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Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance)

Page 37

by Sy Walker

  “In your dreams, crypt keeper,” Madeline shot back, causing the doctor to laugh. Albert glanced toward the front room as the entrance door opened and Devon appeared. It was a relief to see that he was there.

  “Alright. The gangs all here. Let’s get us a baby going.”

  Devon held Albert’s hand as Madeline began applying the anesthesia that would block the pain of the surgery. They held one another’s gaze the entire time the procedure was taking place. All in all, it took only a matter of minutes once all of the preparations were in place and they were ready to deliver the baby. Albert watched as a healthy baby boy was pulled from his center and held up into the air. The cord was cut and he began crying loudly as the doctor handed him over to Albert to lay on his chest.

  “There you go! Let’s get you sewn back up and . . . oh shit, where’s my watch?”

  Everyone looked at him as he looked around with a puzzled expression and then pretended to reach inside of Albert and retrieve his watch which actually had been laying behind him the entire time.

  “Oh, right. There it is. Now, let’s get you sewn up.”

  Everyone laughed as he finished up the procedure and Madeline bandaged the wound. After they were sure he was recovering okay, they left with instructions to contact them if there were problems. Devon and Albert settled in with their new son, admiring his straight nose and bright green eyes.

  “Isn’t he just perfect?” Albert said.

  “Just remember that when he’s seventeen and you get called to school because he accidentally had a hormonal shift that would just give most boys a woody, but caused him to burn down the locker room,” Devon told him.

  “Oh, God. I hope you are kidding.”

  Devon smiled at him and kissed him softly, the baby cradled between them, cooing softly in his sleep. Albert found that he couldn’t think of anything more perfect than this. A week ago, it felt as if his life was in ruins and he might never find a man to be happy with and then one had just fallen into his lap that was turning out to be the most perfect man he could imagine ever knowing. This might be the strangest situation he had ever found himself in, but it was also the most incredibly wonderful thing that had ever happened to him.

  “I love you so much, Devon.”

  “I love you too, Albert. I’m looking forward to our lives together.”

  Albert never regretted the one-night stand that had brought the two of them together. Their lives were filled with all the love and excitement any couple could ever ask for. There was nothing else he could ever ask for. As the years passed, their son grew to be strong and capable. Many days were spent in the back yard with his fathers, one teaching him how to do things like breathe fire and control its direction. The other teaching him to appreciate the plants and flowers, showing him how feed small animals and be kind to them.

  As the years continues, Albert grew older while Devon and their son barely changed. One day, he knew that his time on this Earth would pass and he would leave them behind to continue on for all eternity, but he could honestly say that he wouldn’t trade the time he had with them for an ordinary life with anyone else.



  Billionaire Wolf’s Baby

  “I know that this is going to be hard for you, Mr. Savage. I can still call my cousin and have him come over and keep you company for the duration of my absence. Normally, I wouldn’t even bother to leave you alone, but this is a matter of a family emergency.”

  My butler George was a god honest English transplant that had the accent and the manners to go with his dapper attire. He stood there at the doorway making it sound like I couldn’t do anything for myself.

  “You need to be there for your family. The one thing that I know about is what it means to have someone that loves you unconditionally.” I shuddered at the very notion of the memory of blood on my hands. “It’s not like you’re going to be gone forever. You’re only going to see your family, and then you’ll be right back. I figure a week at best and at the very least a few days. I’m sure that I can take care of myself. I am a big boy and it’s not like I don’t know how to make my own meals.”

  “I would stand here and argue with you, but that storm doesn’t look like it’s going to miss us after all. I need to get to the Airport. I’m grateful for the lone of your Learjet. I still have to go through customs, but at least I don’t have to be stuck beside a chatty Cathy or a crying baby.” He opened the door and he had to push back against the wind that had picked up. We were on the outskirts of the Colorado state, and I had purposely bought this place, so that I could have the privacy that I deserved.

  “Have a good time and tell your folks that I wish them well. If there is anything that I can do or if there’s a doctor that I can have flown in, then by all means there is no expense that is too extravagant. You are my family. You’ve have been with me through all my trials and you’ve see me at my lowest. I don’t know why you didn’t go screaming into the night, but I’m glad that you didn’t.” He was only 40 years old, but he had the wisdom of an old soul.

  I went to the window and watched, as the taxi winded down the road leading back to the main highway. There was already that first flake in the air. I shuddered to remember what I had done. I’m usually able to keep my emotions in check, but snowstorms bring back the worst in me. I think that I had a form of post traumatic stress disorder, but I’d never gone to a therapist to find out for sure.

  The lights of the taxi slowly vanished and then I stood there alone wearing a black suit that only an undertaker would wear. I’d always been under the impression that a man should dress for success. I didn’t go to the office and my office was the one that I had made specifically for my needs. The renovations on this place were extravagant and when I found it, it was on its last legs. I’d brought it back to its glory and then some. The white marble floors were a bit much, but I liked to surround myself in opulence.

