The Indulgences of Isabelle

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The Indulgences of Isabelle Page 20

by Penny Birch

  We climbed into the cars and drove north, a journey that seemed to take for ever, with my excitement gradually building along with my concern for what might happen. They all knew about the Red Ox, but I was determined to exert myself, and I resolved that if any of them teased me I would take it out on their bottoms.

  To do Tierney and Osman justice, the Golden Chalice was everything they had claimed and rather more. Located in open farmland nearly a mile off the main A34, there were no neighbours to worry about at all, while by closing the gate at the beginning of the old farm track we could cut ourselves off from the world. The main restaurant was more or less as I'd expected, with a bar in one corner and the rest of the floor area given over to seating, which we could rearrange as we pleased. A door opened to the kitchen, which was in a separate building, and another to the loos, which were housed in a large lean-to at one side. If there was a problem it was that the restaurant area was about three times larger than we could possibly have needed. But it was easy to make a cosy space at one end, while the high black-painted beams had definite potential.

  We were the first to arrive, aside from Osman, and we had the tables arranged before Eliza arrived, with three pushed together for our meeting and five arranged around an open space. Eliza was in her usual immaculate tweeds, but with a heavy tawse clipped to her skirt, immediately making me worry that it might be my bottom that it was intended for. I took my place at one end of the table and she chose the other. Osman busied himself setting up Christmas decorations.

  'The gentlemen will be with us presently,' Eliza told us, 'although I'm afraid Isadore is unable to come. We have several matters to attend to, so let us proceed.'

  'Isabelle's punishment for a start,' Portia demanded.

  'All in good time,' Eliza told her. 'Isabelle?'

  'Thank you,' I replied after a brief glare at Portia. 'First, I'd like to welcome Amy Jane to our society. I have shown her the rules and explained how we work, including using ''red'' as a stop word, which she was very grateful to discover. Please be gentle with her, because she's a little unsure of her sexuality. But she does like the idea of looking up to a stronger woman.'

  'Thanks to Sarah,' Portia remarked.

  'Secondly,' I went on, ignoring her, 'we've had a difficult term, which was at least in part my fault—'

  'Entirely your fault, Isabelle,' Jasmine pointed out.

  'Getting horny in front of my stepmum was a bad idea,' Yazzie agreed, 'and as for what you did with my Dad . . .'

  'I didn't know that she was your stepmum!' I protested. 'I didn't know what she was like, either. Anyway, please hear me out. I know that I've caused us some problems, and created some tensions within the society, which I think it would be best to sort out now. My own feeling is that what I went through to get us this venue – for free, I might add – along with my very public spanking from Yazzie's stepmum should count as my punishment. If the majority of you think I should be given further punishment then I accept that. Let's vote.'

  'Firstly,' Eliza said, 'does anybody feel that this has gone too far to be resolved in the traditional fashion?'

  Nobody spoke.

  'I'm glad to hear it,' Eliza went on. 'Who accepts Isabelle's proposal, that she has already suffered sufficient punishment?'

  'Not from us!' Portia pointed out. 'I want her across my knee – and I'd like to borrow your tawse, please.'

  'Just raise your hand, Portia,' Eliza ordered.

  I gave a worried glance around the table as hands were raised, fast or slowly. Portia's was up, and inevitably Tiffany's, also Sarah's and Yazzie's, but that was not enough.

  'Caroline?' Portia demanded. 'After what she made you do? And how about you, Amy Jane? She spanked you, without your consent and in front of half of Foxson College!'

  Caroline merely shrugged.

  'I didn't mind,' Amy Jane said in a tiny voice.

  'You're such a mouse!' Portia retorted.

  'She's not a mouse, she's an owl,' Tiffany put in. 'A fat owl, as if she was Billy Bunter's sister.'

  Portia laughed and Amy Jane went pink. I quickly raised my hands.

  'That's decided, then. Thank you. And Tiffany, I think you should say sorry to Amy Jane.'

  'You always call her the Owl,' Tiffany pointed out, and I found myself blushing as well, and stammering apologies.

  'It's all right,' Amy Jane said quietly. 'Everybody calls me that.'

  'I'm sorry, anyway,' I assured her. 'OK, if that's all shall we decide what game to play? Have you got your cards, Sarah?'

