by Jim Marrs
autopsy of, 351–370, 415–416, 420, 424–425, 458–462, 479, 541
background of, 1–8
Bay of Pigs invasion, 4, 109, 129–140, 143
Charles Harrelson, 324–326
CIA/Mafia plots, 140, 147, 160–161, 166–167, 173–174, 192, 198, 212, 268, 289–292, 322
French Connection, 192–198
Garrison trial, 472–485
HSCA, 24, 55, 90, 485–503
Hoover’s hatred of, 206–209, 223, 244, 279
“Inga binga” (Inga Arvad), 206–207
on integration, 234–236, 243–244
Judith Exner, 164–165
a likely scenario, 547–557
Mary Meyer, 535–537
McClellan Committee, 157–158
and military, 280–284, 287–292
modified defense intelligence operations, 281–283
monetary reform (EO 11110), 163, 254–256
motorcade running late, 43, 51
nuclear test ban treaty, 283
oil depletion allowance, 7, 256–257, 274, 549
and oilmen, 235, 237, 240, 246, 256–258, 267, 272, 279, 283
Parkland Hospital, 42–43, 276, 351–358
Tosh Plumlee, 175
Pricilla Johnson McMillan, 115
Portrait of a President, 1967, 136
Profiles in Courage, 1956, 136
and right-wing extremists, 157, 244–245, 253
Secret Service protection, 134, 225–234
Soviet Involvement, 125–127, 282, 283, 378–380, 521
and Vietnam, 198, 282, 284–287
Why England Slept, 1940, 2
Zupruder film, 29, 66–75
also mentioned on pgs. 17, 19, 20, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 57, 66, 80, 81, 83, 86, 87, 89, 91, 93, 98, 115, 117, 118, 123, 147, 155, 171, 175, 186, 204, 243, 244, 247, 248, 249, 250, 252, 260, 265, 271, 275, 276, 277, 278, 305, 306, 315, 317, 318, 320, 329, 345, 346, 347, 351, 375, 376, 383, 385, 386, 406, 408, 409, 412, 414, 427, 430, 436, 437, 439, 441, 444, 452, 453, 455, 457, 465, 466, 468, 469, 504, 505, 506, 527, 529, 530, 539, 540, 542, 543, 544, 546
Kennedy, Joseph Jr. (JFK’s older brother), 2–3
Kennedy, Joseph P. (JFK’s father),
US ambassador to Great Britain, 2–3, 31
bootlegging, 151, 163, 267
Kennedy, Regis, 36
Kennedy, Robert F. (author, The Enemy Within, 1960),
Antitrust Division, 247
Carlos Marcello, 155–156
attempts on Castro, 173
denies LBJ’s swearing in order, 277
on Garrison investigation, 468–485
on Hoffa and Dorfman, 375, 396
on Hoover’s retirement, 233–224
Hoover’s surveillance of, 207–209
Hoover informs RFK, 166, 346
JFK’s brain taken by, 543, 369
institutionalized Gen. Walker, 236–242
with McClellan Committee, 157–158
and organized crime, 157, 160–167, 202–203, 548–549
RFK assassination probe dropped by HSCA, 495
also mentioned on pgs. 133, 135, 172, 244, 267, 275, 276, 282, 393, 412, 437, 448, 456, 465, 512, 549, 554, 555
Kennedy, Robert F. Jr., 465
Kenney, Edward C. (Admiral), 360
Kerner, Otto (US attorney from Chicago), 154
Kerr, Robert, 260, 264
Khrushchev, Nikita (Soviet Premier),
Cuban Missile Crisis, 4, 134, 282–283
also mentioned on pgs. 109, 126, 485
Kilduff, Malcolm (assistant press secretary), 276
Kilgallen, Dorothy (journalist),
Connection to JFK case, 406
death of, 407, 533
Killam, Hank, 533
Killam, Wanda, 387
Kimble, Jules Ricco, 472
King, Henry (Judge), 540
King, Martin Luther Jr.,
COINTELPRO, 145, 243–244
Hoover comments, 207, 243
also mentioned on pgs. 204, 208, 235, 244, 267, 485, 487, 491, 495, 502, 503
King, Coretta Scott, 244, 486–487
on winning suit against the government, 503
Kinser, John, 294
Kinsley, Eddie, 334–335
Kirkwood, Pat, 230–231, 325, 377–378, 380
the Cellar, 272, 298, 401
Kirkwood, W. C. (father of Pat),
Four Deuces Club, 272, 325, 380
Oilmen gamblers, 272, 377
KKK. See Ku Klux Klan
Kleberg, Richard M., 269
Kleindienst, Richard, 248
Klihr, Charles, 239
Knox, Frank, 153
