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The Greek Myths

Page 29

by Robin Waterfield

  (The Art Archive/Olympia Museum Greece/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  23. Deucalion and Pyrrha. Peter Paul Rubens. Oil sketch, c. 1636 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Prado, Madrid, Spain/Photo © Boltin Picture Library)

  24. The Cliff of Sisyphus. Alix Marquet. Sculpture. 1930 CE


  25. Phrixus and the Ram. Red-figure vase. Greek, c. 460 BCE.

  (The Art Archive/National Archaeological Museum Athens/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  26. The Embarkation of the Argonauts. Lorenzo Costa. Tempera painting ,1480–1535 CE

  (The Art Archive/Civic Museum Padua Italy/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  27. Jason and Medea. J. W. Waterhouse. Oil painting, 1907 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Photo © The Maas Gallery, London/Private Collection)

  28. The Calydonian Boar Hunt. Marble relief sculpture. Roman, 3rd century CE

  (The Art Archive/Museo Capitolino Rome/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  29. Mercury (Hermes) Slays Argus. Engraving, 19th century CE

  (Mary Evans Picture Library)

  30. Danae. Gustav Klimt. Oil painting, 1907–1908 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Galerie Wurthle, Vienna, Austria)

  31. Perseus and the Graeae. Edward Burne-Jones. Gouache painting, 1892 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Southampton City Art Gallery, Hampshire, UK)

  32. Medusa. Caravaggio. Oil painting ,1597 CE

  (Photo Scala, Florence—courtesy of the Ministero Beni e Att. Culturali)

  33. Perseus and Andromeda. Charles-Antoine Coypel. Oil painting, 1726–1727 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Louvre, Paris, France/Peter Willi)

  34. Bellerophon, Pegasus and the Chimera. Boreads Painter. Black-figure cup, interior. Greek, 570–565 BCE

  (Lakonian Black-Figures Kylix, terracotta, attributed to Boreads Painter, 570–565 bc Sparta, Greece; lakonia, Europe/The J. Paul Getty Museum, Villa Collection, Malibu, California)

  35. The Rape of Europa. Martin de Vos. Oil painting, c. 1590 CE

  (The Art Archive/Fine Art Museum Bilbao/Collection Dagli Orti)

  36. Dionysus Astride a Panther. Pebble mosaic floor, from Pella. Greek, 400–360 BCE

  (Photo Scala, Florence/Photo Spectrum/Heritage Images)

  37. Oedipus and the Sphinx. J-A.D. Ingres. Oil painting, 1808 CE

  (The Art Archive/Musée du Louvre Paris/Collection Dagli Orti)

  38. Seven Against Thebes. Marble relief sculpture. Etruscan, 6th–5th century BCE(Photo Scala, Florence)

  39. The Banquet of the Gods. Hans Herman and Valentin Curio. Print on paper, 1521 CE

  (© The Trustees of the British Museum)

  40. Pelops and Hippodamia. Print on paper, 19th century CE

  (Mary Evans Picture Library)

  41. Orestes and Electra. Stephanus, pupil of Pasiteles. Marble sculpture group. Roman, 1st century BCE–1st century CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Alinari/Museo Archaeologico Nazionale Naples, Italy)

  42. The Three Duaghters of Cecrops Discovering Erichthonius. Solomon de Bray. Oil painting, 17th century CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Johnny van Haeften Gallery, London, UK)

  43. Theseus and Aethra. Laurent de la Hyre. Oil painting. 1835–1840 CE

  (Photo Scala, Florence/The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest)

  44. The Deeds of Theseus. Codrus painter. Red-figure cup, interior. Greek, 440–430 bc

  (akg-images/Erich Lessing)

  45. The Workshop of Daedelus. Wall painting, from Pompeii. Roman, 1st century CE

  (The Art Archive/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  46. The Death of Icarus. Maso da San Friano. Oil painting, 1570–2 CE

  (The Art Archive/Palazzo Vecchio Florence/Collection Dagli Orti)

  47. Theseus Slays the Minotaur. Dokimasia Painter. Red-figure cup interior. Greek, c. 470 BCE

  (su concessione Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali. © Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici della Toscana)

