Where There's Smoke

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Where There's Smoke Page 10

by B L Morticia

  Someone better have a good explanation why this asshole was here or I would ram my fist into his mother fucking face.

  When I got to the door, I sucked in a breath and said a silent prayer, asking God to stop me from killing this man tonight. I was a God-fearing man, my grandfather was a preacher, but Jesus knows Santiago’s ex was testing my patience showing his gorgeous mug around here again. Never mind I found the douche attractive. Hell, I might be taken but I wasn’t dead. Still, the hot man that was my boyfriend’s ex had no business being here when Santiago told him not to come back.

  After exhaling, I stuck the key in and unlocked the door. I waltzed in, then quickly shut the door behind me. I walked through the hallway, towards the living room and that’s when I spotted them, looking cozy.

  Too cozy as a matter of fact.

  Since no kid was in sight, I would remedy this situation right away.

  “You fucker!”

  Dropping my bag and thermos, I ran straight at the man, driving his body down onto the carpet.


  “Jonas! Stop it! Stop it right now!”

  Although Santiago called my name, telling me to stop, I wouldn’t. Not when I’d caught this douche hugging on my man. His grimy paws had been on Santiago’s back and it appeared he was about to drag them down to his buttocks.

  Yes, I saw it.

  All of it.

  And I wanted to make sure he never did it again.

  “Dammit. Get off me, you Neanderthal!” Myles yelled at me, blocking my fists from connecting with his face. I kept slapping at him until I finally caught one of his hands and delivered a swift jab to his left eye.

  “Ugh!” Myles grunted and took the punch like a champ.

  “He told you to stay away, asshole! Why the fuck are you here?” I continued to yell, feeling Santiago try his best to pull me off him. He was too small to do that now, because unlike when he topped me, I didn’t relent. Regardless of how mad Santiago would be, I took pleasure in this fight that I’d ultimately won. This ass would not be coming back here if I could help it.

  “Jonas! Fucking get off of him! Get up!”

  Santiago screamed at me again as I hit Myles again. Twice. A cry sounded that finally stopped my fists from flailing.

  “Whaaaaa ahhhaaaaa!”

  Oh fuck!

  Hearing the baby, I stopped punching and backed off Myles. His eyes were already swollen, and he had two cuts on his chin and his jaw.

  “Look what you did, Jonas! What the fuck!” Santiago shoved me hard, then ran off.

  Still puffing, I crawled over by the table and rubbed my hand over my jaw. I was sweating and my eyes watered because I was so pissed at what was happening right in front of me. I swallowed hard and dragged my other hand from my forehead to the top of my head, rubbing the moisture through my hair. I grit my teeth so hard, my jaw ached.

  “Why the fuck are you here?”

  Myles sat up straight. His face oozed blood from those cuts, but it didn’t ruin it. He huffed and ran a finger over one blemish.

  “I… I was dropping Macy off, you asshole! My mother is in the hospital and my nanny had to rush home because her mother took a fall. I had no one else to watch Macy, so I asked Santiago to do it while I tend to her.”


  Right then I felt like a douche. Although his confession slapped me back, I was still angry as fuck.

  “You were hugging him. Was this another weak attempt to get him back?”

  Myles laughed, shaking his head. His lip had swollen along with his eye. “I wouldn’t use my mother as a way to get Santiago back.”

  “Hmph, you used Macy.”

  “I didn’t use anyone, you jerk. Santiago should be mine, plain and simple, but I have bigger things to attend to.” Myles attempted to stand and when he finally did, he stumbled on his feet.

  A part of me wanted to help him, but what the heck would that look like?

  “Myles, oh God, are you all right?” Santiago came running into the room without the baby in his hands. He held on to Myles as if he was his lover. “I’m sorry about that. Are you gonna be okay getting back to Chicago?”

  “Yeah, I will. I have a driver, remember?” Myles hugged Santiago again and planted a kiss on the top of his head. “Let me go. While I’m there, I’ll get myself checked out too and I’ll send your brutish boyfriend the bill!” Myles spat and walked out of the living room.

