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Three Southern Beaches: A Summer Beach Read Box Set

Page 10

by Kathleen Brooks

  Heads shot up and feet stopped kicking imaginary stones. Jim shook his head. “You’ve put your best effort into this project, Taylor. We just don’t have the money to keep it going while we open casting back up to find a new actress.”

  Taylor pushed her shoulders back and felt a sense of rightness settle over her. “We don’t need to find a new actress. You already have one who knows all the lines and all the marks. Right here.”

  She saw Trey and Mallory share a smile out of the corner of her eye and the crew’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “Hell yeah!” Grant shouted as he shot her a sly smile that showed he was mostly kidding. Taylor was sure he was envisioning the pictures of them together at all the promotional events, too.

  “Well then, don’t just stand there,” Jim bellowed. “We’re starting the reshoot in one hour. Get the cameras ready. Set up the diner. And you,” Jim pointed to a set of orange pigtails hiding behind a rack of clothes. “Find thirty extras and get them to wardrobe. You have twenty minutes.”

  Cyndi Lu leaned around the clothes and pointed at herself. “Me?”

  “You’ve been hanging around enough, I might as well put you to work.”

  “Yes, sir!” Cyndi Lu shot an excited smile to Taylor and ran from the room so quickly that she missed Taylor returning a reassuring smile.

  “You ready for this?” Trey asked quietly as the room sprang into action.

  “More than anything. I have this feeling in my heart that this is the right thing to do. I almost can’t wait to get started. I kept showing Melanie how I wanted scenes done and the passion flared up. It couldn’t have happened without your support. Thank you for believing in me.” Taylor rose on her toes and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

  “I love you, Taylor. And I’m so proud of you,” Trey told her as he cupped her face between his hands.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Jim yelled. “Get your ass into make-up! Just because you’re the producer and a la-di-da Academy Award-winning actress doesn’t mean you get to goof off. Now move it!”

  “Yes, sir!” Taylor said with a smile that lit the whole room. She tossed a wink to Trey before heading to the make-up trailer with more excitement that she ever felt before.

  Trey looked to Mallory. She’d already started to follow Taylor when he called out to her. “I know the threat is over, but could you stay the day and help me with something?”

  “Sure. I was going to talk to her while she was in make-up about not needing me any longer. I can send one of my other guys for crowd control if you’d like. I was also going to let her know her parents flew back to L.A. last night.”

  “That’s a relief. And I would talk to her about bringing on some of your guys. See if Taylor will let the production company hire your company for security. But first, I need to run some errands and I need you to text me when things are wrapping up here.”

  “Sure,” Mallory said before sauntering off with Grant trailing behind her. Trey grimaced as Grant gave Mallory a pat on the bottom. Mallory spun so quickly that Trey almost missed the glint of a blade she held pressed against Grant’s privates. She said something so quietly that nobody but Grant could hear. Based on his reaction, it didn't take much imagination to know what was said.

  * * *

  Trey shielded the sun from his eyes with his hand as he watched the plane land on the private airstrip near the Vultures' stadium. The plane rolled to a stop and a few minutes later the door was open and steps rolled down. He kept his eye on the door and smiled when the first orthopedic shoe appeared. His help had arrived.

  “Yoo-hoo!” Miss Lily waved as Miss Daisy and Miss Violet peeked around her.

  “Get a move on, Lily Rae. I think a mosquito the size of a Buick just landed on me,” Miss Daisy complained as she sprayed some bug spray around her.

  “I brought food!” Miss Violet called.

  “I brought the town!” Miss Lily shot back.

  “I brought the bug spray!” Miss Daisy sprayed again as they headed down the stairs of the plane. Behind them, Reagan and Riley were practically dancing in place waiting to get off the plane.

  “Mr. Everett! We have our pretty dresses with us!” they called as they ran down the steps.

  “And I have flowers—tons and tons of flowers from my grandma’s garden.” Katelyn called as she, Gemma, Cy, and Marshall came down the stairs slowly carrying boxes filled with flowers.

