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Twisted_A Billionaire Romance

Page 13

by Stella Andrews

  She looks at me and I see the questions in her beautiful eyes. She whispers, “Why would you want me, Sam? I’m a whore. You could do so much better than me. You should find a nice girl who would love you without the baggage of her past crowding your mind.”

  I exhale sharply and reach up and run my thumb over those plump lips. I watch the desire darken her eyes and feel my cock throbbing with an urgent need.

  Smiling softly, I pull her close and whisper against the mouth I’m aching to taste. “I love YOU, Katherine. Not some faceless empty-headed society woman with no conversation or backbone. I want my bright, sharp, wickedly funny, sexy girl who sets my pulse racing and my heart on fire. You’re no whore, you never have been. You’re just a broken woman who searched for herself in all the wrong places. I want to show you what it feels like to be loved completely and irrevocably by the man who wants nothing more out of life than to see a smile on your lips and that spark in your eyes. I want you, Katherine. The lost girl hidden inside the confident woman. You are everything.”

  Her eyes fill with tears and soften with happiness. I watch with fascination as her lip trembles and the tears spill from those long, dark, lashes. She nods and says in the barest whisper. “I love you, Sam. I mean that with every part of my soul. I never knew what love was until I found you. Thank you for being the one.”

  Ryder may as well be the furniture because I register nothing but my need to take the woman I love in my arms and kiss her pain away. As I go to do just that, there’s a terse, “Get a fucking move on, will you? The Feds need to wrap this up and we need to finish the job.”

  Ryder laughs as we look up and see his right-hand man glaring at us from the open door. Katherine laughs softly as she sees the beast filling the doorway with more muscle than man. He’s a ferocious sight with the tattoo of a snake decorating the huge arm holding onto the door handle. Katherine smiles. “Good to see you, Snake.”

  He winks. “Same. You’re looking good but then you always did, darlin’.”

  I feel myself bristling with anger but Katherine squeezes my hand and stands up. She says softly.

  “I’ll grab my dress from the other room and like the man said, let’s wrap this up.”

  We watch her leave and Snake follows her. As soon as the door clicks shut behind them I turn to Ryder and before I can talk myself out of probably the most fucking stupid thing I’ll ever do, I take a swing and punch him hard.

  I growl. “You fucking bastard. How could you use her like that?”

  Ryder comes back at me and pushes me against the wall by my throat. He always was a machine, and I knew I’d only get one shot at it. I glare at him as he snarls, “Don’t you think I don’t know what a bastard I am. I always have been and I always will. I know I broke that poor girl, and I still did what I wanted because I’m a selfish bastard.”

  I kick his legs away and as he stumbles I take my chance. Pushing him away from me, I kick him hard in the knee and as he falls, he pulls me down with him. We trade punch for punch until we hear a loud, “For fuck’s sake, guys, stop fooling around and get me the hell out of here.”

  Her words are like a bucket of ice cold water and I pull back and look in her direction. Katherine is standing watching us with her arms folded and her eyes flashing, looking totally pissed off. Snake stands beside her and is obviously finding this whole thing very enjoyable as he grins at us.

  I shake myself and look back into the cold, dead, eyes of the man I owe my life to, yet I want to kill at this moment.

  He smiles ruefully.

  “I deserved that, Sam. Feel free to beat the shit out of me if I ever step out of line with your lady again.”

  I nod, still fuming with him but that’s in the past now. We snap from time to time, it’s always been the same but we’re still brothers in arms and trust each other with our lives.

  He holds out his hand and I see the remorse in his eyes as he says softly. “Come on, we shouldn’t be fighting among ourselves like this. We’ve still got a job to do.”

  Nodding, I take his hand and as we stand to face the two-people watching us, I take a deep breath. Ryder’s right, we still have work to do.

  Turning towards Katherine, I smile softly.

  “Come on darlin’, I’m taking you home.”

  Ryder interrupts.

  “Kitty needs to leave with us, Sam. If anyone’s watching that’s part of the operation. They need to think she’s being disposed of and can’t be seen with you.”

