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Bruins' Peak Bears Box Set (Volume I)

Page 42

by Sarah J. Stone

  Aurora brightened up. “That would be perfect. There’s only one problem.”

  “What’s that?”

  “How are we going to tell our families we’re living there? I would have to go back to the Homestead to tell Dax, and I don’t want to run the risk of him locking me up again.”

  “I’ve thought about that, too.”

  “You’re a man with a plan, aren’t you?” She said with a smile.

  “If we’re going to get married, I have to be.” He responded seriously.

  “So what’s your solution?”

  “Tell Star. She can go back and forth between the two Homesteads. She can tell Brody and Ma and Dax and your parents. No one will lay a finger on her.”

  “I wish I could move back and forth between them the way she did.” Aurora wistfully replied.

  “Maybe after you have had a few cubs, you will be able to. Don’t forget; Star has been living on a high-tension wire between the two families for five years now, and she still can’t bring her husband home to spend holidays or birthdays with her own family.”

  “At least now there will be two of us at your place.”

  He took her hand across the table. “There will be four of us, plus Hector and any kids we have. The more years that pass, the farther we’ll leave the feud in the past.”

  “Not if Dax has his way.” Aurora quietly seethed over that situation.

  “I heard a rumor today. I heard Walker is back.”

  Aurora’s head popped up. “You what?”

  “Walker is back. I haven’t seen him myself, and it’s just a rumor. If it’s true, though, he’ll straighten out Dax in no time.”

  “Where was he? How could he leave us hanging like this?”

  “No one knows. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

  Aurora pressed her lips together, but her eyes shone with new light. “Alright; let’s do it.”

  “We’ll move up to the cabin tomorrow. I was up there yesterday on my way home from work and had a look at it. It needs some repairs and a whole lot of cleaning after standing empty for more than two years, but it will work. I’ll bring some fresh bedding from the house.”

  “What about your quilt? We have to take that with us.”

  “No, we’ll leave that here. I want to keep this place exactly the way it is so we always have it to come back to.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Alright; I’d like that.” He raised her from the table to kiss her in the golden lamplight.

  They passed the evening in their usual peaceful contentment. Austin sat down in front of the blazing fire to oil his work boots while Aurora cleared the table and washed the dishes. When he glanced up at her moving around the room, he caught her smiling down at him.

  The shadow of doubt lifted from their minds. The bright morning of tomorrow’s hopes for the next epoch of their lives together shined down clearly and openly on both of them.

  Aurora dried the dishes and set them in their place on the mantel shelf, and Austin set his boots aside before coming up behind her. He circled her waist with his arms, and she stroked his fingers laced across her belly.

  He kissed her hair, and she rested her head against his chest. His presence filled her with love and belonging. Nothing could ever be wrong in the world ever again as long as he was here with his arms around her. One day; one month; one year – the rest of eternity stretched out before her in seamless perfection.

  His warm breath worked into her scalp and wormed down through her skin to the bottom of her being. His body radiated electrifying power. He had grown stronger and more confident in his work at the timber lot. Unstoppable certainty powered his every move.

  He overpowered her with his magnetic aura. He possessed her. He occupied her. He dominated her. His very being brought her a transcendent fulfillment; to the peak of ecstatic pleasure. Even now, his breath tingled along her nerves and sprinkled dewy droplets of her elixir over the delicious leaves between her legs.

  He rolled her back and forth across his chest to soften her limbs to his guidance. She let herself go in his arms. She released herself from constraints of behavior and correctness and let her wild feelings carry her beyond the limit of consciousness. Her buried desires and insatiable appetites consumed her.

  A dull ache burned through her insides to the forgotten forest between her legs. She longed for him to fill her up and make her complete. He knew just the right way to tease her to blissful orgasmic madness. Her flesh engorged with hot blood, and her pulse throbbed through her tortured body for every inch of his rock hard length.

  Already she felt it digging into her from behind. Already she detected the flexing of his hips against her back. He could hold himself at bay for hours while he drove her out of her mind, but he couldn’t hide his own churning desire.

  She arched her back to shove her ass against him. She rubbed his shaft through his pants with her undulating ass. She teased him harder than he could stand with her voluptuous curves. She pushed him to his limit until he exploded on her with all his ravenous hunger.

  His hands massaged her belly, lower, and lower. Her tissues quivered for his touch. Her fountain let loose a gush of its sticky elixir into her pants and stained her thighs, making her ready for him. She stroked one thigh against the other for some relief, but that only quickened her need for the real thing.

  He burrowed his fingers into her waist band, but just when she thought he would take her to heaven with his masterful touch, he pulled back to trail his fingertips up her belly to her ribs. She sucked in her breath with a ragged moan and a shudder that rocked her to her core.

  He tickled up her ribs to that erogenous zone just below her breasts, but he wouldn’t touch them. He grazed her skin up and down, up and down, until she couldn’t stand any more. She sobbed in agonizing delight. Her nether lips unfurled their sensuous petals and screamed to kiss him, to surround him, to swallow him.

