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Untamed: Demon Soul

Page 12

by Julie Anne Addicott

  He laughs a little. “You expected red skin, a tail, and devil horns?” I nod, and Belial shakes his head. “Stupid mortals,” he says as he walks away.



  Mortal Earth


  It’s almost sunset and the cottage is bathed in the remnants of the afternoon sunshine. Belial’s sitting on the sofa with his feet on the small timber coffee table. When I tell him I’m going for a walk, he doesn’t reply, so I head outside. It’s green and lush and surrounded by tall red gums that tower over the cottage. In the distance, the mountain ranges are covered in white snowy caps, and the sky is filled with hues of pink, orange, and pale blue.

  Behind the cottage, a narrow path leads further into the trees, I follow it for a few minutes until I come to a clearing where puffs of dandelions sprout up through the thick green grass. In the middle of the clearing are three large boulders placed on top of one another, the top one seems to balance precariously, as though the slightest breath of wind will cause it to come tumbling down.

  I sit on the grass and watch the fluffy clouds linger above as if they're suspended on invisible strings. They move ever so slightly as the warm breeze blows through the trees. I still can’t quite believe I’ve been up there, in the arms of a demon with wings.

  I lie back and listen to the birds chirp, and the leaves rustle in the wind, when I hear my name, “Lola.” Walking toward me is Ryder, wearing faded blue jeans and a fitted white t-shirt that highlights his abs and muscled chest. In the daylight, he is even more beautiful. His skin is a shade or two lighter than Belial’s, and his eyes are a sparkling jade green.

  I sit up and ask, “What are you doing here?”

  He runs a hand through his hair. “I needed to see you, to see if you were alright.” He sits on the grass with his legs spread and pats the ground for me to sit beside him. I shake my head, knowing what Belial is capable of, and not wanting to be responsible for another round of punches.

  “Come closer, I promise I don’t bite.”

  I shake my head and cross my legs. “Um, Ryder? Belial said I couldn’t talk to you. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  He laughs a little, and doesn’t sound nervous at all. In fact, he sounds confident, cocky almost. The opposite of how he was last time we met.

  He smiles. “I’m used to it. I won’t tell if you don’t,” he says with a wink.

  I give in and crawl over on my hands and knees to sit beside him, and he lowers his voice, “Lola, I need to tell you something.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “What do you know about your parents?”

  I look at him suspiciously. “Who are you, really?”

  “I’m an angel. Well, a half-blood angel.”

  I shuffle back a little to put some distance between us again. “Right… so what’s that got to do with my parents?”

  He rubs his head. “Lola, I was captured by Belial and his brothers. They’re using us as slaves, while they increase their army of furies and devils.”

  Slaves? I stare in shock. “Wait, what, us? There are more of you?”

  He nods and stretches out his legs. “Yes, and we’re stuck here. We can travel, but we’re bound to the Underworld, essentially fallen because we have no way of getting home. Then I saw you, and . . .” He sighs.

  “What?” I ask.

  He speaks in a whisper, “Lola, you can save us. I’ve heard about your family. It’s what you were born for.”

  My family? What I was born for? This place gets stranger by the day. “Okay, Ryder, you’re crazy… I have no family, and I wasn’t born for anything.” I stand up to walk away, but in the back of mind I believe every word he speaks.

  Ryder takes my hand, and a rush of warmth spreads through my body. I step back.

  He gasps. “It is you.” His eyes are wide, and he tilts his head as he stares at me with his mouth agape.

  I cross my arms around myself. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. If Belial sees you here, he’s going to be mad. You should leave, I don’t want you to get hurt again.”

  He takes my hand again, this time he doesn’t let go when I pull away. “Lola, you can save us, you’ll see,” he whispers. He kisses my cheek before stepping back.

  His beautiful white feathered wings appear and flutter gently, creating a warm breeze. He effortlessly ascends, and for a moment I’m in awe. With the sunset behind his white wings I can tell he truly is a heavenly angel. He flies above me into the now cloudy sky, then he’s gone.

