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Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance)

Page 51

by Sy Walker

  After the funeral and issuing in a new regime, I found Drake inside my bedroom within the walls of the castle. He was lying there naked; glistening in what I could only assume was some kind of oil. He patted the bed sheets and I walked towards him, while stripping off my clothes to show him the product of our love. He was beaming with pride and his cock was stretching beyond his crotch like a scepter of power that I had to grab onto.

  “I know that this has been very hard on you and your father’s death was quite sudden. I just want to take this moment to tell you that I’m going to be here with you. We will raise this child inside this castle. On his second birthday, we will reveal to the masses that our two kinds can live in harmony.” This was something that was long overdue.

  I moved to lie beside him and this time he was showing me the kind of man that he really was. “This has been like some kind of fairytale and nightmare all rolled into one.” He kissed me deeply, while slipping his tongue in between my lips. His hands roamed over my body taking particular attention on the lump that was now quite noticeable in my belly. “You make me feel like there’s nothing that can hurt us.” His mouth tickled my skin and made the hairs rise on my arms with the shivers that he was causing to go down my spine.

  He opened my legs with his hands and then the dragon itself came to the forefront. His wings expanded the length of the room. He hovered in the air with his mouth very close to the object of his desire. He inhaled the first few inches into the hot cavern of his dragon lips. I lifted my entire body into the air with my legs and my arms being the only thing that were keeping me from falling back onto the soft and comforting feel of the mattress.

  His mouth was ravenous, hungry to taste me. His tongue was doing these tricks that caught me quite by surprise. “There’s nobody better than you, Drake. This is the life that I was meant to have with my lover. I’ve been coveting this moment for some time. I knew that you were out there, but I had no idea that you were going to be…be…a dragon shifter.” I knew my body well enough to know that it was close to that moment of ecstasy. I was trying my best to withstand the feel of his hot little digit making my body melt underneath his oral ministrations.

  His mouth was mine and I knew that days would turn into years very quickly. I was going to have to make the most of our time. I would surely die an old man long before he did.

  “I don’t know if you’re going to believe this, but this almost seems natural. The way that you do that has my cock ready to explode. Please…for god sakes slow down and let me enjoy this. You don’t have to be in a…HURRRRYYYY. I strangled on that last word, feeling like I was flying and knowing that that was not possible. I could only imagine that it was the child within that was making me feel that way.

  I looked down to see the loving way that he was swirling his tongue around the top. That was a very sensitive area and the way that he was flicking at it was a good way to get exactly what he wanted. He popped my knob in and out of his mouth repeatedly and without mercy. The color of my cock had this maroon pigment that all, but signaled that I wasn’t going to make it. My hands gripped the sheets and I turned my head to the side, but still able to keep my eyes open. There was no way that I wanted to miss the way that his mouth would puff out with the amount that was currently stored within me.

  Drake was not taking any prisoners. He wanted me to get off and he was damned and determined to make it happen. There were no preliminaries and the only kind of foreplay was the kiss that had ignited the fire below. I tried, but it was an effort in futility to keep this from him. Drake was not a man that was used to delay gratification. I wanted to show him that I was capable of surprising him. I could see in his eyes that he was visibly impressed by how hard I was fighting this every step of the way. This man had come into my life and showed me that I didn’t have to settle for the status quo. All of my wishes and my fantasies had come true and I had him to thank for that.

  My balls were overloaded. It was something to feel, when he drank from the well of my loins. I was completely overwhelmed, lying there in my own heaven with nothing left to give. I was siphoned dry and he had easily devoured the contents.

  He lay there beside me and I thought how different a few days make. I was still trying to wrap my mind around all of this. My father was gone and he was the only family I knew. I had a new family and one that I would protect with my life. We had a new generation coming and hopefully we could make it, so that the dragon shifters could live with us and be able to show their natural form for the beauty that they were.



  Chapter 1

  Quinn Peterson studied himself in the mirror. Reddish blonde hair fell in front of his face. It was time for a haircut, but he kind of liked the shaggy way his hair looked. It was a little primal, like the animals he worked with. He was a wildlife biologist for the Forest Service, and loved to be in the mountains. Although he loved the Montana wilderness, his life there was increasingly difficult. This was for a plethora of reasons, his job not among them. In fact, his career was the one thing that kept him going.

  His boss Sally had asked him to relocate to Northern California a few weeks ago. Although he was settled into Montana, his life there was problematic. Everybody knew him, but nobody really knew that Quinn was very different. He wasn't like everybody else. He had a deep secret, something that made him scared. In order to keep from hurting the people closest to him, he decided to take the job. He was curious about the move because a pack of wolves had recently returned to the state of California for the first time in over a century. He was dying to find out more about their resettlement patterns, and to figure out what brought them there, and whether or not they would stay.