Koch, Graham R. E., 397
Koethe, Jim (journalist), 533
Kohn, Howard (journalist), 158–159, 248
Korth, Fred (Navy Secretary), 91, 274
Kostikov, Valery Vladimirovich, 125, 149
Kounas, Dolores (witness), 32
Ku Klux Klan “KKK,” 1, 374, 472
Krulak, Victor H. (Marine lieutenant general and special assistant for counterinsurgency activities of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), 322
Kutler, Stanley (professor of history), 82
Labriola, Paul “Needle Nose,” 374
Ladner, Mrs. Judy, 317
“Lady Bird.” See Johnson, Mrs. Lyndon
LaGuardia, Fiorello, 154
Landis, Paul E. Jr. (Secret Service agent, motorcade), 13
Lansdale, Edward (Gen. and Assistant Sec. of Defense for Special Operations), 133, 322, 550
Lane, M. Duke (writer), 87
Lane, Mark (New York attorney and author, Rush to Judgment, 1992)
Dorothy Kilgillen, 407
Oswald’s Marine pals, 102, 107
also mentioned on pgs. 184, 444, 454, 492
Lansky, Jake (Meyer’s brother), 154, 323, 328, 275, 379, 471
Lansky, Meyer (gangster),
Luciano & Naval Intelligence, 152–153
Organized crime in Cuba, 158–159
Prohibition, 163
with Lewis McWillie, 377
with Richard Nixon, 248
also mentioned on pgs. 154, 323, 328, 375, 379, 471
Lanza, Joseph “Socks,” 153
The Last Two Days (film by Thomas Atkins, 1963), 17
Latona, Sebastian, 422
Lawrence, Jack (arrested car salesman), 329–330
Lawrence, John (witness), 16
Lawson, Winston G. (Secret Service agent), 8, 10–12, 226–227, 351–352
Leary, Timothy, 536, 537
Leavelle, Jim (Dallas detective), 402, 404
Le Blanc, Charles, 145
Lechuga, Carlos, 135
Lee, O. H. (Oswald alias), 337, 393–394
Lee, V. T. (Oswald alias), 136
LeGon, Christiana, 259
LeGon, Jeanne Fromenke (Mrs. DeMohrenschildt), 259
LeGon, Robert, 259
LeGon, Sergio, 259
LeMay, Curtis (Gen.), 550
Lemnitzer, Lyman Gen. (Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff),
Operation Northwoods, 134
“Leopoldo.” See Odio, Silvia
Lesar, James H. (researcher), 198
Lester, Richard, 306
Levens, Jimmy, 533
Levy, Michael, 259
Lewallen, James, 214
Lewis, Aubrey Lee, 519
Lewis, C. L. “Lummie” (Dallas deputy sheriff), 319, 327
Lewis, David, 144
Lewis, Anna (Mrs. David), 144
Liebeler, Wesley J. (WC attorney)
Abraham Zapruder, 68–69
Emmett Hudson, 73–74
Marina Oswald, 238–239
Orest Pena, 212
Rankin memo, 445–446, 462
Joe Smith, 76
also mentioned on pg., 27, 64
Limpert, John (editor, the Washingtonian), 504
Lifton, David (author, Best Evidence, 1992),
on Zapruder film, 70–71
also menti
oned on pgs. 364–365, 508
Lincoln, Abraham, 204, 224, 231, 254, 256
Lincoln, Evelyn (JFK’s secretary), 554
Lindbergh, Charles, 205
“Little Lynn.” See Carlin, Karen Bennett
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 3
Logan, David, 472
Lohn, Kurt, 181
Lombardozzi, Carmine, 156
Long, Russell (Senator), 376, 468
Lopez, Lucy, 315
Louis, Joe, 157
Love, Robie (Dallas constable), 394
Lovelady, Billy N. (witness),
on steps of TSBD, 45–47, 49, 55
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide, hallucinogenic drug given to JFK), 130, 171–172, 536
Lucania, Salvatore, 151
Lucchese, Tommy, 159
Luciano, Charles “Lucky,”
background, 151–152
Navel intelligence, 153
also mentioned on pgs. 158
Lumpkin, G. L. (Dallas deputy police chief) in motorcade, 8
Maas, Peter, 202
Mabra, W. W. (Dallas County bailiff), 18
MacDonald, Betty Mooney, 333
Macedo, Joseph D., 105
Mack, Gary (aka Lawrence Alan Dukel, curator of the 6th Floor Museum)
Badge man, 81–82
Dallas police radio tape, 339, 497, 500
English not native language of Oswald, 522
Inside the Target Car (2008 documentary), 82
