Where There's Smoke

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Where There's Smoke Page 11

by B L Morticia

  I shrugged. “It would be within his right to do so. Jonas did level him good.”

  And it was hot as hell.

  Although it wasn’t at the time, picturing the two of them fighting now was intense. And sexy. It reminded me of a scene from the Fast and Furious where The Rock and Vin Diesel, tore each other to shreds. The only thing missing was the two of them kissing and fucking afterwards.

  Yes, I knew it was a dream, but I couldn’t help but think how nice it would be to have them together, raising Macy.


  “Yeah, sorry. Are you hungry? It’s almost time to feed Macy so we should eat too.”

  “Yeah, whatever you have will be fine.” Pamela said between coos and cutesy words with Macy.

  “All right, I’ll be right back. Keep her busy while I get a bottle ready for her.” I got up from the bed and walked out the room to our kitchen with lusty thoughts of both men in my head. We could have it all if they agreed to it.

  Still, I couldn’t get myself all caught up in the fantasy. Right now, Macy was my number one priority. I’d do everything I could to take care of her and I’d ask Jonas to help out once things calmed down.

  In my mind it would be good practice, even if our plans to have children were a ways off. Our American dream was coming, but for now, it was on hold until Myles took care of his mother.

  Chapter Fifteen


  After spending the night at Bo’s, I tried going home. I’d been called in to be at work by twelve, but, I couldn’t care less, knowing my man was still upset about what happened.

  Despite crying the whole night, I came up with a plan I hoped Santiago would be okay with once we talked. It wasn’t easy, considering Bo and Gloria told me I was acting all wussy for Santiago. This was best for him and me. I didn’t give a shit about Myles, but I wasn’t a heartless bastard. I hoped his momma would pull through, but I cared about him as much as I cared about the ugly antique sofa.

  When I pulled up, I noticed Pamela’s car in the driveway. I put my car in park, turned the key to cut off the engine. I said a quick prayer, then got out my car and walked to my front stoop. It was only seven, but I hoped Santiago or Pamela were up because I needed to talk with Santiago and then change.

  Once I turned the key to unlock the door, I sauntered in and removed my shoes. I walked through the foyer, into my living room where I noticed the cutest sight in front of me.

  Santiago lying on the sofa, with Macy on his chest. I tiptoed over, but I didn’t wish to startle him. I kissed his head and continued to our bedroom just so I could get a quick shower.

  After gathering my clothes, I removed the necklace he gave me. I’d keep it in my drawer for now, until we went to Galena. There were things we needed to discuss to clear the air. Wearing this necklace seemed wrong until we’d settled things.

  Since I hadn’t see Pamela, I assumed she was in the spare room. I was glad Santiago had such a good friend. Hopefully she’d talked some sense into him, letting him know I’d never do anything to hurt him or our relationship.

  Ready to take a shower, I grabbed some spare clothes and padded into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I relieved myself, then turned the valves on to the hottest temperature I could stand. Within minutes, steam filled the air, and I shucked off all my clothes in a hurry. This shower would be just what I needed to clear my head and relax me before I chatted with my man about my decision.

  “Jonas? Is that you?” Santiago’s voice sounded from the bedroom and he knocked.

  “Yeah, babe. Give me a minute, okay?”

  “I’ll wait out here then.”

  I smiled to myself, feeling grateful that Santiago didn’t yell or curse at me. Perhaps he’d decided something on his own and I wouldn’t have to tell him what I’d thought. In truth, I didn’t want to because if he agreed to do it, I’d be broken hearted. I wanted us to move on from this and get ready for the future we could have together.

  Within about a half hour, I left the bathroom, fully cleaned and dressed. If little Macy wasn’t here, I would’ve come out in a towel.

  “Hey.” Santiago was sitting on the bed in his loungers and a wifebeater. He tapped his fingers on the mattress and appeared to be rocking or something. He looked nervous.

  “Hi. Where’s Macy?”

  “She’s with Pamela. I wanted to talk with you alone.”

  “Oh. Did you sleep well?”

