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Page 19

by Kristi Pelton

  “Can you guys get a hotel room?” Ty joked over his microphone, and once again the entire arena exploded. Heat shot up my face and Bodhi lifted me by my waist and carried me off the stage.

  “Don’t move. Just stay right here where I can see you.” The love beaming from his eyes made my heart swell beyond capacity. As he back stepped away from me, he lifted his shirt, baring his beautiful abs and then raised his shirt above his chest exposing five letters… S L I C K… in blue ink. Shocked, my eyes shot up to his.

  “See. I’m yours forever,” he smiled and then stuck out his tongue and strummed his guitar, turning back toward the shouting crowd. After all this time…after all the heart ache…the pain, I had my Bodhi back.

  Chapter 33—Bodhi~ NO!!

  Seeing my beautiful girl in the audience every night was the best part of my day. So was waking up with her and eating breakfast and lunch and dinner with her. I’d never been happier. Outside of the two months we’d spent together four years ago, these were the best nine days of my life.

  Even though she was only going to turn 22, I was going to ask for her hand in marriage. There were no reservations…not a single hesitation about committing my life to her. I’d never wanted anything more. Even my music had taken a backseat to making her happy.

  With our record contract and touring revenue, I’d decided I’d fly her to see me or I’d fly to see her when we could. We would make this work. And she decided that if she did graduate studies, she’d complete the hours in California. She had nothing tying her here.

  Exhausted from staying up after the concerts with her and then trying to not sleep during the day to spend more time with her…we were both running on empty. I’d left her on the bus sleeping when we went out to play, and I swear to God, it was the worst show to date for me. Now, I needed her front row and center.

  Tyler got pissed when he started strumming Just Me and I broke into another song—the off key sound sent a gasp through the crowd. I shook my head at him. There was no way in hell I wanted to sing that unless I was singing it to her. Roll your fucking eyes all day, Tyler, I aint singing it.

  Once again, I found the encore performance a pain in my ass. All I could think about was getting to Tessa. It had been six hours since I’d sunk my cock into her. I needed her.

  As we walked through the tunnel, the VIP group of fans waited, some girl flashing her tits. I shoved Ty her way and grabbed the sharpie of a different girl and signed her baseball cap. God I hated this shit—but it was what I wanted. All my life this is what I wanted.

  When I was taking a selfie with another girl, Rick, our stage manager, beckoned me with a wave. The look on his face made my stomach roll.

  “What?” I asked, ignoring the rest of the fans and veering toward him.

  “It’s Tessa, Bodhi. Listen…”

  I shoved past him, crashing into the bus door and barreled up the steps and onto the bus. “TESSA!”


  “Bodhi. Listen!” he shouted, trying to get my attention.

  “Where the fuck is she, Rick?”

  His shirt was twisted in my hands and Tyler came flying onto the bus.

  “Bodhi, what the fuck is wrong?”

  “Where is she, Rick?” I breathed through the words trying to calm myself, feeling the adrenaline shooting through my veins.

  “Her mother had a heart attack,” he whispered.

  A heart attack? What? My mind raced.

  “Who came for her?” I gritted through clenched teeth.

  “Her father. He came to pick her up.”

  “Oh, Jesus,” Tyler muttered, his eyes as wild as mine.

  As my head spun, I wanted to hurt someone…something. A torrent of white lights burst in my head as I tried to process her father taking her again. Was this a joke? Four fucking years! Together. Apart. Together. Apart. The man wasn’t going to win!

  “Bodhi. Let Rick go,” Tyler’s voice loomed with a forced composure.

  My eyes darted to his and a single bead of sweat glided slowly down Rick’s temple. I didn’t realize I still had him in a death grip. I shoved him away from me and he crashed against the sink.

  “Why would her father leave her mother’s side if she had a heart attack to come and get her?” I articulately spoke each word like he was a 2-year old.

