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Three Southern Beaches: A Summer Beach Read Box Set

Page 8

by Kathleen Brooks

  Taylor screamed, her hands reflexively coming up to protect her face as her car left the road and flew over the embankment. With a jarring impact that caused the airbags to deploy, Taylor slammed head first into darkness.

  Blinking her eyes, Taylor came to. She didn’t know how long she had been out, but it couldn’t have been long. Maroon 5 was still singing on her radio. It was then she felt the water. She had come to a stop in the ocean. Waves were lapping at the car as the tide tried to pull her further into the ocean.

  Taylor felt panic clawing at her, but knew she didn’t have time for it. She shoved at the airbag and unbuckled her seatbelt. Taylor grabbed her things from the car before climbing out the open window. The water was only at her calves and treasure hunters were running toward her. She was safe for now.


  Trey was dreaming of fighting a clown when the phone woke him up. He reached out and answered without opening his eyes. Taylor’s scared voice had him shooting out of bed and running out the door before he realized he was naked.

  “I’ll be right there, honey. Are the police there? Are you safe?” Trey asked as he rushed back inside and stepped into some athletic clothes.

  “I’m fine. Just scared. Hurry, Trey.”

  In all his years by her side and on the football field, Trey had never felt so useless as he did now. He wasn’t there and she needed him.

  “I’m just minutes away, sweetheart. I’m coming, I’m coming,” Trey spoke as calmly as he could as he started the car and peeled out of the driveway.

  His heart pounded as he sped down the highway. He saw the flashing lights reflecting off the ocean first. Then he saw the tow truck as it hauled Taylor’s car from the ocean. He frantically slammed on his brakes and searched wildly for her. It was only when he’d raced onto the beach that he saw her looking so small in the back of the ambulance with an icepack on her face.

  “Taylor!” Trey had her wrapped in his arms protecting her from the flashing cameras before he even knew it.

  “I’m okay. Just bruised,” she mumbled against his chest.

  Trey leaned back and looked down at her face. A bruise was forming around her eye from the airbag and one was starting to form on her sternum from her seatbelt. “I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you. Taylor, I love you. My life just isn’t worth it without you in it.”

  Trey clutched Taylor to her chest as he held on to her for dear life.

  She watched from behind the news van as pain contorted Trey’s face. He held Taylor so close to him. She got the feeling he would fight dragons to protect her. At that moment she believed he would. And Taylor. She didn’t look like a woman settling. She looked like a woman completely in love. The way Taylor clung to Trey and looked at him–she didn’t like to admit it, but she’d been wrong. She had thought to separate them. She thought he didn’t deserve her. But in this moment, she realized she was wrong.

  Cyndi Lu put one big red shoe in front of the other and left the beach.

  * * *

  Trey refused to let Taylor walk. He carried her from the car and into the house. They hadn’t said much over the past hour. Instead they just kept constant contact with each other. The only way he knew she was safe was to feel her in his arms.

  “I can’t believe there are no leads. Do you think it was your stalker? You should have told the sheriff’s deputy about her.”

  “Tell Junior? If you didn’t notice, he was too busy checking out my legs to pay attention.”

  “He was?”

  “He’s a sweet guy, but a bit of a horn dog. And there isn’t anything to tell him. Cyndi Lu is harmless. She would never hurt me.”

  “I find it so strange that you’re on a first-name basis with your stalker.” Trey shook his head in disbelief. “But if you don’t think it’s her, then who would do this?” Trey asked as she set her down on the couch.

  He walked into the kitchen to pour her a glass of Rose Sister ice tea and then hurried back to her side. “Here, this will make you feel better.”

  “This will make me so drunk I won’t feel anything . . . which is just perfect.” Taylor took a drink and leaned back against him and shivered. “Do you think it could be my parents? I mentioned them to Junior. If I married, then they would have no right to any of my money. You would. Do you think this is because I’m not letting them back in my life? They may think it's easier to kill me and claim my estate than to get me to work with them again.”

  “I know your parents hurt you, but do you really think they’d kill you?”

  “Sadly, I don’t know. I hope not. I’ve always held out some small chance that they’d come back into my life as good people, but I think I can get rid of that fantasy. Mom was high on something last time I saw her,” she said, frustrated.

  “Whoever it is won’t get to you so easily again. You need security.”

  “If you hand me the phone, then I’ll give my old crew a call and see if they can fly out to help me.” Trey reached for her purse and dug around it until he felt her phone.

  Taylor dialed her old security firm in Los Angeles. The emergency operator picked up and patched her through to the owner in less than five minutes. Taylor told him what was happening on Hung Island and asked if he had a full protection team available. She hated it—the feeling of being constantly surrounded. But even tonight was enough to freak her out.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Jefferies. I can’t get a team out there, but I know someone in Georgia who would be perfect for you. I’ll call them and they will have a team sent to you by the morning.”

  “Are they good?” Taylor asked. She was wary of having people around her she didn’t know.

  “The best. I’d use them.”

  Taylor hung up the phone and smiled softly at Trey. “A team will be here tomorrow. There’s someone in Georgia they’re contracting to protect me.”

  “Are they any good? I want the best and only the best.”