  “And I have my harp,” Ryan Hall said proudly as he followed them down the stairs.

  “Ryan?” Trey hurried over to his fellow Keeneston High School football player. “Aren’t you in summer training?” Ryan played for Tennessee in the NFL.

  “We picked him up along the way. Miss Lily insisted there be a harp for the proposal,” Mo said smoothly as he and Dani descended.

  “Harp? You don’t play the harp,” Trey said slightly confused.

  Ryan shrugged. “I picked it up two years ago during off-season. Coach wanted me to find something to help with my catching. Turns out playing the harp for a wide receiver is like taking ballet for running backs and quarterbacks. I got you hooked up. Learned Handel’s Harp Concerto.” Ryan and Trey fist-bumped before Ryan moved to help unload his harp.

  “And we have everything we need to arrange the perfect ambience,” Kenna said excitedly as she and Will carried a huge box down the steep steps.

  “And I have the flower baskets that grandma made,” Sienna called down, showing off three baskets with different-colored ribbons laced in and out of the woven wood.

  “Wow.” Trey couldn’t think of anything else to say. He stood staring at the people he’d grown up with, all there to help him. “When I asked for help, I thought you’d just give me some advice.”

  “The Rose sisters are more doers. Besides, today is their day on the engagement bet.” Ahmed shrugged as he carried a sleepy Abby down the stairs in front of Bridget.

  “That’s right. And we brought the zip ties,” Bridget held up bags of ties and grinned. “I guess I’ll be just as good at tying up flowers as bad guys.”

  “You’ll do wonderfully, my dear, just like you do on everything,” Ahmed slid his arm around his wife as Abby snuggled against his chest.

  “So, Miss Lily said you had a plan,” Will said as they all gathered around.

  “Yup.” Trey couldn’t stop grinning. He had the perfect proposal planned. “We’re spending the day at the beach.”

  * * *

  “Cut! That was freaking fantastic!” Jim yelled as the crew applauded and Cyndi Lu bounced excitedly by his side.

  Grant picked Taylor up and swung her around. “Damn, I hate what happened. I’m so glad you’re back. Our chemistry is insane. But then again, who could resist me?”

  “I know! I just close my eyes and think it’s Trey and I can tolerate working with you,” Taylor teased. They had gotten more shots done that day than they had in the previous week. They were still behind, but a few more days like this and they would be caught up.

  “I’m glad I can be of some use to the movie.” Taylor turned and saw Trey leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Oh my gosh, Trey!” Taylor leaped into his arms and hugged him. “I did it. It was so much fun. I can’t believe I waited this long. This story and knowing I have some power over it is perfect,” Taylor gushed.

  “I can’t wait to hear about it. Go change and we’ll go for a walk on the beach. You can tell me all about it then.”

  “Oh, that sounds fantastic. I’ll be just a minute.” Taylor gave him a quick kiss and then hurried to the make-up trailer to change.

  Taylor kicked off her sandals and squished her toes in the sand. The Hung Island treasure hadn’t been found last night and today the beach seemed empty. Which was just perfect for her and Trey as they linked fingers and walked along the beach enjoying the sunset.

  “I can hardly contain myself,” Taylor squealed. “It was so awesome. The rush from knowing I did a good job and that the film is going t
o be a success . . . I’m just so proud of myself. Is that silly?”

  “Not at all. Strength comes in many forms, not just physical. You are a strong woman, Taylor. Strong enough to stand by me for all these years when I’ve gotten banged and bruised on the field. Strong enough to stand up to your parents and start living your own life. Strong enough to admit when you needed help from Jim on the directing and producing. Strong enough to start your own business. And strong enough to overcome your fear and step back in front of the camera. You are the strongest woman I know and I’m so proud of you.”

  Taylor felt her knees go weak. Trey loved her. He told her that all the time, but he was also a gentleman of few words. He’d never been so passionate before and it sent her heart soaring. They rounded a curve in the beach and Trey pulled her to him. She looked up in his eyes and saw resolve.