  48. Diana (Artemis) Huntress. Orazio Gentileschi. Oil painting, c. 1635

  (Scala, Florence/White Images)

  49. Death of Hippolytus. Peter Paul Rubens. Oil painting. 1611-13 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge)

  50. The Fight Between the Lapiths and the Centaurs. Pietro di Cosimo. Oil painting, 1500–1515 CE

  (The Art Archive/National Gallery London/Eileen Tweedy)

  51. Chariot of the Sun. Red-figure plate. South Italian, 4th century bc

  (Corbis/Araldo de Luca)

  52. Baby Heracles and the Vipers. Marble sculpture group. Roman, 1st century CE

  (Corbis/Araldo de Luca)

  53. Hercules (Heracles) and the Hydra. Antonio del Pollaiolo. Tempera painting, c. 1470 CE

  (The Art Archive/Galleria degli Uffizi Florence/Superstock)

  54. Hercules Wrestling with Death for the Body of Alcestic. Sir Frederic Leighton. Oil painting, 1869–1871 CE

  (Photo Scala, Florence/Art Resource NY/Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art)

  55. Diomedes Devoured by His Horses. Gustav Moreau. Oil painting, 1865 CE

  (The Art Archive/Musée des Beaux Arts Rouen/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  56. Heracles in the Cup of Helios. Douris. Red-figure cup, interior. Greek, 500-450 BCE

  (TopFoto/© 2006 Alinari)

  57. Nessus, Deianeira, and Hercules. David Vinkeboons. Oil painting, 1612 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria)

  58. The Death of Hercules. Bernard Picart. Engraving, 1731 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/The Stapleton Collection/Private Collection)

  59. Peleus Wrestling Thetis. Red-figure cup, interior. Greek, c. 430 BCE

  (Scala, Florence/BPK, Bildagentur fuer Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Berlin)

  60. The Judgment of Paris. Marcantonio Raimondi (after Raphael). Engraving , 1510-20 CE

  (Photo Scala, Florence/Art Resource/Museum of Art/Image copyright Metropolitan Museum of Art)

  61. Leda and the Swan. Bartolomeo Ammannati. Marble sculpture, mid-16th century CE

  (Photo Scala, Florence/courtesy of the Ministero Beni e Att. Culturai)

  62. Cheiron Instructs Young Achilles. Wall painting, from Herculaneum. Roman, 1st century CE

  (The Art Archive/Musée Archéologique Naples/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  63. The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia. Wall painting, from Pompeii. Roman, 1st century CE

  (Photo Scala, Florence/Luciano Romano—courtesy of the Ministero Beni e Att. Culturali)

  64. Jupiter (Zeus) and Thetis. J-A.D. Ingres. Oil painting, 1811 CE

  (The Art Archive/Musée Granet Aix-en-Provence/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  65. The Love of Helen and Paris. Jacques-Louis David. Oil painting, 1789 CE

  (The Art Archive/Musée du Louvre Paris/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  66. Diomedes Wounding Aphrodite. W.H.A. Fitger. Oil painting, c. 1905 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/© Christie’s Images)

  67. Iris. Guy Head. Oil painting, 1793 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Roy Miles Fine Paintings)

  68. Hera and Zeus. Stone relief sculpture, Temple “E”, from Selinunte. Greek, 470-460 BC

  (The Art Archive/Archaeological Museum Palermo/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  69. Achilles tends the Wounded Patroclus. Sosias Painter. Red-figure cup, interior. Greek, c. 500 BCE

  (Photo Scala, Florence/BPK, Bildagentur fuer Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Berlin)

  70. Sleep and Death with the Body of Sarpedon. Bronze handle. Etruscan, 400-375 BCE

  (© The Cleveland Museum of Art. Purchase from the J.H.Wade Fund 1945. 13)

  71. Automedon with the Horses of Achilles. Henri Renault. Oil painting, 1868 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Private Collection)

