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Dakota Love Me: Tiller Brothers Book 2

Page 15

by Lee, Judith

  The last night, they had made love until morning. They were so in tuned with each other that they always knew what the other one needed the most. He knew every part of her body and how to make her come by just touching her. Fuck, he was going to miss her. He had been just a little embarrassed by how swollen her lips always were and how flushed she got when they looked at each other. Justin had been a gentleman and tried to ignore it for the most part. He shook his head a lot and looked the other way.


  Several weeks later she was sitting alone on her couch after a grueling day working the cattle and she turned on Entertainment Tonight. There he was, in all his cowboy-body-built-for-sculpturing glory, his thick dark eye lashes partially hooding his deep blue eyes as he was interviewed by the reporter listening intently to her question. Draped all over his shoulder was a woman with rather large tits and Georgia had the urge to throw something through her TV set, but then she saw him give a light shrug moving away from her. No one else might have noticed the movement so small, but it made her smile. She was still too close, but now she knew it wasn’t his idea.

  Yep, definitely going to have to brand him when he comes home. She thought of putting the words mine right over his forehead, but even she knew that was too obvious. Maybe she’d mark his neck with hickeys so the clingers would get the hint. Probably wouldn’t stop them. God just look at him who could blame them.

  Her phone buzzed and she quickly looked to see if she should hit the ignore button, but his smiling face showed up on her phone. “You know I’m going to have to come kick the shit out of her and this cowgirl knows how to pull hair and bite,” she bantered to him on the phone without a greeting.

  “Had a crappy feeling you’d be watching this, when I know you don’t usually watch a lot of TV. Shit. You know I didn’t want her. I wasn’t with her. I only want you.”

  “Music to my ears, cowboy, but I already knew that. You weren’t given off the come get me vibes I’m so familiar with and she’s a red head, not your fav.”

  “You’re my fav; you’re my everything. Turn off the TV and let me talk dirty to you.”

  She chuckled, “No sweetheart, I’m enjoying looking at you in your hot jeans. So they finally outed you and showed your head. All the girls are going to be snatching up those jeans hoping their boyfriends will look as good in them as you do. Ain’t going to happen. No one looks as gorgeous as you.”

  There was silence. “Dakota what are you doing?”

  “I’m looking for my car keys, I’m coming home. Fuck the rest of the tour when my woman is at home waiting for me.”

  She heard the rattle of his keys and the door slam and an engine rev up. “Such a sweet talker. Unless you’re going to the rodeo to ride a snarly bull then you better stop. Tonight is the only night the bull riding is being televised and I’ve got popcorn and I bought you a big screen TV so I can watch your sweet ass bouncing on that damn bull. And you better land pretty and not get any bruises because you’re coming home tomorrow for real. By the way did I tell you I’m going to be watching you, and I’ll be blush naked, probably with my fingers in my pussy just imagining you riding me instead of the bull?”

  “Fuck Georgia, now you’ve gone and done it. I’m not going to be able to concentrate on the bull, my sweet ass is going to be hitting the dirt and to hell with the finals, I’ll be heading to my truck to come to you. And you damn better be naked when I get home.”

  She couldn’t help closing her eyes, and smiling at his voice as it swept over her body. She really wasn’t naked, still had on her ratty well-worn and torn jeans and a tight t-shirt. Her feet were naked and she could feel the throb of her heart beat all the ways to her curling toes.

  Finally she whispered, “Can’t wait Dakota, but don’t take a dive, they’re only televising the finals so pull it together big guy, grab that rope and hold on for dear life because I’m going to be watching. Talk to you later sweetheart.”

  “Same to you. Miss you,” he hung up.

  She was hooked, line and sinker, in love with that man. Sharing him like the rock star that he was had been hard at first, but they had a connection that was held together with the force of the strongest magnets on earth. If either of them pulled away she knew it would shatter the atmosphere. The world would splinter as she knew it.

  Later her dad had come over and watched on her new fifty-five inch TV set. A surprise for Dakota when he came home. He would love watching sports on it and maybe she’d buy a few porn movies for night time entertainment, not that the real thing between them didn’t out do any of the porn flicks. And their passion screams, moans and growls were the real thing not fake. Plus he liked natural boobs and not the blow up type. Yes, he couldn’t get here quick enough. God, she wanted to finger herself as soon as her dad left to go the ranch house. One more day, just one more day. Damn it get it together lady.

  Dakota had made the finals. By the luck of the draw he was the last one to ride and currently was in second place. His bull was a mean one, bucking, thrashing, arching his humped back and trying to stomp on him before he’d ever gotten out of the chute. She wanted to close her eyes because she suddenly saw the bull that had nearly taken her out in her tack room. And then another memory flashed of her being thrown over the fence as a child only to watch blood pouring all over her dad’s shoulder. She thought the bull had killed her father and it was all her fault. She remembered she had cried for days.

  Why had the man she had fallen in love with been a bull rider? ...of all things, her worst night mare. Her dad reached over and gripped her hand.

  “He’s a professional and he’s good at it. He knows how to get out of the bull’s way. I know those two bull fighters, they’re good ones. They’ll protect him.”

