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Dakota Love Me: Tiller Brothers Book 2

Page 12

by Lee, Judith

  He put his fingers over her mouth, “Shhhh…honey, it’s okay …I’m the one who needs to apologize. I was a fool for leaving you without talking with you. It didn’t take me long to clearly see that things weren’t what I first thought last night after I saw Brad kissing you… well after four shot glasses, Cody practically knocking me out and Cameron sobering me up. What we have between us is special. You have never once overreacted to my past lady acquaintances. I didn’t even give you a chance to explain.”

  She laid her head on his arm so she could look at him better. “But I should have told you about Brad. Well technically I did tell you about Brad but I never told you his name or that he has made my life a living hell every time I have seen him the last couple of years.”

  “He was your first boyfriend, wasn’t he?” Dakota asked softly and he ran his hands over Georgia’s face.

  “I was so young when I met him and like I told you before I was kind of shy back then and this older good looking college rodeo star was interested in me. He made me feel pretty and I overlooked his character. When he was rude to people, I knew it was wrong but I still couldn’t see past the fact that someone like him liked me. Damn I was so stupid. Then he practically raped me with no regard to my well-being. What a wake-up call that was for me. That’s why I was so cautious when we met. It didn’t take me long to see what a great guy you are. You are like my father, strong character, wonderful personality and you have showed me nothing but respect. Even the way you make love to me tells me what kind of a man you are. Dakota, I fell in love with you almost from the moment I met you.”

  He smiled at her, “I wanted to tell you first how much I love you and I can’t live without you.” He followed up his statement with a world rocking kiss that made her toes curl up and her insides turn to jelly.

  She couldn’t help it, she started crying again. “Oh Dakota, I love you so much. My heart broke when I thought you were breaking up with me. I felt ripped to shreds and it was physically so painful. It hurt so bad.

  “I was the fool that caused you so much pain. If it’s of any consequence, I felt the same way. Cameron had to physically hold me down to keep me from going to you once I found out where you were.”

  She smiled at him through her tears. “Dad told you, huh?”

  “Your father is a great man. I had to promise him never to hurt you again and I told him I loved you before I had even told you. He made all the arrangements for me to get the key when I got here. I don’t think Brad is going to bother you anymore. Cody beat the shit out of him and if I see him anywhere near you again he will wish he had never been born.”

  “Thank you for forgiving me and coming to me.” She grabbed his head and pulled it down so she could kiss him again.

  After several minutes of mind blowing kisses, Dakota trailed his lips to her ears. “I hear make up sex is the best. You up for it?”

  “Hmmm, how convenient we are naked. How did you do that without waking me up?”

  “You were exhausted honey and I freely admit to you, I took full advantage,” he whispered.

  Georgia ran her hand down over his chest, past his hard pecks, to his cock, “I’ve had a good rest and I would say you are certainly up to it.” She slid down his chest and took him in her mouth. She just had to taste him, to assure herself she wasn’t dreaming. Their bodies were so warm and she felt wrapped in a cocoon with the rest of the world gone, just Dakota and her.

  Dakota moaned. She smiled and brushed her tongue down the length of him. One of her hands caressed his balls, and the other hand wrapped around him and squeezed. Her lips found his head again, and slid lower onto his slick cock. “Hmmm....” she hummed.

  “Georgia, that feels so good, but I want you, too.” He sat up and spun her around so her head stayed with his cock but her wet pussy was lying directly over his mouth. She drew in her breath when his tongue started licking her inside and then he moved up and he latched onto her clit and started sucking. His tongue sped up and licked her so rapidly she knew she was about to come. Her hand moved over him in rhythm to his hips jerking up and down.

  At the last minute when she was ready to burst, he pulled up and grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her back into the bed, sealing her lips with a kiss and he mounted her and started to press into her opening. Then just as suddenly he jerked out and threw himself on his back next to her. He put his hands over his eyes.

  “What’s wrong, Dakota?” she asked startled.

