Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance)

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Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance) Page 33

by Sy Walker

  “I knew that you were going to be tight, but I had no idea that you would be virgin tight.” That was not the first time that I had heard a man say that to me. I never really thought much about it, but I could see on his face that his moment of truth would not be far off. “Just looking at you, I know that I’m going to want to do this again.” He had said it with such a matter of fact confidence that he made me believe it. This was not going to be the one night stand that I had planned. Then again, plans have a way of changing at the drop of a dime.

  “I want you, Owen. I think that I’ve never wanted a man more.” This was taking me by surprise and the feel of his elongated stick of dynamite was making a home inside my body. I had to smile at the fact that he was trying his best to stop himself from succumbing to my tight embrace. “This is better than I thought it was going to be. I can’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling.” I reached up and played with his nipples, feeling his cock jerk inside me. I wanted all of him and I didn’t want to miss one single drop.

  He leaned forward, grabbed my hands and placed them over my head. My legs curled around him, feeling the leather against my bare feet and loving it in a way that I didn’t think was possible. The feel of that same leather rubbing up against my thighs was a constant aphrodisiac that kept me harder than stone. I was throbbing and I wasn’t even touching myself and suddenly I was screaming and letting go of the burden within my balls.

  This of course made his eyes go wide and he began to fuck me with an earnest that felt like he was never going to stop. The bed slammed up against the wall repeatedly, cracking the plaster and suddenly he was holding still. His knob flared and his hot boiling seed entered into my body. I thought that I saw colors dancing in front of my eyes and I arched my body up, so that I could get him in, as deep as possible. There was something about that scar that held my gaze.

  We stayed joined with him lying down on top of me and breathing into my ear for maybe 20 minutes. I couldn’t even move and my ass was numb. My mind was overwrought with sexual endorphins that were driving me crazy. I was completely satiated, satisfied beyond words and I could tell on his face that he was in his own little world.

  “You are one good fuck. I don’t think that I’ve ever felt that way before. I don’t want to make a big deal of this, but that’s the first time that I’ve ever finished off inside a man. I’m not exactly what you would call a 5 minute wonder. Most often than not, I have to take matters into my own hands, but with you it was different.” He slipped out of me and now he was lying beside me with the air ripe with sexual tension. I didn’t know where we were supposed to go from here, but for the time being I needed to get some sleep. I glanced over at the clock to see that it was 2 hours from the time that we had come in here. That was a two hour marathon of sex that felt like a half hour at best. I could only attribute that to getting immersed into the man himself. It was strange and time didn’t even come into considerations. The more time I spent with him…the more I wanted to spend more.

  Chapter four

  I was sweating profusely and I was constantly waking up with a stomach ache. My head was pounding like a drum. I paced the floor, doubling over a couple times with a pain that was beyond anything that I’ve had before. I wanted to wake up Owen, but he looked, so peaceful lying there with a smile on his face that he probably wouldn’t be able to wipe off for days.

  It was about 3:00 AM, when I went into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I could not quite believe what I was seeing. The bulge in my stomach was a good indication that I was with child. I’d heard of those wolves that had the ability to impregnate a man, but I had never met one before. They were rare and they were considered a true Alpha with all the rights that went with being a leader of a gang. He was whiling away, as second in command, when he should’ve been taking the reins. Only those that could impregnate a man like he had just done with me could truly hold that power in the palm of their hand.

  I thought that I would panic and start screaming my head off, but instead I touched my stomach and felt intimately connected. I was shocked, but I wasn’t going off the rails. I was tempted to wake him up and tell him the news, but I thought that it would be best that I wait, until morning. I think I was scared by what he might say. It wasn’t everyday a male wolf found himself with child.

  There was no way that I was going to get any sleep and by the time that he stretched his limbs and welcomed the new day, I was ready to impart on him the news of his impending fatherhood.

  “Owen, I have something to tell you that is going to change things.” I decided at the last minute that words would not properly convey what had to be said. I turned and showed him the product of his love growing inside me.” He bolted straight up and stared at me like he couldn’t quite believe what he was witnessing. “I had no idea that you were an Alpha breeder.” From the look on his face, I don’t think that he even knew that he was a rare and sought after commodity. He had just told me by his own admission that he had never gone that far with a man.

  “This can’t be and we only did it one time.” I almost laughed at the absurdity of his statement. “I would ask if you’re sure that it’s mine, but I think that is a moot point.” He got down on his knees and came towards me, until he was touching my stomach. “I had no idea. My parents died and I was taken in by another family of wolves. There was no way for me to know, but this means that I should be the leader of the Wolverines’.” I would stand by him in whatever decision he made about his future. “Bradley is not going to be very happy about this. I need to talk to him in private, before we announce it to the rest of the pack. I think that it goes without saying that you are a part of me and I am a part of you. There’s no way that I can possibly let you go after learning something like this. You’re carrying my child and I am elated at the prospect of being a father.”