  'There is one other thing,' Eliza said. 'Something rather important, in fact. The fact is, Isabelle, that when I said your training was complete last term I only meant insofar as your skills and understanding of what it takes to make a dominant woman were concerned. However, even when I gave you what should have been your last-ever caning I couldn't help but notice how much it excited you. That is why I asked Sarah to devise some form of test to see where your true desires lay. She in turn consulted Jasmine, and Portia, who administered the test with some help from Tiffany.'

  'What test?' I asked. But even as I spoke an awful suspicion had begun to grow in my mind. 'You two told Tierney about our meetings, didn't you, Portia?'

  'Yes,' she admitted. 'But don't get on your high horse. We had it all under control, and he promised not to interfere.'

  'In return for giving me rough spankings,' Tiffany added with relish. 'The man is such a pig!'

  'And the rest of you knew about this?' I demanded.

  'I didn't,' Katie said quickly.

  'I did,' Sarah said, 'and it think it was an excellent test. No truly dominant woman would go within a mile of Tierney if she could help it, never mind fellate him in the back of a minibus.'

  'I was not aware of the details,' Eliza added. 'But I have to agree with Sarah that the test was both fair and effective, if a little cruel. You did what you did, Isabelle, and apparently enjoyed it.'

  'No, I didn't!' I lied.

  'Yes, you did,' Yazzie put in. 'I got the full description from my stepmum, remember.'

  'Not to mention being spanked bare by her in the Red Ox!' Tiffany giggled. 'And you came while you were over her knee. I've never met such a slut!'

  'We also have to consider your reaction during your punishment at the last party,' Eliza pointed out, 'and afterwards with Sarah and Tiffany.'

  'That was between you and me, Tiffany!' I said. 'And you, Sarah, you said . . .'

  Sarah's mouth turned up into a condescending little smile and I shut up.

  'It was part of the test, Isabelle,' Tiffany told me, 'but still very nice.'

  I was blushing hot and felt close to tears as the full reality of the situation sank in.

  'I've failed, haven't I?' I asked.

  'You shouldn't look at it as having failed,' Eliza said gently, 'more as having come to accept your true sexuality, which is not dominant, but switch, just as you are not a lesbian, but bisexual. There's nothing to be ashamed of.'

  I made a face, unable to find a reply as a huge bubble of consternation began to swell in my throat.

  'Or do you think that being dominant makes you superior?' Tiffany demanded. 'Do you think you're better than me, or Caroline, or Yazzie?'

  'No, of course not,' I managed. 'It's just that . . .'

  'It's just that you're too proud to accept who you really are,' Eliza interrupted. 'But what you have to understand, Isabelle, is that there is far more to be proud of in being able to accept your true self than there is in continuing to attempt to deny it, both to others and to yourself.'

  I gave a single weak nod.

  'I'm just the same,' Jasmine admitted.

  'And you're both young,' Eliza went on. 'Most women have far less understanding of their sexuality at your age.'

  I drew a heavy sigh. They were right, and my behaviour over the course of the term made it pointless to argue.

  'Fair enough,' I admitted. 'Maybe I did need to be tested, but I don't think it was right to effe
ctively give me to Tierney. Sarah could easily have tested me herself.'

  'We needed to give you a hard choice,' Sarah pointed out, 'hence the situation in which you would know that by offering sexual favours to Tierney you could avoid problems for the Rattaners. It was really very noble of you to fellate him.'

  'Not to mention the other two,' Portia giggled.

  'I want all three of you punished!' I snapped. 'You know what Tierney's like, and the risk you were taking. He might easily have brought half a dozen of his friends around to Dr Treadle's . . .'

  'He didn't know the parties were at Dr Treadle's,' Sarah pointed out.

  'He could have worked it out, Sarah – he's not as stupid as he looks. At the very least I want all three of you spanked, now.'

  'Why?' Portia demanded. 'We only set the situation up. If you had the slightest scrap of dignity or any real dominance you'd have told Tierney to mind his own business.'

  'Instead of offering to suck his penis,' Sarah added in disgust.

  'Ladies, please,' Eliza interjected. 'There is some truth in what Isabelle says, so I think we had best put the matter to a vote, and Isabelle is only suggesting a brief over-the-knee spanking. Aren't you, Isabelle?'