  Santiago didn’t even look my way as he assisted Myles to the door. They talked in the hallway with Myles insisting he would be all right.

  Of course he would be.

  He was a man.

  He could take a few jabs and dust himself off.

  Myles would be sore in the morning, but he deserved it showing himself up here.

  Surely, he had other friends to keep watch over that little bundle of joy. He just had to pick Santiago.

  His ex-boyfriend.

  The one he’d left almost a year ago who had a man already.

  One he was committed to.


  Knowing how upset I would get, he still did it and I was sure he’d done so to spite me.


  Yes, I might’ve lost my cool, but the man fucking asked for it.

  After the door closed, Santiago stomped into the room looking like an angry bull. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he had smoke coming out of his ears.

  “What the fuck, Jonas.” Santiago spoke through clenched teeth.

  “What? Oh, don’t tell me you fell for that.”

  “Fell for what? Jonas, he had no one else to watch Macy. His mother was rushed to the hospital. They think she might have cancer again.”

  “So his babysitter wasn’t around, m’kay I get it, but he has no other friends? What about his partner’s wife?”

  “They’re on vacation and no, he had no other friends he could trust. You don’t just leave a four-month-old with anyone! You…” Santiago stopped and closed his eyes a moment because he’d raised his voice. “Regardless you had no right. Nothing was going on other than him hugging me goodbye.”

  “He was about to grab your ass, Santiago!”

  “I would’ve pushed it off, but he didn’t get that far because you barged in here like an uncontrollable buffoon and knocked him over!”

  Again, the baby’s whines sounded from our bedroom and Santiago closed his eyes again, shaking his head. “Look, until both of us calm down, I think you need to leave.”


  “No, you need to go. Go stay with one of your fireman buddies or your brother or something. I don’t want to see you for the rest of the night!”

  “Santiago, please.”

  Santiago’s eyes were full of tears and his face reddened. “I mean it, Jonas! You need to control your out of whack temper! Next thing, you’ll be hitting me, and if you do, I will fucking kill you!”

  When he made that statement, I hopped up and stood in front of Santiago, trying my best to console him. He pushed me away.

  “I would never do that. I−,”

  The baby wailed louder.

  “Get out now!” Santiago stormed to our room, slamming the door behind him.

  My heart jumped in my throat and I swallowed hard to get it back down. I ran my hand over my head, then back to my neck, gripping it tight. Still staring, I was frozen in place. My man told me to leave. He didn’t want to see me for the rest of the night. Then he said if I hit him and promised if I did, he’d kill me.

  I couldn’t believe it.

  It was a fucking shock, and I had no clue what to do about it. How the hell would I fix this now, especially with Myles’s niece here?

  I had to make amends. We were a couple dammit and we would stay a couple because we loved one another.

  I’ll be damned if I allowed that slick fuck to ruin the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

  Chapter Fourteen


  When I arrived back to the hired car, the driver ey
ed me as if I were Godzilla. I’m sure I looked it since Jonas exuded his macho-ness over me. I’d never had a man come for me in that fashion, with his eyes blazing, fists flailing. Other than the blows to the face, I had to admit I enjoyed being under him.

  Sick fuck!

  I loved a good tussle. Sure, I’d lost this battle, but I’d love to be on the right side of the next fight. And believe you me, it would, because no one beat Myles Greyson and got away with it.

  Despite the searing pain in my head, the most discomfort was in my groin. I leaned back on the seat envisioning Jonas, on top of me with his ass directly over my cock. With those lusty thoughts in my head, I spurted inside my designer trousers. If I weren’t in this car, I might’ve done the unthinkable.

  Perhaps later, after I made sure my mother was stable, and I recovered from his brutal beating, I’d received. Of course, I shouldn’t be thinking of getting off now, but I hadn’t had any fulfilling sexual encounter in months. With little Macy around, I’d deadened that side of myself, so, one must comprehend why a random tussle with an enemy would arouse me.

