Twisted_A Billionaire Romance
Page 4
She smiles and sets a plate of eggs and bacon down before me.
“Your flattery will get you everywhere, Katherine. Now, make sure you eat everything. There’s some cereals and juice if you prefer or some pastries in front of you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some groceries to get. Leave the clearing up, I’ll do it when you leave.”
She heads off and I say quickly. “Thanks, Susan. I appreciate it.”
She smiles softly and winks. “I know you do my dear.”
As she turns to leave, I sigh inside. I like Susan and would like to have someone to talk to. I can’t even look at Sam because he’s confusing me in every way possible. So, I just stare at my plate and we eat in an awkward silence. After a while, he clears his throat, and the robot is back.
He says brusquely, “Anyway, when Preston calls you later here’s the plan. You’ve already told him that you’re Katherine Rogers, a fitness instructor. I’ve fed that information to those who need to know and your background check will bear your story out.”
I look up in surprise. “Wow, that’s fast. Who did you tell?”
He looks down and seems hesitant. Then he looks at me directly and says, “Ryder.”
I shrug. “That figures. That man knows everything. No doubt some poor sucker owes him and he’s calling in the favor.”
Sam just nods and carries on. “When he calls, you’re to agree to meet him at his place of choice. It’s unlikely he’ll trust you enough to lower his guard immediately but if he does, you should be prepared.”
He pushes a small case towards me and I look at it with interest.
He says in a low voice.
“This equipment is all you need. They are magnetic cameras that can be fixed to any surface and record sound and visual. They sit in the palm of your hand and I’d advise to keep them in your pocket and position them carefully without the target seeing you. This will be your evidence and also allow the third party to monitor the situation. If things get out of hand, the back-up will arrive to get you out of there.”
He looks worried. “You do trust me, don’t you, Katherine?”
I look at him across from me and my heart tightens. He looks worried, unsure and kind of lost and just for a moment I want to reassure him. So, I just nod and smile. “Oh, I’ll be fine don’t worry about me. I can handle anything.”
He shakes his head. “You think you can but I’m not so sure. You’re not on your own though, remember that.”
I nod and carry on eating. He does the same and then I have to ask the question that’s been eating me ever since I met him.
“What’s Ryder got on you, Sam? I mean, why are you doing this?”
He thinks for a moment and I can tell my words have taken him to a dark place. I wait for his response and almost think he won’t tell me. Then he sighs and pushes his plate away.
“Ryder saved my life. It was when we were on a mission as SEALs. We had to storm a rebel compound and rescue a professor and his daughter. It was nothing we hadn’t done countless times before but it all went wrong. The bastards had word we were coming. We went in hard as we always do and when the dust settled, we saw them. Two bodies executed in the most brutal of ways. They never stood a chance, and we were too late. Before we could even think a bomb went off, and we fell. The rubble rained down on us and hit me the hardest. I was knocked unconscious and don’t remember anything else. The next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital. Ryder had pulled me out and carried me to safety, firing on the enemy while keeping me alive. Snake went ahead to clear the way and a couple of others carried the ones not so lucky. We lost three men that day as well as the professor and his daughter. As missions went, it was a failure. I never went back. I recovered and left. I couldn’t go back to that life anymore and so I threw myself into my work.”
He looks at me through tortured eyes and I feel the tears filling mine. He says in a ragged voice.
“I throw myself into my company to drive the pain away. I care for nobody because I recognize that love is a fleeting moment in your life. I loved my brothers but three of them died that day. That pain was harder to bear than the physical one. So, as you see, Katherine, I made myself a robot out of choice. If I have no one to love then I can’t be hurt. I make no promises and expect none in return. You deserve more than I can ever give, you need to know that.”
I shake my head and move across to join him. I sit next to him and take his hand in mine.
“You think I don’t know what it’s like to love and lose something. Well, newsflash, I did love Ryder with all my heart. I always wanted love, every girl does. When I was a little girl I used to play by a pretty white house. I used to dream I lived there with loving parents who made me safe and secure. I watched as the man used to chop up logs and stack them in his garden. He did this every day and I wondered why. When the pile grew too big, he built a shelter. He filled that shelter with logs and then built another. I used to laugh at that man. He must be surely mad to do that every day when he had no need. Then, one day I went and noticed the black cars of death taking his coffin from the house. His wife was crying bitterly and my heart broke for her. I never gave it a second thought but a couple of years later I walked past that place again. The log pile was gone and one shelter empty. It turns out the man had cancer and knew he wouldn’t make it. He did everything he could to ensure his family had heat for as long as possible. He was preparing to care for them in life when he couldn’t in death. One thing that taught me was you can never fully prepare for everything. Things change and circumstances dictate our destinies. The only one you can truly care for in life is yourself because you’re the only one with you to the end. So, do what makes you happy, Sam and take every chance you get because you owe it to yourself to live the best life you can regardless of other people. All this wealth you’ve amassed is that man’s logs. You just need to find love in your heart to make it count for something.”
He just stares for a moment and then reaches up and tucks the hair away that’s fallen to my eyes. He runs his thumb across my lips and I feel the heat flooding through me.