  I glare at him angrily and then Katherine moves across and takes my hand. As soon as I feel her soft hand in mine nothing else matters. She looks at me with a look of such love it blows my mind.

  She whispers, “Ryder’s right. We’ve come too far to ruin it now.”

  She turns to him. “If I leave with you is it possible to take me to Sam’s? Would anyone be watching his apartment?”

  Ryder shakes his head. “Not a good idea. It’s the first place they’ll look. The safest place is the compound. Nobody would suspect a thing and think we’re just storing you until we ship you out.”

  Katherine sighs and I see the pain enter her eyes. Turning to Ryder, I say in a hard voice. “You don’t need to do that. I’ve arranged everything already.”

  Reaching into my pocket, I pull out an envelope with the instructions he needs. “There’s a plane waiting at a private airfield just out of town. The flight’s been booked under an assumed name set up for this purpose. Take Katherine there and the pilot knows where to take her.”

  I look at Katherine and my heart beats wildly as I see the worry in her eyes.

  She says shakily, “Where is it, will you be coming with me?”

  I smile gently. “I’ll follow you when the coast is clear. I have to wrap things up here first but you’ll be perfectly safe. I’ll join you in a couple of days and nobody will suspect a thing. You need time to hide and recuperate. This is the space you need to heal your mind and drive the past from your future.”

  I see the tears fill her eyes and almost come apart. She looks so worried and lost and I pull her close and kiss that gorgeous mouth that trembles under my touch.

  Stroking her hair, I whisper, “Trust me, darlin’. I’ve done everything in my power to keep you safe. I won’t desert you now and then we can move forward together. I love you, Katherine Rogers and I’m going nowhere without you by my side. Together forever, that’s us. You’re not on your own anymore.”

  I feel her shaking in my arms and almost lose my mind as Ryder says gently, “Come on, darlin’. Sam’s right, we need to end this to move on. Come with us and we’ll make sure you get out of here protected.”

  Pulling back, I see the brave girl return who takes no shit and faces life with attitude. She nods and smiles which shoots straight to my heart like a firework exploding inside me. She kisses me lightly on the lips and then turns and follows the two men out.



  I walk with the two men I consider my family, away from the man I consider my future. As days go this one’s been the most challenging of my life.

  We walk in silence. The captive sandwiched between her two captors. Heading away from this den of sin and depravity to another. At least that’s what the men who sentenced me think. I know what the Reapers do for them. They erase mistakes and clean up shit for the men that run the country. They operate in the shadows and are paid well for their work. Government assassins with no heart or morals. I am to be disposed of like the trash they think I am. Well, I wish I could see the looks on their faces when the realization sets in. The trash in all of this is dressed up in importance and status. It’s disguised by society and walks among the elite. This time the trash is about to be put out to rot and I can’t wait to see that happen.

  We walk through the house and I feel the stares but see no one. This is a house of secrets with many tales to tell. I wonder if it will ever be the same again. I hope not. I hope someone takes a torch to the place and raze it to the ground.
r />   I shiver as we pass through the large room where just two hours ago I mingled with the power in the land. Now it’s deserted as the party’s been stopped and the guests dispersed.

  As we walk outside the cool breeze hits me and I take a deep breath. Air never felt so good. I allow it to wash over me like a healing ray of sunshine. It gives me oxygen and breathes new life back into my soul. This is the air of new beginnings and freedom and it feels so good.

  Ryder and Snake lead me over to their black unmarked SUV. Snake holds the passenger door open and with no words pushes me inside. I play my part and look around me with a frightened look. As I sink back into the seat, I sigh with relief. It’s over.

  The two men jump in the front and we are soon on our way. I don’t look back.

  Snake turns and I see the respect glittering in his eyes. He says softly, “You did well, darlin’. It was hard, but you never wavered.”

  He throws me a bottled water and says gently, “Here, it’s not the hard stuff you need right now but you could probably use it.”

  I take a sip gratefully and smile my thanks.

