The Indulgences of Isabelle

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The Indulgences of Isabelle Page 21

by Penny Birch

  'Yes!' Tiffany wailed. 'I do mean it, really. I'll do anything . . .'

  'Make her lick your bum,' Caroline suggested, laughing.

  'Be fair, she's had enough,' Portia put in, and Amy Jane let her victim go.

  Tiffany picked herself up, her legs shaking as she wiped her tears and put one rueful hand to her smacked bottom. I knew Amy Jane wouldn't take her up on her offer, which was a pity, but it might also have meant that we'd forget something more important: Sarah's spanking.

  'Which leaves us with Sarah,' I stated, smiling at her.

  Sarah gave a nervous glance at her watch, but I was determined to take my time. Tiffany had gone to Portia and the two of them compared bottoms and exchanged kisses.

  'Later, you two, if you wouldn't mind,' I told them. 'Hmm, perhaps the pair of you should spank Sarah? That's a thought.'

  'I'd rather be done by Eliza, if I have to be done at all,' Sarah replied.

  'I think not,' I told her. 'It's your pride I want to hurt, Sarah, not your bottom. As you clearly realise, the men will be here any minute. In fact, I'm sure I heard a car, didn't you?'

  'You can be such a bitch, Isabelle . . .'

  Sarah went silent as the door opened to admit Duncan, Walter Jessop – and Stan Tierney.

  'What's he doing here!?' I gasped, my triumph forgotten on the instant. 'I didn't invite him.'

  'No,' Eliza answered me. 'I did, on Sarah's recommendation.'

  'Why would you . . .' I began, and stopped.

  It was obvious why she'd invited Tierney. It was so that the punishment she'd expected me to have to take could involve him.

  'We had to,' Sarah said desperately. 'He knew the venue and—'

  'And was quite happy as long as he had Tiffany's bottom to smack,' I finished for her. 'And the occasional suck, I expect, knowing him. OK, since you want him here, Sarah, he can spank you.'

  'What's all this?' Tierney demanded as he reached us.

  'We want you to spank Sarah,' I explained.

  She had gone white and was staring at him in dumb horror. But he merely gave her a lewd grin and carried on talking to me.

  'Give us a chance, Isa, I ain't even had a drink yet.'

  'Take your time,' I told him. 'Osman's around somewhere, but we're allowed to help ourselves from the bar as long as we keep a tab. You might fetch me a glass of whisky while you're at it. The Glenfiddich will have to do, I think. One for Sarah, too – she looks like she needs it.'

  'Red,' Sarah said firmly as Tierney made for the bar. 'I can't, Isabelle, not from him. Anybody else, but not him.'

  'You brought him up here to help punish me, didn't you?' I demanded, genuinely cross. 'I don't know what you were planning, but I'd have been going over his knee, wouldn't I? And probably a lot worse, too. I wouldn't have used the stop word, and you know that. I'd have taken my punishment.'

  'Yes, but you're . . .'

  'Bisexual? A slut? You shouldn't dish out what you can't take, Sarah – you told me that yourself.'

  'Oh, all right!' she snapped. 'He can spank me. But you wait, Isabelle, that's all!'

  'Thank you,' I said, and I meant it.

  Tierney was coming back towards us, a bottle of beer in one hand and two whiskies in the other, his finger and thumb pushed well down in the glasses. Duncan had been talking to Eliza and Walter to Jasmine and Caroline, but both now took seats.

  'Did I hear you say there was about to be a spanking, Isabelle?' Duncan enquired.

  'Tierney's going to spank Sarah,' I told him.

  'That will be a rare treat,' he remarked, settling back in his chair.

  'I'm ready now,' Tierney announced. 'How d'you like it, love, over my knee like a naughty little girl, or rolled up so I can pat your cunt, or what?'

  'We agreed over the knee,' I said before Sarah could find her voice. 'And don't forget that she has to be bare-bottom.'

  'This ain't the first time, love,' Tierney laughed. 'I know how to do it.'

  He'd pulled a chair out into the centre of the space that I'd cleared and now he sat down on it, still holding his beer. As Sarah approached him he took a swig, then put it down on the floor. Osman had come back in and was watching with interest from the door of the kitchen as Sarah draped herself with utmost reluctance across Tierney's lap. Her skirt had fallen, covering her, and it was hard to contain my satisfaction as it was raised oncemore, revealing her stockings, the French knickers tangled at thigh level and her full, womanly bottom.

