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Where There's Smoke

Page 9

by B L Morticia

  I knew it wasn’t just about sex, but we’d always connected. We’d been a couple for three years, and with that kind of time together, the feelings don’t just disappear. No question, I was in a bad place when I let him go. I only did it because I didn’t think I could be emotionally invested in him with so much going on.

  Now however, I could be everything Santiago needed. A loving man, a father, and a friend. And be a good son to my mom and a helper to my sister. I was more stable, confident. Still, the fact remained, Santiago rejected me and my niece without so much as batting an eyelash. To say this episode didn’t knock me down a notch would’ve been a lie. I took that drive into Cobalt thinking he’d be happy to see me. Instead, the Santiago I knew was someone different.

  Stronger, and goddammit, so much hotter. Still, underneath all that new bravado, there had to be some love left for me. All I had to do was find it and bring it to the forefront. I’d had uphill battles many times before personally and professionally, but this would be the hardest thing I’d ever had to do in my life.

  * * * *


  With no major disasters going on, work went by quickly and I rushed home to my man. To say I was upset would be an understatement. I hadn’t been that mad about anything in recent memory and I had every desire to take out my frustration on that asshole’s face. Good thing he’d brought his niece, or else I would’ve been kicking his ass then throwing him out on the lawn. I was sure I would’ve gotten in trouble, probably arrested, but it would’ve been worth it.

  I looked in the driveway, noticing that jerks’ car gone, so that was already a plus. The last thing I wanted was to come home to him still here.

  Quickly, I put the car in park and cut the engine. I ran to the stoop of our apartment building, pushed the key in, and stalked inside our place.

  “Santi?” I pulled one work boot off after the other, then set them off to the side.

  “In here, babe. I just got back a little while ago, so I brought dinner home.”

  “Okay.” I nodded and walked through our living room to the kitchen. Although Santiago had his back turned, I saw the scotch bottle to his left was almost empty.

  My shoulders slumped, but I wouldn’t be critical today. After what he came home to find, I should’ve suspected he might have a few drinks.

  “Hey there.” I wrapped both arms around him and kissed the back of his head. The scents of scotch and his shampoo filled my nostrils. What a weird mix, but it was my man.

  Santiago turned to face me. From the lazy way he glanced at me I could tell he was inebriated. He pecked my lips. “How was work?”

  “Uh, good I guess. Once I got in, I pretty much forgot about everything that happened here.”

  Santiago shrugged and shook his head. “I’m sorry about that. I swear, Myles can be such a pain in the ass. No worries, I told him he better not pull it again. He was only here for about forty minutes after you left. I asked him to sit in the car while I played with Macy. Isn’t she the cutest thing?”

  “She is.” I pressed another kiss to his forehead. “So I gotta ask did he do anymore groveling?”

  “Plenty, but I told him it was over and there was no chance of us being together. I reiterated that you and I are getting married soon.”

  “Uh huh, maybe we should elope.”

  Santiago smiled and held me close to him. He laid his head on my chest. “No, Jonas. Our friends and your family are looking forward to us getting hitched in town. I am too. Don’t you want a ceremony?”

  “Sure, but, dammit, babe, after what happened today, I feel like we need to hurry it up.”

  Santiago pulled his head off my shoulder and eyed me. “Why? You really think I’d leave you for Myles?”

  “No, I…” I sighed and drew my hands back. “Just to prove a point, you know?”

  “To who?”

  “Him, us. When we say I do, it’ll make everything official.”

  “You mean, you.” Santiago sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

  I could tell he was getting aggravated by this conversation, but I thought we needed to have it.

  “Jonas. I’m telling you, I’m yours okay? You have nothing to worry about.”

  “But you still care for him.”

  “The family, first. His mother, Macy, and even the troublemaker, Myrna. Regardless, I love you. Can’t you see that? I gave you the necklace as my promise.”

  “I know, but I can’t help it. We’ve been together almost five months. I just want a little reassurance.”