  “Supposedly they are. They’ll be here in the morning so you can feel secure in going to practice.”

  “Go to practice? How can I…”

  “Trey, it’s why we got the security. They’ll be with me and you can focus on your job. I need to focus on mine without you hovering,” Taylor said as she reached up and cupped his cheek with her hand.

  She could tell Trey wasn’t happy about it, but he realized it was a losing argument. “Fine, but I’m going to tuck you into bed.” Trey scooped her up and carried her into the back of the house as she laughed.

  “Thank you. That short hallway was so dangerous, my handsome knight.” Taylor kissed his cheek and after being put down she walked into the bathroom to take out her contacts. Knowing she was safe and knowing she had a man who loved her made her feel so much better.

  What didn’t make her feel better was the pounding headache or her aching chest. Trey had her in a death grip as he slept. Taylor managed to pry herself out and get some medicine. She opened the door and stepped out into the night air. It always calmed her and helped chase the headache away.

  She looked up to the full moon and out at the sparkling ocean as she walked into the coffee table on their porch. So, she’d walked out without her glasses. Oh well, she could still enjoy the warm breeze regardless if everything was fuzzy around her.

  Taylor saw the vague outline of the porch swing and sat slowly down on it. She closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath. The rhythmic crashing of the waves calmed her headache as she finally felt her body start to relax. It didn’t last long, though. Clicking noises and then a low rumble had her eyes shooting open. Taylor squinted and then saw the source of the noise.

  “Oh, aren’t you a cute puppy?” Taylor cooed as she held out her hand for the dog to sniff. The large dog’s tail started to thump on the wood porch as he nuzzled her hand. Taylor stroked his massive head and scratched behind his ears.

  The dog shoved his head between her legs and tried to goose her. “Whoa. That’s not for you,” Taylor laughed as she
pushed the dog back. His big pink tongue licked her hand happily as his tail continued to wag.

  Then with a quick hook of his paw, the overly excited dog grabbed a hold of her leg and starting humping.

  “No! Bad dog!” Taylor tried to push the dog off, but his green eyes just glowed happily as his tongue hung out. Finally with a big push, she dislodged the dog. “Where are your manners?”

  The dog gave a little whine in response and then rolled onto his back at her feet. “Much better.” Taylor leaned over and scratched his tummy as she thought about what would happen tomorrow.

  Tomorrow her old life would come back. Her parents, the bodyguards, the cameras—she just hoped she could handle it all. Taylor drifted to sleep on the porch with the dog at her feet. Maybe she should get a dog. Discounting the crotch sniffing and humping, she felt safe with the big hairy boy. But as the sun began to rise, the dog got up and loped away. It was time to go back inside and prepare to face her fears.


  Trey couldn’t stop watching Taylor as she got ready for the day. It was secretly one of his favorite things about being a couple. The ritual of her washing her face and putting on moisturizer, down to the way she shimmied into her jeans. It was a show all for him, and only him. Such intimate details that only he was privileged to. For some reason, it made him inordinately proud.

  The ringing of the doorbell halted his viewing pleasure as Taylor reached behind to fasten her bra. “That’s my new security team. Could you get it?” she called from the bathroom.

  “Sure.” Trey finished tying his shoe and headed to answer the door.

  He unlocked the deadbolt and pulled the door open wide. He felt his brow come together in confusion as he looked at the blonde knockout in stilettos standing at the door. She and Taylor could be twins except for the fact she looked to be a couple years older, probably in her early thirties. She had to be an actress though.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Hi, Trey.” The blonde reached out and Trey automatically shook her hand. “I’m Taylor’s security.”

  “Oh, great. Where’s the rest of your team?”

  The woman just smiled. “I’m all that’s available, but don’t worry; I won’t get taken down three yards from the end zone like you did against New York.” The woman walked past him and into the living room as Taylor hurried from the bedroom.

  “Are you from the security company? Where’s the team?” Taylor asked as she stopped next to Trey.

  “I am your team. I’m Mallory Westin of Westin Security. I figured if you were anything like me, then you didn’t want a bunch of hulking men surrounding you. Personally, it always made me feel claustrophobic.”

  Taylor nodded. “Exactly. It’s so nice to meet you.” Taylor and Mallory shook hands before Mallory started to look around.

  “Where would you like me to put my bag?”

  “Oh. I thought they had told you. I don’t need live-in security. I just need someone while I’m working and for transportation. If you could drop me off at home each night and pick me up in the morning according to my movie schedule, then I think we’ll be good. That and tell me where you got those shoes,” Taylor laughed.

  “I don’t recommend it, but it’s your call. When I did research on the island, I saw a vacation house to rent just a half-mile away. I can stay there. Let me have a look at your security system and make sure it’s up to par, though.”

  “Great. You can do that while I finish getting ready. Then it’s off to the set in about twenty minutes.” Taylor smiled as Mallory nodded and headed back into the bedroom.

  Trey watched as Mallory examined the system and started making alterations. “Do you really think you can keep her safe?”

  “Do you really think you can rush for more than fifty yards against Florida this season?”

  Trey grinned. “Touché.”