  The house was of a Victorian age. It had several rooms that I had yet to explore. I kinda liked the solitude, but it was that awkward silence that always gets me into trouble. My hands were trembling and I know that it’s just a matter of time. The full moon had always been an old wives’ tale. I didn’t need anything for the transformation, other than my own emotions to fuel that rage within.

  My brown Gucci loafers slapped noisily against the floor, as I made my way into an almost pristine condition kitchen. I’d never cooked in there myself, but there was always a first time for everything. I went to the fridge and I opened the door to find several Tupperware Containers already marked like I was some kind of child. I had to smile at how George was one step ahead of me.

  I decided on the pot roast with the vegetables mixed in for good measure. I could use the microwave, but I instead I took my bounty over to the stove. It takes me a moment to adjust to the many dials, but I finally get the hang of it. I sat in the kitchen at the table with my hands firmly on the wood grain. I looked out at the window and I saw that the snow had been steadily picking up from the moment that I first saw the first flake.

  Not even bothering with utensils, I tore into the meat that falls from the bone. I don’t normally let this part of my inner personality run rampant, but without George to rein me in, I could do practically whatever I wanted. It’s exactly the way I liked it dripping with blood and the sauce that he had concocted dances on my palate. I devoured it like a man possessed, feeling slightly ashamed of my behavior, but also knowing that it was perfectly natural in the animal kingdom.

  I had a bottle of red wine and I polished off the entire thing. I wiped my hand across my mouth at the end of the meal. I didn’t like what I became when I’m left to my own devices. I don’t believe in television and the only form of entertainment was my many books in my collection in my library.

  I went down the hall and I looked at those rows of books and I knew that I would never be able to read all of them in my lifetime. I had begun to read war and peace and I found the a
uthor to have a knack for storytelling that took me into a world of his making.

  I saw the photos of my parents. I turned away in disgust, as I felt that their eyes were judging me, even in their death. I could almost hear their words and I had to put my hands over my ears to block out the tirade that makes me feel two feet tall. I don’t even know why I keep their photos around. It’s a dangerous reminder and only tempts fate into taking me down a road that I would rather not take. I’d done everything I could to change after that day, but sometimes the animal within gets the best of me.

  I heard the doorbell chime with a gong that was meant to be heard throughout the house. It’s an echoing blast, which is followed by somebody pounding relentlessly on the door. It had turned into a full blown blizzard. Whoever was out here in that was a damn fool. I’m tempted to ignore it, but my curiosity makes me take a few steps closer towards the door. I stopped momentarily to look at my reflection in the mirror by the door. I saw a man that had lived like nobody had ever lived before. I’d seen and done it all, and the experience is evident from the wisps of gray hair that have begun to sprout throughout my black mane.

  “I need help…my car broke down and I can’t see anything for miles. It was only lucky that I saw the light in this house.” I didn’t like visitors. Strangers were the worst of them all. They were always very talkative, where I was more the strong and silent type.

  Taking a breath through my nose and out through my mouth, I finally steeled myself for the necessity of idle chitchat. I unlocked the door, flung it open, only to be pushed by a man in a white parka. He looked like the abominable snowman. My considerable strength was no match for the wind that was trying to knock us both off our feet.

  He took off the hood. He showed me the blond hair and the piercing blue eyes. I knew that I was a goner.

  Chapter two

  I followed the trail of clothes going into the living room. His gloves, his hat and his jacket were thrown haphazardly like he really didn’t care about personal etiquette. It was kind of galling to think that he could treat my home like that. I should have grabbed him by the throat and throttled him for his behavior, but instead I stared at his jean clad ass bending over in front of that huge fireplace.

  “It’s really coming down out there. My god…this fire feels, so damn good on my hands.” His hair was down to his shoulders and he had to be 160 pounds with a kind of swimmers physique that would look good without any clothes on. “I’m lucky that you were here, or I might have had to do something drastic like break in to find shelter.” His black pullover turtleneck hugged his frame and it was tight enough to let me know what he was working with. He pulled out his cell phone. He had this exasperated look on his face, as he raced around the room with it stretched out in front of him. Wouldn’t you know it…no damn signal to be had anywhere. I guess I’m stuck here, until the storm blows over.” He was about my height at 5’10, but what we didn’t have in common was a sophisticated taste for the finer things in life.

  “I’m not usually one to have visitors, but I suppose if it’s a matter of life and death. I’ll go and see if I can’t find something for you for nourishment. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right back. I do hope that wine is to your liking. I’m afraid that I do not have any beer in the house.” I did not mean to make it sound like I was a snooty snob, but I had learned that life was nothing without the pleasantries to go along with it.

  I returned to find him languishing on my brown leather couch. I handed him the glass of wine. He chugged it like a commoner. He moved a little, so that I had room to sit beside him. We stared at the fire, not bothering with Mother Nature and it’s venom that was spewing outside.

  He suddenly got up, which definitely ruined the quiet of the evening. I followed him slowly, as he looked around like he was a kid in the candy store. “This place is amazing. You definitely did not spare any expense.” I had a feeling that he was trying to keep me from figuring out exactly the reason why he was here. He was trying too hard. “I could really use a hot shower. The fire was nice, but I still have this chill in my bones.” I rolled my eyes, but I motioned for him to accompany me up the long flight of stairs to the second level.