  Now that they were returning, it seemed like something very special. He hoped that it would be a great habitat for them, especially because they were so unwelcome in most other areas of the country. People always had it in for wolves, and didn't take the time to understand their hierarchy and intelligence properly. They were more afraid of the bite then analyzing the pack to figure out whether or not they were dangerous. And of course wolves could be dangerous, but they were never as bad as people seemed to think.

  Quinn loved the wolves, their habits, and the way they worked together in a pack. He loved the way they looked, and how smart and brave they could be. Quinn had a great job where he could work with these magnificent creatures, now he had the chance to do something amazing.

  When he arrived at his new home, he looked around at the spacious and woody area where he was settling in. A cabin was nestled deep in the woods in the same area where the wolves were beginning to resettle. Quinn was suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of great peace. Nobody would find out his secret, and he would have more of a chance to really think about it on his own without people making him feel like there was something wrong with him. Although he wasn't sure if there was or not, he didn't need anybody else making him doubt himself. It was good to be alone right now. There was a lot had to think about.

  Chapter 2

  Brandon Jameson paused. A new scent was on the wind. Something amazing. He swallowed hard, letting the woman beside him know that he was going off to explore on his own, and that she should stay put and protect the rest. He trusted her, which was flattering for her, because he was very highly esteemed to the others.

  If there was one thing about Brandon that stood out, it was that he was always thrilled by the sense of the unknown, and he ran off toward the scent with reckless abandon. His wild dark hair behind him in the wind as he ran through the trees. He weaved through them expertly, until he finally came upon a cabin in the woods, where the smell was very strong. He was captivated by the sight of a Forest Service van parked outside the cabin. A man was moving boxes inside, and would stop every once in a while to push his long light hair off of his forehead. Brandon was captivated by him, and the scent that he was emitting. He had never known anything sweeter and more alluring than the smell.

  He watched
the man shuffling back and forth, whistling a song that was familiar to Brandon. In fact, it was one of his favorites. He stared as the man, his eyes roaming the firm curves of his muscular body. This was going to be fun, he decided.

  His group was waiting for him, and he turned away reluctantly and headed back without introducing himself. They would get to know each other eventually, he decided. For the time, it would be best to keep his distance and stay focused on the task at hand. Knowing that the new man was around was a little bit distracting, but it wasn't the end of the world. Brandon went back to the woman he had left in charge and relieved her of the duty. She was relieved for the break and visibly relaxed when she saw him taking charge again. Things were going to be fine.


  Quinn reported to the head office of the Northern California Forest Service bright and early the next morning, dressed in his work clothes from Montana. Nobody was very strict about how he dressed, but he liked to keep a very meticulous appearance. This didn't seem to be translating to his wild hair, but he felt like he was due for a change and the hair was just a small part of that.

  He chatted with the Forest Supervisor for a while as they waited for the rest of the team to begin to assemble. Once everybody was ready to work, his new boss, Stephen, introduced Quinn to the rest of the group. Quinn scanned everybody and settled on a pair of dark and mysterious eyes. He was drawn into them immediately, their pure magnetism haunting him. He finally pulled himself out of the intense look and studied the face the eyes belonged to. He was masculine and attractive, his dark hair framing his chiseled face and his glimmering eyes seemed to be daring Quinn to keep looking. A mischievous grin crawled across the man's face and he nodded in acknowledgment of Quinn, silently reminding him that there were other people in the room to look at.

  Although he didn't think that anybody noticed him staring into this man's face, he was still embarrassed and nobody would call him out on it. It was too close to his secret. The part of himself he was afraid to acknowledge. He wasn't ready for it.

  Fortunately, everybody was murmuring welcoming words to them and had no idea what was going on in Quinn's head. The magnetic stranger turned his back and left the room as soon as he could, leaving an air of mystery behind him. Quinn felt sure that this was a bad sign. Did the man know what Quinn was feeling? Was he disgusted by it? Maybe he was talking to somebody right now about what he thought Quinn was thinking. Would there be rumors about him later, in the place where he thought he could escape the tormenting thoughts he had been having?

  He couldn't be sure, but he did know that if he continued to oogle the man like that, his secret would soon be known. It was best if they avoided each other. He would just have to do his best to focus on the task at hand and forget the mysterious man. Hopefully he would be able to take his mind off of things by throwing himself into the work. That always worked for him before, maybe it would be able to provide him the same relief now.

  Chapter 3

  Brandon's heart was racing rapidly in his chest. There was definitely something there with the new guy. Quinn was it? That was a good name for a man. Solid, but fluid. He took it as a good sign, but he wasn't sure what it was a sign of. All he knew was that things were going to be amazing. There was a new adventure in the air, and it definitely involved this new man, with his strong arms and flowing golden hair. He could feel his chest prickling with anticipation.