  Minutes later, Belial stands over me with his hands in his pockets. This disappearing and reappearing thing is getting on my nerves. Perhaps he knows Ryder was here. Maybe he can smell Ryder’s honey sweet scent that’s now being overpowered by Belial’s delicious cinnamon bun aroma.

  Belial points towards the trees. “Let’s go,” he says.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “Keep walking,” he says angrily. I have no idea why he's in yet another bad mood. It must be because of Ryder. Damn it.

  “Belial?” I question.

  He shoots me a sideways glance, but remains silent.

  I huff and stomp my foot. “Where are we going? And what are you doing?” I demand.

  He spins on his feet and points a finger at me. “Do you ever just shut up and do what you’re told?” he asks.

  I plant my hands on my hips and tilt my head. “Is that what you’re doing?” I ask. “Are you just doing what you’re told? Is that your only reason for killing people? Because you’re told to!”

  Belial scowls. More silence.

  I let out a heavy sigh then shut my mouth. When Belial turns his back and continues into the forest, I reluctantly follow behind. It doesn’t take long for us to come to another small clearing where two demons stand with their hands on the hilts of their swords.

  I stop dead in my tracks. My feet are frozen in place, and my breath is stuck in my lungs. Fear envelops me. Don’t panic. I tell my myself. It’s too late, my heart is pounding.

  They both glare at me through deep ebony eyes and menacing stares. The taller of the two looks as though he could wipe out an entire town with one swing of his sword. His arms are twice the size of Belial’s and covered in similar tattoos, and although he’s gorgeous, I am terrified to look at him. The shorter guy could pass as Belial’s brother, but his face is softer and his muscles aren't nearly as defined.

  “That’s her?” the shorter one says, as if he was expecting someone else. They stride toward me. I instinctively step back and in my haste, I trip and land flat on my ass. I scramble to my feet and they all laugh.

  “Assholes,” I mumble.

  “You’re gonna use her for bait?” the shorter of the two asks. He looks me up and down, turning his nose up as if he’s smelled something disgusting.

  I cross my arms, and narrow my eyes. “What? I’m not bait for anything, or anyone. Let me go!”

  Belial places his hand on my shoulder. “Shut up and do what you’re told,” he says. He stands close behind me and introduces me to the demons. “Nik, Vex, this is Lola.” The nasty looking one is Vex, I make a mental note to stay well away from him. I don’t say a word. I’m too angry and my ass is killing me.

  Nik looks up and smiles. “They’re coming,” he whispers. “Dumbass angels.”

  Without warning, Vex, grabs my arm and pushes me down. I fall to my knees with my face in the dirt and my hands splayed in front of me.

  Belial keeps his eyes on the sky, seconds later he disappears.

  Above the clouds, white wings flutter in the distance. A feeling of dread weighs me down. They're going to kill the angels. Fear and anxiety are replaced with calm as the gentle breeze from the angel’s wings surrounds me. They gracefully land, and two gorgeous, male angels kneel beside me.

  “Go,” I whisper urgently.

  One speaks softly, “Hush, you will be okay now.”

  I shake my head and warn them with my eyes. “Go away, I’m fine,”
I say.

  It’s too late, though. Vex and Nik grab the angels by their arms and drag them backwards.

  I scramble to my feet. “Let them go,” I plead.

  I turn to Belial. He’s focused only on the two angels. He pulls his glowing sword from its sheath and walks toward his brothers, who hold the struggling angels. Their magnificent white wings flutter furiously as they desperately try to escape. Tiny, sparkling flecks of dust hover above them, creating a shimmering golden halo above their heads.

  “Lord Belial, you must set us free. What you are doing is in violation of the Laws of the Kingdom,” one angel says.

  “On your knees, angel,” Belial growls, his voice now filled with rage.

  I don’t know why the angel listens to him. He drops to his knees and lowers his head, as if he knows exactly what is about to happen. My thoughts race, my dreams and nightmares are coming true right before my eyes. I stand and watch, overwhelmed and horrified as Belial swings his sword and slices the wings off the angel in two short, swift blows. A loud chiming sound seems to come directly from Heaven as the angel’s wings fall silently to the ground. Tears stream down my face. There’s so much blood, so many precious white feathers tainted with crimson red angel blood.