  He dropped his head into the hollow of her neck. First his lips touched the place behind her ear he knew would melt her at his feet. Then he used his teeth. He bit down hard on her neck and made her whine in lusty passion. He stripped her naked of all her pretensions and reduced her to a moaning, shivering wreck who wanted nothing but to be his.

  He surrounded her slim waist with his big hands and covered her back with warm kneading caresses. He rubbed her shoulders and neck before he went back to more important business. He found her waist again, but this time, he went backwards to her ass. He squeezed it, harder, harder, until he ‘crushed’ it in his human bear paws.

  He lifted her cheeks aside and slid his hands between her legs. He slithered up and down between her thighs until she groaned for his hand to ride into the sunset. He inched up her thigh ever so slowly until he arrived at his ultimate destination.

  Her nectar saturated her precious opening, and he milked it for all it was worth. She let her mouth gape open and bared her teeth to moan out loud, but he couldn’t see that from behind her. He could only bend his ear to her mouth and listen, listen to the broken cries rising from her soul. She buckled down on that hand for every ounce of pressure it could give her.

  He grabbed handfuls of her from behind with one hand while his other hand snaked around to find her belly again. This time, he didn’t back off from digging into her waistband, but dove straight in to the fragrant garden waiting for him.

  Her pants were too tight to let him get very far. He had to unfasten her pants to gain access to his pleasure. He cleared that hurdle in a heartbeat and found what he was looking for in her sweet crevice. Her lips parted to receive him on streams of steaming honey, and he dug his cock into her from behind in fresh desire.

  His fingers on her demanded all her concentration. She contracted her stomach to match his beating tempo, and he came down heavy on her waiting sweet spot. He touched her in all the right places. He circled her erect nub with expert strokes, only to come away in wide swathes to titillate the rest of her.

  Aurora threw her head back in lo
ud, lusty cries. She went wild against his hand, and her erotic juices flowed over his knuckles when he plunged his fingers into her welcoming hole. Her channel spasmed once, and her climax erupted into his hands.

  He didn’t stop for an instant. He let go of her ass with his other hand and found her pendulous beasts just itching for his attention. He groped them through her shirt until he stimulated the nipples to hard little lumps. Then he pinched and tortured them in quick, hard squeezes until she thrust them upward into his grasp.

  She thrashed in his embrace, but he wouldn’t let her go. Between the hand between her legs and the insistent tightening on her nipples, he propelled her into one continuous rapturous endless orgasm. She bucked and kicked, but he kept her rocking on tumultuous waves crashing over her to infinity.

  Madness seized Aurora to the depths of her being. She couldn’t keep still. She had to do something. She fumbled behind her for any piece of his body she could lay her hands on. She clawed at his legs and arms, but only rock solid muscle pushed back against her. Not one inch of him would yield to her ministrations.

  In her frenzy to carry him with her to the skies, she came across the pocket of his jeans and followed it around to the taut bulge under his zipper. Vicious intent guided her movements. Without turning around and without slackening her gasping eagerness, she went to work on his fly until she got it open.

  Austin slowed in curiosity to see what she would do, even as his fingers played their indelible music on her delicate places. In an instant, she had her hand around his firm tool. Its veins pulsed around her fingers, and the folds of skin slipped under her hand.

  Austin thrust it into her palm with an animal grunt. The skin rolled back, and the wicked head poked out to jab her in the back. She wrestled it into position with all her rabid passion bent on subduing it. She wanted every inch of its massive length. She wanted him to feel the driving hunger he brought out in her.

  Her hand touching his bare skin broke down his reserve. He could last any distance as long as he held himself aloof. Once he came in contact with her, his dominating virtuosity crumbled until he screamed right along with her.

  For just a moment, he lost himself in her hands. He pumped his hips to glide his prick against her. She choked it hard around its red neck, and he whined into her ear. He wanted it. He wanted to plow into her and blow himself up in her molten fissure.

  How well she knew his every move and sound! After so many nights together, she could play him like a fine-tuned instrument just the way he could play her. They kept no secrets from each other. They couldn’t when nothing separated them but a thin film of bodily fluid mixed from both of them.

  He jabbed his cock into her back and bent his knees to find her back door. She pointed him down to bring him into herself when he recovered his equilibrium. He froze into a tree trunk of Bruin force, even when he held perfectly still.

  Aurora quailed before that stillness. She knew what came next. Next he unleashed himself on her with all his primal ferocity. He wouldn’t succumb to her charms again. She knew better than to try spinning a web around him again. When he peeled her hands free of his cock, she let him go.

  He glided his hands up under her arms to raise them over her head. He instructed her with his fingertips to arch them back behind his head until she crossed them behind his neck. Now when he followed the curving line down her arms to her chest, over her breasts and down to her waist, he laid her bare to his every whim.

  Every inch of that line twanged in nervous tension. Every cell and nerve hummed to answer his commands. He would demand from her now. He would take her, and no force under the sun could make her uncross her hands from behind his head. She was his to move and place and beckon to the clouds of glory, and she would obey to the letter.

