by Jim Marrs
Mussolini, Benito, 152, 421, 470
Nagy, Ferenc, 470
Nagell, Richard Case, 197–199, 332
Naman, Rita, 120
Neal, Sheila Grace (attorney), 298
Neill, Sam, 382
Nelson, Sharon (witness), 57
Newman, William E. “Bill” and family (Gayle, Children ages 2 & 4 witnesses), 38, 72, 452, 543
Newman, Mrs. William E. “Gayle,” 72, 452, 543
Newman, Jean (witness), 29
Newman, John M. (Military historian), 183
Newman, Mort, 374
Newman, Sam, 139
Newnam, John (employee of the Dallas Morning News), 315, 398
Nhu, Ngo Dinh, 285
Nichols, Louis, 535
Nicoletti, Charles “Chuckie” (gangster), 295–296, 535
Nicoli, Michel, 198
Nikolaevna, Marina (Marina Oswald), 119–120
Nikolai (possible name of Marina Oswald’s father), 120
Nitti, Frank, 163
Nix, Orville O. (witness), 15, 34–35, 228, 453
Nixon, Richard M.,
on background, 247
action against Castro, 130
in Dallas 1963, 247–249, 328, 407
fearful of Earl Warren, 439–440
and Kennedy assassination, 246–253
Mafia money to, 152
Mob help in 1960 election, 161–163
Oswald’s attempted murer on, 122, 241
secrets from Hoover, 203, 207
as visitor to Cuba, 159
also mentioned on pgs. 3, 4, 36, 130, 198, 253, 274, 442, 491
Nizer, Louis, 492
Noble, Herbert, 373
Norden, Eric, 467–468
Norman, Harold, 20, 48–50
Norton, Linda Dr. (Dallas County assistant medical examiner), 524–525, 527
Norton, Teresa, 533
Nosenko, Yuri (soviet defector), 123–126, 268, 290, 543
Novel, Gordon, 478, 479
Noyes, Peter (author, Legacy of Doubt, 2010), 328
NPIC, CIA’s National Photo Interpretation Center, 510–512
O’Connor, Paul K. (Bethesda witness), 364, 509
O’Donnell, Kenneth P. (witness), 15, 225, 227, 232, 277, 286, 353, 457, 543
O’Neal, Vernon, 534
O’Neill, Francis X. Jr., 361–364, 367, 453
O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip” (Speaker of the House), 457, 487
O’Reilly, Bill (WFAA-TV, Dallas), 496
“Oaxaca,” 291
Ochsner, Alton Dr., 143, 144, 146, 148
Odio, Annie, 141–142
Odio, Silvia (“Angel” and “Leopaldo”), 141–143, 290, 446, 521, 543
Odum, Bradwell D. (FBI Agent), 92
Odum, Lee, 475
Ofstein, Dennis, 110, 262
Oglesby, Carl (author), 248
Oliver, Beverly (author, Nightmare in Dallas, 1994, witness),
“the babushka lady,” 35–37
Ferrie in Ruby’s club, 36, 174
film taken, 35–37, 543
introduced to Lee Oswald, 389
married to George McGann, 35, 36, 167, 534
also mentioned on pgs. 16, 394
Oliver, Clarence, 533
Oliver, Revilo Pendleton, 452
Olney, Warren III, 445
Olsen, Harry, 399
Olson, Culbert, 438
Oltmans, Willems, 265
Operation Brilab, 156
Operation Mongoose, 133, 173, 322, 485, 548, 550
Operation Northwoods (1962 false flag gov’t proposals), 123
Operation Underworld, 153
Organized Crime,
and Jim Braden, 167, 327–329
and Carlos Marcello, 98–99, 144, 154–156
and CIA-Mafia death plots, 173–174
and Cuba, 173–174
and Sam Giancana, 157–160
and Hoffa, 158–159
and Kennedy assassination, 157–167
Lansky in Cuba, 158–159
and Lewis McWillie, 325–385
and Lucky Luciano, 152–153
and Prohibition, 163
and Jack Ruby, 379–385
Scheim and Mafia-did-it theory, 483
Orwell, George, 106
Osborne, Albert. See Bowen, John Howard
Oser, Alvin, 360
Oswald (name used to purchase trucks for Cubans), 517
man who ordered work on rifle at Dallas gun shop, 520–521
Oswald, Harvey, 518
Oswald, Harvey Lee, 211, 288
Oswald Innocent Campaign, 45–47
Oswald, June Lee, 121, 262, 264
Oswald, Lee, 183, 213, 226, 266, 382
Oswald, Lee Harvey,
aka A. J. (or Alek James) Hidell, 211, 219, 262, 288, 334, 349–350, 420
Alpha 66 (anti-Castro Cubans), 140–142, 178, 238, 290