  “She said she’d text you,” Rick mumbled, closing his eyes. My guess he was sensing the deep shit he was in.

  I hurried to get my phone. Four texts from her.

  Bodhi. My mom had a heart attack. I will text you when I know something. Sorry I left while you were playing.

  I know you are going to be upset. Please dont be. Im with you Bodhi. I always will be.

  God I need you. I can’t stand being with them. They are both the coldest assholes ever.

  Getting on the jet. I love you

  They are both the coldest assholes ever… That meant dickhead was with him…with her. “FUCK!” I shouted.

  Chapter 34—Bodhi~Welcome to Mass

  I wasn’t sure where or if she’d landed, but I was at the Charleston airport waiting for word from her. I’d met with the people I needed and there was no way in hell I was backing down. Those fuckers had robbed us of time together—four years of time and they weren’t getting a second more.

  As I sat fidgeting in the airport bar, I knew some girls had figured out who I was because they whispered and pointed and then snickered between them.

  My phone buzzed and I grabbed it.

  I just got your text. We are in the car. He’s pissed at me and being a dick. Won’t tell me what hospital. I’ll let you know ASAP. I love you…

  I shot a text back pretty quickly. Irritation crept up my neck. Of course he wasn’t telling her what hospital…I’d put money on it that Mommy was alive, well and tipping a martini at some fucking spa.

  Where are you in Mass?

  I tapped my fingers on the table in front of me and saw the girls approaching. Composure.

  “Are you Bodhi?”

  “I am.” I offered the tightest lip smile, but it was still a smile. We honestly didn’t get recognized all that often outside of concerts.

  “Can we get your autograph?” one girl asked in a British accent.

  “And a picture?” the other girl added holding up her phone with a Kansas Jayhawk phone cover.

  I obliged both requests, keeping my own phone in my hand and when I felt it buzz, I excused myself.

  We live in Dover. That seems to be where we are headed.

  After I picked up my bag, I ran to the ticket counter where a lady welcomed me with a smile.

  “I need a ticket. Airport closest to Dover, Massachusetts.”

  She nodded and started typing into her computer.

  “Looks like that would be Logan International. There is a flight that leaves here in an hour but you will have to go through Philadelphia.”

  “OK. Is that the fastest route?” I asked.

  “Wait. Are you on Amazing Race?” she winked.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I offered the sweet lady the best smile I could muster up. “Will that get me there faster? If so, something like that.”

  As soon as the plane landed in Boston, I texted.

  How’s your Mom?”

  It was late and I hoped she was awake. I kept my phone in my hand so I’d feel it as well as hear it while I walked to the car rental. It buzzed. My heart broke instantly the minute I saw the picture she sent. Her face red and swollen from tears. Anger infiltrated every cell in my body as a growl ripped through my chest. The woman in front of me spun around. I stormed right past her.

  My phone buzzed again.

  When I got home my mother was here. My father said there is an important meeting tomorrow regarding his estate that I have to attend. He said I wouldn’t have come if he had told me that. I am so fucking stupid!

  A wicked laugh escaped me before I could help it. That no good mother fucker. She and I were going to have a long talk…a heart to heart…a ‘this is n
ever going to happen again’ conversation…about believing a single word that came from his damn mouth.

  You’re not stupid. You trusted your father. We will be talking about that. I’m angry right now by the way…does that scare you?

  I honestly couldn’t believe I put a goddamn smiley face. I’d never typed a smiley face in my life. But it was important that she calm down and remember how much I loved her.

  Nothing about you scares me Mr. Badass

  I grinned.

  Whatever. I know my monster cock scares you

  I meant to tell you, next time you fuck me tell me when you are inside me because sometimes I can’t tell.

  I chuckled out loud brushing up through my stubble. There’s my girl.

  Is that so, Slick? I have two words for you: NO MERCY

  I immediately felt my phone vibrate.