  “Okay fine, but we don’t have to rush to the altar. Pamela is looking forward to being my maid of honor and… oh yeah, she’s in the spare bedroom. She was too tired to drive home, so I told her she could spend the night.”


  Santiago’s smile turned down. “You don’t want her here?”

  I folded my arms. “Not tonight, when I wanted to claim what’s mine over and over again. You promised me.”

  “Yeah, but…” Santiago bit his lip, then looked around, before facing me again. “She’s the one that convinced me to leave the house after Myles left. We went back to the show, had lunch. Then we stopped in town to get you dinner and had two drinks before she passed out.” Santiago chuckled. “I owe her that time to rest because she helped me forget about Myles’s stunt today. I’m sure she’ll get up early and leave. Then, you have me to yourself. Unless, we can be quiet and not wake her up.” Santiago yanked me in by the bottom of my shirt. Then he nuzzled the spot by my Adam’s apple, following it up with a lick.

  I hissed when his lips connected with my flesh. I swallowed hard and gripped his sides. “Damn. See you’re getting me all riled up and I can’t do a freaking thing about it.”

  “You can in the morning. You don’t have to be in until twelve.”

  “True.” I sucked in a breath and held him tighter to my body, grasping his ass through his jeans.

  “All right, fine. The minute she leaves…”

  “My ass is yours to pummel into the mattress.” Santiago whispered into my ear and sucked on my earlobe.

  “MMph.” I closed my eyes, feeling all the tension from earlier wash over me. I’d forget all this nonsense for now, but the fact remained, I worried about Santiago and his feelings for Myles. I wanted to get married now, so I’d cement my place in Santiago’s life.

  Chapter Thirteen


  After the unsuccessful weekend, I threw myself more into work. It was nearly time for us to go over the projections for next quarter and all this information would need my undivided attention. I decided sulking wouldn’t be to my advantage, so I thought putting my brain to work was a better solution. Other than Macy, I had no life. So why not better my company?

  By the time Thursday hit, I had several new accounts on my desk. I’d encouraged Garrett to take some time off and enjoy a vacation with his wife. As I told him, he had someone special, so why would I stand in his way? He’d put it off when my mother got sick to run our firm and now I was repaying him for the good deed.

  Although taken aback by Santiago’s rejection, I decided I wouldn’t stay defeated. I only needed time to continue to make myself available to him and show Santiago I was the better man. When I discussed this with Garrett before he left, he reiterated how I needed to move on with my life. However, in my heart, I knew this could turn around in my favor, so I would lie low for the time being until I came up with another plan.

  With all this extra time on my hands, Karl tried to impose himself more often. I’d repeatedly turned him down, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. During his last call, I urged him not to call me anymore and he finally backed off. I’m not sure what part of not interested he didn’t get. This whole scenario was working my last nerve.

  “Myles?” The sound of my executive secretary’s voice came through the desk phone’s speaker.

  “Yes, Diana?”

  “It’s your nanny on line two. She says it’s important.” />
  I responded by hastily pushing the button to hear Sarah. I took a deep breath, immediately thinking the worst. Could something be wrong with Macy? Would she need a doctor? Did she have a fever and…


  “Sarah? What’s wrong? Is Macy okay?”

  When Sarah didn’t sound like her bouncy self, right away I was concerned.

  “Yes, she’s fine. Listen, I’m sorry to bother you at work, but I just got a call from Mom in Maryland. She took a fall and needs to have hip surgery. My sister is overseas and won’t be able to come home for another three weeks. Right now she has no one.”

  “Oh my.” I exhaled, thankful that my niece was all right. Still, I was concerned about Sarah’s mother. “I’m sorry, honey. Do you need to take off?”

  “Yes, I do. Oh God, Myles, I’m so sorry. It’s only the two of us and we have no one else. My dad can’t do it. He’s still recovering from a stroke.”