  No sooner had he spoken than Dakota’s hand was flying and being whipped around in the air as they shot out of the chute. He was swaying and rolling with the bull. It was like watching a surfer glide over a wave. His body was beautiful as his knees raised and sawed back down, keeping his balance. He kept his head up; she remembered he had told her he never looked at the ground. If he did, that’s right where he would be. This bull wanted his rider gone. Now. He was twisting both ways, his horned head being thrown backwards in its attempt to gore his rider. The ground looked a long ways down from the height that he was flying.

  The buzzer sounded. He landed hard on his back but rolled to his side and sprinted to the fence.

  Breathe, damn it, she urged herself.

  She knew she was white as a sheet and her hand was trembling in her dad’s grip. “I hate watching this. It’s like watching speed car racers or hockey players, or hell… bull-riders, knowing that a wreck or crash is about to happen. It never gets easier.”

  “I know it’s hard for you. Can’t blame you. You haven’t had the best experiences with bulls, but it’s something your man loves to do. Right now it gives him an addrelin burst and feeds his male since of accomplishment, but he won’t be doing it forever. It’s a young man’s sport and sooner or later that shoulder of his is going to make him call it quits.”

  “I’m rooting for it; does it make me a bad person?”

  “No, just a woman who is in love and doesn’t want her man hurt. You have to believe in him. He’s strong and sure of himself and that confidence is something you love even though you hate what he does for a living.”

  They sat in silence listening to the score that was posted for Dakota. Eighty-four…Good enough for first place and a nice cash award. She was truly happy for him. She always loved to see him throw his cowboy hat in the air and that woman-catching smile plastered across his tanned sun kissed face. He looked at the screen and pointed toward it and then hit his fist against his heart.

  Tears rolled down her face. She knew. She was such a sucker for the romantic way he always wooed her. Come home soon darling.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  December had flown by and she and Dakota couldn’t have been happier. Her father had agreed to go spend Chr
istmas with her at the Tiller’s ranch. A few of the neighbors offered to keep an eye on his herd and he trusted his ranch hands and foreman. It had been rare for her father to be gone for more than a few days and he was going to be spending a whole week getting to know her new family.

  Her new family. Sounded nice. He hadn’t asked her to marry him officially yet but they had talked about it. She had even thought he had been disappointed when she had her period. He had told her six kids sounded great to him, and he seemed as excited as her to get a start on them. They hadn’t used condoms for a month now. She liked feeling his naked cock sliding through her insides instead of the rubber against her skin. It felt so much more intimate.

  As they pulled up to the house, a parcel of Tillers burst out the door to greet them, including dogs. She was quickly engulfed in hugs by every one of them. His brothers were pounding on his back and grabbing the suit cases. Introductions were made for Justin although he knew most of the family.

  She held back her smile when her dad was introduced to Dakota’s mother. Justin had looked her over discreetly, in a gentle kind way. She knew her dad too well. Why hadn’t he found someone sweet and kind like her, instead of Sharon? Just the thought of her made her skin crawl. She had only gotten one text during the month of December. Enjoy yourself now, because I’m coming to get you.

  Egg Nog was served up, with a few of the guys going for the beer. Cody had his arm around Tammy’s shoulder, a permanent match made in heaven, she thought. The tree had to be twenty foot high. It was radiant with mixed luminous colored lights and ornaments with an angel on top.

  Dakota held her hand running his thumb in a soft caress over her knuckles, not wanting to lose contact with her. They were tied together with an invisible web that stretched and let them move away from each other for brief moments, but it was always pulling them back together. Damn sexy man.

  As if sensing her perusal of him, he leaned down and gave her a quick gentle kiss.

  She was happy. Actually joyful and so content. She had been waiting for this man her whole life. Never totally complete without him. He made her come alive and see things in blazing color, no longer black and white. If only he weren’t a bull-rider, and they were married, and never had to be away from each other again, her world would be perfect.

  “Let’s break out the pinnacle cards after dinner,” Cameron said. “No couples can be together or there will be cheating. We already know Tammy and Cody got the card signals going between them and they cheat, so they can pass over the trump cards. I get to team up with Georgia this time.”

  She had played pinnacle a few times with her parents and their friends, but it had been a while. What she didn’t realize was that these Tillers played vicious and to win with lots of cussing and swearing and laughter, which she liked the best. It went on for several hours. Marathon long. Dakota and his mom had paired up and were way ahead of everyone else. Threats were made that they better not be cheating. It was all played in good fun.

  When it was time for bed, her dad was given Matt’s room. Matt was crashing with Cameron, and Dakota and Georgia were going to sleep in the trailer that had been stored in the back barn and had been warming up all day and for a rare time in the winter the water was filled and kept from freezing by the warmth of the heaters.

  When they went inside, Dakota locked the door. “You think they’ll bother us?” Georgia asked.

  “Nah, just habit, I want you all to myself. When we are alone, it’s my time. I don’t want to worry about the outside world. The lock insures it. And you know I like loud and raunchy sex.”

  She moved up close to him and nuzzled her cheek behind his ear. “I thought we made love.”

