Spartan Heart, Part Two
Page 11
Visibility was almost non-existent through the thick horizontal sheets of rain. Taryn grabbed another flashlight and ran toward Dorien and Philip. She wasn’t surprised to find Paraebates trying to help them from the pit. His flexed, muscled arms reached out in vain. The ground kept crumbling beneath his sandaled feet. The gaping mud hole was only growing larger.
“I have an idea! I’ll be back with the van!” Taryn yelled over the wind.
Paraebates studied her for a moment and nodded. He gifted her with a delicious rogue smile that was sweet enough to eat. “Go! Bring it here, quick!”
The engine growled in revved resistance. Thick chunks of mud spat high into the air from the spin of coated tires. Taryn gripped the steering wheel for the ride of her life. The van slipped and rocked back and forth like a child’s toy. She threw the transmission in park and flew from the driver’s seat. It took nothing to unhook the winch from the front of the vehicle’s grill. With a quick toss the hook sailed through the air towards Dorien.
“Dorien! Hold on to the winch! I’ll pull you both out, one at a time!”
“Excellent idea, Taryn!” Paraebates praised.
Taryn found herself mesmerized by the immaculate, sculpted stranger. She didn’t mean to, but she couldn’t help but gawk.
How did he know her name?
Dorien’s voice jolted her from her trance. “The statue of Thessalus is under the mud. Pull him out first. Philip and I will follow after him.”
“All right. Tell me when you’re ready.”
Dorien grabbed the hook and submerged beneath the ooze and soon resurfaced. “Pull Thessalus up nice and easy! This mud will weigh him down, so take it slow.”
The wire soon became taut. Dorien and Philip pushed the statue as Paraebates pulled the wire. Within seconds, the mud-covered statue was dragged free from the pit. Paraebates unhooked the winch and threw it back into the pit. Dorien caught it and handed it to Philip. “You go first!” At Dorien’s nod, Philip was pulled from the quarry. Dorien caught the hook from Philip. He patted the vials tucked safe in his pocket. His large body slid onto solid ground.
Taryn stared at all of them. They were all a horrid, mud-infested, wretched sight. In an instant she was surrounded by these delicious, muscled men. She couldn’t help but feel worthless and insignificant.
Dorien’s voice was way too calm and collected. Instinct warned he was trying to soothe her. “Which direction did Phebus take Evan?” he coaxed.
Taryn pointed towards the forest. Her mind replayed the night’s traumatic moments in slow motion. She broke down in misery. Her will of iron was suddenly gone. The realms of her psyche felt crumbled and collapsed. She was stripped of what remained of her inner strength.
Memory recalled the last time she had felt this much devastation. But she refused to entertain any thoughts of the tragedy she had tried so hard to forget. The tears welling up in her eyes were involuntary. “Towards those trees! I think the crazed man with the silver eyes went after her. He just…disappeared.”
Paraebates placed his hand on her shoulder. The coldness of his skin permeated through the fabric of her shirt. A chill raced down her spine. Her skin prickled with the rise of goose bumps. She studied all three men and pondered the irony of their similarities. The temperature of Paraebates’ skin felt as frigid as Dorien’s and Philip’s. The man who loved her best friend smiled back at her. The caress of his typical knowing stare did her no favors. But the sound of his voice was somewhat soothing.
“You have been very brave tonight, Taryn. I know you’ve seen a few things that are considered a bit…unconventional. But you’ve done everything in your power to help us. There is nothing you could have done better! It isn’t your fault Evangeline was taken. I accept all of the blame.”
“Just find her, Dorien! Find her and bring her back. I’ll stay here with your…whatever the bloody heck he is. Thessalus! That’s his name, right?”
“Yes. Would you mind waking him while we’re gone? I have ordered him to stay and keep watch over you.”
Taryn shivered. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach.
Great! Another half-naked man to bring to life.
“Okay. Just go!”
In a blurred flash they were gone. Loneliness and desperation pierced Taryn’s soul. Her heart filled with a looming dread. What if Dorien was too late? What if something horrible had already happened to Evan and the twins? She sobbed in misery.