  “It’s good to see you, guys. How have you been, how’s Bonnie and…?”

  I hesitate at speaking the name of the woman who ruined everything but as I do I find it doesn’t hurt anymore. Thinking of Ryder’s new wife, I find myself empathizing with her in a way that surprises me. I picture the pain she went through at the hands of the men behind me. I feel a connection to her that’s unexpected and knocks me flying. There is silence as I say softly, “How is Ashton, Ryder? You’d better be treating her well.”

  He laughs softly and I see his eyes soften in the light of the mirror. “She’s fine. You don’t have to worry about her. Despite what you think, I’ve started to realize that it’s good to let someone in. I’m just sorry you never saw that side of me. Through all of this, that’s my one regret.”

  I sigh heavily. “It’s fine. I know I was clutching at something that wasn’t mine to take. I thought you were everything I wanted, but it only works if the other person feels the same. Sam has taught me what it feels like to love someone unconditionally. I know you feel it with Ashton. I never understood it until now but love has a habit of making its own rules. No matter how much we want to change its path it won’t be told.”

  There’s silence and then I turn to Snake. “Send my love to Bonnie and the girls. I miss them too you know.”

  Snake nods. “They miss you too, darlin’. Nobody likes to see one of their own suffer and they’ve been worried. Are you sure you don’t wanna come home and see them first?”

  I shake my head. “Maybe one day. I need to find myself first. I’ll always be a Reaper, guys but I need to find the woman I want to be too. You’ve done so much for me and I’ll always be here for you.”

  I laugh softly. “You know, next time you send me out in the field, please make it something where I pound the guy's ass into the ground. For all your training it counted for shit back there. They surprised me and not in a good way. I think you should add escaping from five bastards holding you down to your manual.”

  I watch as Ryder’s hands grip the wheel tighter and Snake growls. “They’ll pay for that. Don’t you worry darlin’, I’ll see to it personally.”

  Ryder says darkly. “Yes, their problems are only just beginning. When the dust settles, there will be no hiding from what’s waiting for them in their future. Be assured it’s a painful one in every way.”

  I say nothing and look out of the window at the darkness of the night and the shadows racing past as we speed away from the scene. I can’t think of those men anymore. There’s only man I want to think about and it’s like a physical pain in my heart that he’s not by my side.

  It doesn’t take long and we soon pull up alongside a small private jet at the nearby airstrip.

  My heart thumps as I stand at the foot of the steps, flanked either side by the men I trust with my life. The men I love so much it hurts and the men I know I must turn my back on for my own sanity.

  Ryder nods to the woman who heads down the steps to greet us. She smiles warmly.

  “Miss. Rogers, right on time I see. Come, let me settle you in for the flight.”

  I feel the panic clawing at me inside and Ryder takes my hand and squeezes it.

  “You’ll be ok, darlin’. Sam wouldn’t send you anywhere that wasn’t the best place for you. Leave this shit behind and take some time to recover.”

  Snake throws me an unusually gentle look. “Be happy, Kitty. You deserve it after the life you’ve led. It’s all we want for you - it’s all we ever have.”

  The tears spill before I can reason with them. One by one the two men hug me close and give me the courage to walk away.

  The stewardess looks at me kindly and I see the concern in her eyes as I sniff and wipe my tears away. Then I smile with a bravery that deserted me many hours ago and turn to the two magnificent men sending me on my way.

  I shrug and try to laugh softly.

  “Thanks, guys. ‘Thanks’ just doesn’t seem good enough to tell you how much I owe you both.

  I turn to Snake and hug him so tightly it must hurt. Not that he would notice - his muscles are like the steel that Sam sells.

  Choking back my emotion, I smile through water-filled eyes. “I owe you everything, Snake. You saved me from Hell and brought me to Heaven. I’ll never forget what you did for me and of anyone you hold the dearest place in my heart. Bonnie’s a lucky girl to have won yours.”

  He says nothing, but he doesn’t need to. It’s all there in his eyes.