  “No, not really. Macy kept us up until three. I think she misses Myles.” Santiago smiled.

  Upon hearing that name I clenched my teeth together and looked down at my feet. I had to keep my composure so I could prove to him I wasn’t the violent man he’d pegged me for. “Santi…”

  Santiago dropped his gaze, then looked back at me. “Look, about what happened…”

  “I know. I went off like a maniac, but I should’ve waited to talk with him. I’m sorry, Santiago, but seeing you hugging him made me lose it.”

  “I know it did, but your temper…” His voice trailed off, eyes widened. “When you decked Myles it really scared me.”

  “I’m sorry, babe. I know I lost my head.”

  Santiago bowed his head once. “Believe me I get it, so I’ll say sorry for hugging him in the first place. However, he was hurting. He’s lost so much, you know? His father died, then his first partner. His sister Myrna is on drugs, and now his mother is sick again.”

  I gasped as Santiago listed the tragedies. I didn’t know too many details about Myles, but then again why would I? He was the ex and other than the cute little pictures of Macy and these last two trips out here, I’d never had contact with him or had reason to.

  “I had no idea.”

  “I know, and that’s not your fault. It isn’t anyone’s because I wouldn’t talk about my ex to you. All I’m saying is, let’s all try to be friends, okay? Myles needs us so he can take care of his mom. Can you help me do that?”

  Hearing that plea, I only nodded in agreement. How could I not? I’d been through the same stuff before when I lost my mother to lung cancer years ago. Despite my feelings about the handsome SOB, I’d do what I could for Macy. Besides, she was the cutest baby I’d ever seen.

  “Yes, I will.”


  “Now, can we kiss and make up?”

  Santiago grinned and pulled me in for a strong hug that nearly took my breath away. I loved being so close to him, but I had to be at work really soon.

  Santiago kissed my lips quickly and wrapped both arms around me. “I love you, Jonas.”

  “I love you too. Now, as much as I want to stay and help, work calls.”

  “Yes, it does. And we’ll be here waiting for you.”

  With this talk, I was glad we didn’t have to part ways. We could work at this. I just needed to be more patient. “Hey, so, does this mean we won’t get to make love tonight?”

  Santiago flashed me a sleepy smile. “I’m afraid not, babe. We can’t do it with the baby so close by. I’ve set the bassinet up in our room so she’ll be right there.”

  Although disappointed, I didn’t press the issue. There would be plenty of time for us to make up later on if we needed to. For now though, we were parents to this gorgeous little girl. And while I was excited about it, I hoped it wouldn’t last too long Macy was a sweet baby, but keeping her close meant her father, Myles, would never be too far behind.

  And we needed to get him out of our lives for good.

  * * * *


  After spending the whole evening being checked out by doctors, and not in the way I’d liked, the nurses made a spot for me in the waiting room on the intensive care unit level. I woke up with a stiff neck, a sore face and body, and pounding headache that resembled being hit over the head several times with a mallet. Letting someone take me out to pasture and put me out of my misery was tempting, but I had mom and Macy to think about.

  Unfortunately, mom had complications with the chemo and the doctor brought h
er in for precautions and further testing. Once she’d arrived they noticed her blood sugar was too high and kept her. Ever since my father passed, my mother’s health had taken an infinite turn for the worst. Seemingly, she was always ailing, but thankfully it didn’t drain her spirit. When able, my mother was the sharpest pencil in the box, always smiling and gracious.

  Looking away from the window, I shifted on my side and eyed the closed door in front of me. This waiting room was as big as my bedroom, only there was no comfortable poster bed, no fireplace or flat screen. Just a ratty couch that looked like something Santiago would pick up in an antique show, and a thirty-two inch with a busted antenna. Yes, an antenna because this fleabag hospital didn’t appear to have cable or satellite. Worse, horrible white floor tiles with gold speckles. Surely the place hadn’t been upgraded in over forty years.

  “Mr. Greyson? How are you feeling?” A nurse, wearing dingy scrubs, stepped in the room carrying a tray.