Cold, soaked clothes only added to her shivering. She fell on her hands and knees in resignation. The feelings of anger were sudden and overwhelming. Her fingers were far from gentle when she flung mud off the marble statue. Smeared trails mocked where her fingers had been. Removing her shirt, she wiped the remaining grime from of the statue’s enchanting face. Her white lace bra clung to her wet body. The cold rain permeated her tired, aching bones.
In an effort to get out of the mud, she straddled the statue. Her hands rested on both sides of his frozen, alabaster face. Taryn shivered when their lips finally mated. His perfect, marbled pout felt slick and icy as snow. She kissed him multiple times, just to make sure she was doing it right.
Her split lip re-opened and began to bleed. Crimson blood marred the stark white skin of his mouth and chin. Her jaw and mouth throbbed in another fresh wave of pain. She remembered the need to breathe into him. Inhaling deep, Taryn released her breath into him fast. She moaned the last of her effort. It somehow seemed hard to break the life-giving seal of her kiss.
Taryn felt dizzy and sat up disoriented. Her hands cradled her swirling head. Covering her eyes, she slipped into another traumatized fit. Tears spilled freely again. The pain in her body dulled in comparison to the worry that scorched her heart. She yelped unexpectedly when she felt a rapid, spinning turn. The sick, squishing sounds of mud now sloshed from beneath her. There she was, lying flat on her back.
She only caught a glimpse of the stranger’s large, sculpted arms that reached for her wrists. They were captured high in seduction over her head. Taryn squinted through the rain and found herself pinned by a man more magnificent than any angel. It had to be him…this Thessalus. Shivers hijacked her body at the thought of his name.
The other two men had been an awesome sight. But against this one, there was no contest. Holding her breath, she relished every plain of the handsome face that hovered only inches above her own. Her chest began to burn its need for air. She wasn’t sure how long she had held it.
Her angel chuckled. “Draw a breath, woman! Don’t make me breathe back into you!”
She found herself wishing he would. She wasn’t ashamed of the blush that burned fire in her cheeks.
There had to be a first time for everything.
The brightest sapphire stare held her prisoner. She couldn’t force herself to look away, not even to save her own life. Like a siren, his beauty was mythical. His pale skin looked absolutely flawless. It was hedonistic pleasure just to watch him.
Loose raven curls teased his broad, mighty shoulders. His knowing blue eyes literally glowed, reminding her of Christmas. Their color was so much brighter than the bluest of precious stones. His nose was firm and sculpted to perfection, just like the rest of his body. The fullest lips gave him a boyish, angelic pout. His confident smile revealed the deepest set of dimples on his cheeks. The very sight of him made her heart skip a few beats.
His body felt so cold. He was every bit as firm and muscled as the others. A man had never felt so good lying on top of her. Her pulse thudded erratic against her neck. Tingling sensations consumed her lower belly. He moved his angel face back and forth, rubbing his chin against the sides of her sore, swollen mouth. The pace of his breathing sounded strained and unnatural, like he didn’t know how to do it. His obvious struggle seemed as fitful as hers.
His hand looped around her neck and closed the distance between them. Taryn thought she would explode when his hungry lips claimed hers. Every sting of pain in her body was gone in an instant. Nothing hurt anymore. All she c
ould feel was the magic of his kiss.
Taryn panted in an effort to fill her lungs with air. It was useless to resist temptation. Her fingers ached to touch him. They wound deep into his long, wet curls. His knowing gaze raked up and down her body. Boldness had never been so scandalous. The man reached down into her soul and left it bare and unguarded. But she was well aware of this game. She knew his type. He would leave her the same way he made her feel…vulnerable and naked.
She didn’t like it.
Taryn preferred to be the hunter. She was always on the offensive. Men ate whatever it was she decided to feed them…right out of her manicured hand. Males heeded her every beck and call. She was in charge here. This rogue would soon find out, too. She liked to call the shots.
But not this one!
He was somehow different.
