Spartan Heart, Part Two
Page 16
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I’ve never been so sure about anything in my whole life!” She fought for another deep breath and peered through the dark tinted windows. There was no sign of Dorien or his brothers.
Taryn searched Evangeline’s face. “It’s all right, Evan. They’re out of sight on purpose. We can’t have you and Dorien seeing each other before you walk down the aisle. That would be bad luck.”
Instinct warned her best friend’s smile was forced. Taryn had been quiet and withdrawn since the day at the bridal shop. She hadn’t been the same. “Come on, Evan. Dorien wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
Evangeline released the newest breath that now felt heavy. All heads turned towards the driver in unison. The limousine door swung open. The burst of cool, ocean air was brisk. Taryn slid towards the open car door and offered her hand to Evangeline. Her kitty stare glossed over. They were already red from crying. Taryn bit her bottom lip. She appeared on the verge of tears. “Are you ready?”
“Thank you for helping me, Taryn. I know you’re thinking I’m crazy for loving Dorien, but…”
Taryn cut her off and hugged her tight. “But hush! It doesn’t matter what I think. You are in love with Dorien. And whatever he is…I would be lying if I tried to say he didn’t love you! Your garter! Do you have it on?” she changed the subject.
Evangeline’s grin was naughty. She pulled up her dress and revealed a frilly white, silver, and blue lace garter high on her left thigh. “Can you see it, guys? Because I sure can’t see anything!” she grumbled.
Taryn and Eliza held their bellies in hysterical laughter. Emotional waves of delight washed over Evangeline’s spirit. It was soothing like the sweetest balm to her soul. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or cry. Perhaps she should just give in and do a little both.
Taryn’s laughter finally reached her eyes. “It’s that big belly of yours, Evan! Lucky for you, Dorien is the one who has to find it! Knowing him, that won’t be a problem.”
Eliza sighed in agreement. Her head jerked towards the whimsical, drawn out strokes of violins and cellos. “Okay ladies, to our places. This wedding is about to start!”
* * * *
Dorien stood next to the priest in the black robe. He was nervous to the point of madness. His innards felt the familiar slice of an impaled sword.
Could an immortal get physically sick?
Time felt awkward in slow motion. Dorien searched the faces all around him. His nose lifted high in the air and inhaled a deep whiff.
Why couldn’t he smell the sweet hint of blueberries?
What if Evangeline changed her mind?
Philip chuckled and gave Dorien a reassuring pat on the back of his black tuxedo. “Don’t worry, Dorien! The women are here. Your bride has yet to run away and hide from you!” he teased.
Dorien fidgeted. He felt the smother of his starched white collar and black bow tie. It was useless to pull the wretched contraption away from his body. He reminded himself how easy it could snap…if he only pulled hard enough.
“Brother, you must be a nervous wreck if you can’t sense her presence. She is definitely here!” Philip promised.
Dorien leaned and stole a glance at his brothers. He smiled at Celeas, who was still smarting from having to wear a tuxedo. “Don’t worry, Leo, I promise to endure it for you when you get married.”
“Fat chance of that, brother! I will outlive my immortality before I ever marry again!” he spat.
Dorien chuckled. Philip, Thessalus, and Paraebates had been pretty good sports about their tuxedos. Celeas’ frown forced Dorien to correct himself. “Okay, Leo, you are a good sport, too!” he responded in his thoughts.
Celeas’ frown turned into a cunning grin.
The musician’s began to play an angelic symphony. The men assumed their positions. Dorien fumbled his fingers. He was impatient for his bride. A crimson wall of curtain shielded her from his sight.
Taryn emerged and walked over an aisle made of crimson red rose petals. She smiled so beautiful. Her hazel-green eyes shimmered. The bounty of her dark hair was adorned high with pins. Caramel highlights framed her striking face. Dorien gave her an encouraging wink.
But her eyes wandered to his left and locked on to the sapphire stare of his brother. She blushed to steal a look. Dorien read her thoughts. In silence, she begged her heart to keep beating, willed her lungs to keep breathing, and forced her feet to keep moving.
