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Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance)

Page 7

by Sy Walker

  “Goodnight,” Stuart replied coldly, turning his back to face the other direction. Stuart attempted to snuggle up to his back, but Drew was like a board lying there, stiff and unyielding. After a few moments of trying to get any sort of affectionate response, Drew turned over and eventually drifted off to sleep.

  “I’ll be late tonight. I’ve a Skype meeting with the Lancaster Group scheduled on their time zone overseas,” Stuart told him the next morning.

  “Okay. Should I make a late dinner?”

  “No. I will just order something in the office or grab a sandwich somewhere.”

  “Well, good luck then. I love you.”

  “You too,” Stuart mumbled unconvincingly, already halfway out the door.

  It was if a dark cloud was hanging over Drew’s head as he went about his morning. He had work in his studio to be done, but couldn’t focus. By later afternoon, he had made a decision. He had to save his marriage. He’d let the child stuff go and focus on his relationship with Stuart instead.

  Making a quick dinner, he packed it all up and headed to Stuart’s office to surprise him with something a bit more decent than take out or convenience store sandwiches. The outer office was dark, which surprised him. Was he the only one that had to stay for the meeting?

  Walking to Stuart’s office, he found that it, too, was dark. Had he missed him? Shrugging it off, he started to leave, but realized that the doors had been unlocked. How could it be empty if the doors were still open? Feeling a bit unsettled, he reached for his cell and called Stuart’s phone. He could hear it ring in the distance, but there was no answer.

  Of course, he realized, perhaps the meeting was set up in the conference room down the hall. Drew breathed a sigh of relief, letting his brief bit of anxiety settle and making his way down to the large double doors. He opened one of them very slowly, so as not to make any noise that might disrupt the meeting if it was going on. Instead, he found himself staring at the tight, bare ass of the senior law partner, currently buried balls deep in his Stuart’s ass.

  “What the fuck?” Drew expelled, staring in disbelief.

  The two men bolted apart, Stuart still pulling up his pants as he came down the hall calling after him, but Drew wasn’t stopping. He ran out the doors and back home, bracing himself for the fall out that was to come once Stuart arrived and he finally kicked the bastard out like he should have years ago. Staring at himself in the bathroom mirror, he wondered how he had failed. He was attractive, with his blonde hair, pale blue eyes and slight, but athletic, frame. He had been a good partner from his perspective, but none of that seemed to matter.

  That was the way that Drew’s marriage had ended. It had been hard being married to Stuart, but there had been moments they had shared that were hard to let go. Five years was a long time to spend with a person and then just watch them walk out on you, no matter what they had done. It wasn’t as if Drew could have let him stay after that anyway. Infidelity was unforgiveable to him and he’d have never been able to trust him again.

  In an effort to clear his head, Drew had taken to hiking in the mornings. One of the luxuries afforded him from being self-employed was the ability to make his own hours as he saw fit, so getting up early and taking a much needed respite into the woods for an hour or two had become a daily activity prior to beginning work in his studio. Today was Saturday, so he had given himself the day off to take a day hike up a local mountain. He was enjoying the solitude of the quiet woods when he heard a gunshot and quickly took cover in a small grove of trees.

  “Hey, you! Are you okay?”

  Drew peered around the tree at the man standing there with a rifle over his shoulder. He was stunning. His shoulder length dark hair was partially covered with a camouflage hunting cap that was pulled low, but not so much that the pair of pale hazel eyes below it were hidden. They stood out against his sun kissed skin in spectacular fashion. A thick, but well kemp beard gave him a ruggedly handsome look that Drew found incredibly attractive.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Why did you shoot at me?”

  “I didn’t shoot at you. I shot at that bird just on the ridge to your west. I didn’t see you until I started walking toward him. What are you doing out here?”

  “I was just out for a day hike.”

  “On private property?”

  “What? No. This is the Glen Hill trail that runs down the backside of Cannon Mountain.”

  “Do you have a compass?”

  “What? Yes, of course I do.”

  “Where is it?”

