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Texas Rebels--Paxton

Page 19

by Linda Warren

  “Your family has volunteered, Roce. Remember when you helped Wymon build a second story on his house? Now they want to pitch in for you on a second story. A bedroom and bathroom upstairs? I’m thinking you could live here a long time, and still keep your horse in the barn with ours. And at a future date, you may want to build your own ranch house for the family you’ll have one day.”

  After all these years his mom was still holding out that he’d find the right woman for him, but Roce feared the woman of his dreams didn’t exist. He hated to shatter his mom’s hopes of that happening, though, especially when she’d just offered this gift out of the blue. So many emotions overwhelmed him. He pulled his mother into his arms and gave her a long hug.

  Two months later

  THE SATURDAY DRIVE from Polson to Hamilton, Montana, turned out to be beautiful. It was June 2, and the warm weather had arrived in Bitterroot Valley. Tracey Marcroft opened the window of her white Honda, drawing in a deep breath of pine-scented air.

  As she took in the vision before her, she didn’t care that the breeze tangled her hair. After the last nine months, she was finally free from the responsibilities of teaching school, and was looking forward to her summer job at the Rocky Point Dude Ranch. She loved her sixth graders, but couldn’t wait to work with families who’d come out here on vacation to horseback ride, another one of her passions.

  During spring break, she’d interviewed with John Hunter, a man who’d made it big in oil and owned the dude ranch. The patriarch of his large family had been a close friend of her grandpa Ben’s before moving from Polson. He’d been the one to show her the facilities and he’d made her feel very welcome. The stories he’d told about him and her grandfather in their younger years riding around Flathead country had fascinated her.

  She liked John and his wife, Sylvia, a lot, and was thrilled when they offered her the job, along with her own little cabin. Besides the fact that John praised her for the way she rode and handled the horses during their ride, he’d seemed especially pleased to hear that she taught school and understood kids. They had plenty of families with younger children who could benefit from her expertise.

  Tracey was indebted to her grandfather for suggesting she get in touch with John for the job. She’d always been close to her grandpa, who’d been living with her family for the last two years since her grandmother had died. Tracey wanted to be an asset to the dude ranch and make him proud. Hopefully, three months out here in a different part of Montana would give her a new lease on life.

  A year ago this past Christmas, she’d expected her boyfriend, Jeff Atkins, to return from his deployment overseas so they could plan their wedding. They’d met in college at the University of Montana in Missoula.

  But he’d been killed in an ambush, along with two other men in his platoon. Since then, she’d been trying to get over the pain. Her parents and her older brother, Max, had done what they could to comfort her. But time had to do the rest.

  It was two in the afternoon when she reached Stevensville. She felt hunger pains and pulled into a drive-through behind a line of tourists to grab a hamburger and a soda.

  While she waited, she phoned her best friend, Barb, who was married and worked as a paralegal in Polson. Tracey hadn’t had a chance to say goodbye to her. During their talk, Barb promised that she and her husband would come visit over the July Fourth holiday. Pleased that she’d be seeing her friend next month, Tracey hung up after getting her meal.

  She drove out to the highway again for the last twenty-minute leg of her trip. While munching on her fries, Tracey rounded the long curve in the road, marveling at the sight of the magnificent Sapphire Mountains flanking the valley. In her mind’s eye, they were filled with heaps of dazzling blue gemstones. When she’d been a child, that image had delighted her imagination. It still did.

  A little farther on she saw a sign for Clayton Veterinary Hospital, and slowed down while she finished off her fries. Funny that she hadn’t seen it in the spring, when she’d first driven this way. To her recollection, there’d been a bank of trees all along the highway.

  Set against a backdrop of pines was a small, yet charming log cabin. There weren’t any cars in the parking lot, but she glimpsed a horse trailer at the side of the house before she sped up.

  The setup reminded her of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s book Little House in the Big Woods, one of Tracey’s favorites in the series. She’d always been an avid reader. Throughout her young years she’d imagined herself as Laura, riding around on her own horse.

  Tracey had gone through several horses in her life, her current one being Spirit, her gelding, who was getting very old and needed regular checkups with her family’s vet in Kalispell. Her mom and dad were taking care of him while she was gone this summer.

  When she reached Hamilton, she took a left. She’d learned that the Hunter family lived in their own homes in town when they weren’t on duty at the ranch. It was only a two-mile commute to the dude ranch sitting on five hundred acres of prime land.

  The large foyer with its office and check-in counter divided the big Western ranch house into two parts. One side contained the common areas, consisting of an activity room, dining room and kitchen, plus a great room with a fireplace that rose to the vaulted ceiling. The other side had been remodeled into bedrooms to house forty people at a time.

  Tennis courts and a swimming pool with a cabana had been built at the side of the ranch house. The stable, barn and corral lay behind the whole facility. To the side of the corral were a dozen small cabins for the summer staff.

  There were sheds housing fishing gear, white-water rafts—everything the vacationer could ask for. As John had explained, the Bitterroot River offered rafters and floaters a trip down one of the most scenic waterways in Montana, traveling through the Bitterroot and Sapphire mountains. From those vantage points, the view of the wide, lush valley was unforgettable.