  “Okay, dear. I believe the company will run fine without me the rest of the afternoon. Garrett just went on vacation, but he’ll be back next week.”

  “Oh Myles, I really appreciate this. I don’t know how to thank you.”

  I nodded and got up from my chair, organizing those folders. I was sure nothing pressing would happen. I was confident I could allow my best account managers and secretaries to work without our watchful eyes on them.

  We hired professionals, so they should act accordingly.

  “No thanks needed, Sarah. I’ll be home within the hour. We could even drive you to the airport if you like.”

  “No, that won’t be necessary. Macy is sleeping pretty and I don’t want to disturb her. She woke up after you went to bed for the night so she tired herself out. And me.” she chuckled.

  “Ah, I see. Well, I’m all ready to take over then once you leave. I can send you some extra money if you need it.”

  “No, sir, I’m good. I bought the ticket on my credit card, so I’m more than okay. I hope to be back once my sister returns to the States.”

  “It’s quite all right. What’s most important is taking care of your mother.” I walked to my closet and grabbing my suit jacket.

  “Yes, it is. We only have one, right?”

  “Yes, that’s true, which means we need to treasure them for as long as we can.” After saying quick goodbyes to my staff, I jumped in my car and rushed home to meet Sarah. When I arrived, she continued to apologize, saying she wished she didn’t have to leave on such short notice, but I informed her it wouldn’t be much of a problem.

  Like the good nurse and nanny she was, she’d left all kinds of notes and instructions on how to use things, what to do, even the Baby’s First Year book next to my recliner. Truth be told, I might need to read that cover to cover, but the basics of what to do with Macy I was already schooled on. Just the other parts like teething and perhaps the gas, change in stools sort of things I’d probably need help with, but I had friends close by for that. Even though Garrett’s wife didn’t have children of her own, she’d helped to raise her six siblings, meaning she had plenty of experience.

  Like clockwork, Macy’s voice sounded through the monitor. I checked the small screen, then walked into the room while I loosened my tie. Immediately, I was overcome with a stench that I knew had to be some messy stool. Of course, she had to do this as soon as Sarah left, saving this cleanup for me.

  “All right, messy momma. Give me a moment to grab the diaper and wipes.” I pinched my nose and headed in the other direction, grabbing the supplies. I’d need a mask of some sort when I was changing some of her diapers. Too bad I didn’t have one handy right now.

  As I removed the diaper, my phone rang. I wouldn’t be able to answer. It was a bland tone, meaning it could be Karl or my sister, neither of whom I wanted to talk with at all. Whoever it was would have to wait until I had my hands free and clean. And then Macy would probably be hungry since Sarah had said her last feeding was at around eleven thirty.

  “Stinky diaper gone.” I wrapped it and dropped it into the bin close to the crib. Then I cleaned her bottom and placed a fresh diaper underneath it. Someone needed to come up with an automatic diaper changer.

  Oh that’s right, she’s gone to Maryland.

  I harrumphed to myself, knowing how terrible that sounded, but if I never had to change another diaper in life, I’d be okay. Of course this wouldn’t happen, especially now with Sarah on the plane back home to care for her ailing mother.

  “All right, princess.” I kissed her head then gently lifted her from the crib. “Do you want a bottle, sweetheart? I’ll get one ready in the warmer for you. Yes I will.” I kissed her again and made noises for her while blowing raspberries on her fat cheeks.

  Macy squealed while she waved her arms and made little fists. I could tell by all her activity this would be a long night. Hopefully I’d be able to tire her out and then get her to bed by nine if I was lucky.

  On my way to the kitchen, I checked my phone to see who called. I couldn’t tell from the number on the screen.

  Regardless, it would have to wait until I got done feeding my beloved daughter.

  * * * *


  The week pretty much flew by and thank goodness there were no more rude interruptions from you know who. I hoped that talk showed Myles I wasn’t fooling around anymore. Judging by the time that passed with no contact, I assumed he finally got the message. We really didn’t have anything else to say to one another unless it was an emergency.