  'Knickers down ready, huh?' Tierney joked. 'Shame, really – I like to pull 'em down myself, I do. Yeah, can't miss that bit.'

  'Do you have to play with my underwear?' Sarah demanded as he hauled her knickers back up over her bottom.

  'Yes,' he said as he placed a hand on the curve of her bottom, smoothing out the silk across her cheeks. 'Nice arse, by the way. I like 'em meaty.'

  'Get on with it!' Sarah demanded.

  'Temper, temper!' Tierney chuckled. 'Right, then – down come the knickers.'

  He'd stuck his thumbs into the waistband as he spoke, and now he began to push, his face set in a grotesquely coarse leer as Sarah's bottom came slowly bare once more.

  'I love doing that,' he declared as he tucked them down around her thighs. 'One more time.'

  'Mr Tierney!' Sarah protested. But her knickers had already been pulled up again.

  Tierney stripped her bottom a second time, and a third before he grew tired of the game. But on the last occasion he pulled them right off and pressed them to his face.

  'Ahh, cunt!' he said happily, and tucked the knickers into his top pocket. 'Right, ladies, how many does she get?'

  'As many as you care to give her,' Eliza instructed. 'But you are only to spank her . . .'

  'Yeah yeah, I know the deal,' Tierney interrupted her. 'I'll keep my fingers dry, don't worry. You'll want to see her cunt and arsehole though, yeah?'

  'You bastard!' Sarah squeaked as her bottom cheeks were hauled apart. But Tierney merely laughed, spent a moment inspecting her anus and her sex, and then began to spank her.

  She tried to keep her legs together, but he spanked hard, and with her knickers off there was nothing to stop them spreading wide. Soon we were being treated to a fine view of dark well-furred pussy and, better still, her bottom-hole, while her cheeks were getting distinctly red. She'd begun to whimper, too, and was obviously and painfully aware that Caroline was taking photos of her humiliation.

  Tierney was having fun, and was in no hurry at all, grinning as he spanked Sarah and taking care to vary the power of his slaps and occasionally hit her thighs so that she'd kick and show herself off behind. I was enjoying the view as much as he was, my only regret that she wasn't going to be put on her knees and made to suck his cock once he'd finished with her. Yet it was still immensely satisfying to see her spanked and humiliated for what she'd done to me. At last he stopped, only to begin to stroke her bottom, a liberty that drew no more than a little choking sound from her throat.

  'That's enough,' I said. 'And you do have a beautiful bottom, Sarah, although that doesn't really matter to me just now. What matters is that it's bare, and rather pink.'

  'Very pink,' Tierney remarked, still fondling her as he picked up his beer. 'Hot, too. I reckon you need cooling off, love.'

  As he finished speaking he tipped the bottle of beer and poured out a pale golden stream over Sarah's naked bottom. She gasped in surprise as the cold liquid splashed on her hot skin and she jumped up immediately, clutching at her wet red bottom. Tierney laughed at her, and for a moment I thought she was going to slap his face. But she contented herself with calling him a bastard once more, then hurried for the Ladies, still with her skirt held up around her waist.

  'Nice wiggle, too,' Tierney laughed, cocking a thumb at Sarah's retreating bottom cheeks. 'So what's up?'

  'Once Sarah has recovered her poise,' Eliza said, 'and assuming that you can behave yourself, Mr Tierney, we are going to play a game of something called joker.'

  'I love
dirty games,' Tierney answered. 'And don't you worry about me, love. I'll be a good boy, you know that.'

  I shook my head in despair, knowing exactly what he meant by being a good boy. But at least I wasn't going to be on the receiving end for once.

  'What's joker?' Amy Jane asked nervously.

  'The rules are simple,' Eliza said, and began to explain.

  I took a look around. Portia looked sulky, Jasmine smug, the others more or less expectant. Tiffany seemed to have got over her spanking, but she still had her knickers down and her school skirt tucked up behind. As long as Sarah could pull herself together it looked like being an excellent evening, and one during which I would be able to firmly establish my dominance, for all my failure to make it absolute. After all, if Sarah still got spanked, and in theory even Eliza, then it wasn't really a problem if I had to take it occasionally. This evening I had escaped.

  '. . . So the first thing is for the submissive girls to choose the punishments,' Eliza was saying. 'Which we can do without Sarah. Portia, would you like to go first, so that Amy Jane knows what sort of thing to choose?'

