time I started using my doctor’s degree dad worked so hard saving for me to go to school. I really loved working with this organization. Being a rodeo contestant and now a full-fledged physical therapist has been a dream come true.”

  “I hope I’m included in that dream of yours,” he spoke in Georgia’s ear so only she could hear.

  She slid her arms around his neck, “You’re at the top of my dream list. Remember I’m your Superglue.” She kissed him. They both stared into each other’s eyes.

  “…Going to be mighty hard to concentrate on the bull with your beautiful blue eyes putting me in a trance. I’m thinking more like throwing you over my shoulder and taking you to the trailer.

  She only grinned at him. She reached up and pulled his cowboy hat over his eyes, and said, “Don’t look at me. Think about those scary brown eyes, and those ouchy horns, and the spit and saliva those monsters throw out before they blast out of the chute. Keep your head in the game,” she admonished.

  She moved away from him. He wrapped her long braid around his hand and pulled her back for a kiss. “Okay but afterwards you want to go bull riding again with me on the bed tonight?”

  “Counting the minutes,” she grabbed his hand.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The night was a little colder but not uncomfortable. Georgia thought she was shaking inside because of nerves. Dakota had already told her, he didn’t care what place he received. Making the finals would make his sponsors happy. He just wanted to beat his bull tonight and not worry about the score. She admired the way he wasn’t driven to have to get first place like his brother Cody had done in the bronc saddle riding contest last year. He wasn’t a fool, he had told her, any one of the finalist had a shot to win. If the bull didn’t perform, it wasn’t the riders fault. All he could do was hold on for eight seconds. That was his goal. She had given him a long kiss before he left her to go get ready for the event.

  The fourth place contestant had stayed on the bull but only scored seventy-seven. Dakota was up next. She gripped Jenny’s hand. Hers was shaking as bad as her hand. The ride started out with the bull doing one buck but then the bull just started to run. Dakota jumped off at eight seconds, and he looked disappointed. The judges came over to him and talked to him. Dakota smiled up at his family.

  “What’s happening?” Georgia asked.

  Cody said, “He has the option to take his score or get a re-ride since his bull didn’t perform. At this level of competition, the bull’s got to give him a ride or they give him a chance on another bull.”

  “He gets to try again, like a do-over?” she asked with a smile on her face.


  The announcer informed the crowd that Dakota would be given a re-ride on a different bull. His family rose up and cheered.

  She was happy he got another chance but that meant she was going to have these knots pulling at her stomach for one more ride. She could hardly catch her breath.

  The next rider rode the bull and got an eighty-two score. At this point still ahead of Dakota. The current first place rider had a good score of eighty-seven and it kept him in first place.

  Cody and Cameron went down to help Dakota get ready for his last ride. Georgia kept her fingers and her legs crossed, and if she could cross her toes she would have done that. She whispered a little prayer that he would stay on the bull and for him not to get hurt.

  When the gates were swept open, from the moment it left the chute, she knew it was a different bull, meaner and intent to try to twirl around and buck Dakota off. He was just slipping off when the buzzer sounded. He jumped up and ran to the fence, with the bull fighters keeping the bull busy in the other direction. The family all held their breaths to see if they’d disqualified him for sliding off before the buzzer but he got the green flag from the judge. Dakota jumped up in the air and waved at the fans, and then he looked at his family. She could tell he didn’t care about the score; he just kept looking at her and not the score board.

  It was an eighty-seven. He was beaten out of first place by one point but she knew he didn’t care. He’d beaten two bulls that night and she was going to have to show him some good loving tonight.

  She noticed Brad Smith behind Dakota with a sour look on his face. He kicked the fence and walked off. During the afternoon, she had noticed Brad was one of the bull riding contestants. When he had been bucked off, he kicked the dirt nearly throwing it up in the bull fighter’s face. She thought to herself, he just never learns. What a selfish prick. She hoped she didn’t have another run in with him.

  That night after the award’s ceremony where Dakota placed second, and after he signed autographs again, they all walked over to the sport health center so Georgia could pick up her overnight bag. At Dakota insistence she had checked out of her hotel room early in the morning. Dakota had to go meet with his sponsors again so she just took her suit cases with her and dropped them off in her truck. Her overnight bag she took to work. She’d have taken it back to Dakota’s room, but she had lost his key card, probably still on the floor after she had stripped out of her clothes. She couldn’t help blushing at the memory.

  At the entrance several bull riders Dakota knew stepped out of the center. Dakota was introducing Georgia and his family to the men. When he got to Brad Smith, Brad held his hand up in Dakota’s face. “You don’t need to introduce me to Georgia. I know her…intimately.”

  Her eyes flew to Dakota who looked shocked and his eyes asked the question if it was true. She couldn’t answer in front of his family and looked down at her feet. She wouldn’t lie to Dakota. Brad noticed the exchange, laughed and swept Georgia up in his arms, leaning her backwards. “Oh my little bunny, I have missed you.” And he planted a kiss on her lips.

  She was in shock. Her arms flew up in the air to keep her balance and to keep from falling over. She finally got a grip of his shirt. She had no leverage to push him so she jerked her head to the side. When he planted her on her feet, she looked to where Dakota had stood only a moment ago and saw him stomping off into the crowd. Cameron and Cody were looking at her and the rest of the family’s eyes were on Dakota’s retreating back.

  Georgia had her hand wrapped around her truck keys. She turned back around to Brad, tightened her fist and swung up with all her might and hit him at just under the bridge of his nose. It sent him flying backwards with blood squirting out of his nose. His head hit the cement and he cried out in pain. She turned to run after Dakota, but Cody grabbed her arm.

  “Wait, let him cool down. He’s a hot head and won’t listen to you right now. Do you need me to pick up this piece of trash and finish him off for you?” he asked.

/>   Tears were running down her cheek. Dr. Witting came out and saw the blood all over her knuckles and looked at Brad lying on the ground with what looked like a broken nose.

  “Dr. Cooper, we don’t bloody up our patients. I’ll speak with you later.” He and another Doctor picked Brad up and carried him into the center. He was swearing up a streak that he’d get even with that little bitch.

  Georgia was crying hard, but she tried to tell Cody, “It’s not like it looks.”

  Cody put his arms around her and Cameron smoothed her hair. Cameron whispered, “Cody can finish off Smith when he gets done in there and I’m going to go knock some sense into Dakota”

  “No, Cameron, he’ll never believe me. It wasn’t like it looked. I’m so sorry I ruined his big night,” she cried. She took off her barrel racing buckle and handed it to Cameron, “Give this to Dakota and tell him I’m sorry and I’ll never forget him.”

  She ran off before either brother could stop her. “Damn,” both brothers shouted, “come back here Georgia.” She lost them in the crowd that was leaving the arena. All she knew was that she needed to go home. She ran over to where her horse was and climbed on the gate. Her horse came over and she hugged him, still crying, “Let’s go home Damian.” It took her some time to hook up her trailer and load her horse as she was crying so hard she couldn’t breathe. She picked up her phone and called her dad, “I’m coming home. I’m leaving now.”

  “Georgia, why are you crying? What’s wrong?” Her dad asked with concern in his voice.

  “Something happened and Dakota is never going to believe me and I’m hurting so bad. I just want to come home.”


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