  The tone of her voice brooked no argument and I nodded.

  'An open vote, then,' Eliza said. 'All those in favour of Sarah, Portia and Tiffany having to accept spankings before the party?'

  I raised my hand, as did Jasmine and Caroline, Yazzie and Katie. Eliza kept her hand down, leaving the decision in the hands of the Owl.

  'Amy Jane?' I asked.

  She glanced at Sarah.

  'Perhaps just Portia and Tiffany?' she suggested.

  'All three of them,' I insisted, 'or none.'

  This time her gaze went to Tiffany, and there was a flicker of resentment in her big mild eyes. I was smiling even before she'd raised her hand, making the vote six to four in favour of the spankings. Sarah threw an angry glance around the table and Portia had begun to pout. Tiffany merely shrugged.

  'Oh, very well,' Sarah said testily. 'But not from Isabelle. You'll have to do me, Eliza.'

  'Isabelle has the right under the rules,' Eliza pointed out.

  'I think I should at least choose,' I suggested. 'But I don't insist on doing it.'

  Sarah gave me a doubtful look. I could see she was far from happy about having to be spanked, but I knew she'd follow the rules and accept the vote, if only because the time was sure to come when the situation would be reversed.

  'If you insist,' she said.

  'Thank you,' I told her, trying not to let the sadistic glee welling up inside me show too obviously. Then I decided that I might as well make the best of it while I had her at my mercy.

  'Knickers down and bare bottom, of course. In fact, pop them down now and you can sit bare while I choose.'

  Tiffany immediately lifted herself from her chair to flip up her school skirt and push the big bottle-green knickers beneath it down to her thighs. Portia followed suit more reluctantly, but Sarah stayed as she was.

  'Come along, Sarah,' I teased. 'Bare bottie on the chair, please.'

  She threw me a glare of utter fury but quickly adjusted herself, lifting her long dark schoolmistress's skirt and tucking it up before pushing down the black French knickers underneath to sit her bottom, now naked, back on the chair. I could no longer keep the grin off my face as I admired the three of them.

  'Very pretty,' I said. 'Now, who first? Yes, Portia. I bet it was your idea to get Tierney involved. Let me see, who would you really hate to get it from . . . Eliza spanks hard, but you wouldn't have any difficulty accepting discipline from her . . . I know: Jasmine, would you like to spank Portia's bottom for her?'

  'Very much, thank you,' Jasmine replied promptly as Portia's mouth came open in dismay. 'Over my knee, Portia. Now!'

  I was laughing openly as Portia stood up, her face working with resentment and shame. She'd tucked her school skirt up into its own waistband, and had taken her knickers down just far enough to leave her bottom ready for spanking while showing as little as possible, an image that brought out the worst in me, and in Jasmine, who knew just how to handle her.

  'Panties down properly, Portia,' she said, adjusting the bottle-green knickers as Portia got into position across her lap, 'so all the girls can see your pussy.'

  I certainly could, Portia's smooth, full sex lips pouted out from between her thighs in that thoroughly rude way that brings so much shame and so much excitement. She was already wet.

  'Naughty girl,' Jasmine said, and began to spank, not all that hard but thoroughly enjoying the feel of her slaps on Portia's bottom. 'Take some photos, Carrie, please?'

  'Hey, no!' Portia squealed. But Caroline already had her camera out, and Portia only succeeded in ensuring that her face was in the photo as she tried to twist around.

  Jasmine laughed and continued to spank, showing off to Caroline's camera as more photos were taken, but still really only patting Portia's full, smooth cheeks.

  'It is supposed to be a punishment,' I pointed out.

  'I think being over my knee is the best punishment for her!' Jasmine laughed. But then she began to spank harder anyway.

  Portia had tried to speak, possibly to agree with Jasmine, but all that came out was a squeak as the slaps got abruptly harder. Her bottom was starting to bounce and she was having trouble keeping her thighs together, which gave me an even better show of her pussy and the occasional glimpse of the little fleshy wrinkle of her anus. Jasmine was grinning and, encouraged by Portia's reaction, she began to spank harder still, setting her victim's thighs kicking in the bottle-green panties.

  'That's enough, I think,' Jasmine finally announced as she gave Portia's bottom a last hard smack. 'Almost, anyway.'