  I turn to Ryder and hug him just as tightly. I choke down the pain of the past and smile. “Thank you, Ryder. You gave me a place to call home and a man to love - even in the fucked up twisted way we did. I’m glad you found Ashton, you deserve someone who can pierce that cold heart and let some life in. Take care of her because you won’t want to lose it that much I do know.”

  He pulls me close and whispers, “Be happy, Kitty. Remember you’re family and will always have a place with us. If you need anything, call me, any time, night or day.”

  He pulls back and I see his hard eyes glittering in the light of the dawn. He smiles gently which is something I rarely see and it mesmerizes me. “Sam is one lucky bastard and don’t ever let him forget that.”

  I wink as I turn away. “I won’t, but then again, I’m the lucky one in all this. He has made my dreams come true and a girl can’t ask more than that. Now get out of here before your hard image is shattered forever and get back to the women who have to put up with you - god help them.”

  I smile at the stewardess and with determination in my step and hope in my heart, I walk up the stairs to the unknown feeling like the luckiest girl alive.

  The flight must have taken a good five hours, but it passed in a flash. Melissa, the stewardess couldn’t have been kinder and showed me to a comfortable bedroom where fresh clothes were laid out on a comfortable looking bed.

  As I changed, she made me a hot, sweet, tea which I sipped gratefully before settling down for the best few hours’ sleep of my life. There were no nightmares to cloud my mind just peace and contentment.

  She woke me an hour from landing and served me a delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon and pancakes. As I sipped the coffee, I looked at her thoughtfully. “I never asked, where are we heading?”

  She smiled secretively. “You’ll soon find out. I’m sorry for the mystery but I’m under strict instructions.”

  I smile but the curiosity has taken hold and I sit back and run through every possible scenario in my mind.

  The clothes I changed into when I woke are casual jeans and a loose-fitting t-shirt. There’s a casual jacket and sneakers so I know it’s not anywhere smart.

  I’m grateful for that at least.

  By the time we land I’m none the wiser. Melissa smiles with encouragement as the aircraft taxis to a stop and she opens the door. Smiling, she nods towards the exit. “Your ride is waiting for you, Kath
erine. I hope you enjoy your stay.”

  After thanking her for everything she’s done, I venture outside and blink as the hot sun blinds me momentarily. As soon as my eyes adjust, I see a similar airfield to the one we left in Washington and at the foot of the steps sits a pickup truck.

  An older man is waiting and nods to me respectfully. As I take it all in I laugh to myself. Of course, I should have known.

  I venture down the stairs and smile at the man waiting who nods towards me respectfully. “Afternoon, Missy. I’m here to take you to your new home.”

  Smiling, I hold out my hand and take the weather-beaten, gnarly hand, of the ancient looking cowboy waiting for me. His grip is strong and his eyes sharp and penetrating. I smile again. “Call me Katherine. What should I call you?”

  He grins. “Willie. I’m pleased to be of service.”

  He nods towards the battered pickup. “Sorry if this ain’t what you’re used to, but it’s the best we’ve got.”

  Laughing softly, I walk over to the truck with a new spring in my step. “This is perfect, Willie. I wouldn’t want to be met with anything else.”

  I watch as he grabs a bag from the hold and unceremoniously flings it in the back of the truck. He heads over to the driver’s side and I climb in beside him. Then with a wave to Melissa and the captain, I head off with my cowboy.

  The truck rattles on the uneven ground and I laugh softly. Sam’s a fucking genius. He remembered what I told him about meeting a cowboy and the twisted fucker gave me what I desired. A cowboy who is good with his hands. Despite that Willie is old enough to be my father I can tell he’s fit and able. His large hands look as if they could wrestle a bear and his rough beard disguises the lines of a hard life in the open.

  He wears his Stetson like a familiar friend and he settles into his clothes as if they never leave his body. My cowboy is far enough removed from my fantasy as I am from Sam. Be careful what you wish for because Sam listens and does it well. He was hardly going to give me my dream cowboy though, was he?


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