  “In my pack in case I get lost.”

  “You’d best get it out then, because you are lost. The Glen Trail runs down the other side of the mountain. This side belongs to me. It adjoins my property.”

  “Oh, God. I’m so sorry.”

  “No harm, no foul. I’m just glad I didn’t accidentally shoot you.”

  “I am too.”

  “Come on. I need to get this kill in before it fouls in the sun. I’ll get you back to public property before you end up on the land of someone who won’t hesitate to shoot you.”

  “Thank you. My heart is racing.”

  Much to Drew’s surprise, the hunter stepped toward him and put one of his large, rough hands on his chest for a moment. Their eyes met and he smiled at him, causing his heart to only beat a little harder as he returned his gaze. Were they having some sort of moment or was it his imagination?

  “My name is Zebe. I have a cabin not far from here. Let’s get you settled down a bit there and then we’ll get you back in the right direction.”

  “Thank you, Zebe. My name is Drew.”

  “Okay, Drew. Let’s get going then.”

  Drew followed the man out into a clearing just beyond the trees. He could see the large bird laying on the ground and watched as Zebe picked it up as if it and began walking toward a patch of bushes with it. Drew was surprised when he began pulling back what looked like a pile of branches to reveal a dark colored ATV. Strapping his prey alongside several others on the rack that ran off the backside, he jumped onto it and cranked it up.

  “Get on.”

  Drew felt just a moment’s hesitation. He didn’t know this man and had met him in the woods, where he was shooting things. For all he knew, he was a psychopath and taking him back to his cabin to do something heinous to him. He couldn’t even imagine that someone like him was gay, but there seemed to be some sort of connection between them and the way he had put his hand on his chest made him think he might be wrong. Perhaps he just hoped he might be wrong, about him being straight and about him being crazy.

  “I’ve never been on one of these before.”

  “City boy out in the woods, huh? Just climb on behind me and hold on. It’s going to be a bit of a rough ride.”

  Something about the way he said the words was highly arousing and being curled up to his back on the bike, his hands tightly around his chiseled abs, certainly didn’t help his efforts to keep his erection from getting bigger just from being near him. Pulling up in front of a rustic looking cabin, he jumped off the back of the ATV and attempted to regain his composure while Zebe tended to the animals on the back, pulling them off and quickly clamping them up by the feet in a tree not far from the cabin. Drew watched as he cut them open, which both sickened him looking at the blood and excited him at how powerful Zebe had seemed in doing it all so effortlessly. In only a matter of minutes, he had them stripped and cleaned for cooking.

  “Alright, let’s get you settled in for a bit while I tend to these things. It won’t take me long. Once I get dinner situated, I’ll take you back to wherever you left your car.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks.”

  Zebe showed him inside. Drew looked around, surprised by the décor. He had expected bland browns and beiges with the heads of slain animals on the walls. Instead, he found himself looking around at rich earthy greens dotted with deep burnt oranges and dark red colors. It looked more like the inside of an Arab prince’s tent than someplace a hunter w
ould live.

  “This place is beautiful.”

  “You think? I’d like to take credit for it, but my cousin Becky did it all. She’s an interior designer in the city.”

  Drew considered this. He had hoped that he dedication to décor indicated, to at least some degree, an underlying femininity despite Zebe’s rugged appearance. Now, he was back to being unsure as to whether Zebe was straight or gay. Usually, his gaydor was dead on, but Zebe was quite a mystery to him. Had he invited him back here because he was interested in him or simply because he felt bad for having almost shot him?

  “I’ll have to get her number. My place could use some redecorating and I really like her style,” Drew replied, dismissing his thoughts.

  “She’d appreciate the business. Just make yourself at home on the sofa. There are some books and a radio. Sorry, no television. I get shit reception up here and never really cared much for it anyway. I watch it with my brothers sometimes at the clubhouse.”

  “You have brothers?”

  Drew followed him to the kitchen, which he noted was immaculate and very well stocked. It appeared that Zebe, or someone who visited often, did quite a bit of cooking. Everything was modern with black and white tiled floors and black marble counters that complimented the stainless steel appliances perfectly. Every pot, pan and dish seemed to have a place designed especially for it.