  The ideal setup appealed to Tracey, who pulled up in front of the ranch house to let John know she’d arrived. It wouldn’t be open for summer vacationers until the day after tomorrow. That gave her time to get more acquainted with the facilities, particularly the horses.

  She got out of the car and walked inside. A cute brunette woman in her early twenties was manning the front desk. She broke out in a smile when she saw her approach.

  “You have to be Tracey Marcroft.”


  “I’m Fran Hunter. I’m married to Wes, who’s John’s grandson. At breakfast he said you’d be coming today. He told me and Wes, and I quote, ‘She’s the most beautiful young woman you ever saw, and she can ride a horse like nobody’s business!’”

  Tracey chuckled. It was hard to know what to say after that. “He sounds as full of it as my grandpa Ben, but thank you. I’ve been looking forward to meeting the rest of your family.”

  “We’re a big one.”

  “So I’ve gathered. I’ll try to learn names fast.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Granddad is waiting for you in his office. Just come around behind the counter.”

  Pleased that she acted so friendly, Tracey did her bidding. The door at the end of the hallway had been left open. She saw John seated at his desk. He was on the phone but waved at her to come on in.

  A lean, lanky man with a ton of energy, he had a wonderful head of salt-and-pepper hair. “Welcome, my dear,” he said, after hanging up the phone. “Sylvia and I are thrilled you’ve joined us.” He came around to give her a hug.

  “I’m the one who’s excited. Grandpa Ben sends his love with this.” She put a brightly wrapped box on his desk. “He said it’s chocolate-covered cashews.”

  “My favorite. He remembered. Thank you.” His eyes twinkled. “I plan to give him a call later and let him know you arrived. For the rest of today and tomorrow, I want you to get more acquainted with the place and staff. Fran, Wes’s wife,
is a sweetheart and runs the front desk most of the time. She’ll take care of you. Go for a swim, visit the barn and stable. Do whatever you want.”

  “Thank you.”

  “My son Sheldon and his wife Janet organize the trail rides with the forest service and are in charge of procuring our horses. Among them we have six ponies for our littlest riders.”

  “Oh—I can’t wait to see them!”

  “They’re a hit with everyone. My grandson, Wes, Sheldon and Janet’s son, runs the stable. I’ve told Wes to let you pick out the horse you’d like to ride while you’re here this summer.”

  “I can’t wait. Just so you know, I’ve brought my own saddle and gear.”

  “Wonderful. Fran will give you the key to your cabin. It’s number two. My wife and I will see you at dinner at seven.”

  “I’d love that.”

  When she went back to the counter, Fran introduced her to another of John’s sons named Thad. You couldn’t mistake him for anyone else. He had the same lanky look as his dad. “Uncle Thad is head of security. He deals with any emergencies or illness situations, and maintains all our equipment and cabins.”

  Tracey shook his hand. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

  “We’re glad to have you on board. If you have any concerns, come see me.”

  “I will.”

  “See you at dinner.”

  After he walked away, Fran said, “Later on I’ll introduce you to everyone else. Uncle Thad’s wife, Noreen, is head of housekeeping and laundry. You’ll also meet my grandma Sylvia and my aunt Deanna. They’re in charge of food and run the kitchen. Deanna’s husband, my uncle Paul, oversees all the other activities like fishing and river rafting.”

  “I’m afraid my head is spinning with so many names.”

  “There are more. Along with Wes, you’ll be doing trail rides with Colette, who’s married to Rod. He’s Uncle Paul and Deanna’s son. But you’ll figure it all out soon enough.”

  “I understand you all live in town.”

  “Yes, but we have a rotation system so we have plenty of staff on duty 24/7.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  “Let me assure you we’re close enough to the ranch to be here on a moment’s notice if necessary. Wes’s grandfather made it possible for Wes and me to get into a small house after we were first married. I had imagined we’d be living in an apartment for several years, so we’re very lucky.”

  “My grandfather sings his praises. I think that’s wonderful.” Tracey and Jeff would have moved to an apartment first, but it didn’t happen, and she needed to stop living in the past. That’s why she’d wanted this new job here for the summer.

  “Wes’s parents are so generous, too, and have made everything great for us. I’ve married into the best family in the world. But that’s enough talking about me. I hear you’re an elementary school teacher. I admire you for being able to handle a roomful of children all day long.”

  “It’s a challenge, but I love it.”

  “Do you have a boyfriend back home who’s going to miss you?”

  Tracey’s eyes smarted. “I was engaged to be married, but my fiancé was killed while serving in the military. I’m still trying to get over it.”

  A hand went to Fran’s throat. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry to have gone on and on about me and Wes.”

  “Don’t you worry about anything. It happened eighteen months ago and I’m doing much better.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. If you ever want to talk, I’m available. I met Wes at junior college. We dated and I fell in love with him. But there were several long periods when he didn’t call me. Both times I thought it was over and could hardly bear it. I remember those times, and I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  “Don’t say another word. I’m just happy you two got back together.”