  'I think I should take Isabelle's place,' Portia said.

  'Why you?' Jasmine asked her. 'It should be me, if anybody.'

  'You took her place last time,' Portia pointed out.

  'Exactly,' Jasmine retorted. 'Just like I should have, and you've already had your bum smacked, so you're ready—'

  'Girls, please,' Eliza interrupted. 'We have voted against a punishment for Isabelle, so I think it only fair that she should retain her usual place.'

  Portia opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it again, looking sulkier than ever.

  'Your punishment?' Eliza asked.

  'It's all right, I'll start,' Amy Jane put in, with a tremor in her voice. 'To be held down, with my, er . . . whatever it is, er . . . you know, with her arm twisted behind her back, and spanked, hard.'

  It was almost exactly what I'd done to her, making me wonder what went on in her head, especially when she was alone at night.

  'That's a good punishment,' Eliza said, writing it down. 'Yazzie?'

  'To be suspended from the beams,' Yazzie said, 'naked. I have enough rope.'

  'I'm sure you do,' Eliza replied. 'Tiffany?'

  'A dozen with your tawse,' Tiffany said, 'while held in place.'


  'To be maid all evening, and subject to my Mistress's orders, or my Master's, I suppose – but no penetration.'

  'That's fair. Caroline?'

  'Waxed boobs and the candle stub up the pussy.'

  'Amy Jane is still a virgin,' I pointed out.

  'Up her bum, then, if she gets it.'

  'Carrie! Isabelle!' Amy Jane exclaimed, colouring up.

  'You do have your stop word,' Eliza reminded her. 'Jasmine?'

  'I think a bit of bum-licking would do some people around here good. Yes, oral sex, including anal, and I mean right out in the middle of the floor.'

  Jasmine gave Portia a smug grin as she finished. Eliza nodded thoughtfully but wrote the punishment down before she spoke again.


  Portia nodded and threw a cautious glance around the group, clearly unsure what to do. I could appreciate her difficulty, because while she would have loved to land Jasmine or any of the girls who'd voted for her spanking in trouble, the rules of the game meant that if she chose a severe punishment she might end up having to take it herself. Just watching the indecision in her face made me feel deliciously cruel. When she finally spoke there was a tremor in her voice and she was looking directly at Jasmine.

  'Tied up, properly, fully clothed, until she wets herself, then an enema. Have you got the equipment, Eliza?'

  'Yes, in my bag,' Eliza told her. 'But that's very strong.'

  'I'll risk it,' Portia replied. 'I won't blame Amy Jane if she gets it and chickens out, but anyone else should go through with it.'

  She gave a shrug, so dismissive, so full of contempt that I knew I wouldn't have dared to refuse the punishment, not that I was going to be getting it anyway. Sarah had just emerged from the door to the loos, looking none too pleased, and had heard what Jasmine had said. Personally, I was wondering if she had any panties on under her dress and found it hard to keep the smile off my face as she took her cards from her bag and placed them on a table.

  'Ladies, gentlemen,' Eliza said. 'If you'd care to cut?'

  I cut the pack, no longer able to contain my smile as I saw the ace of diamonds, the third-best card in the deck. Sarah followed and got an eight, Eliza a jack. Osman could only manage a four, and to my delight Tierney cut a two. Duncan got the ace of spades, slightly to my annoyance, and Walter a three.

  'Excellent,' Duncan declared. 'First choice, although not an easy one at all. Hmm . . . I confess that I am smitten with your girlfriend, Isabelle. Katie.'

  She smiled and went straight to him, sitting down on his lap and kissing him, making me feel jealous but also relieved. I still wanted to protect Amy Jane, but she was just going to have to take her chances, because I badly wanted to put Jasmine in her place.

  'I'll have Jasmine,' I stated, and gave her a pointed look. 'She is, after all, supposed to be my slave girl.'

  'In which case I shall have Caroline,' Eliza said.

  It was a sadistic choice, leaving Portia making pleading eyes at Sarah. If she wasn't chosen she would go to a man.

  'Portia,' Sarah said. 'I can't leave you, darling, not after Tierney's behaviour.'

  'Thank you,' Portia breathed, kissing Sarah hard on the mouth.

  'I'm next, am I?' Osman said. 'Only one choice for me – no offence girls, but I like tits. Sorry, what's your name, love?'

  'Amy Jane,' the Owl squeaked.