  I bypassed my master bedroom and took him to the guest bathroom that was adorned with this red rock that was indicative to the Colorado area. He had the nerve to slam the door in my face, as I stood there and wondered what he would look like naked.

  I paced back and forth in the hallway, not quite knowing what I was going to do, until finally I decided that I would kick myself for not checking out the merchandise. It was not my intention to interrupt his private time, but my curiosity got the best of me. I had my hand poised on the door and I could hear him singing in the shower. I hoped that he wasn’t going to give up his day job. He had the voice that only a mother would love.

  His high pitched squeal probably would have gathered the dogs from the neighborhood. I had no neighbor’s to begin with. This would be the first time in a long time that I had had the opportunity see a man naked. I’d gotten rid of some of those urges by going to neighboring towns and picking up some young fresh thing. I never told George that I was sneaking out behind his back, but I think he knew and decided not to say anything.

  I found myself opening up the door. I found the room filled with steam. It was hard to make out anything, but my enhanced sight was able to perceive the figure of a well put together man. The frosted glass was the only thing that was keeping me from seeing him in his natural form. For some reason, I felt embarrassed by my actions. It was time to leave, before I was discovered. Unfortunately, he must have noticed that I was there and when I turned my back to leave, I felt his hand on my shoulder.

  My entire body went stiff and I’m not just talking about a piece of my anatomy that was easily noticeable. “I really would prefer that you stay. I was hoping that you would come in, but I wasn’t sure, if I was reading the signals right. You’ve obviously been alone in this big house for way too long.” I hadn’t told him about my butler. There didn’t seem to be a reason to bring it up in conversation. “You know, there’s more than enough hot water for the two of us. I’m just pointing that out.”

  The hand that was touching my shoulder retreated and I was able to glance back to see his fine young ass climbing back into the shower stall. He closed the door behind him and now it was up to me to take that final leap of faith. “I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I’m not usually like this, but there are times that I need something that is off the menu. My appetite is bigger than I thought it was. You have exactly what I need for an after dinner treat.” I was taking off my clothes, folding them nicely and laying them gently over the rack where the towels were.

  He was soaping up his body. There was no reason to wait around for an invitation. He had basically given me one and all I had to do was take it. I had my muscular chest exposed with the telltale scar on my left pectoral. That mark was a dangerous reminder of what I could become. That was the only time I felt like I wasn’t myself, and I was worried that it was going to happen again. Those rare times that I went to neighboring towns was a risk, but one that I was willing to take to feed the beast inside.

  “Do I have to come out there and help you to take your clothes off, or are you capable of doing that yourself?” I almost laughed out loud, but I decided to keep it in. A man didn’t like to hear laughter when they were being seduced. It kind of makes them think that we are making fun of their equipment. I didn’t want him to think that I wasn’t impressed with what I was seeing. I could only see the outline through the frosted glass, but his excitement was very much there for everybody to see. “You’re trying my patience. If you don’t get in here soon, I’m going to have to climb the mango tree without you.” I knew that he was talking about jacking himself off and that was one thing that I had never seen done before.

  I’d done it myself, but every guy has a certain technique that revs their motor. I opened the door to see the hot droplets of water now
cascading down over his naked skin. His body was better than I expected. He was the kind of guy that knew how to garner the attention of a man. “I think that I would like to see that, Jeremy. Why don’t you take it into your hands and give it a little bit of your own type of loving. When I feel it’s necessary, I’ll be happy to join you and show you what I have to offer.” He smiled wickedly, before grasping onto the large 8 inch desirable piece of meat. He started off slow by using the soap to give him a nice slippery feel. He was staring at me the entire time. The way that he looked at me made me hunger for something more than my own personal x rated movie.

  “I never took you for somebody…for being kinky. You seem…vanilla, but I think my perception of you has been wrong this entire time. I thought that I was going to have to grab you by the hair to make you notice me. When I heard the door opening to the bathroom, I knew that I had you in the palm of my hand. I suppose from your point of view, I’m the one that has myself in the palm of my hand.” As he moved his fingers along the length, I could see that long vein and I wanted nothing more than to feel it throbbing in my mouth.

  “I have to tell you that that is fucking hot. I see the way that you enjoy yourself, but I think that you are putting a little extra something into it for my benefit.” I hadn’t touched myself. I wanted to wait, until the last possible second. If I could do this right, I may not even have to touch myself at all. It was just a matter of timing and how worked up he could get on his own. He would soon need something more than just his hand.

  “I’m glad…that you like watching me jerk myself off.” His eyes were squinted and that was a good indication that he was trying to hold back the damn about to burst. I didn’t want him to waste it by shooting it into the shower, when my mouth and my sweet ass were waiting for him. “I’ve never had a man…ask me to do this before.” His soapy hands were perfect to get the job done, but I thought that I could add a little twist to an already favorite pastime that every man loves to put themselves through.


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