  “Damn, I’m sorry. I left so quickly I forgot to bring the condoms with me. I’m so sorry, honey. Give me a minute and I’ll take care of you,” he breathed heavily.

  She climbed on top of him and removed his hands from his eyes. “I’m clean, are you?” He shook his head yes. “Then the worst that can happen is the best thing that can happen.” She kissed him before searching his eyes to see if he agreed. His returning smile made her happier than she had ever been.

  He rolled her back to her back and entered her, thrusting as deep as he could go and held still. “I love you Georgia, I will love you forever.”

  “I love you, too.”

  They started moving slowly at first while looking into each other’s eyes. When her eyes closed and she threw her head back against the pillow, he increased the speed. She loved the way he felt, skin to skin inside her body. There was such a deep connection between them.

  It didn’t take long for the detonation of their climaxes. That’s how it had felt, like an explosion. She actually felt his sperm spurting inside her bouncing off the walls of her uterus; his release had been so strong. Her hand slipped to her stomach, she smiled. Had they made a baby tonight?

  “You make me feel complete,” he whispered to her as his lips touched her lips in the most gentlest of kisses.

  They spent the morning in bed, making love over and over again. Neither of them felt totally quenched. Their brief separation had nearly devastated them both. The need was so strong to keep giving each other love, to reassure themselves that they were where they belonged. After their last bout of love making, she laughed and said, “I’m very grateful for your remarkable recovery time.”

  “It’s all you sugar. When I look at your body, I can’t help myself.” He kissed her again and then got up to go to the bathroom.

  “Dakota see if they are still out there.”

  He turned around quickly and looked at her with a surprise on his face and asked, “Who?”

  “I thought dad told you about the black car that was following me.”

  Dakota charged over to the window and pulled the curtains back. He grabbed his pants and pulled them on and opened the door almost in the same breath. She watched him through the door as he started running barefoot across the parking lot only to come to a stop. A car’s tires screeched and she knew it was the black car and it was now gone.

  Her skin felt prickly again. She grabbed a sheet over her body and ran to the door. “Can you check Damian to make sure he is alright?” Neither of them paid attention to the winter chill in the air at this higher elevation.

  Cody walked over and looked in the trailer and turned back to Georgia, “He’s good, but someone slashed one of your truck’s tires.” He walked slowly back to her.

  He pulled her into his arms, “Damn I’m so glad I followed you and you are with me now. We need to call your dad. After I get dressed I’ll fix your tire, we’ll eat and then head home to Casper.”

  She liked the sound of him calling Casper home.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “You followed her to Salt Lake?” Sharon asked her cowboy friend she had met in Las Vegas who had been down in the dumps by the amount of money he had lost playing poker.

  “Yeah…but Dakota showed up later in the early morning and he got the keys from the front desk. Later in the day he came charging out of their room toward my car and I got out of there.”

  “Damn, thanks for helping me. I’ll send that check to you in a few days. Did he see you?”

  “No, I wa
s driving my sister’s car and I had my hat down low over my face. Wait, there is one more thing I thought you might find interesting. After my friend Brad Smith got his nose broken by Georgia, Cody who is Dakota’s brother got into a fight with him in the parking lot and beat him up pretty bad. Brad’s pissed with Georgia and the whole Tiller family.”

  Sharon thought about it, no-one better to help her than a vengeful and scorned man. She probably wouldn’t even have to pay him. His reward would be Georgia and whatever he wanted to do with her while they waited for their ransom. At the same time she could fulfill her own revenge. “You have his cell number?”

  He rattled the phone number off to her. “You and I are done now. Send the check. I’m not getting in the middle of the dispute you have with the Tillers any more. If anyone asks I’ve never met you. If I hadn’t needed the money I would have told you to go to hell so leave me out of this from here on out or I’ll make you sorry you ever asked for my help.” He hung up on her.