arrest of, 330–333, 340–347
approached by Marrion L. Baker, 52
on background, 89–111, 450–458, 461
backyard photographs, 266, 299–302, 429–433
on Judyth Vary Baker, 143–149
Belorussian connection, 111
and bulging shell cases, 333–335
at Depository, 13, 16–17, 19, 25, 27, 39, 40, 45
CIA 201 file on, 182–183, 268, 445, 473, 483, 493–494, 551
and Civil Air Patrol (CAP), 97–98, 139, 156, 174, 220, 328
and “coke” issue, 51–54, 540
Roger Dean Craig, 308, 320–321
Curtain Rod Story, 41, 428
Dallas test drive, 518–519
George DeMohrenshildt, 189–192, 258, 266, 289–292, 490
encounter with Secret Service, 312, 314
evidence against, 415, 461–464
exhumation, 446, 524–529
with David Ferrie, 36, 98–99, 143–149, 156, 174, 389, 467, 472–473, 479–480, 485
on James Files, 294–295
and FBI, 39, 199–224, 447–452, 542, 553
fingerprints in TSBD, 294, 416, 423
William George Gaudet, 187–188, 384
Hosty notation, 214–215, 217–218, 223, 237, 287, 314, 451
“I Led Three Lives,” 97
identity prior to assassination, 515–524
and Japanese Communists, 102
LBJ on Oswald, 278–279, 411–412
legal rights denied, 332
“Lee Oswald of the CIA,” 82, 183, 389
man in TSBD doorway, 33–34, 45–57
and Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, 191, 213, 238, 242, 262, 288, 419–421, 425–427, 429, 543, 545
in Marines, 100–108
in Mexico City, 125, 141–143, 147, 183–185, 187–189, 289–292, 328, 518, 521–522
Minox Camera, 180–181, 431
mind control, 172–174
mismatched bullets, 417–418
in New Orleans, 136–141, 174–175, 220–221
on Richard Nixon, 250–251
note to Mr. Hunt, 186–187
Oswald doppelganger, 111–112, 185, 342–343, 345, 446, 515–524, 540
Oswald’s library card, 98–100
Oswald’s jackets, 335–337
“P.O. 19106,” 475
palm print, 422–424
paper bag, 427–428
paraffin test on, 421–422, 540, 543
Tosh Plumlee, 175–179
in police line-up, 332
pubic hair, 451
revoked citizenship, 114–115
roll call at TSBD, 304
Russian language test, 104, 260, 469, 522
with Ruby, 36, 174, 315, 387–398, 484, 493, 543
in Russia, 101, 108–127, 185, 190, 522
on use of a sabot, 306–307
shooting of, 398–410
as spy, 102, 172, 179–183, 447–451, 539
Gen. Edwin Walker, 223, 236–242, 262, 387–388
Roscoe White, 299–303
and U-2 program, 101–117, 123, 134, 283r />
also mentioned on pgs. 65, 68, 83, 86, 93, 157, 162, 166, 194, 196, 198, 227, 245, 249, 257, 272, 287, 289, 293, 304, 308, 325, 327, 338, 339, 348, 353, 356, 357, 367, 370, 371, 374, 375, 378, 383, 387, 388, 413, 414, 415, 417, 434, 436, 437, 438, 442, 443, 453, 454, 460, 466, 478, 481, 488, 491, 492, 496, 497, 500, 502, 505, 506, 507, 514, 515, 533, 534, 535, 541, 544, 547, 551, 552
Oswald, Lee Henry, 181, 182
Oswald, Leon (aka Lee Harvey Oswald), 142
Oswald, Marguerite Claverie (Oswald’s mother),
1961 visit to Washington, 118–119
1967 request for exhumation, 525
background of, 90–97
begs for legal counsel, 443–444
CIA opens mail, 190
death of, 94, 527–528
destroys backyard photograph, 238–239, 430
questions changes in Oswald appearance, 525–526
reaction to HSCA, 501
shown photo of Ruby on Nov. 17, 92–93, 314, 387
also mentioned on pgs. 209, 397, 451–452, 457
Oswald, Marina (Marina Nikolaevna Prusakova, Oswald’s wife),
on altered photograph, 238–239
Amsterdam “boardinghouse,” 121
on backyard photographs, 266, 430
changes testimony, 251, 267, 431, 462
destroyed backyard photograph, 238–239
exhumation alarm, 528
exhumation tape, 528–529
FBI intimidation, 218–219
files exhumation suit, 526–527
with H.L. Hunt, 257