  I have three words for you: STILL NOT SCARED

  My chest rumbled with laughter. Poor girl, she had no idea I was as close to her as I was. The best part was that her mind was off what was happening for a moment. I needed to check my map app to get out of Boston, so I stopped texting for a bit until I could get on the highway I needed.

  By the time I got to the hotel, I was operating on empty. I paid for my room, glanced at my phone and silently prayed she’d gone to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a big day and I’d never been more pumped in my life. As I climbed into the hotel bed, simply being in the same town as her brought comfort. I crashed almost instantly…

  Chapter 35—Tessa~Gone…

  Following the worst night of sleep ever…I crawled out of bed early and got ready for the meeting Dad had told me about. I’d thought all night about Bodhi and how upset he was but he tried to not let it show in my texts. He had to know I’d never be without him again. He was my heart, my soul, my everything. I was a grown woman. My father couldn’t keep me from him any more.

  Headed to my father’s office. I’ll call you after… Love you

  A car was waiting for me when I got downstairs, and my mother, who was alive and well, was sitting in the sunroom with a facial mask on her face as I walked out. Rolling my eyes, I closed the door behind me. I was so ready to be done with a family that had never loved me.

  In all of my life, I’d only been to Ashby Enterprise a handful of times. The place had seemed overwhelmingly huge when I was little and even now it still seemed big as I stepped through the revolving door.

  “Tessa?” I heard a woman’s voice and raised my brows.

  A beautiful older woman, maybe my father’s age…fiftyish with a beautiful mane of brown hair came toward me clasping her hand over her mouth.

  “Tessa?” she repeated softer, as if she’d seen a ghost.

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  Tears spilled over her eyes.

  “Oh, beautiful girl. It’s been so long! Let me look at you.”

  “Hannah?” I asked, her name suddenly coming to me. Wow…she looked older than I remembered. The Hannah I vaguely remembered would hold my hand as we walked across the street for ice cream when I would visit here. And she came to the school to see me on rare occasions.

  “Hannah!” My father’s voiced barked over the lobby and her eyes fell to the ground. “Tessa, come back here.” His words were colder than ice, if that was possible, and curt. I bowed my own head and trudged forward, wanting to get this over with and knowing Bodhi was waiting for me.

  In the conference room, at a long mahogany table, sat four men. Christopher Lara was one—my ex-fiancé, with every damn hair perfectly gelled into place. I slid into a leather chair, my insides feeling squeamish as a realization settled over me that I’d just dove head first into a snake pit and was going to get bit.

  “Gentleman. This is Tessa,” my father said, as he organized papers in a folder.

  “Tessa. This is Lloyd and Wayne from Rockaway Records.”

  Rockaway Records? My stomach lurched as I slowly covered my face. Of course he was going to win.

  “They are here for me today, in person, to remind you of a little deal we came to four years ago. Just because you have broken your engagement to Mr. Lara here doesn’t mean that you can return to that Ellingston character. Need I remind you?”

  I tried so hard not to break down and cry as a tear streaked my cheek.

  Neither Wayne nor Lloyd would make eye contact with me, and I wondered if these two were anything other than men who worked for my father. It seemed as if everything else had been a hoax. Maybe this was too.

  The door flew open as a woman shouted, “Sir, you can’t just go in there!”

  Bodhi barreled through the doorway his eyes searching the room until they landed on me.

  “You OK?”

  I quickly nodded. If only he knew how OK I was now that he was here. I stood to go to him.

  “Tessa!” My father’s tone had a warning attached.

  My eyes flickered to the other gentlemen at the table, remembering why they were there, and I unwillingly sat back down. I totally wanted to fight this battle with Bodhi at my side, but not at his expense.

  “Tessa. You can come to me. Don’t be scared.”

  “Mr. Ellingston,” my father said, walking around the table and motioning for Hannah to leave. She stole a quick glance at me and then shut the door.

  “Lloyd. Wayne? What are you doing here?” Bodhi questioned.