  Osman licked his lips. Amy Jane looked terrified, but she'd been chosen before both Tiffany and Yazzie, and there was a little smile playing at one corner of her mouth.

  'Yazzie,' Walter said, clearly pleased with his voice.

  'Fuck me, that's a relief,' Tierney said. 'I could never have looked Mo in the face again, and I get the most gorgeous of all.'

  He gave Tiffany a dirty leer, to which she responded with a nervous smile.

  'And if the girls would like to cut?' Eliza said. 'Most junior first, as always.'

  I saw Amy Jane swallow hard as she cut the cards, and was relieved to see the king of spades come up. She glanced at Osman, and I could see her thinking how hard a man of his size was likely to spank.

  'I . . . I think I'd like to be your maid, please?' she said.

  'One of us might get an ace, you know,' Portia said. 'Go on, Tiffy.'

  Tiffany only managed a six, and was biting her lip as she went back to Portia. Yazzie got the ace of clubs, giving her an almost certain first choice, but as she glanced upwards I already knew what it would be. Katie cut a queen, but was still left looking nervous, even after Caroline had cut the two of hearts.

  'Oh shit, looks like a tube up my bum,' she said, giving Eliza a weak smile. 'And these are really expensive panties!'

  I found myself smiling at her consternation and Portia stepped up to cut the pack. She got a jack, and let out a long sigh of relief, no doubt quite happy to lick Sarah's bottom and everything else.

  'Let it be a two,' she said as Jasmine put her fingers to the pack.

  'You wait, Portia,' Jasmine said, and cut the pack, revealing a joker.

  She looked puzzled, then smiled and turned to Sarah.

  'Doesn't that mean I get to swap?'

  'It does,' Sarah said, and I had never seen such a delighted expression on a human face as she turned to me. 'With Isabelle.'

  'But . . . but you take out the jokers!' I managed to splutter.

  I was going to,' Sarah said sweetly. 'But when you started playing I was cleaning up my bottom in the Ladies after Mr Tierney had poured beer all over me. Ironic, isn't it?'

  'But which punishment do I give her?' Jasmine asked.

  'Whichever is left over, I suppose,' Sarah stated.

  'But jokers are usually wild,' I said desperately. 'She should have first choice.'

  'OK,' Jasmine said. 'I'll choose Portia's.'

  'No, Jasmine!' I gasped, realising what I'd done an instant too late. 'You can't do that to me!'

  'You'd do it to me,' she pointed out. 'Osman, could you bring Isabelle a bottle of wine, please? The house white should do, and a pint of lemonade – no, better make that two.'

  'Jasmine, please,' I begged. 'Choose something else, anything—'

  'No,' she interrupted me. 'You'll take it, and like it. Now shut up and drink your wine.'

  I went quiet, too numb even to listen properly as the girls chose their punishments. Amy Jane was already being used as maid, and had brought my drinks on a tray. Yazzie wanted to be suspended, and was trying to explain to a doubtful Walter what he could do to her once she was helpless, until Jasmine tapped her on the shoulder.

  'I need your help first, Yazzie. Drink up, Isabelle, and you can take off your jacket.'

  My stomach already felt bloated from the pint of lemonade I'd swallowed, along with a large glass of wine. I poured another, hoping my ordeal would be more bearable if I was a bit drunk. Katie had opted to be spanked, and was kneeling on a chair with her bottom stuck out and her Spank Me panties taut across her bum cheeks, but even that failed to get to me as I gulped down the second glass of wine, and then a third.

  Jasmine waited patiently, watching me drink until I'd finished both pints of lemonade and nearly all the wine. My tummy felt hard and round, and I shook my head in the hope that she'd let me off the rest of the bottle, but she poured it out and held it up to my mouth. I took it, forcing myself to swallow it down, although it left me feeling dizzy and a little sick.

  'Good girl,' she said. 'Now, come with me. You too, Yazzie.'

  Jasmine took me by the hand and led me to the Ladies, a large space with three cubicles and a row of basins with a huge mirror above them. The floor was tiled in white, so clean and shiny that I could see a vague reflection of myself. Like the main area, the roof was supported by black-painted beams, but only a foot or so above my head.

  'Tie her up,' Jasmine ordered, 'so that's she's helpless. But I'll need to get her bare later.'

  'Yes, Jasmine Kyou,' Yazzie replied. 'Kneel on the floor, please, Isabelle.'


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