Thessalus’ blue eyes smoldered and glowed. The ache his brother felt for Taryn was as intense as his own feelings for Evangeline. Taryn was remembering their night of passion. Thessalus was well aware of her thoughts.
They all knew what she was thinking!
Thessalus rocked back and forth in his black, shiny rented shoes. He contemplated the notion of carrying Taryn down the aisle. In telepathic order, Dorien commanded his brother to hold his position. Thessalus struggled for composure.
Taryn’s flesh responded to her wanton memories. Goosebumps radiated from her shoulders to her French manicured toes. Her blush only accented the soft pink satin of her gown. Thessalus groaned aloud in pain. Celeas rewarded him with a sharp elbow to his ribs. With the turn of his head, Dorien knew. Thessalus caught a whiff of the sweetest scent of brown-sugared vanilla. Taryn’s gown swirled as she spun to take her place on the opposite side of the priest.
Dorien’s attention flew back to the curtain. Eliza stepped out in all of her grace. Her hips swayed in elegance down the aisle. She was stunning in lavender; her eyelids were the same youthful color. It brought out the star of hazel in her pretty green eyes. Russet brown hair was full of loose curls. She stole a look at Paraebates. He bowed his head in respect. Eliza smiled like an angelic vision and assumed her place next to her daughter.
Soft music grew louder. The crimson curtain pulled back for the last time. Evangeline stepped out and Dorien’s eyes widened. His jaw dropped. He struggled for a breath. Every muscle in his chest seized. It mattered not that immortals didn’t require air. Her fiery copper eyes melted into his. If he had a beating heart, it would have burst! Dorien couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. She blushed from the heat of his stare. In a matter of minutes, she would be his, as long as she drew breath.
Evangeline’s gaze drifted towards the actions of his brothers. Philip, Celeas, Thessalus, Paraebates, and then Tommy got down on bended knee and bowed their heads in respect and reverence. Dorien absorbed every detail of his bride. She was as regal as royalty. He smiled at the irony of her tiara. Her gown shimmered with the fine silver threads woven though the scalloped lace. His breath caught.
She wore stars!
He grinned with pride at the irony of the constellations.
Forever and always, she would be his brightest shining star.
Dorien felt Evangeline’s confusion at the gesture of his brothers. He nodded in an effort to comfort her. She had no idea why his men were on their knees! As the last prince of Sparta, he was their king. As his wife, she was now their queen. He admired her strength, courage, and humbleness. Without a doubt, his mother would have loved her.
He only stood a few inches away from her life-force. She blushed and accepted his hand. His palm became warm from the moment of her touch. Staring into her eyes was as hot as liquid fire.
The priest began the ceremony. Everything seemed a blur. With the exchange of vows and rings, they were given a Savior’s blessing. Dorien lifted a tier of her veil as they were pronounced husband and wife. He kissed his bride slow in tortured, delicate passion. Her manicured fingernails dug deep into his raven curls. It was a battle to keep his lips off her.
Philip teased. “Break it up! Save it for tonight!”
The music resumed. Dorien scooped up his bride and carried her down the aisle towards the crimson curtain. He didn’t resist the urge to kiss her again. His attention was distracted by the perfect sparkle of rings on her wedding finger.
“You were right Dorien! The rings look beautiful together!” she sighed.
> “You are forever mine, Evangeline Agiad. Are you aware you have made me the happiest man in existence?”
Her delicate hands caressed his face. “Yes, my love, and you are mine.”
“Are you ready to celebrate?”
Evangeline leaned her head against his muscled chest. “With you, I am always celebrating.”
Eliza gave them a gentle push, “Go on, kids! Get into the limousine! We’ll meet you back at the hotel for the celebration.”
Dorien helped his bride into the car. He followed in after her and pulled her into his arms. His hands encircled her throat. Her tempting swollen lips made him kiss her hard. “You’re so beautiful, Evangeline. I would claim you right now if we weren’t so close to the hotel!”