  “I’m in pain. Do you have a handgun available so I can shoot myself?”

  “Mr. Greyson, don’t be so dramatic.” The nurse walked over and crouched down to my level. She placed the tray on the side table and eyed me.

  “Can you sit up straight to eat?”

  “I can. I don’t want to. It hurts to move my head and please turn the bright lights off. I’m in a hospital waiting room not a contestant on American Idol.” I closed my eyes tight to block out the glare.

  “Whoa, you are a grouch! Okay, let me dim them for you and I’ll grab you something for pain. Your shiners are recovering fast. That means you’ll be able to still attract the ladies when you get a chance. When I get back, we’ll talk more, hmm? I heard a lot about you.” Her footsteps faded in the other direction.

  Oh boy.

  At her last statement, I exhaled silently. I had a feeling the nurse was flirting with me which meant I’d have to explain that yes, I was a CEO of a large financial holdings company in River North who happened to be gay. People who knew nothing about me all said the same thing:

  How could you be gay? You’re too handsome, rich. You’re breaking a lot of single ladies’ hearts.

  Yes, I knew I was, but I couldn’t care less about women in a sexual manner. I’d known since I was about seven or eight, I wasn’t attracted to females. And although I was bullied in private school from elementary all throughout college, nothing changed my mind.

  Bottom line, I loved dick.


  Real men with hard bodies and gorgeous faces.

  Like my man, Santiago.

  Like Jonas.

  Thinking of the big lug who’d ruined my movie star face, I grinned to myself, even though it hurt like hell. When I moved my mouth, the discomfort resembled someone sticking pins in all parts of my face. Now, I knew how Pinhead from Hellraiser felt. Or maybe someone who’d gotten botox shots. Being punched so many times had caused excruciating pain in every part of my body. However, if it meant having Jonas on top of me again, I might endure it one more time, only in that instance, I’d come out the victor.

  “There. Is that better?” The nurse spoke in a baby like voice and immediately I wanted to deck her for making light of my condition. Of course, I’d do no such thing, but saying she was getting on my nerves already would be an understatement.

  “It is, thanks. You can leave me now. I am more than capable of feeding and taking care of myself.” After she gave me the pain pills and water, I quickly tossed both down my throat in succession.

  “Oh, Mr. Greyson, please. I wanted to stay and take care of you. The doctor says you need to rest and heal.”

  “I am well aware what Doctor Feelup said.” And what he did. Only my face and eyes hurt, nothing below my belt, but the doctor insisted on groping me and checking my jewels.

  My caretaker roared. She breathed closer to my ear. “You’re hilarious. Are you sure you don’t need a back rub? I can feed you, then give you a massage. I’m sure I could relax some of those tense muscles. Who did you get into a fight with?”

  “My boyfriend’s, boyfriend. That’s who.” I left it at that to hopefully shock her and make her leave.

  As expected, the woman gasped. “Oh…um...”

  “Yes, nurse, I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name in the midst of all your flirtation.” I opened my one good eye to get a good glance at the lady who’d been harassing me for the past ten or so minutes.

  “Nurse Wendy, sir. I’m sorry, I had no idea.” Wendy appeared to be quite flustered and disappointed. She wouldn’t be taking advantage of me in this rotten hospital. If I were better, I’d probably report her to her superiors.

  “Right. Yes, what can I say, my uh… boyfriends get off on fighting. So we did and, as you can see I lost this round. We have another one coming up though once I make sure Mother is all right. I do intend to get my revenge for this. In more ways than one.”

  “Yes, yes, uh, absolutely. I can leave you now and go check −,”

  “Oh yes, would you? I have to say, I’m not in the physical shape to go see her right this minute, but I suppose with the pain killers and food and a little nap, I’ll be able to visit her soon.”

  “Yes, yes, absolutely. Let me find out. You get some rest.” Wendy backed out of the room, closing the door behind her.

  Watching her scurry away, I snickered and shook my head, placing my arm back over my eyes. Damn nurse had no clue who she was fooling with, or rather, no inkling she was barking up the wrong tree.