  She pulled Portia's now pink cheeks apart to show off her bottom-hole, holding them wide.

  'One for the album, I think,' she said, smiling up at Caroline.

  'No! You bitch!' Portia spat, but too late. 'You just wait, both of you – and you, Isabelle!'

  I just laughed, thoroughly enjoying her embarrassment.

  'Now for Tiffany,' I said. 'Let me see . . .'

  Tiffany stood up, her mouth set in an insolent smile and her hands on her hips, completely unashamed of being bare behind or having her school knickers around her thighs.

  'I wish there was a man around to do you,' I told her. 'Although after Tierney I don't suppose even that would get to you. So let me see . . . yes, why not? Amy Jane, would you like to spank Tiffany?'

  Tiffany's sassy, confident expression vanished.

  'The Owl!?' she demanded. 'The Owl can't spank me!'

  'I'm not really sure . . .' Amy Jane began. But I cut her off.

  'If you're going to be a member of this society you're going to need to smack other girls' bottoms occasionally, and who better to start with than this brat?'

  'But I . . .'

  'She said you look like Billy Bunter's sister, Amy Jane,' Caroline pointed out. 'Spank her.'

  'It's easy,' I added. 'Just put her over your knee, make sure her bottom's fully bare and slap her cheeks until they're both nice and pink. Come on, Tiffany – over you go.'

  'You are such a bitch, Isabelle,' Tiffany said. But she went, genuinely embarrassed as she draped herself across Amy Jane's lap with her bottom lifted.

  She'd pushed her knickers down a lot further than Portia had and her pussy was already showing, but Amy Jane adjusted them anyway and also tucked the little school skirt up higher to make sure that Tiffany was left with no modesty whatsoever. As she did it she repeatedly glanced at me, and at the others, as if seeking reassurance.

  'That's good,' I told her. 'You got her nicely in position, and we can see everything, can't we, Caroline?'

  The camera flashed and Tiffany gave a little angry jerk as she realised that she too had been photographed in spanking position. Her long red hair was shading her face, but I could easily imagine her expression, and her feelings.

lmost everything,' I corrected myself. 'It might be a good idea to open her blouse.'

  'Her blouse?' Amy Jane asked.

  'So her tits show, to humiliate her,' Jasmine explained.

  Amy Jane gave a doubtful nod. But her hand was already under Tiffany's chest, fiddling with the buttons of her school blouse.

  'Pull it up,' I instructed, 'or Caroline can't get a decent shot of her breasts.'

  'Not that's she's got much,' Caroline said as Tiffany's tits came on show. 'Now you, Amy Jane, would look good in that position.'

  Amy Jane's face immediately coloured up, but she was smiling too. Tiffany's blouse was now right up, and she hadn't bothered with a bra, leaving her little round breasts dangling bare under her chest. Caroline took several photos, with Amy Jane waiting patiently and Tiffany growing increasingly fed up until her nerve finally broke.

  'Just spank me, if you're going to, you fat Owl!' she snapped.

  'Don't be nasty,' Amy Jane said, and smacked her hand down on Tiffany's bottom.

  'Do it hard,' Caroline urged. 'She deserves it.'

  'Yes, she does,' Amy Jane agreed, applying a second smack. And then, suddenly, it was as if she'd gone berserk.

  I could imagine how she felt, with all the years of snubs and put-downs from girls like Tiffany coming to the surface at once when she finally had a chance for her revenge. She spanked furiously hard, holding Tiffany tight around the waist and applying smack after smack after smack to the wriggling little bottom. Tiffany kicked and screamed and swore, her legs waving wildly in the air and her hair tossing in every direction, so lost in her pain that she was indifferent to the thoroughly rude show that she was making of her gingery pussy and furry bottom-crease, or to the fact that Caroline was still taking pictures. Soon she was in tears, but Amy Jane continued to spank until finally Tiffany's insults and curses gave way to broken pleading and apologies babbled through a haze of pain.

  '. . . I'm sorry,' she was saying. 'I really am . . . you're not fat and you don't look like an owl . . . but I'm a nasty little brat and I deserved that, but no more, please, Amy Jane, no more!'

  'Do you really mean it?' Amy Jane asked, raising her hand above Tiffany's bottom, which was a great deal redder than Portia's had been.


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