on “Hunter of fascists” photo, 266
Nixon allegation, 250–251
meeting Lee Harvey Oswald, 119–123, 262, 522
on Oswald’s jacket, 335–337
on Gen. Walker shooting, 238–242
tells Robert Webster’s story, 111–112
also mentioned on pgs. 31, 40, 41, 94, 101, 115, 136, 209, 210, 215, 260, 261, 262, 263, 321, 446, 449, 518, 519, 523
Oswald, Robert,
blames Dallas Police, 546
fights exhumation, 526–527
notes changes in Oswald, 525–526
on Oswald’s camera, 431
on Lee being right handed, 421
also mention on pgs. 90, 91, 95, 97, 99, 110, 122, 133, 209, 251, 523, 551
Oswald, Robert E. (Oswald’s father), 91, 92
Otepka, Otto, 112
Oufkir (Moroccan General), 205
Owens, Ernest Jay (witness), 16
Oxford, Edward, 404
P. S. (initials of anonymous letter sent to JFK researcher Penn Jones, Jr.), 186
Paine, Michael,
Minox camera, 180–181
also mentioned on pgs. 40, 238, 240, 262
Paine, Ruth,
gives Oswald driving lessons, 518
meets Marina, 262–263
Minox camera, 180–181, 431
obtains TSBD job for Oswald, 40–41
on Oswald FBI note, 218, 240–241
station wagon, 320–321
also mentioned on pgs. 215, 238, 430
Palmer, A. Mitchell (attorney general), 200–204
Palmer, Henry, 146
Paradis, Jerry, 98
Parr, George, 271
Partin, Edward, 161–162, 248
Patrick, Lenny, 377
Patterson, Robert K., 389
Paul, Ralph, 534
Pawley, William, 535
Pearson, Drew (journalist), 230
Pecora, Nofio J., 377, 396
Pena, Orest, 211–212
Penn, Mrs. Lovell,
tells of target practice near her home, 521
Peoples, Clint (Texas Ranger), 275
Perez, Leander, 240
Permindex, 469–471
Perrin, Robert, 382
Perry, Malcolm Dr. (Parkland) 363, 368
Peterman, Mrs. Viola, 452
Petty, Dr. Charles (Dallas County medical examiner), 360, 526
Phelan, James, 476
Philbrick, Herbert, 97, 100
Phillips, David Atlee (CIA officer),
on James Files, 295
Bay of Pigs invasion, 129
“Maurice Bishop,” 141, 147
on destruction of Oswald tapes, 185–187
on Mary Meyer, 537, 550
Pic, Edward John Jr. (Marguerite Oswald’s first husband), 91
Pic, John Edward (Oswald’s half brother),
notes changes in Oswald appearance, 526
also mentioned on pgs. 91, 95
Pickard, John (Major), 432
Pigano, Sylvia, 161
Pipes, Mrs. Linda (Phil Willis’ daughter), 455
Pironti, Sauveur (possible French hit-man of 3 hit-man team who is said to have assassinated JFK), 197–198
Pitts, Mrs. Elnora, 401
Pitzer, William Lt. Cmdr. (Bethesda technician), 368, 453, 533
Pizzo, Frank, 518
Plumlee, William Robert “Tosh,” 175–179, 377, 385
Plumeri, James, 159, 534
Poe, J. M. (police officer),
initials lacking, 333–334
marks Tippit shell casings, 333
Police Radio Recording, 338–339, 497–500
Policoff, Jerry, 554, 547
Politburo, 126
Pollack, Jack Harrison (Biography of Earl Warren), 439–440
Portrait of a President, 1967 (Kennedy), 136
Posner, Gerald (author, Case Closed, 2003), 96, 460
Potter, Nolan H. (witness), 60
Powell, James (military intelligence agent),
TSBD photo by, 55
caught in TSBD, 287
Powell, John L. (Johnny)
witness in TSBD, 21
Powell, Lewis F., 492
Powell, Mrs. Nancy, 453
Powers, Daniel Patrick, 101
Powers, David F. (Presidential aide, witness), 14, 223, 457, 543
Powers, Francis Gary (CIA pilot, author, Operation Overflight, 1970), 109–110, 535
Powers, Richard Gid, 209
Presidential election of 1960, 2–4
Preston, Billy (Dallas Deputy Constable), 394–395
Price, Jesse C. (witness), 38–39, 87, 543
Price, Malcolm, 520–521
Price, Ned (film restoration expert), 512
Prio (see also Socarras, Carlos Prio),
suicide of, 535
with Robert McKeown, 138–139, 158, 381