  Sure, it might’ve been fun to carry on the charade a little longer just to be waited on hand and foot, but she didn’t appeal to me.

  The lie I’d told her though? Appealed to me much more than it should have.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Hush little baby and don’t say a word. Daddy’s gonna buy you a mockingbird.” I sang to Macy as rocked her to sleep. Although I wanted to lie down with her, I picked the recliner because I’d heard the sofa creaking again under my weight.

  When Myles first dropped Macy off with us, she’d been fine. She’d played with me and Pamela, without so much of a peep. And other than waking up after three a.m., things had been perfect. However, the last couple of days she’d been irritable. It could’ve been that she missed Myles, the Nanny, or a combination of both. They were the only family she’d ever known. I could only pray everything would come out okay with Myles’s mother so she’d get to be with her grandma a little longer. I hated to lose mine so soon and I wanted Macy to know her as she grew up because nothing was like having your Nana alive and well.

  “Hey, Santi.”

  Jonas’s voice disturbed my humming. I smiled at him as he walked through the door.

  “Is she asleep?”

  “I think she is. I’m going to go try putting her down.”

  Jonas nodded at me and sat on the sofa, causing it to creak again.

  As I slowly got up, I grimaced, knowing it was close to be permanently broken. I really loved that sofa. As far as I knew, there weren’t any others like it. Perhaps I could find something that would suffice, but I’d hold off because I wouldn’t be getting to any shows or shops anytime soon.

  Trying my best not to wake her, I ambled into the bedroom towards her bassinet. I laid her down as gently as I could, then tiptoed away, pulling the door close, but not shutting it completely. Although I’d bought a baby monitor, I still felt I should leave it open.

  “Hey again.” I walked over to Jonas and hugged him tight. “How was work,” I whispered.

  “It was okay. It didn’t go by quick enough, and heck, I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too… more than you’ll ever know. Perhaps I can get Pamela to watch Macy for a bit on your day off so we can spend some time together.”

  “That would be great, but for now, maybe holding each other would be good?”

  Agreeing, I eased down next to Jonas and leaned on his shoulder. When he moved to put his arm around me, the couch shrieked and I heard a small snap.

“Ah fuck,” I muttered under my breath. “I guess that’s that.”

  “It’s time for a new one anyway, right? I mean, I’m sure you can find something just as ugly as this one,” Jonas snickered.

  “Hey.” I playfully slapped his arm and nestled my head under his huge armpit. I brought his hand to my lip and gently kissed his knuckles.

  “Careful, now.”

  I grinned at that comment. “I am being careful, but I do miss your skin and your huge arms holding me at night.”

  “I’ll hold you tonight, sugar. I’ll try my best to be good so we don’t wake the baby.”

  “Yes, because if she wakes, we won’t get a wink of sleep. She woke again late last night. After she ate, she wanted to play too.”

  “Oh boy. Well, maybe if she does, I can take a turn doing that at least once so you won’t have to all the time.”

  “No, it’s okay. You have to work and need your rest. I can always call Pamela for help if she’s not working.”

  “True, but I want to help.”

  His statements made me smile. I squeezed his hand. “I’m really glad that you do.” I moistened my lips, thinking of how I could say what was on my mind without making him angry. It was so farfetched, but the more time I’d spent with Macy, the more I’d been thinking of it. “So, um… Jonas?”

  “Yeah, Santi.”

  “I’ve been thinking about some things.”


  I inhaled deep and chose my words carefully. “What about us raising Macy?”


  Although I didn’t have the courage to look up at him, I did anyway. Jonas appeared confused by my suggestion. “Um, we kinda are, aren’t we?”

  “We, us two, yes, but what about all of us doing it?”

  Jonas cocked an eyebrow. “Us?”

  I nibbled on my bottom lip and sighed inwardly. I was a dreamer and yes, call me crazy, but I thought why not run it past my man just to check his reaction. “You, me, and Myles.”

  “The three of us?”


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