Book Read Free


Page 10

by Danielle Llanes

  I met up with Octavius the following night at Jackson Square, he was wearing a dark suit and his long black hair was pulled away from his face. I felt a little under dressed with my jeans and gray t-shirt. He smiled at me as he said,

  “You look fine, I’ve just come from a meeting with a few friends.”

  “My fan club from Miami?” He laughed as he shook his head,

  “No but I think they would like to visit soon.” I nodded as I recalled the sisters and how fondly they thought of me.

  “So how did things go with the girl from the blood bank?” I caught an image in my head of a redhead in a long black dress that had allowed him into her home. Her face was an olive shade as her eyes blazed a deep shade of green.

  “It went well, I don’t really go for girls that give themselves so willingly. I like a bit of the chase…but this girl was pleasant.”

  “Pleasant? Are we taking a survey here? Are you going back tonight?” I knew in his heart that he would be returning. She shared a common interest for pvc and leather that he enjoyed. I groaned as he smiled,

  “Of course I will see her again.” I gestured to him as I said,

  “How about a little absinthe to get the blood going?”

  “I’m game,” he said as he winked. We wandered through the crowd thick with tourists as we headed to Jean Lafitte’s. I glanced around as I caught Carter waving to us from a balcony,

  “My friends! Come up for a visit!” I watched as he pulled a set of plastic fangs from his coat pocket and tossed them down to me, “Don’t worry, I won’t bite.” I thought of tossing them but remembered my recycling habit and held onto them. I looked to Octavius as he headed toward the building. It was the sort of apartment building that had a courtyard with a fountain in the center filled with petals from the magnolia trees surrounding it. We climbed the stairs wordlessly as Carter met us on the landing,

  “I hoped I would see you tonight. How are you these days?”

  “We’re doing good, we were going to have a drink at Lafitte’s.”

  “Oh that old place, come with me…we’ll go to a new place. I’m not fond of the old haunts.” I hated to remind him that he was banned from most of the older establishments for leaving a not so good corpse behind on more than one occasion. He flashed his smile as we both nodded feeling like we owed him for the havoc we had caused him with his daughters. Octavius patted my shoulder as he leaned in and said,

  “One drink and then I’m out.”

  “Sure thing,” I replied as we followed Carter out of the building.

  “So are you living there these days?” He laughed as he downed a shot of tequila and shook his head,

  “No, its just some place where I was staying with this girl. Don’t worry, she’s dead.” I heard Octavius curse as he got to his feet,

  “Oh for the love of…I’ve had enough. Have a good evening Rent, I’m out of here. I will not associate with Carter. This is just going too far. I will not fast because of him.” He turned and headed for the exit. I would have followed had Carter not grabbed my arm,

  “Sit down, have another drink on me.” I stared into his eyes as they had gone dark now. I knew this from Aerin’s moods on several occasions.

  “Carter, you have to abstain from killing the living.” He shrugged as he took another shot and stared into my face,

  “At least I’m being honest about what I am. You know he’s never going to let you back in no matter how much you try to restrain yourself from the demon that you are.” It was my turn to stare at him now as I shook my head,

  “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “So ancient and so clueless…you know this is not your first occupation, Rent.” My hand shot out as my fist met his jaw,

  “Take it outside,” barked the bartender as I backed away from him,

  “We’re done here,” I called out as I headed for the exit. I would not spill his blood this night. Already my tie to his daughter was gone. I didn’t owe him any apologies.

  “The great Rent Tres says we are done, everybody!” He laughed as he sat back down and ordered another round of drinks. I was already on the street and looking around for Octavius. He was long gone by the time I wandered down the street. I found my way back to my car as I looked around for him one last time. I reached into my pocket as I retrieved the plastic fangs and knew that Carter had used them on the dead girl. I tossed them into the gutter where they belonged and climbed into my car. I was done with Carter and I only hoped the next time we met I would be able to restrain myself.

  I found Octavius in his home sitting by the pool. He looked back at me as I sat down beside him.

  “I know he’s aiming for a fight. All the talk that he wasn’t bothered was a lie.”

  “Of course it was a lie. You’re not going to sit here and tell me you were cool with Samara killing your son?” I had been furious knowing she held no remorse for his death.

  “I wanted to tear her apart,” I replied.

  “And I’m sure he would love nothing more than to rip us to shreds.” We sat in silence as he cleared his throat.

  “Cate’s death was purely by Klaus’ hand.”

  “Are you suggesting we hand him over?” The night air was turning cold now. I looked around his yard and noticed the pool had been drained for the winter. I spied a skateboard and could only wonder who was using it. I crossed my arms as I let it sit inside for a moment,

  “Well if you think about it – are they not the same person? They kill at will and dispose of bodies carelessly.” Octavius nodded as he replied,

  “It’s going to be a very bloody winter.”

  “He said something that caught my interest at the bar.” Octavius turned to face me as I continued,

  “He said I would never be allowed back in.”

  “That’s clever, Rent. I never thought you were of an angelic nature but then I’ve never stared at your back for long periods of time. Tell me are you hiding wings under there?” I laughed as I shrugged,

  “It must have been a pain I blocked from my memory.”

  “You were stumbling around disoriented when I found you.”

  “Well I think falling from that height would knock anyone’s brain around.” I met his gaze as I replied,

  “I don’t believe him.”

  “It would answer a lot of questions,” he said in a low voice.