  “Sir, will you be all right?” The partition lowered with the driver eyeing me from the rearview.

  “I will, thank you. I disagreed with my ex-boyfriend’s current man. No real damage done.”

  “Very well. We should be there within the hour. Rest for a while and I will wake you once we arrive.”

  “Thank you.”

  The partition glass raised, and I reached for an ice-cold bottle of water. Thankfully, it was nearly frozen and I could use that to reduce some of the swelling in my eye. After closing the worst eye of the two, I placed the bottle on it and leaned my head back on the seat cushion.

  As the driver said, I would get some rest, because I had no clue what would lie ahead once I got to the hospital. I hoped just a minor alarm that could be remedied with meds and some tender loving care.

  Before I knew it, the driver woke me as he’d promised. The glaring lights from the hospital sign blinded me and I put the now warm bottle of water in the trash. My head throbbed and I felt dizzy, but I wasn’t permanently damaged.

  “Sir, I could wheel you in if you’re not able to walk.”

  “That would be good, Dawson, thank you.”

  Dawson was Garrett’s driver, not mine because I didn’t employ a personal one. Who knew that one’s driver could be so caring and polite? Garrett told me whenever I needed him, I could call, and I had to say, he was easy on the eyes too. If only I had time to see if he liked driving stick.

  I really do need to get laid.

  To put it mildly, my mind wasn’t in the right place. My mother’s life was in danger, I had to leave my niece behind, and then I get pummeled by Santiago’s current boyfriend. Not in the right way.

  His very hot current boyfriend.

  Soon to be ex, but as I’d told the mongrel, I had more important things to tend to. My mother’s health was my primary concern.

  * * * *


  With a heavy heart, I left our apartment with nothing but the clothes on my back. Santiago refused to let me in even to get a change of clothes because he said he feared for his safety. I would never hurt Santiago. Ever. Knowing Santiago’s past, I’m sure the fight triggered bad memories, but I’d lost my head and it was too late to take it back.

  I loved him more than anyone and despite his love for his ex or any other of his strange quirks that wouldn’t change. Although I made this clear to him through the door, he still refused to see me, so I dialed my brother and left.

  Unlike when I arrived home, I wasn’t in the mood to listen to any music. I drove with nothing but the sounds of my car’s engine and the air conditioning whirring in the backdrop.

  Thankfully I didn’t have to drive far. My brother, Bo, lived close to my dad’s construction place. He was the second in command and unlike my dad, he preferred to live closer to his job than further away.

  Once I pulled in front of the modest house Bo shared with his wife, Gloria, I put the car in park. Instead of getting out, I leaned back on the seat, wondering how everything went to shit so quick.

  Myles had been calling for months, but I’d finally had enough. And then, Santiago pretty much confessed without words that he loved Myles. Then the douche showed up on our doorstep, not once, but twice. Obviously, the man was a glutton for punishment, but perhaps so was I. I could’ve told Santiago I was fed up and wouldn’t come back until he stopped playing around, but I loved him.

  I loved Santiago.

  I’d do anything, absolutely anything to make him happy.

  And suddenly I wondered… Would it be best to let him go?

  With each passing day, it was becoming obvious he still cared for Myles. Yes, this was an emergency, but the way they held one another… the hug seemed like more than a comforting gesture. Santiago had Myles before I came along and the feelings lingered. And despite everything I’d done to make him forget, it wasn’t enough.

  What more could I do?

  How could I convince him he only needed me to be happy?

  I slammed the steering wheel, then gripped it tight enough, feeling the pressure under my fingers. I was sure there were marks. It was all I could do to keep from going somewhere and starting a fist fight to let off steam.

  If I had my boxing gear, I’d go to the local YMCA to do that, but I had nothing.

  Maybe it was for the best because I needed to calm down so I could go back to my man and convince him we were perfect for each other.

  “Hey there! Hey.” I heard Bo’s voice and a knock on the door. “What are ya doin, man? Jacking off to some porn?”