  “A few, yes. Not in blood, but I belong to a local motorcycle club and those guys are all brothers to me.”

  “I see. Did your cousin design this kitchen too?”

  “Oh, no. This was already done when she came. I had a vision of a kitchen like this when I moved here and redid it like this as my very first project after I bought the place. When I came, it was like walking into some old era with green linoleum and those old mustard colored appliances. Quite an eyesore. I redecorated some of the place, but Becky did the rest.”

  “It looks quite a bit larger inside than it did from the outside.”

  “Yes. The rooms are pretty massive for a cabin. You should see my bedroom.”

  Drew tried not ot seem overenthusiastic when he replied that he would love a full tour. Zebe nodded at him knowingly. Was he flirting or just being polite? If he were anyone else, Drew would say he was being just a bit suggestive, but he still had a bit of a hard time believing this hunky alpha male was gay. He changed the subject before he embarrassed himself.

  “So, what are those things you were killing. I mean, I now they are birds, but what kind?”

  “Pheasant. Have you ever eaten it?”

  “No. I can’t say that I have.”

  “It’s pretty good if you know how to prepare it, which I do. If you aren’t in any hurry, you could just hang out a while and stay for dinner. I’ll be happy to share.”

  “Why not? I’m all about new experiences.”

  “Great. Once I get it prepped, we’ll put it on ice for a bit and run up to get your vehicle so you can leave when you get ready. I’m sure it’s a bit unnerving being way out here with a stranger as it is.”

  “You don’t strike me as a serial killer or anything.”

  “Really? I’m going to have to work on my whole crazed woodsman routine then. It keeps strangers off my property.”

  “Well, if you don’t want strangers on your property, perhaps you should follow up the shooting at them bit with yelling at them to get off your land instead of inviting them home with you.”

  “Good point. I’ll make a note of that, for next time. Of course, most strangers would have gotten that treatment. There was just something about you that I liked. It gets a bit lonely out here at times.”

  “I can imagine it does.”

  “Alright, well, I’m done with this. Let’s head out to get your vehicle.”

  By the time they returned an hour later, Drew following Zebe’s motorcycle in his SUV, the smell of the pheasant was already filling the room. Drew realized that he was quite hungry, but his thoughts of food fell to the wayside within a matter of minutes as they were overcome by other events.

  “Wow, that smells delicious.”

  “Yeah, it will take a few hours more for them to finish cooking. I usually hang them up and can cook them quicker, but when you eat them fresh you have to spend a bit more time or they are tough.”

  “You know quite a bit about cooking, huh? Your kitchen looks like something off a cooking show on television.”

  “What can I say? It’s a weakness. I just don’t care for the chemicals and treatment of animals being raised for food on a commercial scale. I prefer to keep my food as natural as possible. I hunt when I can and I have a small garden out back. I’m pretty much self-taught. I think that most people would be surprised how much a big, burly guy like myself spends watching those cooking shows you reference.”

  “I think that is fantastic. I wouldn’t know how to catch a snail to make escargot, much less hunt anything on a larger scale.”

  “We all have our talents. What do you do for a living?”

  “I’m a sculptor. And you?”

  “I own a motorcycle shop.”

  “You sell them?”

  “Sometimes. Mostly we repair and do custom work.”

  “So, we are both artists of a sort.”

  “I guess we are.”

  Much to Drew’s surprise, the comment was punctuated with a kiss. It wasn’t just a light peck either. Zebe pulled him close and kissed him deeply. Drew didn’t hold back, kissing him with just as much passion as he was feeling from the other side. They were quickly lost in one another as Zebe pinned him against the bar that ran between the living area and kitchen, Drew forgetting all about his hunger and focusing instead on a different kind of want.