  He led me into the bathroom and we showered together with our hands soaping up each other’s bodies. He spent a lot of time massaging my stomach. Even though I was showing, it didn’t mean that I was going to give birth for at least another four months. The gestation period was shorter than humans and that was something that I was going to have to live with. I’d never thought that I would be with child and that was an honor that was given to a select few. The Alpha breeders’ would always make a concentrated effort to find a suitable bloodline to join with theirs. It was fortuitous that the Adam clan was going to join the Jamison clan. We would make a formidable duo and everybody would have to give me the respect that I was due.

  “Those three words have never crossed these lips, but I think I love you.” The look in his eyes told me everything that I needed to know. The way that he was jacking me underneath the hot spray was a good indication that he wanted to continue this relationship. “Bradley has always been good to me and I will always have a place for him in the gang.” I didn’t know why he was not worried that Bradley would take offense at him trying to usurp his position. I could see it from Bradley’s point of view and it wasn’t pretty.

  “Owen, I know that the both of you are best friends, but maybe you should take a step back and take a walk in his shoes. You might think that he will be accepting of this, but you should always be ready for the worst possible outcome. Being forewarned is the best way to approach anything. Look at it from every angle and be ready for his reaction to the news. You might be right and it’s possible that he will welcome this change with open arms. It’s also very possible that he will take exception to you trying to take what is rightfully his. You might be friends now, but that could change from the moment that the secret slips out of your lips.”

  He brought me to the brink and then stopped several times. He was teasing me and leaving me wondering, if he was going to finish me off. It wasn’t, until I was too far gone to give a damn that I finally shot off with ropes of my semen gathering at the bottom of the tub. It went down the drain and it seemed like such a waste, but the pleasure that he inflicted on me was more than enough to make me almost
buckle underneath the strain.

  “You’re mine now and whatever happens we will deal with it together. You don’t know Bradley the way that I do. He’s a fair man. I’m just going to have to lay it on the line and tell him exactly what this means.” I really didn’t think that it was going to be that easy. I wanted to say something more, but my mind was overrun with a feeling of ecstasy running through my body. My cock was dripping and it had diminished in size and girth.

  We got out and toweled each other off. He was being gentle like I was a fragile doll that would break with any kind of contact. I didn’t want him to think that I was weak by any means. I understood the reason why he was being cautious and these pregnancies have a way of being dangerous to the wolf that’s carrying it and the baby itself. I was going to have to avoid any kind of stress.

  “There’s no time like the present. I think the sooner that we tell Bradley what’s going on, the sooner that we can all deal with it in a civilized manner. If you don’t know already, then I should probably tell you that I’m very happy by this latest turn of events.” Men were not supposed to hold this honor, but I was given a gift and I wasn’t going to squander it. My bloodline and his would make a wolf that would be the chosen one. The purity of the wolf that I was carrying was written in the stars. Every wolf knew that those that came from a union of this sort was considered special and should be revered, as a leader amongst men.

  “I’m going to groom this child in the likeness of myself and his father. Together, we will ring in a new generation that will evolve into something that is more than any of us can even imagine. He will be strong and confident and be willing to lay his life on the line for a cause. He will be a fierce warrior with the attributes to survive at any cost.” This was all written and there were only three others that had been born from this kind of sexual union. They were scattered around the globe, but it was widely known that they would grow up to bring the wolves into the light.

  It was all just a fable, but one that we all took very seriously. “I never thought that I would find a man like you, Owen. There was something about your photo and the way that you smiled in your profile that made me want to reach out and touch you.” I dressed quickly and when he tried to help me, I shrugged my shoulders to indicate that I could do it on my own. “I don’t want to do think that I’m going to break. I know that a pregnancy like this is risky, but I think that you can tell that I’m stronger than I appear. I don’t want you to worry about me, but I know that’s going to be very difficult for you.” He opened the door like a gentleman and I followed him out to the motorcycle.

  Sitting astride that beast of a machine and wrapping my hands around Owen’s waist was exactly where I wanted to be. The roar of the engine underneath me vibrated along my lower extremities. I’m sure that he was feeling the same thing, as he gunned the engine and drove out onto the street. I gripped his waist tightly, digging my fingernails into his leather jacket and hoping that I wasn’t going to do any permanent damage.

  Chapter five

  I’m looking around and I feel like I’m an outsider with people staring at me. Owen has not left my side and we sat at the bar together nursing a couple of drinks. I had decided to go on the wagon, so that I wouldn’t endanger the life that I was currently carrying.

  “Owen, I’m sorry for the wait, but Bradley has been stuck in meetings all day with other members of other gangs. He should be wrapping things up in a few minutes and he is most anxious to speak with you.” This guy was a redhead and I wondered, if the rug matched the drapes. “You have been very vague on the details of what you want to speak to him about. It might go a long way to getting a meeting quicker, if you were to tell me what you wanted to say.” I could tell that this man was not exactly happy about being left out of the loop.

  “Marco, if it’s all the same to you, I would rather speak to him about this matter in private. I know that that’s not the usual way of doing something like this, but I’m going to have to be firm on this issue.” Marco was the bartender and he threw his towel over his shoulder and walked away in a huff.