  72. Achilles Drags the Body of Hector. The Antipope Group. Black-figure vase, side A. Greek, 520-510 BCE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Museum o
f Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, USA/William Francis Warden Fund)

  73. Priam in the Tent of Achilles. Group of E. Black-figure vase, side A. Greek, c. 550 BCE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Antikensammlung, Kassel, Germany/© Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel)

  74. The Suicide of Ajax. Exekias. Black-figure vase, detail side A. Greek, c. 540 BCE

  (Mary Evans Picture Library/AISA Media)

  75. Ulysses and Neoptolemus Taking Hercules’ Arrows from Philoctetes. Francois-Xavier Fabré. Oil painting, 1800 CE

  (© Musée Fabre de Montpellier Agglomération—photography by Frédéric Jaulmes)

  76. Laocoön and his Sons. Polydorus of Rhodes. Marble sculpture group. Greek, 1st century BCE


  77. Ajax and Cassandra. S.J. Solomon. Oil painting, 1886 CE

  (Collection: Art Gallery of Ballarat)

  78. Feast of the Nymph Calypso for Odysseus. Jan Breughel the Elder. Oil painting, 1616 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Penelope Unraveling Her Web, oil painting by Joseph Wright of Derby/Privart Collection/Photo © Christie’s Images/Private Collection)

  79. Telemachus and Nestor. Red-figure vase, detail. Greek, c.350 BCE

  (akg-images/Erich Lessing)

  80. Helen Recognizing Telemachus, Odysseus’ Son. Jean-Jacques Lagrenée. Oil painting, 1795 CE

  (Scala, Florence/Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg)

  81. Odysseus Meets Nausikaa. Aison. Red-figure box-lid. Greek, c.420 BCE

  (Photograph © 2011 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/Henry Lillie Pierce Fund, 04. 18a-b.)

  82. Odysseus Blinds Polyphemus. Polyphemus Painter. Proto-Attic vase, neck detail. Greek, 675-650 BCE

  (The Art Archive/Eleusis Museum Greece/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  83. Odysseus Escapes Polyphemus’ Cave. Marble sculpture. Roman, 2nd century BCE–1st century CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/Alinari/Galleria Doria Pamphilj, Rome, Italy)

  84. Circe Transforming the Companions of Ulysses (Odysseus). Jan van der Straet (Giovanni Stradano). Oil painting, 1570–72 CE

  (The Art Archive/Palazzo Vecchio Florence/Collection Dagli Orti)

  85. Hades and Persephone. Relief plaque, from Locri Epizephyrii. South Italian, c. 460 BCE

  (The Art Archive/Museo Nazionale Reggio Calabria/Collection Dagli Orti)

  86. Ulysses Conjures the Ghost of Teiresias. Edmé Bouchardon. Crayon drawing on paper, 1762 CE

  (The Art Archive/Musée du Louvre Paris/Gianni Dagli Orti)

  87. The Siren Vase. Siren Painter. Red-figure vase, side A. Greek, 480–470 bc

  (akg-images/Erich Lessing)

  88. Odysseus’ Men Butcher the Cattle of the Sun. Pellegrino Tibaldi. Fresco, from Palazzo Poggi, 1554–56 CE

  (Photo Scala, Florence)

  89. The Fight Between Ulysses and Irus (Arnaeus). Lovis Corinth. Oil painting, 1903 CE

  (akg-images/National Gallery, Prague)

  90. Odysseus and the Suitors. Penelope Painter. Red-figure cup, side A. Greek c. 440 BCE

  (Photo Scala, Florence/BPK, Bildagentur für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Berlin)

  91. Penelope Awakened by Eurycleia. Angelica Kauffmann. Oil painting, 1772 CE

  (akg-images/Vorarlberger Landesmuseum, Bregenz)

  92. Odysseus and Penelope. Francesco Primaticcio. Oil painting, 1563 CE

  (Photography, Incorporated, Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio), purchased with funds from the Libbey Endowment, Gift of Edward Drummond Libbey, 1964.60)

  93. Pandora’s Box. Bernard picart. Engraving, 1730 CE

  (The Bridgeman Art Library/The Stapleton Collection/Private Collection)




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