Richard E. Harrison, 423
Tom Alyea, 417
also mentioned on pgs. 394
Maddox, Al (Dallas deputy sheriff), 413–414
Mafia. See Organized crime
Magaddino, Anthony, 156
Magliocco, Joseph, 156
Maheu, Robert, 159, 165, 220
Major, Stan, 307
Majuri, Frank, 156
Makarios, Archbishop, 172
Malcolm X, 267
Malone, John F., 250, 524
Malone, William Scott, 494
Manchester, John (Clinton town marshal), 146
Manchester, William (author), 277
Mandal, Paul (Life writer), 69, 533
Mann, James Robert,
Mann Act of 1910, 200
Mannlicher-Carcano rifle,
as curtain rods, 41, 427
and incriminating palm print, 422–424, 429
metal shims to correct sight, 420
multiple serial numbers, 421
substitution of, 419, 426
also mentioned on pgs. 47, 65, 122, 189, 191, 198, 434, 498, 520, 521, 540
Mansfield, Mike (senator), 285
Manson, Charles, 505
Marachini, Dante, 214
Maranzano, Salvatore, 151
Marcades, Melba Christine (aka Rose Cheramie), 386–387, 389, 394, 533
Marcello, Carlos (Mafia Boss),
and organized crime, 154–158
brother with Charles Harrelson, 326
David Ferrie, 98–99, 328, 472, 482
Jack Halfen and LBJ, 273
Jim Garrison, 483
meeting with Hoffa, 159–160 “take the stone out of my shoes,” 155
also mentioned on pgs. 36, 144, 161, 174, 197, 247–248, 376, 396, 550
Marchetti, Victor, 169, 174, 182, 471
Marina and Lee, 1977 (Priscilla Johnson), 115
US Marines,
and Oswald, 90–91, 97, 99–108, 189, 302, 421, 524
Markham, Helen (Tippit witness),
on Oswald’s jacket, 336
on Tippit shooting, 331–332
also mentioned on pg, 338
Marks, John (author, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate,1991), 172
Marshall, Henry, 275, 294
Martello, Francis (New Orleans Police lieutenant), 137
Martin, B. J. (police officer), 13–14
Martin, Frank, 533
Martin, Jack (Banister investigator), 174, 179, 220, 466, 469
Martin, Jim (Dallas attorney), 402
Martin, John (man who photographed Gen. Walker and Oswald on same roll of film), 239
Martin, John (Union President who shot Jack Ruby’s friend, attorney Leon Cooke), 372
Martino, John, 148
Marvin, Daniel (Special Forces), 368
“Mary” (woman who possessed a box of letters of Oswald), 395
Mash, Ester Ann (Ruby waitress), 372–394
Mason, Bill, 271
Masseria, Giuseppe, 151
Masters of Deceit, 1959 (Hoover), 202
Mathews, Quin (TV newsman), 325
Matthews, Russell Douglas,
and Santos Trafficante, 325
friend to Charles Harrelson, 36, 325
friend to Ruby, 325
Joseph Campisi, 376–377
Lewis McWillie, 325, 380–381
significance of, 167
Maximo, Jefe, 128
Maynard, Harry, 212–213
Mazo, Earl, 159
McCarthy, Joseph, 204, 206, 490
McCarty, Bruce (medical technician),
Studied Ruby’s cancer cells, 414
McClellan, Barr (author, Blood, Money & Power, 2002), 269
McClellan, John L.,
on McClellan Committee, 157, 160–162
McClelland, Robert, 368
McClelland, Scott (son of Barr McClellan), 269
McCloy, John J. (Warren Commission member),
background, 443
“Not a Banana Republic,” 441
on FBI, SS culpability, 444
on Ruby’s institutionalization, 458
WC dependence on FBI, 449
on Zapruder film, 68
also mentioned on pgs. 252, 446, 448, 451, 461
McCone, John, 149, 512
McCormack, Harry (reporter), 68, 276, 510
McDonald, Betty, 533
McDonald, Hugh M. (LA County Sheriff’s detective), 299
McDonald, M. N. (Dallas police officer), 340–342
McGann, George (gangster, married Beverly Oliver), 36, 167, 325, 534
McGarvey, Patrick (CIA agent), 182
McGee, Frank (TV newsman), 477
McGee, H. L. (Dallas detective), 402
McGrath, J. Howard (US attorney general), 153–154
McGuire, Dennis, 43
McGuire, Phyllis, 164–165