  “Who says raunchy sex and making love can’t be the same thing? I’ve a mind to tie you to the bed and keep you here the next few days. They wouldn’t miss us…much.”

  She swatted his behind, stepping back to unbutton her shirt and slip out of her bra. He stood breathlessly, not moving. Would she ever get used to the flare of his eyes when he looked at her body, like he was going to eat her up? And oh he had done that too many times to remember. Her boots were kicked off and her pants fell to the floor just as quickly. “I like the trailer; it was where we did it the first time when we got back together… even though I’m sure you showed a few bunnies a good time in here.”

  “I can only remember you, honey. You’re the real deal, the jackpot, the best of the best, the queen of my heart,” he removed his clothes quickly while she laughed at him, “the buckle I won that I’m most proud of, the…”

  She reached up and pulled him down to her mouth, sealing her pleasure with his dorky words of platitude that although meant in good humor filled her heart with pride that a man like Dakota could want her. Just her.

  And boy could he kiss. He didn’t rush it…in fact she was convinced he liked kissing her as much as the actual love making act. Well at least a close second. His tongue always took over her mouth, always took away her breath and made her mind turn to mush. God did she love this man.

  He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the small full size bed that fit them just right because when they made love, or slept they were always tightly wound together. That invisible web again, wrapping them in their very own cocoon.

  He laid her on the edge of the bed with her legs dangling off the side, and his mouth licked and heated her body as he moved to her breasts, taking a gentle pull and tug with his lips. His hands smoothed out over her stomach, followed by his lips. When he got to her juncture, he lifted her legs and rested them over his wide shoulders spreading her open for his perusal.

  First his fingers spread her apart, and dipped into her crack bringing the creamy juices to his fingers. He stopped and licked his fingers all the while looking into her eyes. She couldn’t help it she rolled her head back into the bed, closed her eyes and grabbed the blankets with her fists, breathing so hard she felt the bed move with her energy.

  Again his fingers swooped up the moisture and lathered it all over her clit, and his fingers gently moved back and forth bringing her to a slow burn. The heat was building inside her. Only Dakota knew how to stoke her internal fires to a white flame. He blew his hot breath over her as his lips took over for his fingers which found their way into her hole pushing gently in and out. His tongue slipped out, the tip hammering her as he quickly flicked back and forth until she was moaning. “Dakota. Now. Now. I can’t take this sweet torture anymore.”

  Usually he wanted her to come first but he seemed out of control tonight, and he rose up and rubbed his cock across her clit and pushed gently into her opening. She could almost hear her body suck him in, wrapping him in velvet, and demanded that he never leave again. But he pulled out and pushed again, her legs still over his shoulders, while leaning and putting his weight on his arms that were on either side of her body with his feet still on the ground next to the bed and between her legs. He pulled and pushed back in several more times and she squeezed him tightly every time he entered her sanctuary. The growl he made sent her over the top. The climax twisted inside her and her toes curled and her breasts tingled. Her heart shrunk up and then exploded with her breath. They had hardly started the dance of lovers and she hadn’t wanted to come so quickly, but he had pushed her over the top with his foreplay.

  “Again,” he growled to her, “you are going to come with me together when I tell you.”

  She didn’t doubt him…she knew he could bring her back quickly. The motion of his body grinding into her and pulling back sped up with intensity. His strength was physically erotic and slightly painful as he pushed into her as deep as he could go. His teeth were tight and his lips flared back as he was lost in her, his eyes closed. He slipped one of his hands between them rubbing her until he felt her surrender and she started fluttering inside. He grunted and pushed one more time before he yelled her name and collapsed on her. His seed shooting into her in quick bursts. His lips found her ear, and she heard him breathing hard.

bsp; “Love you, honey. I can never get enough of you.” After several deep breaths, he pulled back and lifted her under her arms and pulled her the rest of the way into their bed and pulled her against his side. They were both covered in a thin layer of perspiration. She loved the smell of his masculinity and his sperm as even now it was dripping down her thighs. Neither of them cared that they were wet and messy. Being close was paramount, more important than anything.

  He pulled a cover over them and looked at the clock. It was after midnight. “Merry Christmas Georgia. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Usually once wasn’t enough, but tonight they both felt it. Contentment. Pleasure beyond anything she had ever felt before. The act of nestling together was as good as the love making had been. She closed her eyes and hoped for many more nights like this one.


  “Get up, sugar,” he gently smacked her on the butt, “time to open presents. I know you couldn’t bring the amazing TV you bought for me for Christmas, but I’m dying to show you your present.”

  “I did bring you something, but just not the big present. I’m glad you like it by the way. Although, I’ll get some enjoyment from it too.”

  They quickly got dressed and put on their coats because it had started lightly snowing. “Don’t mind telling you, I’ve had enough snow this year.”

  “Don’t doubt that.” She hadn’t talked much to him about the devastation of all the dead cattle and Dakota was thankful for that. He had had too many dreams about it. It had been gruesome even for a hardened rancher like himself. Dakota had bought quite a few of Justin’s bred cows making sure that he received a just profit and they had been delivered the week before Christmas. Even though he now considered her home as their home, this was still his ranch. He would never let his family down when he could afford to help.


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