  “It was like a miracle. One day he showed up at my dorm and we ended up getting married. But I’m keeping you from getting settled, so I’ll drive with you to your cabin. It’s number two.”

  “Thank you.” Fran was a very compassionate person. Tracey liked her. They left the ranch house and got in her car. She started the engine and, following Fran’s directions, drove them past a corral holding half a dozen horses to the log cabins in the distance.

  Only then did it dawn on Tracey how lucky she was to be working for the Hunter family. It made her realize how much John Hunter must revere her grandpa, letting her come work for them as he had. She would do everything she could to fit in, and Fran was already making it easy.

  She pulled up in front of her designated cabin. Fran got out and opened the door while Tracey carried in her luggage. The first thing she saw in the little living-room-slash-kitchen was a yellow vase filled with white daisies placed on the round dinette table. A card peeked out of it. She put down her bags and opened the envelope.

  “Welcome to the Rocky Point Dude Ranch. I hope the experience here will help mend your broken heart. —John.”

  Hot tears burned her eyelids. Tracey didn’t know her grandfather had confided in John about Jeff. She was so touched she could hardly talk.

  “How lovely.” Her voice faltered.

  “Granddad says you’re the very special granddaughter of his oldest, best friend.”

  Tracey turned around. “I can’t thank all of you enough for your kindness.”

  “It’s a pleasure. Can I do anything else for you?”

  “I’ll be fine. Do you want me to drive you back?”

  “Oh, no. I need the walk. We’ll see you in the dining room at seven for a special dinner to kick off the summer season. And remember, come on over to the ranch house anytime if you need someone to talk to. I know there are times when I do.” Fran put the front door key on the table before leaving.

  That sounded like a lonely statement to Tracey.

  While mulling it over, she walked into the bedroom with its two twin beds, dressers and closet. The other door of the main room led to the bathroom. She liked the blue-green-and-white-plaid decor of the cabin.

  A painting of the Sapphire Mountains hung on the log wall over the small couch. With a mini fridge, microwave, TV and internet, she would be perfectly happy here.

  The first thing she did was sit down at the table and call her parents. Most of all she wanted to thank her grandpa and tell him about the daisies John had left for her. After a tearful conversation with him while she expressed her gratitude, Tracey freshened up and drove her car over to the barn to unload her saddle and gear.

  A sandy-haired guy who looked to be college age caught sight of her. “Hey—need help?” He walked up to her with a smile you couldn’t miss. “I’m Grady Cox.”

  “Hi, Grady. I’m Tracey Marcroft and will be helping on the trail rides. If you could show me the tack room?”

  “Let me carry your saddle.”

  “Thank you.” She brought the rest of the gear and followed him through the long barn to the end room. “Were you hired for the summer?”

  “That’s right. I’m a student at Montana State. This will be my third year working with the horses. Occasionally I help on the trail rides, too. Are you from around here? In college?”

  She chuckled. He worked fast. “I graduated from the University of Montana two years ago and teach elementary school in Polson.”

  He shook his head. “I never remember having a schoolteacher who looked like you. This has to be my lucky day.”

  She smiled, but she wasn’t attracted to him, and put her gear away, not wanting to give him any encouragement by responding. “Mr. Hunter told me Wes is in charge of the stable. Is he on duty? I need to pick out a horse I can ride while I’m here.”

  “I’ll help you do that while he’s gone.”

  “Will it be all right?”

  “That’s my job. D
o you have a preference?”

  “Not really. I’m sure Mr. Hunter wouldn’t have anything but the best horses.”

  “You’re right about that. Why don’t we walk to the corral? Any one of the quarter horses out there would be a great choice for you. I’ve been exercising them. Of course, we have more here in the barn if you want to look them over, too.”

  “Thank you.”

  She was glad he had other things to do and left her alone in the corral. For the next hour, Tracey examined each horse and walked it around. She took her measure of the three mares: a sorrel, a black and a bay. The three other horses were geldings, all of them buckskins.

  When she’d finished, she walked into the barn to look over the other horses before she made a decision. When she came to the dun gelding, she knew the splendid horse was the one she wanted, and Tracey walked him out of his stall to the corral.

  But as she was leading him around, she noticed his right front leg was limping a little. That wasn’t good. She lifted his hoof to inspect it. When she applied pressure to the sole, the horse let out a distressed grunt.

  “You poor thing.” She patted his neck to settle him before calling to Grady, who’d gone out to the corral. “Come and look. This horse is in pain.”

  He walked over with a frown. “That’s Wes’s horse.”

  “Oh! I thought all the horses were available.”

  “Sorry. Not Chief. I should have said something. He’s off-limits.”

  “Still, he’s limping and needs attention.”

  “I’ve never noticed him do that before. Are you sure?”


  “You’d better take him back to the stall. I’ll talk to Wes about it as soon as he shows up. He went to town several hours ago.”

  “I’m afraid something should be done soon,” she said, as she slowly walked him back inside. “Chief needs a vet, don’t you, boy?” She hugged his neck.

  Grady watched her, looking uncertain and upset. “I’m sure you’re right.”

  “Tell you what. I’m going back to the ranch house now to talk to John about this.”


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