McKeithen, John, 478
McKeown, Robert Ray (gun runner), 138–139, 381–382
McKinley, William, 224
McKinnon, Cheryl (witness), 72–73
McLain, H. B. (Dallas police officer), 499
McMahon, Patrick (PT-109 crew), 2
McMahon, Homer A., 510–511
McMillan, Priscilla Johnson. See Johnson, Priscilla
McNally, Joseph P., 187
McNamara, Robert, 281, 283, 286
McNeil, Robert, 312
McVickar, John, 114–115
McWillie, Lewis J. “Chilly,”
and organized crime, 377–385
as gangland killer, 167, 396–397
background and guns from Ruby, 377, 380
friend to Ruby and Kirkwoods, 272, 325
guns and Cuba, 377
“idol” of Ruby, 159, 377, 380, 383
Meagher, Sylvia (researcher and author, Accessories After the Fact, 1992),
chastises the New York Times, 545
substitution of rifles, 419
also mentioned on pgs. 241–242, 331–332
Mecom, John, 260
Medina, Juan, 292
Medvedev, Alexander, 119
Mendoza, Dr. Charles, 265
Menninger, Bonar (author, Mortal Error, 1992), 234
Mentensana, Charles, 534
Mercer, Julia Ann (witness),
Dealey Plaza experience, 16–17
testimony altered by FBI, 454
also mentioned on pgs. 314–315, 387, 543
Meredith, James, 236–237
Merton, Thomas (Catholic priest), 267
Mertz, Irma Rio, 193
Mertz, John, 193
Mertz, Michael Victor (aka Michel Roux; see also Jean Soutre),
on French connection to the assassination, 194–197
Mertz, Sara, 193
Meserole, Bobbie Louise. See aka Angel, Shari
Meyer, Cord (CIA), 147, 533, 535–537, 550
Meyer, Mary Pinchot (Mrs. Cord Meyer and JFK’s mistress), 511, 533, 535–548
Meyer, Michael (son of Mary Meyer killed at age 9), 536
Meyer, Quintin (twin to Cord Meyer killed in action in WWII), 536
Meyers, Edward, 328
Meyers, Lawrence (friend of Jack Ruby), 328
Meyers, Nina Palmquist, 438
Military, relations with Kennedy, 280–289
Miller, Austin L. (witness), 61, 87
Miller, Giles,
Ruby “directed” to Dallas, 373
Millican, A. J. (witness), 28, 32, 309, 543
Milteer, Joseph A.,
foreknowledge of assassination plot, 226, 244–245, 253
death of, 534
Minacore, Calogero, 154
Mind Control (Manchurian Candidate), 171–173
Minyard, Frank, 482
Mitchell, John, 252
MK-ULTRA (CIA behavior-modification program), 171–172, 414
Mobsters. See Organized crime
Moffett, Sandra, 478
Mohrenskuld (original family name of DeMohrenschildt), 258
Moldea, Dan E. (author, The Hoffa Wars, 1992), 157, 159, 252, 376
Molina, Joe R. (witness), 56–57
Montranga, Charles, 154
Mooney, Luke (Dallas Deputy sheriff), 417
Mooneyham, Mrs. Lillian (District Court clerk), 52–53
Moore, Elmer W. (Secret Service agent), 363, 408
Moore, G. Walter. See also Moore, J. Walton
Moore, J. Walton (CIA man in Dallas), aka G. Walter Moore as named by the WC possibly to misdirect people from the CIA, 190, 260
Moore, Joseph, 517
Moorman, Mary Ann (witness),
“Badge man” photograph, 37–38, 80–81
also mentioned on pgs. 62, 312–314
Morales, Dan (Texas attorney general), 302
Morales, David (CIA), 147, 537, 550
Morgan, Dean, 307
Morgan, J. P., 268
Morgan, Robert, 148
Morgan, William (Captain), 383
Morley, Jefferson (editor, the Washington Post and the Atlantic), 182, 515
Morningstar, Robert, 362
Morrison, Delesseps, 474, 533
Morrow, Robert D. (author, Betrayal, 1964), 191
Morton, Fred (US district attorney), 292
Mosby, Aline, 97, 115
Mossadegh, Mohammed Dr., 170
Mother Theresa, 483
Motorcade, 8–16
Moyers, Bill, 149, 278, 312, 436
Moyers, Eldon, 196
Muchmore, Mrs. Maria “Mary” (witness), 34
Murchinson, Clint, 259–260, 272, 377, 550
Murphy, Thomas J. (witness), 59–60
Murret, Charles “Dutz” (Oswald’s uncle), 96, 137, 156
Murret, Lillian, 96