  The door opened to the back office and a man with long black hair and a goatee was now motioning us to come and join him in the inner sanctum.

  I sat there and listened to Owen tell Bradley everything that was going on. For the most part, I thought that Bradley was being very open minded, but looks could be deceiving. He was wearing the colors of the gang and he was now pacing back and forth scratching at his goatee and looking at the both of us incredulously.

  “You come in here and drop this bomb in my lap and you expect me to smile about it. I’m going to need some time to adjust, before we make the announcement public. Give me, until tomorrow morning.” He was being dismissive, but he was also being quite calm about everything. It finally dawned on me that the scar on Owen was not a scar at all. It was a birth mark that signified his legacy, as an Alpha breeder.

  The one thing that I did notice was that he did not do me the courtesy of looking me in the eye. He treated me like I shouldn’t have even been there. They were not exactly accepting of strangers.

  “That went better than I expected.” I could see on Owen’s face that he was not at all impressed by how everything had transpired. “What is it?”

  “I’m not sure, but I think that we’re going to have to watch our backs. He usually shows more emotion and the fact that he didn’t worries me. I could almost see the gears in his head turning.” This did not bode well for either one of us. We walked out into the bar and were suddenly surrounded by the rest of the pack.

  Marco came over and stood in the center of all of them “I’ve been informed by Bradley that he doesn’t want either one of you to leave here.” I thought that we were being taken hostage or captive, but apparently it went a lot further than that. “I don’t know what you did to piss him off, but he has requested that you be relieved of your command.” This didn’t sound good. The way that they were wielding those pool sticks and knives in their hands was quite menacing.” It would go a lot easier on you, if you just accepted your fate.” They were directing their comments to Owen. “He wants your bitch alive. Don’t ask me why. I’m not in a position to ask questions.”

  I understood almost immediately that he was going to pawn this baby off, as his own. He would threaten me and the life of my child and I would have no choice, but to bow down and succumb to his wishes.

  “Marco, I wouldn’t do anything that you’re going to regret later. You don’t know the whole story.” He was about to say something more, but he got the back of a pool cue across his mouth. One of his teeth came loose and he spit blood onto the floor at the feet of Marco. “That was uncalled for. If you insist on going down this road then you better know that I will not go easy into that good night.”

  To his credit, Owen fought like a wild animal, but the numbers were against him. He was overwhelmed and was soon a bloody pulp. They didn’t kill him, but I don’t know what they were waiting for. They had him on the floor and they raised him up on to his knees with his hands being held behind him. Out of the office came Bradley. He stood in front of him looking down at his beaten form.

  “I was going to kill you, but I thought better of it. The only thing that can be done is to get rid of your little bitch.” He struggled to stand, but he was being held back and not even the wolf inside of him could break free. They had somehow subdued the wolf and made it impossible for him to change. I saw the necklace around his neck and I knew that wasn’t there before. I’d heard of such an object, but I never was in a position to see one up close and personal. The silver wolf head in the center of the necklace was supposedly giving it the power to pull the wolf from his body and not allow him to transform at will.

  “It is not widely known, but everything that goes on with the wolves finds a way to my attention. Walker, I know what you did and he’s on his way here to exact his own revenge.” I wanted to open up my mouth and tell him that he was going against the natural order of things. I
don’t think that he cared. “You hurt an Alpha and for that you need to be punished with your life.” I had no idea how he could possibly know what I had done to Jackson in the heat of the moment.

  Chapter six

  I was tied in a chair with Owen behind me breathing lazily. I was glad to see that he was still alive, but it wasn’t from lack of trying on their part. Had Bradley not intervened and put a stop to it, I had no doubt that Owen would’ve found himself 6 feet under.

  “If I can get this damn necklace off me, then we might have a chance. If I can’t, then I want you to get out of here and run. I don’t want you to look back and I don’t want you to come back to save me. It is important that your child lives. If that means I have to make the ultimate sacrifice then as a father I think that I am owed that right.” I didn’t know how he could possibly tell me to leave, when my life was entwined with his own.

  I did not have the same power that an Alpha had. I could call upon aspects of the wolf, but I could not truly transform into the beast without some provocation or full moon. I had to be in immense pain and not just in fear for my life. They all knew that and they were using that information against me.

  “I think that they were a little careless in tying us up together.” I could feel that my hands were coming loose, but I was going to have to do it under the sly without anybody noticing. I felt one arm find freedom and I slowly made my way up to the necklace that was dangling around Owen’s neck. I touched it and it burned, but I did not let that deter me.

  “I’m not going to ask what you’re going to do with him. Take him away from here and make sure that I never see his face again.” Bradley was obviously talking about me and then he walked in with Jackson in tow. I was shaking something fierce and suddenly the wolf that had been repressed and unable to rise up finally broke free. My arms grew in diameter and I found the strength to rip that chain off of Owen’s neck. It left a deep gash and a burn that sizzled into my skin.


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