Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance)

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Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance) Page 34

by Sy Walker

  The smile on Jackson’s face faded, as he started to make a mad dash, only to be kicked in the ribs by my own boot. It sent him spiraling into the wall, crashing into it with such force that his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

  “You will not take what is mine. I’ve worked too damn hard to get where I am today to have some snot nosed little Omega destroy everything with a bastard child.” He brandished a weapon, something that was fashioned for his own personal use. It looked menacing and I was down on all fours with my fur raised. The white wolf had taken front and center stage.

  He came forward and tried to stab me, only to find Owen taking exception to trying to kill me. He took that blade like object out of his hand and pressed it up against his throat, until he was down on his knees begging for mercy with his eyes. “The only person that is leaving here is you. If I see you again, then you can expect retaliation of the likes that you have never seen before. I’m the true leader and I impregnated this man with my child.” At the very mention of that, the other gang members came in to make sure that they heard right.

  “You can’t do this… I won’t stand for it… AHHH.” The blade sunk into his skin and there was a trickle falling below his collar. Owen had shamed him in front of his pack and the gang now understood the full scope of everything that was going on.

  Owen grabbed Bradley by the hair and pulled him to his feet. “Take him out of my sight. He had a place with us, but trying to kill me has made him an outcast. Turn your back and don’t give him the right of seeing your eyes.” They were hesitant, but they finally did what they were supposed to do. I heard Bradley breathing and then the slamming of the door to indicate that he had made a hasty and discreet exit. His motorcycle was the next thing to come to life. The sound of that engine slowly faded.

  “I should’ve known that there was something wrong. You and Bradley have always been the best of friends. Let me pledge my allegiance, as your second in command.” Marco got down on his knees in an act of loyalty to the man that held all the power.

  “I accept you, as my second in command. Your first duty is to get rid of this trash. I want him to wear the necklace burned into his skin.” They affixed the necklace to Jackson’s neck and he awoke to the feeling of the burning sensation. They had heated it and were now branding him, so that the wolf that he had inside of him would never see the light of day again.

  “You can’t do this… It’s not right.” He was grasping at straws. He was lucky that he wasn’t dead. I had a soft spot for him, despite the fact that we ended things badly. I suppose a first love has that effect on people.

  “You have Walker to thank for the fact that you’re still breathing. This is your punishment for trying to take the life of the chosen one. You will not step forth into this town again without the full retaliation of my brethren coming down on top of you. Walk away and pray to god that we never see each other again.” He scrambled back on his hands and feet, looking at the others to see if anybody was going to intervene on his behalf. The necklace was put back into the box, but Jackson would always wear the burned symbol of disobedience.

  I went to Owen and I held his hand, while the rest of the gang kneeled in respect to the power couple that we were. We would raise this child together and if the legend was true, then this child was destined to show us a new path.


  Return to TOC


  “You cowardly piece of shit!” Randall barked at Albert. “Just where do you think you are going?”

  “Away, as far away from you as possible.”

  “You aren’t going anywhere,” Randall said menacingly.

  “Yes, Randall. I am. I’ve had enough of your abuse.”

  Randall took a step toward him and was met in the center of the room by the two policemen that had accompanied Albert to the large flat the two men had shared for almost a year.

  “Mr. McCray, I’d advise you to step aside and let him finish packing. We don’t really want to have to arrest you today,” one of the policemen told him.

  “Arrest me? Do you fucking know who I am?” Randall said indignantly.

  “Yes. We know exactly who you are. We see you every day when we get called to a domestic abuse case. The guy that thinks he can do whatever he wants and get by with it,” the other policeman told him.

  “I haven’t done anything wrong. He just wants to play the victim.”

  “Play the victim? I am a victim!” Albert barked back at him, picking up his bags and nodding toward one of the cops that he was ready to go.

  “I’ll see you soon, Albert.”

  “No. You won’t Mr. McCray. Albert has filed a restraining order against you. You are not to get within seventy-five yards of his person at any time or you will be arrested. We don’t care who your father is,” the first cop told him.

  “I’ve done nothing to him and you’ve no right to talk to me that way. I’ll have your badge.”

  “Great. My badge number is 9842, last name is Taggart. Just call the station and lodge your complaint. Come on, Randall,” the cop said, making a human barrier between the two men as he escorted Albert toward the door with the other cop behind them.

  “Thank you, officers,” Albert told the two of them outside at his car. They nodded and saw that he was safely inside before returning to their patrol car behind him and waiting for him to pull away from the curb before heading back in the other direction. Albert headed straight for the airport, determined to get as far away from Randall as possible.

  Albert was still trembling a bit as he parked his car and headed into the terminal. He wouldn’t be able to put distance between himself and Randall forever, but a couple of weeks in Hawaii was just what he needed to sort himself out and relax a bit. It seemed surreal somehow that things would end this way with Randall. They had only been together for six months and things had been utter perfection at first, but after a few months, Albert had begun to notice a change in his partner’s behavior.