  * * *

  Trey grunted and pushed with all he had over and over again as sweat dripped down his face. The weights on the bench press clanked down when the set was done. Morris sauntered over and looked in disgust at the two hundred and twenty-five pounds on the bar.

  “Twenty-two reps? You running backs are wimps.”

  “At least I’m not the quarterback. They don’t even have to lift heavy weights,” Trey teased Tucker.

  Morris laughed as he laid down on the bench press. “Bet I can do thirty-five reps and put y’all to shame.”

  “What are we betting?” Trey asked as he wiped his face with a towel.

  “How about a date with that hot bodyguard? I mean, damn. I looked her up after you told us about her and she is smokin’,” Morris said as Christian and Tucker nodded.

  “Somehow I don’t think she’d let me pass her off as a bet,” Trey said as he moved to spot Morris.

  “A man can dream. Speaking of dreaming, are you paying attention here? I’m at twenty-four and still talking,” Morris goaded them.

  The men rolled their eyes as Morris put them to shame on the bench press. “Hello? Earth to Everett,” Christian waved his hand in front of Trey’s face.

  “Huh? Oh sorry. I’m trying to think of a way to propose to Taylor. Everything I've tried has been ruined. The carnival would have been perfect if not for that freaking clown.”

  “Why don’t you just grow a pair and ask her?” Tucker asked.

  “It’s not that easy. She deserves more than that.”

  “That may be, but did you hear about Richardson’s wife?” Christian said in a low whisper.

  “No, what?” Trey asked as they gathered closer to hear the latest news.

  * * *

  Taylor looked at the watch Mallory handed her and slid it onto her wrist. “So, if I press here it’ll send you my location?” Taylor asked.

  “That’s right. I’ll know it’s an emergency and will be there in a flash. Now, how do you want to play this? I can be the big bad bodyguard or the pushy assistant.”

  Taylor looked out at the sea of media. Grant somehow lost his shirt and glistened as he made his way on to the set. Melanie had three hulking bodyguards surrounding her with earpieces and matching tight black t-shirts. “I don’t think they’d believe me if I said you were a bodyguard. Your clothes are too nice.”

  Mallory laughed and it somehow eased Taylor’s nerves. “Oh, I can pull off mean bodyguard with the best of them. However, I didn’t think it was your style.”

  “It’s not. Let’s just get me through press row as fast as possible.”

  “Okay, let’s go. And don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of all questions, pushy press, and divas.”

  Taylor opened the door with a slight smile playing at her lips. She really liked Mallory and her stress level was already falling as Mallory kept up a steady stream of light conversation.

  Press row wasn’t nearly as bad as she thought it was going to be. Taylor talked to Millie, and when it appeared the other stations were getting pushy, Mallory simply stepped in and announced they were late for a meeting with Jim and hurried her onto set.

  “You’re either brave or stupid,” Melanie said from her make-up chair.

  “Excuse me?” Taylor tried to keep the bite from her voice, but failed. It didn’t appear Melanie noticed, though.

  “I thought after your trailer incident you’d get some security. Instead you broke the cardinal rule—you hired an assistant hotter than you.”

  “I don’t think that’s possible, but it’s pretty darn close. You two are like a wet dream come true,” Grant grinned as bronzer was applied to his abs.

  Taylor saw Mallory roll her eyes and decided to let it go.

  Unfortunately, Melanie wasn’t going to let anything go. “See, the more important you are, the more security you should have. As I’m the most important person on set, I have my men here looking out for me. I guess it just goes to show you’re not important as you think.”

  “Melanie, dear.” Taylor took her time putting her fake smile on. “I’m sorry to tell you, you broke your ow
n rule and hired more attractive people than yourself, too. Poor thing, you didn’t even realize it.” Taylor spun on her heel as Melanie took her time registering the insult. “And if you don’t hit your marks today, I’ll be forced to cut some of your scenes and focus on Grant’s character more.”

  Taylor walked out with Mallory trailing behind her. Curse words floated around as Melanie spat them as fast as she could.

  “Cut!” Jim yelled and the boom mics dropped on the set. “I think we got it. I’ll review it tonight and let you know. Good job, everyone.”

  Taylor jotted down some notes before reaching for her bag. After a full day of working with Mallory, they were already used to each other’s movements. Mallory had Taylor's bag in hand and handed it to her along with her phone.

  “Trey called you and then me. I gave him an update about thirty minutes ago.”

  “Thanks. Wow, are you sure I can’t hire you full time? You actually make me like security.” Taylor said goodbye to the crew and dialed Trey as she followed Mallory out of Seawave Resort.

  “Hey, sweetheart. How is Mallory doing?” Trey asked once he picked up.

  “Great. It’s been smooth sailing all day. Do we need to pick up dinner on the way home?” Taylor asked as Mallory opened the door to her SUV for Taylor.

  “Well, that’s why I was calling. The guys and I got to talking and they invited me out to dinner. I didn’t want to commit before talking to you.”

  “That’s fine. Are you doing your night run as well? You know it’s treasure night, so it may be crowded.”

  “I know, but it helps me think so I’ll probably go for my run after dinner and then head home before you go to bed.”


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