Despite the coldness of the rain and feel of his body, warmth somehow permeated her skin. Her insides burned with a fire that exposed all of her need. She lied frozen beneath him. Everything around her was a rushed, blurry haze. His strong fingers removed what remained of her clothing. Taryn felt enchanted, paralyzed, and unable to speak. Her lips couldn’t form the words to tell him no.
It was only because she didn’t want to.
His gem-like stare watched her. Never had a gaze looked so intense. He studied her every reaction. His confidence made her weak. She groaned in awareness to the danger. He was removing his cloak and coverlet. No other man could be so breathtaking in all of his naked glory. Her brain throbbed in warning. She was quite aware of his nudity.
There was only one thing on a man’s mind when he was getting naked in front of a woman.
Taryn fought wildly against him. She gave a valiant effort for escape. But he chuckled and held her still; he exposed all of her truth. But she never expected him to grab her so quickly. She writhed in his grasp and enjoyed the feeling of every tortuous touch. The length of his solid body slid over hers in possession. His heated expression dared her to challenge him. He wrapped her legs around his waist.
This adrenaline rush was contagious. Without a word he caressed her face with the tenderness of a man in love. The scorch of his touch left her feeling fragile enough to break. The brightness of his eyes closed only for only a moment. She knew it was from pleasure. Taryn found herself wishing for his vivid stare to return. She missed the way they promised he would demand his way.
This was a battle she had to lose.
Thessalus chuckled. Like Dorien, his timing to her thoughts was impeccable. Could he read her mind? How did his touch make her feel so alive? His cold, hungry mouth fed off of her lips. It was almost carnivorous. She moaned aloud when his tongue slipped inside of her mouth. He kept seeking and tasting, taking whatever he wanted. A hot ache filled her body and threatened to consume her.
His body responded with an eagerness to please. The arch of her back was intentional, to feel every inch of him. A growl of hunger escaped the back of his throat. Taryn froze in her mistake. Thessalus’ teeth nibbled sharp, tiny bites down her neck. She moaned when his mouth claimed her lips. Her fingers pulled hard at his raven curls. Would she die if he didn’t come closer?
The coolest feel of his fingers raked down the length of her body. Every deliberate, combustible, touch was like Heaven. She panted with desire and bittersweet anticipation. The glide of his pouted lips offered kisses that stole the breath from her chest.
Thessalus didn’t wait for an invitation. Taryn cared nothing for consequence. She ignored her conscience that begged her to deny him. The release of his knowing chuckle was now her favorite, coveted sound.
“Be still, woman. I am well aware that you already know; I am far from finished with you yet.”
Chapter Eleven
“You are so beautiful, Taryn.” Thessalus whispered between soft velvet kisses. He marveled at the pensive beauty lying beneath his body. The skin of her magnificent face was so soft and warm. He loved the feel of her flesh. But reading her thoughts, she was entirely pre-occupied, and lost in a labyrinth of rabbit trails. She was bogged in a tangle of cobwebs. A prisoner bound by conflict. He winced to find her sudden, newfound hesitation.
On the bright side, she was a bright and intensive thinker. But her logical mind waged war against her heart. He was well aware that one of them would have to lose.
He hoped it wouldn’t be her heart.
Thessalus fought for the right words to say. The tempest was clearly vexed at him. He had disregarded the wishes of her private thoughts. She had expected him to deny his virility and withdraw his pleasure. But he had refused to accommodate her. Customs ruled absolute with Spartan tradition. Mating was always so much more pleasurable when lovers gambled the odds of conception. Her mind’s denial had taken him aback. He was surprised by her intent to avoid having children. His decision had left her with an inner struggle. To discuss it wouldn’t matter.
Despite her dilemma, there was no doubt his presence stirred her vulnerability. He knew she didn’t like it. By her thoughts, it was evident the girl wanted him. But she was quite stubborn. Used to being pampered, she expected to have her way. She had no idea he was a worthy opponent. With a little time and patience, he could break her. Thessalus searched deeper and unraveled the strings of her tale.