  Randall had become possessive and controlling, always insisting that he know where Albert was at all times and making a fuss if he were to go out alone with other friends, even if they were female. Ultimately, he had begun questioning Albert constantly about where he had been and who he had been with. From there, it was accusations and insults. Finally, things had taken a turn for the worse when he had grabbed Albert and pushed him against a wall, demanding to know where he had been one night when he was out late.

  “I told you that I had to work late!”

  “That’s what you said, but I went by and you weren’t there.”

  “I was there! I was working in the back of the house, not on the floor.”

  “I asked if you were there and one of the other servers said he hadn’t seen you all night.”

  “I can’t help what he told you. I was there, Randall. What is wrong with you?”

  It was the first night that Randall had hit him, busting his lip and leaving bruises on his arms where he had gripped him so hard while questioning him. It had been bewildering that he would strike him and for the next several days, he had been apologetic, telling Albert over and over how sorry he was for hitting him. Then, he had done it again and this time, it was much worse. Albert had called in sick to work until the visible bruises and swelling had passed.

  “I just don’t get why you won’t listen!”

  “I do listen, Randall. I don’t know what you are talking about or what has happened to you, but you’ve turned into a monster.”

  Randall had beaten him even worse that night and Albert lay awake beside him in their bed all night plotting an escape. He knew that Randall would not let him go without a hassle or possibly more physical harm. When he went to the police, they had insisted he file charges, but he refused. Instead, he had opted for just a restraining order and asked that they accompany him to the apartment to help him pack his things. He had already booked a flight to Hawaii to get away for a while.

  The first day there, he had
just slept. It was nice to just be able to relax and not have to worry about a crazed boyfriend attacking him for no other reason than that he had some idea in his head that he was doing something wrong. The second day he had ventured out about the island a bit and looked around, finally settling down into an evening meal and few drinks. Determined not to let Randall cause him a minute more of grief, he opened his cell phone and downloaded the Grindr app.

  By the time he was done with his meal, he had set up a new profile and was already perusing the profiles of other single gay men in the area. One, in particular, caught his eye. The guy was attractive if the picture he had posted was an accurate depiction of his looks. Tall and tanned, he was standing next to a statue of a dragon with the caption “visiting the ancestors.” Albert opened his profile to find out a little more about him and laughed almost immediately. There was another picture of him wearing a chain mail costume of some sort that read “I like it kinky.”

  At least he had a sense of humor. That was something Randall had certainly lacked, especially toward the end. Perusing the profile a bit further, he found himself laughing at some of the quirky comments and photos the guy, whose name was Devon, had posted. “Looking for my life mate to marry and have dragon babies with,” his profile said in one place. He obviously had some sort of odd obsession with dragons, but no one was perfect. Besides, Albert was only interested in a hook up anyway.

  Hi, I’m Albert. I don’t know about dragon babies, but I’m definitely interested into being warmed up by your dragon fire.

  Albert looked at the message before sending it. It was a bit cheesy maybe, but it got the point across. He hit send and paid his check, leaving the little outdoor restaurant to return to his room. He hadn’t made it very many steps when he heard the notification sound on his phone. Fishing it from his pocket, he glanced down at the Grindr message from Devon.

  Nice pics. I can’t think of one thing I’d like more right now than to get you incredibly hot. Let’s meet at Kahlua’s at six. Yes?

  Albert looked at the message and smiled. He typed a response and reversed his direction. Instead of his room, he went to find a cab in the front of the resort. Kahlua’s was on the other side of the island near the mountains.

  “Your picture does you no justice,” Devon told him as he walked up to the bar just inside of Kahlua’s.

  “Neither does yours,” Albert responded.

  “Shall we get a drink?”

  “That sounds good.”

  Albert found that he felt incredibly nervous. It had been a while since he’d been with anyone but Randall and it felt a little awkward to be meeting someone else. Plus, this guy was absolutely gorgeous. He felt completely out of his league. Devon’s dark green eyes were the most unusual color Albert could recall having ever seen. His full lips and cleft chin gave him an exotic appearance much more apparent in person than it had been in his photograph. He was tall and athletic, an erotic tree just begging to be climbed.

  Sitting at a quiet table a bit off from the main bar, the two of them laughed and talked like old friends. Albert’s nervousness was quickly put at ease by Devon’s own awkwardness. For all of his good looks, he was incredibly quirky and offbeat in a nerdy sort of way that didn’t quite suit his appearance. Still, he exuded sensuality and power. Only a couple drinks into talking, he was inviting Albert home with him to get to know one another better.

  “I’d love to come home with you,” Albert said, trying not to sound as eager as he felt.

  “Let’s go. I have my car out front.

  Ten minutes later, the two men were walking into the front doors of Devon’s substantial cabin in the mountains. It was almost Ludacris to call it a cabin even really, as it was more like a resort than a mere cabin for one person. Devon’s wasted no time in pushing him softly against a nearby wall and kissing him deeply. Albert’s breath caught in his throat as he enjoyed the kiss all the way down into his toes.

  “You taste delicious,” Devon breathed against him.

  “As do you.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet. Come with me.”

  Devon took his hand and let him toward a large door on one side of the spacious room that made up the first floor of the massive cabin. Opening the door, he saw an oversize four poster bed covered with a heavy quilt style duvet. Devon pulled him toward it, turning him about as they approached and pushing him across it before leaning over him to kiss him again. Albert could already feel himself hardening against his jeans.