  She smiled to herself; a sucker is born every day. Fat chance in hell she was going to send him the five grand she had promised him. A fellow rodeo cowboy star wouldn’t disclose to anyone that she had promised to pay him if he followed Georgia around. And certainly not tell anyone that he had been suckered and was never paid. Cowboys were supposed to have an honor system. So far she had met three cowboys who were only full of crap, this jerk, Brad Smith, and Justin Cooper.

  She dialed Brad’s number, “Brad Smith, you don’t know me but I think we have the same thing in common, we both want to extract revenge against Georgia and the Tillers.”


  “Justin,” Dakota said into the phone, “Georgia and I are eating now and about to head out, but I have some questions for you?” Dakota picked up his coffee cup and took a sip.

  “How is Georgia?” Justin asked. Dakota smiled at his woman and he ran his hand down the side of her head.


  Justin laughed into the phone, “So you two have resolved your differences.”

  “Without a doubt…I love her Justin and she loves me.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear now, I can get some sleep.”

  “Sorry I should have called you sooner but…well… you know.”

  To which Justin laughed louder, “Got ya… what questions?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that she was being followed?”

  There was a long pause, “Honestly I wanted to tell you but I had a feeling you were already going to be driving too fast as it was and you couldn’t do anything ‘til you got there. You found the car, huh?”

  “Yeah, but they got away before I could get the plates or see who it was. It had to be Sharon’s doings. Did you call the police and tell them about her threating you and your daughter?”

  “They said they would check into it and we had the option to go to a judge and get a restraining order to keep Sharon away. I’m working on that now. On Tuesday when we got back and I packed up all her things, I also called a very good private investigator I know and I heard from him last night that as far as he can see Sharon was married before but there was no record of a divorce or of him dying. My attorney is trying to arrange for an annulment. Sharon will have to provide proof of the divorce or of his death to get any kind of a settlement from me. When my attorney told her attorney and Sharon of this, she got down right belligerent and threated to tear me apart. I’m ashamed I was suckered into her little scheme. The investigator already found positive proof that Evelyn wasn’t her daughter and Evelyn is pretty distressed by Sharon’s duplicity. Sharon and her son moved out. Think they are living with the attorney right now, but I’m not sure.”

  “Wow, I’ll tell Georgia what’s happening. Sir, I want you to know I’m following her home and I’m not leaving until this is resolved. I’m not letting Georgia out of my sight, so you need to know I am going to be staying at your ranch and in her bedroom with her. I’m twenty-six and Georgia as you know is twenty-five and as consenting adults we want to be together. I’ll work hard for you and earn your respect but I have…no I need to be with her. If that isn’t acceptable to you, then I will need to take her back to our ranch in Gillette.”

  “Son, calm down. I wasn’t born yesterday and I’m not a prude. If this is what Georgia wants I welcome you to my ranch. I have no doubt you are a hard worker and I would like to have your help on the ranch, but I have one question for you. You said you wanted to stay until this was resolved. Are you planning on making a long term commitment with my daughter?”

  “Absolutely, when the time is right, as far as when I have to leave I do have some commitments with our family ranch and with upcoming rodeo events, but I’d like to take Georgia with me. Plus she still needs to find out if she still has a job. You may not know this, I can’t remember if I told you last night, my mind was a little fuzzy, but Georgia knocked Brad Smith down and bloodied him up pretty good and her boss wasn’t too happy about it. So we have to work on this. So if she still has a job, I’ll be at whatever rodeo she is working regardless, I’m not leaving her alone again.” Dakota stated in the clearest of tone.

  “That is music to my ears. Of course, I’d like her to stay at our ranch. You are welcome here. She’s all I have, but if I have to let her go, I will do that, too, if that’s what she wants. Those are decision the two of you will need to make. Just bring my baby girl home so I can hug her and…” Justin’s voice sounded broken.

  “I will sir, it’ll be late tonight. I’ve repaired her slashed tire and I’ll be following her. And just in case you’re wondering, I have my rifle with me. Your daughter wants to talk to you.” Dakota handed Georgia the phone.