A breath of desire escaped her lips. The little minx was a tease. She pressed close against him. Her tongue assaulted him with another kiss. Dorien intentionally pulled the little temptress away from him. He was rewarded with the perfect view of ample cleavage. Dorien groaned and fought to control the desires of his body.
Waiting to have her was going to test his sanity.
“You are naughty, wife!”
Evangeline moaned when his cold mouth nibbled at her neck. He grinned at her in wicked victory when he suddenly stopped. Her copper stare turned into red, molten lava.
Good! Now she was aching as bad as he was!
They both bolted upright. The limousine came to a sudden stop. Grooming had to be quick. They had just enough time before the driver opened the door. Dorien stepped out first and assisted his bride from the limousine.
He read her thoughts and pulled her aside. “You want to know why my men kneeled before you today.”
“Yes. Please tell me. I don’t understand.”
He chuckled and caressed her beautiful face. “It is because they submit their will to their queen.”
Evangeline sucked in a breath of surprise. “Impossible!”
“Not impossible. In Sparta, a man cannot become king unless he is eldest in line. I have long been the last prince of Sparta. As my bride, you are now my queen. We are now officially the unofficial king and queen of Sparta.” he laughed heartily. “But hear my words, Evan. Spartan traditions still blaze strong. You will be watched after and cared for as if we were in my time. My men will obey their queen and are prepared give their immortal lives for you. It will appear to all that you have extremely doting brothers.”
She was speechless. “What an honor, Dorien. I pray I don’t disappoint them.”
“Nay, Evan. Let them worry about their expectations. They know their place. Now be a good wife and smile. We have just been spotted by our wedding guests. Will my queen join me for some fine food and dancing?”
Evangeline rubbed her belly. It growled loud in hunger. “Yes! Let’s go. I’m famished.”
Everyone clapped as they rushed into the private ballroom. A photographer from the beach tagged along and snapped pictures of the whole evening. The musicians played a lovely, whimsical waltz. Dorien bowed low. His emerald gaze never left Evangeline’s face. “Will you dance with me, my queen?”
“I would love to.”
Dorien lead her to the dance floor. He held his prize so tight.
Who in Hades was tapping on his shoulder?
Dorien’s cocked his black eyebrows and growled at Philip. His brother danced away in mischief, stealing his bride. Evangeline laughed and shrugged her shoulders. She danced in the arms of her beloved brother.
* * * *
Why did Thessalus have to stare at her like this? Taryn’s stomach filled with butterflies and knots. She made a quick run for the table of appetizers and cried out when a cold, possessive arm wrapped tight around her waist. Oh! She knew the brut who carried her to the dance floor!
He set her on her feet. His glowing sapphire eyes were full of mischief and merriment. Her belly ached to watch him bow so gracious. She countered with a deep curtsy. Taryn didn’t miss the rise of his sculpted raven eyebrows. Erotic delight forced her shiver when his cold arms pulled her tight against him. Thessalus’ hand splayed across the expanse of her lower back. Despite his cold touch, he made her feel like she would combust into flames.
“Please!” she begged.
But Thessalus pulled her tighter into his solid embrace. Her palms rested against his muscled chest.
She wasn’t going to pass out!
“Admit that you love me, Taryn.”
She shook her head as they danced. “Never!”
He pulled her even closer. A growl escaped the back of his throat. “I smell you so intensely…I can taste you!” His jaw clenched tight as he twirled her and pulled her back into the shelter of his embrace.
A wave of chills shot up her spine. Goose bumps covered her flesh. Heat filled her lower belly. His chest crushed against her breasts. A soft moan escaped her. Taryn’s forehead fell forward against the coolness of his lips. He didn’t deny himself the opportunity to kiss her arched brow.
Taryn’s knees gave out from weakness. Thessalus knew just when to catch her. His chin swept her neck to the side. His cold tongue traced from her neck to the inside of her left ear. Her breath caught in her throat. Desire scorched her heart. Her belly fluttered. Wild wanton thoughts were naughty. Why did it feel so good in his arms? Oh, how she wanted him!