  Obviously, Devon was just as excited, his own heavy cock pushing against his khaki’s and into Albert’s hip. It throbbed and pulsed against him as their bodies pressed together, making his own excitement even more apparent. He let out a groan as Devon’s hand pressed between his legs and began rubbing his hardness through the material of his jeans. Usually, very self-possessed, he honestly felt so excited that he might come in his jeans.

  “I want to be inside of you, Albert.”

  “Yes, God. Please fuck me, Devon.”

  There was a whirlwind of activity as the two men began undressing one another, eager to get down to business. Albert almost gasped aloud as he got a clear view of the actual size of Devon’s cock. It was long and thick, no doubt not less than a full nine inches. How in the world that was going to fit inside of him, he wasn’t sure. Despite his trepidation, he still wanted it though. In fact, he couldn’t recall having ever wanted someone like he wanted this complete stranger.

  “Like what you see?”

  “Yes, very much,” Albert replied.

  Devon walked toward where Albert lay on the bed, his enormous erection protruding haphazardly from his sinewy frame. He took his time as he slowly unbuttoned Albert’s jeans, maintaining a piercing eye contact that only got Albert more excited as he lay there being undressed by this magnificent creature. Devon took his time as each section of skin was revealed, kissing and biting into Albert’s flesh as he moaned beneath him.

  “You taste so good, so delicious,” Devon moaned, still heavily invested in the slow tour of Albert’s body. His teeth sank into his thighs, causing his hips to rock forward almost involuntarily. Devon looked at him and smiled.

  “You’re driving me insane,” Albert said, his voice almost a whisper.

  “Good. I want you to enjoy this as much as I am going to.”

  “I have no doubt that I will.”

  Reaching forward, Devon pulled Albert’s shirt over his head and kissed his way across his bare chest, moving upward to nuzzle his neck with the slight growth of stubble on his chin. His mouth moved up one side and along the side of Albert’s face before smothered his lips with his own. Once again, Albert felt his kiss all the way down into this toes, sending pulses of excitement through his veins.

  The kiss lingered, deep and penetrating. Devon’s tongue swirled heavily against his own, alternately pulling at it or his lip with his teeth, devouring him in an almost animalistic fashion. It was the most fantastic he had ever felt with a man, especially someone who was, for all intents and purposes, a one-night stand. Something about Devon seemed dark, mysterious, despite his somewhat oddly geeky nature. He might appear docile, but at least in the bedroom, he was in charge, in complete control, without saying a word.

  As his large hands caressed Albert’s chest, his body drifted further down his frame until Albert could feel his hot breath against his own aching cock. His hips pushed forward again, a silent invitation for him to take him and Devon didn’t miss the cue, caressing his hard cock with one firm hand while slipping his mouth around the broad head, already dripping with precum. Albert watched him as he stroked him and lapped at the tip with his tongue, once again maintained eye contact as he did so.

  “Mmmmmm,” Albert moaned as Devon’s mouth slipped farther down his shaft and slowly devoured every inch of him. It felt like they had been together for decades. Devon seemed to know instinctively how and where to touch him. In no time at all, he was engulfing him to the hilt, sliding up and down his hard cock until
Albert couldn’t hold back anymore and exploded a heavy load of cum down the back of his throat.

  Smiling, Devon pulled away, wiping one corner of his mouth where he had let a drop of cum escape. Reaching down between Albert’s legs, he pulled a bit of the cum that had dripped along his cock once he had pulled away back and toward the opening of his ass. Albert was taken by surprise as Devon suddenly grabbed him by the waist and flipped him over on his stomach, pushing his legs apart to expose his tiny sphincter to him. Using the moisture he had dragged back and wetting him further by tonguing him eagerly, Devon readied him for what was to come.

  Albert’s heart beat wildly in his chest at the thought of Devon fucking him with wild abandon. He ached for him, wanted him madly. Lifting his ass upward, Devon positioned himself behind him, slowly pushing into his ass with the head of his cock, loosening him up with the mushroomed cap little by little by rocking slowly back and forth to slip further into him with each thrust. Albert grunted and dug his fingers into the sheets, enjoying the pleasure and pain imparted by Devon’s wickedly large cock.

  “Umpppph,” Albert gasped as Devon suddenly sank fully into him, filling him with his huge, hard tool. Grinding his hips forward, he settled fully into him before pulling back and plunging into him again. It felt like he was being ripped apart from the inside and he loved how fantastic that felt. Devon’s fingers dug into his backside as he began pumping in and out of his ass, groaning with his own pleasure.

  “Your ass is so tight, so hot. I love fucking you,” Devon purred.

  “You feel incredible,” Albert managed between grunts and groans.

  Their bodies met and parted in a graceful, yet primal dance as they took their pleasure from one another. Devon’s fingers dug into Albert’s ass, no doubt leaving bruises as his climax built inside of him. He grew more and more aggressive as he slammed into Albert, seeming to enjoy his cries of ecstasy with each impalement.


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