  I glared at him and pulled my key from the ignition. I opened the door, then got out. “No, you asswipe. I told you, I needed someplace to chill out for a bit. Me and my man had a disagreement.”

  “What the fuck, dude? I thought being gay meant you wouldn’t have as many fights. Women are difficult. Oh, that’s right gay men are like women,” he snickered.

  “Fuck you, Bo! I didn’t come here for your fucking insults!” I slammed my door and leaned against the car, not facing him.

  “Whoa, bro, okay I’m sorry. Look I was only jokin’. A little. C’mon in and have a beer. Maybe Gloria will be able to help ya’ sort things out. She knows some gay folks, so I’m sure she’s talked with them about their problems.”

  I shook my head wondering why I came here knowing my brother would be just as big of a dick as any ‘friend’ I had at the station. Maybe Stanley would’ve been better, but I didn’t want him to think less of me when I cursed up a storm.

  “Jo? C’mon, man. I’m sorry. Just tryin’ to lighten up things for ya’. I’m sorry you and your man had a fight. I’ll get you a beer and we can sit down and talk. C’mon now.”

  I shrugged and sighed, feeling my throat tighten. The tears welled up in my eyes and I closed them so they’d fall.

  “Bo, I’m tellin ya. I love that man.” I sniffed and wiped my face with my shirt sleeve. “I love him more than anyone I’ve loved in my whole life. And now…”

  “He can’t let his ex-boyfriend go…”

  I shook my head and swiped my tongue over my lips. “Nope. And there ain’t a damn thing I can do about it.”

  * * * *


  After Jonas left, I fed Macy and burped her, then sat on my bed, eyeing my bedroom. The place, that was already small, had been transformed into a nursery. There were bags of toys, clothing, the bassinet, diapers and wipes, everything I’d need to take care of little Macy for who knew how long. I had no problem with it though because Myles needed me to. And although I hoped everything would come out okay with his mother, I was overjoyed to have Macy here with me. I loved kids, and I wanted a couple of my own someday soon.

  “Santiago?” Pamela’s voice sounded and I slowly got up, unlocking the door for her to come in.

  “In here, Pamela.” Macy still wasn’t sleeping. She’d held onto me pretty tight, possibly because
she heard the ruckus from earlier.

  “Hey.” She came in with a bright smile and held out her arms. “Hey, little baby. How ya doing pretty girl?”

  Macy squealed, but I didn’t let her go to Pamela just yet.

  “Go wash your hands first.”

  “Oh, I will. I was reaching out to hug you and her.”

  I returned the grin then settled into Pamela’s arms. “Thanks, bestie.”

  “Anytime. So, you said Jonas came in here with his fists flailing?”

  “Yep. He drove Myles down to the floor and… punched him. It was…”

  “Santiago?” Pamela let go of me as I stared off into the distance, blood running cold.

  I moved away from her and kept a tight hold on Macy.

  “Santiago? What are you thinking? Let me go wash my hands so I can take that baby.” Pamela got up quick, hurrying to our bathroom.

  I still said nothing, but I had a firm hold on Macy. No matter what, I wouldn’t forget that I had my little niece in my arms.

  Yes, I said my niece. She was mine too by default since Myles and I were together very close to when she was born. Had planned to raise her as a couple. Godfather wouldn’t be enough. How many people really cared about their Godfathers?

  “Okay, give me this precious little bundle.” Pamela walked in, taking Macy out of my arms. She sat on the bed next to me, eyeing me like I had three heads.

  “Santiago, you’re scaring me. Why do you have that look?”

  “I…” I shrugged and leaned back on the bed. I really wished I could make a drink but I couldn’t with little Macy here. “The fight scared me. I thought Jonas would kill Myles with his bare hands.”

  “Thank goodness he didn’t. Have you heard from Myles since he left?”


  “What about Jonas?”

  “I’m not expecting him until tomorrow. God, Pamela, he was so scary. I haven’t seen him that angry in quite a long time.”

  “Well, he had a right to be. He shouldn’t have decked him, but. Oh shit, do you think Myles would press charges?”


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