I inch a little closer as his hand runs around the back of my head and pulls me towards him. His lips are centimeters from mine when my phone rings beside me.
I pull away and look at Sam in surprise. He looks at the screen and sighs, “It begins.”
Saved by the bell. Then why do I want to take it and grind it to dust under my shoe? That bastard couldn’t even wait for her to call. He’s found her number and started things early. Now I’m in trouble because Katherine’s backup is me. I will have to monitor her conversations and watch while she brings those men down in the only way she knows how. I will want to charge in there and rip those men from the woman who I know I’ve been waiting for all my life.
Life sucks and yet we both owe Ryder this one last favor. When we pay him back, we’ll be free.
I hear her talking on the phone and try to contain the rage I’m feeling at the thought of what’s to come. She hangs up and turns to face me looking shaken and vulnerable. I watch as she battles with herself trying to pull the professional from the frightened girl inside. She needs me to be strong enough for the both of us so I look at her with a hard expression.
“Where and when?”
She pulls a face. “Two hours, his house.”
I nod. “Then you need to prepare yourself and I need to rearrange a few things at the office.”
She looks at me with shock. “You’re my backup?”
I grin wickedly. “Who else did you think it would be? I’m with you all the way on this, Katherine and I won’t let you down.”
She takes a deep breath and then smiles bravely. “Ok, we’ve got this. All my training is about to count for something. I won’t let you down.”
As she heads back to her room to prepare herself I feel as if I’ve already let her down. If I was half the man I should be I’d tell Ryder to fuck himself and wrap Katherine up in my arms a
nd hold her tight forever.
One and a half hours later and we’re ready. I’ve called a cab for Katherine to take her to Preston’s home. She has the cameras and is carrying the equipment and wearing her exercise gear. She looks every inch the personal trainer and is as hot as hell.
She looks at me with determination in her eyes and I smile reassuringly. “Listen, I’ll be nearby monitoring the situation. If you need me call ‘Red’ and I’ll be there in minutes. Remember what you learned about self-defense and you’ll be fine. If I know the Reapers they’ve trained you well in that department. Just get the job done and get out.”
She nods and smiles sadly. “Well, here goes nothing. Wish me luck.”
I watch helplessly as she grabs her bag and heads to the elevator. She doesn’t look back, and it’s probably a good thing. If I saw one sign of doubt on that beautiful face I’d call it done. But she’s a brave, beautiful woman and I know she needs to do this to set herself free.
As soon as she leaves, I call the office and clear my diary. Katherine needs me now and I won’t let her down.
I try to get my head back in the game on the ride over. Preston Musgrave is about to learn a hard lesson and I’ll revenge every woman he’s ever destroyed.
The cab drops me to his home and I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
I ring the bell and wait. My heart thumps as I wait for it to open. It doesn’t take long and I’m surprised to see the man himself grinning creepily at me as his gaze rakes me from head to toe.
“Welcome to my humble home, Miss. Rogers, or may I call you Katherine?”
I scowl at him and throw him a hard look. “Miss. Rogers will be fine.”
He nods and I see a flash of excitement spark in his eyes and know I’ve got him already.
He nods. “Follow me and we can get started.”
I follow him across the marble-tiled hall into a large room filled with light. He guides me through some patio doors onto a terrace and I note he heads towards the pool house.
I look around with awe at the splendor of the place. He smiles. “Welcome to my home, Miss. Rogers. I don’t get to spend nearly enough time here as I’d like. Unfortunately, my work takes up quite a lot of my time and so my time here is precious.”
I shake my head. “Is it worth it?”
He looks confused. “What do you mean?”
I shrug. “Money and possessions are fine but what about you? If you have to sacrifice your happiness just to experience material things, then that sounds kinda sad to me.”
He laughs softly. “Spoken like someone who has never experienced this life I lead. Do you really think I would have married a supermodel and live in such palatial surroundings if I were just a lawyer or a man off the street? Such luxuries come at a price and I’m more than happy to pay it.”
I look around me. “Will your wife be joining us?”
He shakes his head. “Not today. She’s away on an assignment. We have the whole place to ourselves as even the staff have the day off.”
He licks his lips. “Let’s just say, I’ve cleared my schedule so you can put me through my paces. I have looked into your credentials, Miss. Rogers and like what I see. I don’t expect you to hold back on me in any way.”
The look he throws me makes it perfectly clear what he wants and I regard him coolly.
“Have it your way but you may live to regret your decision, Senator.”
He smiles darkly. “I doubt that very much, Miss. Rogers.”
We reach the pool house and he turns to me and cocks his head. “So, where do you want me?”
Flinging my bag on the couch, I look at him derisively.
“I want you on your knees, Senator, facing the wall.”
I see the flicker of excitement in his eyes as he licks his lips.
He heads over to the wall and faces it sinking to his knees. I say harshly.
“I warn you, this workout is not what you’re used to. If at any time you want to call it quits shout ‘stop’ and the session will be over. Do I make myself clear?”
He says softly, “Yes, Miss. Rogers.”
I bark. “Call me mistress and say it like you mean it.”