  “But there is one thing I have not done because I didn’t feel worthy of someone as special as you. I should have learned to trust in myself as you do in yourself. You inspire me every day.”

  Taylor felt as if she were living in a dream. The waves washed against the sandy shore as Trey’s lips met hers and music played. Could she be anymore in love? When he pulled away from their kiss, she sighed in disappointment. She wanted so much more than just a kiss.

  “Come on. We’re almost home,” Trey whispered against her ear as if he understood what she was thinking.

  Taylor opened her eyes and noticed that there actually was music playing. It was soft and lyrical as the notes danced through the air. She was about to ask if Trey heard it when they rounded the corner. Taylor blinked in shock, surprise, and confusion at the scene on the beach. Reagan and Riley Davies, along with their cousin Sydney Davies and Sienna Ashton stood tossing rose petals in the air. An arched trellis filled with flowers framed the brilliant sunset. Taylor darted her eyes around the beach and saw Ryan Hall, Trey’s friend from high school, playing a harp between two sand dunes. And, wait, were those three white heads popping out behind one of the dunes?

  “Taylor,” Trey said quietly as he guided her up the rose-petaled aisle the girls had created. She stopped under the trellis in disbelief. The smell of flowers mixed in the air with the soft music, and she felt her heart beat wildly against her chest when Trey went down on one knee.

  “You deserve so much more than a country boy like me, but I promise no one will love you as much as I do. I fell in love with you by the pond in Keeneston the night we first met, and I’ve spent these past years falling more and more in love with you. Not only do you make me a better man, we make each other stronger. We’re a team, a family, and I would love nothing more than to be your husband. Taylor Jefferies, will you marry me?”

  Taylor tried to say yes, but happy tears fell as she could only nod her answer. “Yes,” she gasped finally. Trey slipped a ring she didn’t even see him holding onto her finger before he sprang up, wrapping her in a tight hug. He then gave her a kiss that showed her all the love he felt.

  The sound of applause had them breaking apart.

  “Did she say yes, Daddy?” little Abby asked.

  “Yes, my dear, she did,” Ahmed said with Abby wrapped around his neck and Bridget held against his side.

  The Roses dabbed the tears in their eyes and Ryan broke out the Keeneston High School fight song on the harp as Taylor and Trey became surrounded.

  “Uncle Cy!” Taylor wrapped her arms around the person who had practically raised her. “What are you all doing here?”

  “Someone had to come give his blessing. And you know the rest wanted to lord it over the town that they witnessed your engagement.”

  “Your blessing?” Taylor looked between a smiling Trey and Cy.

  “That’s right. Trey came to Keeneston to ask my permission to marry you. He knew I might shoot him if he didn’t. And being the gentleman that he is, he got permission from the whole town. You have a lot of people looking out for you, Taylor.”

  Taylor felt the tears fall again as everyone nodded their agreement. “And,” Gemma started before stepping forward with Katelyn, Kenna, Bridget, and Dani. “We ladies were also hoping you’d let us aunts take you dress shopping.”

  “And if it’s alright with you, we would like to throw you a shower,” Miss Violet said before pulling her down in a tight hug.

  “And we’ve been practicing being flower girls along with Layne and Piper!” the girls cried excitedly as they tossed petals in the air.

  “I don’t know what to say. Yes, to all of you,” Taylor laughed before she spotted her new friend standing a little way behind them. “Oh, Mallory! You have to come, too.”

  Mallory stepped forward and the Keeneston group moved so that she could give Taylor a hug. “I’d love to, especially if these are the guys that come out of Keeneston. When do you think you’ll get married?”

  Taylor shrugged as she looked up at Trey. It didn’t matter. She had everything she wanted right now.

  “That settles it,” Miss Lily stated as she drew all the attention to her. “Call Father James. We need to set a date or it’ll never happen. Violet Fae, start coming up with a menu. Ladies, pick a date for dress shopping. Ryan!”