Buried emotions she had long disregarded were the embers fueling her pride. Scarred sentiment jaded her heart. She had never submitted to love. This feisty sprite was always ready to bolt out the door. A barrier of walls shielded her heart so well. Behind them lay a raging sea of pain. Pressing further into the darkest recesses of her mind, Thessalus read her so easy: Abandonment. Betrayal. Loss. Mistrust. Heartache.
Her father.
The cad had doted on her before abruptly deserting her and her mother. Thessalus could see her memory so clear. He had left her crying in her pink, ruffled party dress. A funny pointed hat sat cocked on top of her pretty dark curls. It was the day of her sixth birthday. The man she called her daddy had left and never bothered to come back home.
She and her mother had been forced to retreat into seclusion. It was necessary to protect them both. To change her last name had been embarrassing. It had stripped the last remnants of her father’s title. Other children had been taunting and cruel. But it would seem the undeserving rogue found his bitter end. She had cried to learn news of his death by the time she reached her teens.
Thessalus searched her for any sliver of hope. How could he penetrate a heart so well guarded? Would he find himself drowned against her walls? But there was something else, a realization that cut and bled him. He couldn’t stop his sharp intake of breath.
She feared him!
It wasn’t fear of who he was. But fear of what he was. Terrified was a better word. To be honest, he wasn’t sure exactly what he was. Her instinct warned her he was different, not human. She couldn’t nail the details with logic.
Regardless, Thessalus found his mission. He would find a way to make her feelings change and show her she could trust him. But the passing of many centuries failed to change one thing. Fear was still a betraying emotion. It had a way of etching their future in stone.
This girl would break his heart.
Her tender, moist lips were purple, bruised, and swollen. It infuriated him to know their swell wasn’t from his kisses. He gritted his teeth in anger and caressed them with the tips of his cold fingers. All he wanted to do was take her pain away.
“The wretch who did this to your mouth will answer to me!” he spat.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to stand in line, Thessalus.”
Amused, he raised himself on an elbow in surprise. He loved the way his name rolled sweet off her tongue like seduction. It made him want to kiss her again. “And why do you say that, love?” Thessalus didn’t miss it. She shivered at his endearment.
“Dorien and your friends are hunting him now. Aren’t you going to join them?”
The vixen was trying to get rid of him!
Her beautifu
l, hazel-green eyes reminded him of a sleek, black panther. “I was ordered to take care of you.” he grinned in mischief.
Taryn released a sultry sigh. Her left sculpted eyebrow cocked high. The sound of her tone dripped heavy with sarcasm.
“Well, you certainly did that!”
* * * *
Evangeline thrashed in agony. Her head burned like needles of fire. How far had Phebus dragged her by her hair? She couldn’t take this much more. Her face and body throbbed from the wrath of his mangled hands. She watched helpless as Taryn left her in an effort to find help. Evangeline was left with no choice. She would beg for the lives of her unborn children.
“Phebus, please let me go! It doesn’t have to be like this.”
“Oh, but it does, Evangeline. You see, life as Demona’s minion isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Just look at me!”
Phebus knew Demona!
Did the oracle know where Dorien was?
“You are immortal, too.” Somehow, she should have known by the coldness of his skin and the vivid gray glow of his hideous eyes.
“Yes! Unfortunately, my model doesn’t come fully equipped like your wretched Dorieus.” Phebus grabbed her face. He squeezed her cheeks until she yelped aloud in pain. She felt the burning explosions of tiny blood vessels bursting beneath his gnarled fingertips. The man was cruel. He mimicked her pain in mockery. Tears of pain and humiliation flooded down her battered face.
“What do you plan to do with me?”
“I plan to destroy your life the way that you and Dorien have done mine.”
“We‘ve done nothing to you!” she cried in misery.
He shoved her shoulders hard. The force sent her reeling to the ground. Her head swam. She fought to remain conscious. Desperate for any glimmer of hope, Evangeline screamed Dorien’s name in her mind repeatedly. Would he ever find her?