  “I’ve wanted to do that from the moment I walked over to you in the woods,” Zebe panted as his lips traveled downward, biting into Drew’s neck and suckling lightly at the skin there. It felt amazing after having been sexually neglected so long. He let himself forget this was a stranger and instead focused on how it felt to be wanted again. His hands fumbled for Zebe’s belt buckle, eager to have him inside of him.

  “I’ve wanted the exact same thing,” he replied as Zebe’s pants fell away, revealing a lack of underwear beneath and a deliciously large cock.

  Drew was quickly on his knees, eager to taste him. Zebe let out a low growl as he took him in his mouth, sucking at the heavy tip of his cock before slipping more of it inside to suck at it. Soon, he was bobbing back and forth down the length of it as he enjoyed how hard he grew in his mouth.

  “Yes. That feels amazing. Your mouth is so hot,” Zebe breathed, his hands on his shoulders as he sucked his cock slowly and deliberately. He quickly grew more eager as he took more him in deeper and faster, letting him fuck his face roughly as he moaned his name. He could feel him getting closer to climax as he pushed into him again and again, but was surprised when Zebe suddenly pulled free of him, pushing him across the kitchen bar, stripping him of his clothes and burying his tongue in his ass.

  “God, that’s fantastic,” Drew panted as Zebe tongue fucked his ass and then slid a single finger inside to finger fuck him while licking and sucking at his balls. His strong hand reached between his legs and began pumping his cock in unison with the movements of his finger in his ass until Drew exploded violently across the wall beneath the countertop.

  Zebe pulled his finger free of him, using the fluids that had sprayed on the other to lube him up before slipping inside of him. Positioning the fat head of his cock against Drew’s ass, he eased himself further and further inside until they were locked completely together before slipping almost completely free again. He took his time with him, slipping in and out slowly and gently. Drew could feel him getting even harder inside of him, filing his ass with his massive protrusion.

  “It feels like you are splitting me apart,” Drew moaned.

  “Am I hurting you. Do you want me to stop?”

  “God, no. Fuck me harder,” Drew begged. He felt wild, animalistic, for so
me reason. It wasn’t like him at all. He usually wanted to be taken slowly, made love to with ease. With Zebe, however, all he wanted was for him to fuck him like a whore. He wanted all of him inside of him, pounding into him until he was screaming with pleasurable pain. Zebe was happy to comply.

  “As you wish,” Zebe said in a low, sensual tone. His hips pulled back before sinking fiercely into Drew again until it felt like he was entering his very bowels. He was relentless as he fucked Drew, occasionally biting him on the back or side as he fucked him ruthlessly as the countertop beneath bruised his hip bones. It felt completely amazing.

  “Harder, Zebe. Fuck me until I scream,” Drew begged.

  Zebe’s hips drove into him again and again, beating him up with his massive cock until he could not speak. The cabin filled with the sounds of Zebe groaning and grunting while Drew screamed his name and begged him for more. Zebe’s stamina was amazing as he drove his cock home repeatedly until he couldn’t hold back anymore, shooting a massive load of cum into Drew’s ass and pushing it free to drip down his balls with his continued plummeting. Finally, he stopped, his cock still buried inside him as he leaned forward to kiss his back before pulling away.

  Pulling Drew upward, away from the counter, he took him in his arms to kiss him. Drew felt like he was melting into him as their passion continued even after the rough lovemaking. There was something about Zebe that spoke to him, drew him in. He found himself hoping this was so much more than a one night stand as Zebe led him to the shower and they washed one another gently beneath the steamy spray. Afterwards, they sat naked in the kitchen and ate the meal that Zebe had prepared, completely lost in just being together.

  “Can you spend the night?” Zebe asked as they cleared away the remnants of their meal and filled the dishwasher.

  “I’d love to stay,” Drew replied, smiling at him as he leaned in and kissed him again. One thing led to another as they quickly found themselves in bed early and all over one another again. They made love much of the night. It was if they were making up for lost time they had spent with other people now that they had found one another. A part of Drew wanted it to never end, but he was way too afraid to make too much of it. It would be stupid to set himself up for hurt after only one night together. Finally, they drifted off to sleep in one another’s arms.


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