  The harp music stopped and all six-foot-four inches came running over. “Yes, ma’am?”

  “Pick a date that doesn’t interfere with football season. Let’s get this show on the road. We have a wedding to plan!” Miss Lily stopped and looked at the happy couple. Trey’s arms were wrapped around Taylor’s lower waist and they were staring lost into each other’s eyes. “And it better be soon by the looks of it.”

  Trey felt nothing but pure happiness. He let the town start planning their wedding, knowing they would do right by them. Leaning down, he brought his lips to his future wife’s ear. “No one realizes it, but I just found Hung Island's treasure. You.”

  Taylor tossed her head back and laughed. “And I found it in you. I love you, Trey.”

  Mallory stood quietly by the sand dune watching the happy celebration and waiting. She wondered if he’d remembered her. When he suddenly appeared by her side, she had her answer.

  “Miss Westin, such a pleasure to see you again. And under much better circumstances.”

  “And you, Ahmed. It’s always nice to see each other when someone isn’t shooting at you. You have a beautiful family.”

  “Thank you. I am very blessed. You?”

  “No. Still cursed in the love department. Kicking ass in the security department, though. That time we worked together did wonders for my business.”

  “People just needed to see you as more than a pretty face.”

  “Flatterer. It had nothing to do with my face and everything to do with my father. Thank you for all you did. You didn’t have to.”

  With a small bow of his head, he walked back into the crowd. His wife smiled as he picked his daughter up and pretended to throw her in the ocean. Her giggles reached Mallory’s ears and tore at her heart. She’d never have that at the rate her relationships were going.

  Her phone beeped and she pulled it out of her pocket to read the text message from her best friend, Elle. Bree’s been hurt. She’s in the hospital. I’m heading there now. Hurry. Mallory felt the blood drain from her body. The Simpson family was more of a family to her than her own. She wouldn’t forgive herself if something happened to one of them. She’d just been working with Bree. Without a second thought, she walked sure and steady into the happy crowd. She found her target and stopped next to him.

  Lowering her voice so the others couldn’t hear, she got his attention. “Excuse me, Your Highness. My name is Mallory Westin. I once worked with Ahmed to save your life and I need to borrow your plane.”


  Other Books by Kathleen Brooks

  More Women of Power stories are coming soon! More information will be available shortly on my webpage. The anticipated release for Bree's story will be in August 2014. Here is a brief intro for her story:

  Bree Simpson is coming into her own as the head of Si
mpson Global's construction business. Despite facing constant tests in a typically male-dominated business, her two biggest challenges still lie ahead. Can she get a handle on the cocky, young architect that leaves her feeling enraged, and at the same time hot as hell? And more importantly, will she be so distracted she ignores the threats targeting her?

  Sign up at this link to receive notification for all new releases by Kathleen Brooks:

  If you are new to the writings of Kathleen Brooks, then you will definitely want to try her Bluegrass Series books set in the wonderful fictitious town of Keeneston, KY. Here is a list of links to the Bluegrass and Bluegrass Brothers books in order:

  Bluegrass Series

  Bluegrass State of Mind

  Risky Shot

  Dead Heat

  Bluegrass Brothers Series

  Bluegrass Undercover

  Rising Storm

  Secret Santa, A Bluegrass Novella

  Acquiring Trouble

  Relentless Pursuit

  Secrets Collide

  Final Vow

  Bluegrass Singles

  Three Southern Beaches (featuring All Hung Up)

  Women of Power Series

  Chosen for Power

  Built for Power - coming August 2014

  About the Author

  Kathleen Brooks is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author. Kathleen’s stories are romantic suspense featuring strong female heroines, humor, and happily-ever-afters. Her Bluegrass Series and follow-up Bluegrass Brothers Series feature small town charm with quirky characters that have captured the hearts of readers around the world.

  Kathleen is an animal lover who supports rescue organizations and other non-profit organizations such as Friends and Vets Helping Pets whose goals are to protect and save our four-legged family members.


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