“Please, Thessalus. Don’t do this! I beg of you.”
Taryn stopped dancing. In a rush she left Thessalus behind on the dance floor. It felt good to be out of sight of the others. She held the soft pink hem of her gown and bolted towards the elevator.
She needed some cool air!
What was it about this man that made it impossible to breathe? She exited the hotel and ran towards the tall-hedged labyrinth garden. Taryn froze and felt his presence behind her. With a cry she ran into the labyrinth and refused to look back. She stopped at a clearing deep inside the maze. A sudden flash of lightning lit up the sky. The deep rumble of thunder filled her ears.
“No! Please, No!” She cursed her luck. Large drops of rain began to fall. Taryn raised her hands in anguish towards the wet sky. It only took a minute before she was soaked. She pivoted in circles and stared at the three available choices that could lead her to the true exit of the labyrinth. Like an idiot, she couldn’t remember which way she had come.
How would she find her way back?
The scrolled, marble bench wasn’t very comfortable. It was impossible to settle her thoughts. She screamed when his cold fingers curled over her shoulders. The moment she flew from the bench, Thessalus backed her into a hedged corner. She bolted to run away, but he chuckled as he caught her. He pulled her rough into his arms. His wet tuxedo shirt was unbuttoned. Her delicate hands beat against the hard muscles of his chest. His mouth finally claimed hers.
She wanted to touch him.
If only she could touch him!
Her aching arms flew around his neck. His bold, passionate stare pierced her soul. His tender fingers cupped her face. “Why do you fight me, woman? Your heart and body do not agree with what your mind says.”
She tried to clear her mind. But Thessalus chuckled in the back of his throat.
“Nice try, Taryn. You cannot hide your feelings from me. You want me. Admit it. We feel the same. Your desires are on fire, as is your body. You love me, as I love you!” His voice lowered to a primal growl. “You want me to take you right now.”
“Please!” She pushed against him harder than she meant to. She swore she felt the pulsing sting of electricity pulse through her body when she touched him. He pressed too close against her. His fingers were quick to remove the pins from her hair. Her long, wet tendrils fell wantonly down her back. Thessalus’ bright blue eyes sparkled. Taryn felt the heat of his desire.
He gazed upon every wet curve of her body through the soaked pink satin of her dress. She moaned to feel his kiss. Her fingernails dug deep into the hair that brushed his broad shoulders. He tugged and suckled a swe
et, swollen bottom lip. Her head fell back in pleasure. With a swipe of his finger, her dress fell to the ground. He groaned as she stood naked before him. His cold finger felt like an ice cube when he traced the line of her jaw. “You are my beautiful woman. You belong to me! Tell me you love me, Taryn!”
“No!” She denied.
“Tell me you love me!”
She held her tongue.
He gave her a gentle shake. “Tell me!”
She clutched at him. But he assaulted her with more of his intoxicating kisses.
“Yes, Thessalus! I do love you. Heaven help me, but I do.” she sobbed into his chest.
He cradled her head. “Stop fighting me, Taryn. Give in to our destiny. Allow me love you! You were created for me. Do not fear me.”
She moaned as they fell to the ground in a blurred rush.
* * * *
Evangeline noticed two empty chairs. She glanced at Eliza. Paraebates was enthralling her godmother with one of his many, wonderful stories. Dorien placed his arms around her shoulders. He whispered tender sweet nothings in her ear.
“Do not worry about Taryn and Thessalus. They are a bit preoccupied right now.”
Evangeline’s mind cleared like a washed slate. Her mouth fell open in shock. Dorien tried to rub the anxiety from her shoulders. But it wasn’t working.
“Please, Evan. Promise you will speak nothing of this to Taryn. She is having a hard time allowing herself to admit she has found love with an immortal. This isn’t coming as easy for her as it was for you. Give her time. We can only hope her heart will rule over her logic. It is fair to say she is at war with herself. She is her own worst enemy.”
“Poor Taryn! Wait! What am I saying? Poor Thessalus!” Her hand flew to her mouth. “What if…?”