  “Belial, NO!” I scream.

  “Hush, Lola,” the wingless angel whispers.

  I can’t stop crying. I run to Belial and grab his forearm, pulling on it and begging him not to hurt them. Vex pulls me from behind, his arms tight around my waist as I watch Belial slice the wings off the second angel.

  They don’t cry, they don’t beg for mercy. Why aren’t they afraid? Their expressions are blank, though their eyes, which were dazzling with intensity only minutes ago, are now dull, murky green.

  Belial pushes his sword into the sheath and steps back, wiping the small fluffy feathers from his arms as if they’re poison. He cuts two marks into his forearm with his dagger, and walks away.

  I watch in dismay as the wingless angels disappear into the dry, dusty ground, leaving nothing behind but a circle of dirty crimson blood, and broken feathered wings.

  Finally, Vex lets me go and I run. My only thought is to get as far away from Belial and the demons as possible. I run for what feels like miles, until my legs give way and I collapse on the ground, sobbing.


  It’s dark when I return to the cottage. I don’t know if Belial is home and right now, I don’t care. I walk in and go straight to bed. I’m trapped in a life I don’t want to live, surrounded by demonic killers and defenceless angels who are too weak to stand up for themselves. I’ve got no way out. Maybe I can sneak out, there must be a town around here somewhere, right?

  With a sigh, I flop back on the pillow and once again, fall asleep to dreams of angels and demons calling my name.



  The Underworld


  I need to know why he wants her dead. Why this one? Why not the other half-bloods? Will he tell me? I doubt it. Thankfully, I have other ways.

  I shift to the Ninth Circle, where my uncle, Lucien sits on his gilded throne. The Ninth Circle is the bottom of the Underworld, the pits of Hell. It’s filled with the rotting corpses and decaying souls of the worst to ever live. They serve as a stagnant reminder of those who have sinned without remorse. Both mortal and immortal are here, surprisingly many are worse than Hades himself.

  The scent of decay hovers in the air, every breath is like tasting death. It permeates your skin and leaves an everlasting imprint of malevolence. There are no words to describe the stench that seeps from the very core of the earth.

  “Ah, what a pleasure, Lord Belial. What brings you to my Hell?” Lucian smiles while rubbing his hands together.

  “I need information.”

  He laughs and waves his demons away then sits in his throne. I know he hates my father, and wants to take over Hell for himself. We have an agreement—I give him information and he gives me some in return.

  “The furies?”

  He shrugs. “What about them? They’re his army, so what?”

  “I kept one, or one that could become a furie.”

  He shakes his head in disgust. “You, Belial, the Lord of Death and Lies, refused a kill?”

  I shake my head. “I didn't refuse, I kept her.”

  He smiles and crosses his legs. “Ah…a female.”

  I pace across the ebony marble floor and pour myself a glass of whiskey. “Yes. He said she’s a half-blood. I think he knows what she’s going to choose.”


  I pour another glass and hand it to him. “Lola Thorne.”

  His laugh is evil, the kind of laugh that says he knows more than he’s going to tell me. “You’re kidding, right?” he says, scratching at the stubble on his chin.


  He takes a mouthful of whiskey. “Hmm . . .” He raises his eyebrows, clicks his tongue, then smiles. He’s thinking, but he won’t let me into his head.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Interesting.” He stands and paces the floor as he runs a hand over his head. While he paces, I glance at his back and see the deep, disfigured scars where his wings were once attached. Why am I trusting him? He’s known as the devil for a reason.

  I question him, “Why this female? Father said she has to die the true death, before the next full moon.”

  He turns back to me. His eyes ignite and the faint glow of flames shines through before they turn black again. “I bet he did.”

  “Why? Tell me!” I slam my glass down on the side table.

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” he says as he refills his glass. “So, who’s your next target?”