  Her eyes blurred, but her lips never stopped their pouting, panting gasping moans. He circled her pricked nipples and rattled over her ribs on his way south to the damp cleft lying ready. He took his time sliding her pants down around her hips, but he left them bunched around her knees to hold her legs together.

  He stroked those rounded hips to his hearts delight, and there was nothing she could do to stop him or quicken his pace. He was lord and master in this den. He was dominant and unwavering.

  His velvet shaft slipped up between her butt cheeks and back down. Here it came again. He rode it up and down through the beautiful cleavage of her ass, and droplets of his jiz spread over her skin to lubricate its passage. When would he take her and put her out of her misery? When would he make her his own once more?

  His hands took hold of her hips, and he leaned forward to bend her over at the waist. Oh, now! Oh, please let it be now! She couldn’t contain her excitement a moment longer. She backed her worshipful ass into his cock in desperate need. His breath grated ragged and painful in her ear. If only she could spur him to drive home faster, she could end this awful waiting once and for all.

  Nothing would ever be once and for all with him, though. He would never be finished. He would never roll over and fall asleep. He would take her again and again, all night long. Even when he slumped back on that bed of his in spent exhaustion, his consummate energy would bring him back to her in no time. He would rise to own her forever, never to forget.

  One hand snuck back around to her tangled jungle dripping pearly syrup down her thighs. He stirred her boiling concoction to a foaming ferment. Aurora dangled on the brink of another explosive orgasm when Austin dove from his rare summit into the darkened tunnel of her bubbling sex.

  Aurora let out a single shriek of intense surprise, but the next minute, he took her with his rhythmic pounding penetrations. Her spongy wetness formed around his thick shaft to touch all her pleasure spots to its raging rigidity.

  He bent her over with her arms still extended over her head, and his cock plowed into her twitching cavern with thumping, hammering strokes. Aurora leaned back into that beat. Every slap of his hips against her ass shot her into the stratosphere. Every deep bump of his shaft against her cervix, only then to linger around her opening to tease her G spot, spun her into dizzying swoons of climax and spurting fountainous eruptions.

  Was this where her destiny led her all these years? Was this what she never knew she was missing? His fingers exploring around her glowing hole, his cock taking her to places she never knew existed, his mouth gnawing her ear to bellow his explosive completion into her brain—this was the story of the rest of her life.

  The rest of that night would pass the way all the nights passed in their den. The rest of that night would pass the way all the rest of the nights of her life would pass. They would rock and roll, on the floor, on the chair, on the bed, against the wall, until the dawn light brightened the ceiling window to announce another day rising.

  Somewhere in the hours of orgasmic bliss, Aurora’s knees collapsed under her. Austin tumbled down on her back against the floor. His cries in her ear subsided into rough growls. Her bear, her mate, her match; he was all she ever wanted. He was perfect.

  Their overflowing concoctions stirred with his rotating stick in her magical cauldron. The potion anointed a new life shared between them. Aurora sailed on wings of enchanted delight. Rainbow prismatic colors flashed before her eyes, but she swam in the deepest rapture of Austin’s arms around her, holding her against all harm.

  His muscles flexed against her flawless skin. His tattoos stood out crisp and dark against the background of her back. Their sharp points angled down his hips and thighs to point the way to his dripping spike. All his power culminated there, where he met Aurora in cosmic union.

  Their sweat joined their skin into one seamless flesh. Not even when he rolled over on his back and sat her up to straddle his hips could they break that bond. She grasped his thighs above the knee and forgot everything else; nothing existed but riding him.

  Waves surged and crashed over her. They tossed her back and forth on his bare cock. She buried his tool inside her and levitated on its sweet spurting lava jets blasting into h
er soul. She could swallow him whole in her vacuous opening.

  He took hold of her hips in a crushing grip. He nudged her forward and hauled her back against his shaft. He buried it deep in her being, only to draw it back to its limit for another mind-blowing plunge.

  He took her there. He took her to a place where she no longer felt her body convulsing all over with one orgasmic spasm after another. He took her to kingdom come and brought her back to meet the light of another day.


  When Austin left for work the next morning, Aurora went with him. He showed her to Star and Brody’s old cabin on Bruins’ Peak and left her there while he went down to the newly-cleared timber lot to supervise the planting gangs.

  Aurora dusted and polished and cleaned the soot out of the chimney. She stripped the bedding off the bed and dumped it all in the compost pile behind the house. She scraped the tabletop and scrubbed down the chairs and the floor.

  When Austin came up the hill toward sunset, he lugged a bundle of bedding hitched over his shoulder. He opened the wrapper of a section of venison that was a gift from Brody for their house-warming supper. Aurora set a bunch of flowers in the middle of the table, and they ate a hearty meal before they worked together to make the bed.

  When the sun set, Aurora lit the lamp and hung it from a peg in the rafter. It cast a welcoming glow over the little house, and Austin bolted the door against the night chill. Crickets chirped and frogs croaked in the darkness, and Austin and Aurora made their new home under the protecting arms of Bruins’ Peak.


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