He shouts, “Yes, mistress.”
I grin to myself. “Then hands behind your head and stay on your knees while I prepare things for the workout.”
As he does what I say, I laugh to myself. Stupid old fool. When will men ever learn not to let their dicks make their decisions for them? He has made this way too easy and will regret every minute of his foolishness.
I look around for the best place for my cameras. I’ll have to be careful not to make it obvious so I place two in my palm and start limbering up. I scan the room and select the best vantage points and put my hands on the wall while warming up my limbs. I repeat this in the next position and then turn to face my victim.
“Good, but not good enough. I want to see you do some press ups. Shall we say twenty to start? If you can’t manage them, you’ll be punished.”
I grab the paddle from my bag and stand over him. He looks up and I watch the desire dilate his eyes as he looks up at my bare legs. Straddling him, I shout, “Eyes to the ground, Musgrave and you may begin.”
He starts to grunt and groan as he feels the effects of the push-ups. He is so out of condition it’s laughable. I watch the sweat break out over his body and sneer. “It’s no wonder your wife chooses to work so much. Not very athletic, are you? I’m betting you have zero stamina in the bedroom.”
He grunts and pulls himself up one more time and I shout, “Faster you idiot, unless you want to feel the burn another way.”
He grunts and I enjoy watching the sweat run off his face and hit the tiled floor. I sneer. “Call yourself a man. Look at you. Pathetic. I’ve seen girls’ fitter than you, you disgust me.”
He collapses in a heap after only five press ups and I snarl.
“You’ve earned this, Musgrave. Take off your shorts.”
He quickly rolls his shorts to the floor and I see his bare ass begging for punishment.
I steel my nerve because this will be much harder for me than him. I suck in my breath and am grateful that he can’t see the pain on my face. As I raise my arm, I see him staring at me with crazed lust. Not Preston but Vincent, the man who held me captive for so long. I hear the whoosh of the paddle as I bring it down hard on Musgrave’s ass and as he cries I scream inside. I see Vincent’s excited gaze as he punishes me relentlessly.
I cry out in my mind, ‘Please no, no more, please Vincent.’
He laughs darkly and snarls. “Bitch, whore, you want this. You need me to show you who controls who around here. You look at me with those whore’s eyes and make me do this. You’re a bitch-faced whore who fucking loves this.”
I cry and scream but the blows keep coming. My breath comes in short, sharp, gasps and I cower at his feet feeling the pain of the stick he uses to beat me with.
As I bring the paddle down on his fat ass, I hear him grunt with pain. There is no fear in his voice as he groans, “Harder, make it harder.”
I take another swing and he cries out. “Harder, I want you to hurt me.”
I stop and say in a hard voice. “Why do you want this, Senator? I thought you hated violence. You sit in condemnation of others and pass laws to incarcerate men for nothing more than this. Why do you want to feel the pain?”
He gasps. “I need to feel it. I couldn’t give a fuck about those laws I made. They’re for others, not me. I’m willing to take the pain, they are not. Give it to me harder.”
I snarl. “Give what, Musgrave?”
He screams, “Hurt me, mistress. I need to feel the sting and the pain. I crave the pain, I love the pain, I need the pain.”
I picture the women he violates along with his group of friends. I picture their frightened faces and their pleading eyes. I see them say no and then I see the man cowering beneath me violating them with no care for anything but his own gratifi
cation. And I bring the paddle down so hard he screams in agony just as he comes all over the floor.
I stand back and look at the mess of a man at my feet. His dick is throbbing as he lies in his own orgasm. His eyes are glassy and full of ecstasy and I feel revulsion.
Squatting down beside him I grab him by the hair and pull his head up to face mine and snarl.
“You’ve failed this workout, Musgrave. You’re pathetic. You have no stamina and no control. You disgust me and now I want to watch you clean this mess up.”
I stand and watch as he sets about clearing things up. As he works he pleads with me.
“Please, mistress, please let me make it up to you. I promise to be a good student. I can take all the pain you want to give me. I’ll do anything. Please say you’ll come again.”
I shrug and study my fingernails.
“I’m not sure if I will. It doesn’t feel right when your wife’s not home. I’m sure she wouldn’t be happy to see her husband like this.”
He snarls. “Who cares what she thinks? She’s out fucking every dick that points her way. You name it and she’s been there. Everyone but me it would seem. Well, she’ll get what’s coming to her one day.”
I smile. “What will you do?”
He grins wickedly. “Let’s just say I have my ways. I have some friends who will take great delight in showing her how to behave around powerful men. It’s been long overdue, but she’s about to pay a visit to a select club of mine where we don’t consider anyone’s feelings but our own. My wife will love every minute of the humiliation heading her way and then we’ll see who controls who.”
I snarl. “Pathetic. Look at you cowering in your own orgasm while planning to be a dominant partner to the woman you love. You disgust me.”
His eyes spark with excitement again and he looks at me with hope. “Then teach me how to be a better man, mistress.”
I sneer at him. “I doubt you ever will be, Musgrave. Men like you disgust me and make me angry. When I’m angry, I like to punish them. Do you want me to punish you, Musgrave?”