  “Daddy, are you okay?”

  She heard him say in a choked up voice, “Yes.”

  “Thank you for sending Dakota to me and I do love him, daddy. I hope you aren’t upset we want to live together.”

  “No, no baby girl. I want you to be happy. I’m not ashamed to tell you I hope you both decide to live with me on this big ranch. It’s pretty lonely without you.”

  “All those years in college, after mom died, I should have been with you instead.”

  Justin answered quickly, “Life has to go on. You know, one day at a time, and even though we want life to come to a grinding stop because we’ve lost someone we love, we have to go on and live our lives as they were meant to be. I was busy with the ranch and I do have friends, you know, so I was never totally alone. They just aren’t my baby girl. But there is no-one else in the world that I love more than you and I’m so proud of you. Come home tonight and we’ll talk about your future. Get home to me and bring your man with you. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, dad. Bye.”

  She turned to Dakota with a sweet smile on her face. “He’s always been the greatest dad.”

  “We have two things in common. Wish my dad was still alive, I’m glad at least I told him on the phone the night before he died that I had met a pretty cowgirl named Georgia, and I was going to marry her someday.”

  “You really told your dad that?”

  “Yes ma’am. I knew the minute I met you that I wanted you forever.” They kissed each other in the café as if they were the only two people in the room.

  “Let’s get going. I’m looking forward to tonight. Hope you don’t have a twin bed.”

  She laughed and punched him in the arm. “You’ll see when we get there.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  It had been a long and very tiring drive. Georgia was wiped out but she ran up the stairs to greet her dad. Dakota followed and shook his hand. He told Georgia he would take care of her horse, feed him, rub him down and put him in a stall. When he was done, they had a late snack with him before they decided to call it a night.

  Georgia kissed her dad, and took Dakota’s hand and guided him back out the front door. “We going somewhere, honey?” Dakota asked with a chuckle in his voice.

  “Just come with me. Grab our suitcases off the porch.” He followe
d her around the house to where he saw a cabin that was situated about a hundred yards from the main ranch house. It took a few minutes to walk to the large cabin. She opened the door and turned on the lights. It had been totally redone and had a modern/western warm décor. Cathedral ceilings gave the room a feeling of openness. There were giant windows on almost every wall. The kitchen looked like it was out of a Woman’s magazine and it opened to the great room where the fireplace was already burning.

  He looked at her in question.

  “Sharon didn’t want me in the house, so we had this cabin that the ranch foreman used to use. It has three bedrooms and is about 1800 square foot. When I was gone on one of my long rodeo circuit trips dad had the whole cabin redone like new. It has the most wonderful bathroom. Can’t wait to show you that,” her eyes twinkled as she led him into the bedroom.

  There was a giant bed with an extra-large four poster bed, and it had a yellow comforter with huge white fluffy pillows and a beautiful white shag area rug over newly polished dark wood floors. “Welcome to our home,” Georgia said.

  He smiled. He took her hand and pulled her out the bedroom door and all the way to the front door which he opened. They stepped out on the front porch. Georgia had no idea what he was up to. Didn’t he like the house? Dakota swept her up in his arms, kissed her and carried her back into the house, closing the door and locking it, before carrying her back to the bedroom. “Thank you,” he kissed her. “I like our new home. I’m not too proud to want to be with you wherever you are, even though I didn’t build this house for you, which I would have liked to have done for you. However, I will work to earn your father’s trust and respect before we make this officially our home. Will you wait for me to prove myself to both you and your father before I ask you to marry me?”

  “Depends on the benefit package and the waiting period…and if I’m kept very content in this room,” she pointed toward the bed. “I’ll just have to learn to have a little patience. But you know what they say about spoiled, only-child, cowgirls, we want what we want when we want it,” she laid her head on his shoulder, “but, yes, Dakota I will wait for you.”


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