  So they were legit if Bodhi knew them.

  “Like I was saying,” my father interrupted. “Bo-dhi.” My father made fun of his name. “This puppy love bullshit has gone as far as it’s going to go.”

  Bodhi stepped up to the table, his lips curling up just a bit.

  “Puppy love? Let me tell you something. What has happened between Tessa and me, is pretty fucking full grown. Something that I’m sure you wouldn’t possibly understand.”

  My father’s laugh echoed out over the room, ricocheting off the walls.

  Bodhi’s glare intensified.

  “Oh it may be funny to you. But let me tell you what’s not funny. My guess is you’re trying to pull some bullshit stunt with my record label,” Bodhi said, nodding toward Lloyd and Wayne. “What is really not funny to me is that you stole four years of our lives with your bullshit lies and fake court cases and jail time…your falsified restraining orders.” Bodhi’s voice escalated and he drew a sharp intake of air.

  He slowly, menacingly strolled toward my father who wasn’t backing down either.

  “I love your daughter, if I should even call her that. A daughter is someone who should be cherished and loved and taken care of…none of which you’ve done—except financially.”

  My dad’s nostrils flared.

  “Bodhi,” I said softly, and I’m not even sure why.

  His eyes acknowledged me, but he turned his attention back to my father.

  “Because of you, I missed four Valentine’s Days with her. I missed four birthdays, four Christmas’. I missed so much. Holding her when she was hurt. Holding her when she was happy.” Bodhi’s voice cracked and tears sprang into my eyes.

  “Trust me. She was being held.” My father winked at Christopher.

  Suddenly my father’s suit jacket was fisted in Bodhi’s hands. With great restraint, Bodhi pinned him to the wall.

  “Bodhi!” I shouted.

  “I don’t think you understand, Mr. Ashby. Every day. For four years. I prayed I’d wake up with amnesia. To go back, even for a second, to the life I knew before her. From the day I met Tessa, I knew life had changed, as I knew it. You won’t take that from me again.” Bodhi slowly released the wool suit and shook the tension in his hands away.

  He loved me. He truly loved me. I’d never experienced such unconditional love. A love that even after all the manipulation, lies and time—stood strong and unwavering.

  To me, no one else existed in that room. I rose to my feet to move to his side when my father cleared his throat.

  “I’m certainly not taking her away from you, Mr. Ellingston. Am I Tessa? This is Te
ssa’s decision, not mine. She understands now that she cannot be with you. I’m sorry if that hurts you.”

  My father’s words fell over me like a planet of regret—the agreement I had made in order for Bodhi to get the record contract.

  The questions in his eyes killed me.

  “Tell me what he’s talking about,” Bodhi said softly with tenderness radiating from his eyes.

  When I closed my eyes, a tear trickled beneath each lid and I felt his thumbs brush them away. His breath was on my face, he was so close. Then I felt his head rest against mine—he was bracing himself for what I’d done.

  “Bain. Bodhi. Whatever you go by to try and escape your past, Tessa agreed not to ever see you again as long as I negotiated a record contract for you and your hoodrats. I did that. The day after I left your house when I dropped off the check in fact. You see, Mr. Ellingston, you would still have nothing if it weren’t for me.”

  When I opened my eyes, I saw my father sitting at the table like this was just another business transaction and as if he wasn’t completely destroying my life. Although it felt like my heart was being ripped into a million little pieces, I knew what was going to happen to the O-Seed and that only hurt more…so at least this way Bodhi wouldn’t lose his music.

  Bodhi’s head came up off mine and he slowly turned toward my father, who instinctively used his words to twist the dagger.

  “I paid for that so called record contract and I can take it away just as easily.”

  Bodhi’s focus turned to Lloyd and Wayne, cowards who wouldn’t meet his scowl, and then suddenly I was being hauled from the room. The air from the door being slammed blew my hair away from my face.


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