  Since Jonas was working this whole week, I tried getting back into writing my book. The writer’s block had disappeared and now I could get to the meat of the story. Funny what time away and some reading could do for your inspiration.

  Sitting at my laptop, I grabbed my cola to take a sip. I’d just started a new chapter when my phone on the coffee table rang a familiar tune.

  “Let me put you on a trip. Around the world and back…”

  Hearing those seductive lyrics, I eyed the cellphone from across the room.

  “Fuck. I spoke too damn soon.” I shook my head, wondering should I make the move to go answer. I looked back at my laptop screen, grimacing when the song continued.

  Why the hell isn’t the voicemail picking up?

  Apparently, my phone wasn’t working, or the song dragged on longer than I liked. Annoyed, I finally got up and stomped over to the table, picking up my cell. I tapped the button and held it up to my ear.

  “What is it, Myles? I thought I told you not to fucking call here again unless it’s an emergency!”

  “Baby. I… I’m sorry to call you, but it is an emergency.”

  Hearing the desperation in Myles voice I took a deep breath. “What?”

  “My mom. She’s having issues again. It might be the cancer. She isn’t able swallow without... I…” Myles was talking too fast.

  “Okay, slow down.” I gasped and sat down on the sofa. “Myles, I’m sorry. Uh…” Instantly my mind played the worst scenarios. What if something happened to her yet again? Myles might not be able to handle it, but he’d have to for Macy’s sake.

  “Is there anything you need?”

  “Yes. Sarah, my nanny isn’t here. She had troubles with her mother too. She’s gone and Garrett and his wife are on vacation. I cannot take Macy to the hospital with me. And I won’t trust just anyone with her.”

  “Of course. I’m here and I can get Pamela to help too. They cut my hours down at the library this week, anyway.” Although I knew Jonas would be upset, I couldn’t turn Myles down. His mother was sick again. Who knew how long she would be in the hospital?

  I said a silent prayer and ran my hands through my hair. “Myles, do you need me to drive back to Chicago?”

  “No, babe. I’m bringing her now. I hired a car with a driver for the trip because I’m not in the right state of mind to be driving.”

  “Oh um, all right. I guess I’ll see you when you get here then.”

  “Yeah. I shouldn’t be too long. I’m s
orry to bug you. Believe me, I know what you said−.”

  “Don’t worry about that now. I told you when emergencies came up I’d be here, okay? No matter what, I will help.”

  An exhale sounded from the other end. “Thanks, Santiago. I owe you one.”

  “You owe me nothing. I’ll see you soon. Yeah. Bye.” Myles disconnected first. Immediately I dropped the phone on the sofa next to me, still dumbfounded. I really thought Myles’s mother was in remission and out of the woods. Obviously, the universe had other plans.

  * * * *


  “I’ll be comin home from Texas real soon!” With the radio blaring from my car’s speakers, I sang along to a country tune while driving. It had been a long day. We had another arson fire on the outskirts of town. Our station and another helped to put it out. There was a car accident that injured two people and a baby on the highway, and then another downtown where some nut ran into a store, nearly killing two workers. Needless to say, I was ready to go home to my man and since I had the next two days off, I planned on using it to relax. We had his antique show to go to, but I hoped to convince him to stay home for the weekend. Truth be told, after today’s events, I was too exhausted to deal with many people.

  By the time the song ended, I arrived home. Immediately, I noticed a car in my driveway and I had no clue whose it was. However, since I knew Santiago didn’t know many people, and neither did I, I could only presume it was the same fucker he told to back off days ago.

  What the hell?

  Furious, I pulled up in front of our building and cut the engine. I yanked the key out, then got out of the car, grabbing my lunch bag and thermos before slamming it harder than I would’ve liked. Stomping up the walkway, I clutched my bag tight in my hand while the other held my keys. If they weren’t metal, I would’ve crushed them and turned the suckers into dust.


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