  Things were going so well. He was a little bit stressed out that the resurgence of the wolf pack had caught the attention of the Forest Service so rapidly. Conditions in Oregon had driven them to come back to Northern California after nearly a hundred years of staying away and avoiding it like the plague. But it had been their rightful turf and now they had come back to claim it. Ever since then, both his home life and his work life had been bustling with activity. Preparations of all kinds had to be made. And nobody was more trusted for these preparations than Brandon was. Everybody looked to him for answers, and he was always ready to provide them and lead the way into the unknown.

  His name was suddenly called on the loudspeaker and he jumped, startled. He was being summoned by Steven to go back into the office, where Quinn was receiving instructions from him. He wondered if he had been chosen to show this new man around, show him the ropes and how things were done in Northern California. During the brief introduction, Quinn had been boasted to be a leading biologist in his field, and it had impressed most of them. They were all hoping to work with the new guy and see what he was really like. Most of them just wanted a reason to gossip and feel smarter than he was, but Steven was smarter than to let that happen.

  “Brandon, thanks for coming,” he said when Brandon pushed through the heavy door to his office. Brandon gave Steven a grin and shrugged.

  “No problem boss, what's up?”

  “You remember meeting Quinn, don't you?” Steven asked, gesturing to the man, whose soulful green eyes were once again boring into Brandon's. Brandon paused for a moment before replying, remembering the first time he had caught Quinn's scent and had been unable to help himself from seeking out its cause. He had followed it like a puppy.

  “It hasn't been that long since he was introduced,” Brandon quipped, giving Quinn a friendly slap on the shoulder. “I swear, this guy thinks I'm stupid or something.”

  “Quite the contrary, Brandon,” Steven said, smiling. He was used to Brandon's sense of humor. “Actually I think you and Quinn would make a good team. It's up to the two of you to find the wolves. I expect that you can do well together. There seems to be some compatibility with your resumes, and you're going to be on the case together. I wouldn't have it any other way.”

  “Oh!” Brandon said, for once taken aback by something that he didn't expect. He was happy about it, but he hadn't expected the chance to get close to Quinn to come along so easily.

  Quinn's eyes glimmered with amusement for a moment and then became still again as a look of apprehension crossed his face.

  “Something wrong with that, Quinn?” Brandon asked, quick to sense the shift in his mood.

  Quinn looked up abruptly, his face contorting in confusion.

  “Oh, no, nothing at all,” he said with a nervous laugh. “I'm pleased to meet you.”

  Quinn wanted to offer his hand, but it was clammy and sweaty with anxiety. He had been worrying about this man and his opinion since they had parted company, and now they were back together, assigned to the wolves together as a team. This was going to be quite an adventure.

  “Good! Then let me be the first to tell you that you are going to love it here.”

  Quinn looked deeply into Brandon's eyes, and for the first time his anxiety melted away. He meant what he was saying, and there was an undercurrent of excitement in his face. The excitement was contagious, and suddenly, instead of feeling fearful, Quinn was excited to see what lay ahead of him.

  Chapter 4

  When Quinn arrived home to his cabin, all he could think about was Brandon. The man was unbelievably attractive, but the fact that Quinn was attracted to him made him feel miserable. It was obvious that Brandon treated everybody that way, and that Quinn was nothing special. He definitely should not be taking anything personally, especially because it would mean that if he did try to explore any of those feelings, they would reach a brick wall. Brandon would think that he was disgusting, or worse, he would tell everybody about Quinn's disgusting secret.

  It was awful to live in fear, but it was even more awful to think about being an outcast. Quinn loved wolves, because they were so inclusive and their groups were so solid and structured. Everybody in the group had a place, and that place was never compromised. He thought society was a lot like that, but because of his secret, he was more like one of the elderly or sick members of the herd that the wolves were going to go after. He would have been left behind in a heartbeat. Nobody would want to take care of him if they knew about his struggle with his sexual identity. He didn't know what would happen, but he knew that it would be terrib
le, and he would lose everything. Everything that he thought was important would be gone.

  He was terrified Brandon would be close enough to him to see when he was staring. He would probably be the one to start the rumor that ended his career, or at the very least his comfort working with the people in the new office. He had always heard that people in California were a lot more open-minded, but this was not the same as being in the big city where there were many gay people all over the place. No, he was in way Northern California where there were both redwoods and rednecks. His life didn't have time for romance, and it didn't have time for him to explore these horrible truths about himself.

  He whispered that they were nothing at all, and he went back to thinking about the wolves. He and Brandon were going to be going out the next day, after being fully briefed about where the wolves are located and what to do when he found them. It had been a long day of orientation and Quinn was very tired. All he really wanted to do was get through the next moment so that he could move forward and learn more about the resettling of the wolf pack. The patterns were fascinating, and he knew that if he could do his job just right, he would be able to change the way the world saw the wolf species. Maybe he would be able to ignite more compassion for the beautiful and magnificent creatures that he loved so much.


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