  I rub my hand over my head. “Zadkiel,” I say.

  His jaw clenches. “Fuck off. He’s not ready for Zadkiel.”

  “It is. He’s starting a war Luce, I know it.”

  Lucien laughs again. “No, he’s protecting himself.”

  “From an Archangel? They don’t want him.”

  “No, but if the truth comes out, and Zadkiel knows the truth. Well, you’re smart enough to put those pieces together,” he says, as he dramatically waves his hand in the air. “All of this will be in jeopardy. Genesis holds the power here. We’re all pawns, remember that, Belial. It’s all about balance.” Lucien smiles. “Ah, I will enjoy this, immensely.”

  I pace back and forth, confused and irritated. “I can't kill an Archangel. He’ll be dead until the next moon, then he’ll regenerate. There’s no point, it’s a waste of my fucking time,” I say, annoyed.

  “Oh, you can kill this one.” He sits and reclines in his throne with his legs spread wide, rubbing his hands over the arm rests.

  I sigh loudly. “Luce, I know the laws. I know how it works. Archangel’s can only be killed by their own blood, their own son. Even then, it has to be with his own Archangel Swor—” NO!

  Then it dawns on me. How could I be so stupid? Hearing my own words, I suddenly realise the lie I’ve lived under my entire existence. “Holy fuck . . .” The heat builds in my chest as rage begins to consume me. Why didn’t I see it?

  Lucien smiles and clicks his tongue. “All these years, you had no idea.” The sinister chuckle that follows tips me to boiling.

  I shake my head hard. This can't be happening. “He’s not my father,” I say it out loud, thinking that will erase the truth. The reality is, I know it’s true. I’ve got wings. “And you knew?” I bellow.

  I lunge at him and grip my hands around his throat. He laughs and shoves me back. I fly back into the wall with his hand now tight around my throat. This is his Hell, and here I am no match against his power. I throw a punch but he grabs my fist and pins it against the wall.

  He cocks his head. “Don’t blame me, boy. You really believed everything he told you. He’s the fucking King of Hell, moron.”

  I struggle out of his grasp and he steps back, still smiling. “Why now? And why me? What’s this about, Luce?”
/>   “It’s all about you, Belial. He never thought you’d become so, well… obedient and immoral. You’re the son of an Archangel, Belial. Who’d have thought an angel could become the most feared demon in all the world? He destroyed your inner balance. He controls you.”

  I still don't get it. “Why?” I question.

  “You’ll find out,” he says.

  “No. You’ll tell me, and I want to know about the female, too. The half-blood, the one I kept?”

  He waves his hand. “She belongs to you.”

  “Clearly. I’ve got her.”

  “No, she belongs to you,” he paints the air between us with a wave of his hand. “Angel bonding, all that bullshit. She’s the one for you, Belial.”

  “Fuck off.”

  He huffs. “I’ll make you deal.”

  Here we go. A deal with the devil himself. “Go on,” I say, rolling my eyes.

  “You go to Zadkiel, get the Archangel Sword. Then come back and kill Hades and the girl. I’ll take the Ebony Throne, and I’ll give you this,” he says, waving an arm around the room. “Simple. It’s a win, win.”

  I lean against the wall and cross my arms. “Kill Hades? Are you serious? I can't kill him now, he’s not my fucking father!” I shout.

  “You can, there’s a way.”

  I clench my fists. “And how the fuck is that?”

  “The rings. Find the Ninth Ring. He who holds the nine rings, holds the power. It is absolute, and once combined, Genesis himself cannot stop the one who holds the rings.”

  “Fuck off, Luce. Everyone knows there’s no way to find the Ninth Ring. Genesis made sure of that so we could never alter the balance,” I say.

  Lucien walks over to his throne then turns back to me, he raises one hand and the fire begins to swirl in his palm. The asshole is going to leave me hanging. “Good luck,” he says, and with a wave of his hand the bastard is gone, disappeared into a wall of flames, leaving me pissed off and not knowing what I’m supposed to do. And bonding with Lola, no way. I can’t kill her either.


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