Proctor, Dr, Grover B. Jr. (historian), 506
Project Paperclip, 171
Profaci, Joseph, 156
Prohibition and organized crime, 150–152
Prouty, L. Fletcher Col.,
4th Army stand down, 287
assassination as inside job, 504, 549–550
also mentioned on pgs. 295, 322
Provenzano, Anthony “Tony Pro,” 162, 248, 376
Prusakov, Ilya Vasilyevich, 120
Prusakova, Marina Nikolaevna (Marina Oswald), 119
Pullin, Leonard, 533
QJ/WIN (cryptonym of an assassin employed by CIA), 195–197
Quigley, John (FBI agent),
report on Oswald, 137, 211–212
also mentioned on pgs. 217
Rachley, Virgie (witness), 27. See also Baker, Mrs. Donald
Rademacher, John, 296–297
Ragsdale, Jerome, 375
Raigorodsky, Paul, 261
Raikin, Spas T., 122
Ramsey, Norman S. (Harvard physics professor), 339, 500–503
Ramsey, Robin (author, Who Shot JFK?, 2007), 293
Rand, Henry, 111
Randle, Mrs. Linnie Mae, 40, 427
Rankin, J. Lee (WC General Counsel)
edits Nixon White House tapes, 252
hurries WC, 446, 460
Oswald at Monterey Military Language School, 103
on Oswald FBI informant rumor, 215–217, 446–447, 449–450
possibilities for training in Russia, 116
questions legitimacy of Oswald pa
lm print, 423
questions medical evidence, 450, 458–459
on Ruby as FBI informant, 383
on Ruby’s Mob connections, 408–410
Warren Commission as “A Rankin operation,” 445
also mentioned on pgs. 64, 348, 443, 448, 451, 462
Rasofsky, Barney, 371
Rather, Dan (author, The Camera Never Blinks, 1987), 70, 545
on Zapruder film, 69–70
Rawlston, Col. See aka Roselli, Johnny
Ray, James Earl, 244, 503
Rayburn, Sam, 256, 296–270, 272, 274, 377
Ready, John D., 232
Reagan, Ronald (US President), 255, 478
Rebozo, Charles G. “Bebe,” 247, 152
Record, Tony (news photographer), 399
Redlich, Norman, 461
Reedy, George (LBJ aide), 277
Reich, Maximillian Col., 287
Reid, Mrs. Robert A. (witness), 26, 53
Reily Coffee Company, 136, 139, 144–145, 213–214, 221
Reily, William, 136
Reuther, Walter, 237
Revill, Lt. Jack (Dallas Police),
on FBI foreknowledge of Oswald, 205
with military intelligence agent, 288
with Jack Ruby, 401
Reynolds, O. C., 179
Reynolds, Warren (witness), 240, 333, 534
Rhodes, Charles R., 105
Rhodes, James (Ohio Governor), 478
Ricca, Paul “The Waiter” (aka Felice DeLucia), 163
Rich, Nancy Perrin (Ruby employee), 382
Richey, Bonnie (witness), 57
Richey, Warren, 411
Riebe, Floyd (Autopsy photographer), 364–365, 369
Right-wing extremists, enemies of Kennedy, 235–279
Rike, Aubrey (ambulance driver for seizure victim), 42–43, 354
Rivele, Steve J. (researcher), 197–198
Roberts, Cokie (NPR commentator), 504
Roberts, Delphine (Banister’s secretary), 139, 174–175, 179, 221
Roberts, Earlene (Oswald’s landlady), 336–337, 387, 533
Roberts, Emory (Secret Service special-agent-in-charge), 232
Roberts, Ray (congressman), 14
Robertson, Rip, 175
Robinson, Marvin C., 321, 453, 505, 524
Rockefeller, David, 548
Rockefeller, Nelson, 510
Rodriguez, Ernesto, 139
Rodriguez, Miguel (Technical sergeant), 104
Rogers, Charles Frederick (aka Chauncey Holt), 323
Rogers, Lillian, 66
Rogers, William P. (US attorney general), 161
Rojas, Emanuel, 175–177
Roman, Jane, 182
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (US President), 269–271, 438, 548
Roosevelt, Kermit, 170, 256
Roosevelt, Theodore (US President), 200, 206
Rose, Earl Dr. (Dallas Medical Examiner), 354, 413
Rose, Guy F. (Dallas detective), 180, 238, 344
Rose, Jerry D. (researcher), 42
Roselli, Johnny (aka Col. Rawlston), 130–133
CIA-Mob assassination plots, 154, 158, 160, 165, 196, 295, 377