  “Have I ever done anything that would lead you to believe I was from up there?” I looked toward the clouds as he laughed,

  “You’ve escaped death more times than I can count and yet you bear no scars.” I thought about the knife wound and how it was only like a distant memory. I held no real battle scars like Octavius.

  “Maybe I’m just lucky.” He shook his head as he said,

  “No, you’ve been in some pretty sticky situations that I didn’t think you would come back from. I think you are paying back on a loan that will never be paid.” We both grew silent as the wind picked up. I got to my feet and headed back toward the house,

  “Are you with me?”

  “Since the beginning of time,” he said in a low voice as he followed me indoors. Whatever rules Klaus had been put into place would soon become void.


  The trip to California had been long as we traveled in a small moving truck. Octavius refused to sleep in cemeteries as we headed for the desert. It was like taking a step back in time. I looked to Marc as he sat in the passenger seat staring out at the almost devoid landscape. He remarked that it was easier to point out stars when we were this far out from the city. I had to remind him that most of the world looked this way when I first met his father. He fell silent as he replied,

  “My generation has really screwed up this planet.”

  “Not really, it was headed for crap long before you were born.” He seemed to be comforted by this as he stared at the navigation unit on the dash,

  “So Black Falls is not on a map, why use one?”

  “There’s a gas s
tation we have to meet with before we head deep into the desert. We have to refuel because the drive back will not be as quiet.”

  “You came out here before.”

  “Not by choice. But yes, it was for Yasmine.” He shook his head as he said,

  “You must have really loved her.”

  “I did…I still do. I think a chunk of my life was spent trying to be good for her. I don’t know how to describe it. But I always felt like no matter what she was in my corner. You know that I lost her because of Carter?”

  “No, when was this?”

  “Early nineties, I think you were still in diapers. Carter was doing what he does best – annoying me to an early grave. Yasmine being human and not knowing her mortality had this ability of being in the wrong place at the wrong time…”

  “Like when you followed her out here?”

  “Exactly! I warned her time after time that her life was fragile and that being around me would be a challenge.”

  “She obviously didn’t believe you,” he mumbled under his breath. I nodded as I replied,

  “You’re right, she didn’t think her death was that close.” We both grew silent as we continued down the highway.

  Back in that time Yasmine had believed a rumor that Klaus was her father. I had just met her and tried to dissuade her from coming to the desert. It was common knowledge that Klaus had been ill when he was still living and that it had led to him being sterile. I knew it was impossible Klaus was her father as I knew the desert would lead to her undoing. I heard many stories of girls ending up at his compound against their will.

  “You don’t want to go out there. It is very dangerous,” she had stared into my face and smiled. She had long blonde hair that she liked to wear loose as she leaned in, her hair like a curtain. She kissed me softly as she whispered against my lips,

  “Everything will be ok, Rent.” I had held her tight as I felt her heart beat against my chest.

  It was not long after that I had gone after her that I learned Klaus had other ideas for Yasmine that were far from paternal.

  It was raining when we pulled up to the small gas station sitting along the lone road. Anyone passing down the highway would think it was out of business. The lights were dim, the man sitting in front of the gas pump looked half blind. His overalls were stained with grease and looked like they could stand on their own. I turned off the moving truck as we stopped before the pump. He got to his feet and shuffled over to my side of the truck as I climbed out,

  “Where ya’ll headed this evening?”

  “Gonna drop off a load at the Black Falls camp.” His eyes covered in a filmy white coating seemed to come to life as he managed a grin,

  “Oh, I hear they finally started to build houses up that way. I believe the land has been sold to a developer for a small card house. Those squatters are going to have to start moving on. I’ve never been fond of them.”

  “Neither have I but you know I go where my boss tells me.”

  “Well you be safe son,” he said as he began fueling the truck. I could make out a young girl with large dark eyes staring at me from inside the station as I said to the man,

  “Is that your daughter inside?” He looked back as he shook his head,

  “That’d be my granddaughter. My son died in the war and his wife was no good to take care of anyone including herself. Lily is with my wife and I now. She’s a good girl and does her homework. Doesn’t ask for much. I keep her tucked away though at night…since it isn’t safe around here.”

  “Well I think once that development starts operating, things are going to change.” His face grew soft as he managed a smile,

  “They offered us a new building as well,” he paused as he pulled the nozzle from the truck, “looks like you’re all set here. That’s gonna set you back a twenty, young man.” I caught the humor in his voice as I smiled,

  “Thanks again, old timer.” I handed him the cash as I waved to the girl and got back into the truck.

  Somewhere down the road Marc had climbed into the cargo of the truck to rest. I think he had grown tired of the landscape or lack thereof. I set the truck in gear and headed back onto the empty highway. I could see the development billboards advertising for new homes. It was a surreal change from the unpaved roads we had traveled nearly twenty years before. It chilled me to think that it had not been as long as it had felt since her death.

  “You have to come here, it’s really beautiful. I feel as if I’ve lived here all my life,” she had said on the phone from her hotel room. I remembered I was with friends in New York at the time. I had warned her to wait for my return,

  “I can’t believe you went, I told you that we would go in the summer.”

  “I know, I just needed to know where I came from.” I could see her sitting on the hood of her car surrounded by the desert all around her. Her skin burned from the sun with her blonde hair pulled back. Her hands shielding her dark eyes from the sun. I remembered I had fallen in love with her smile when we met. It was like staring into the sun when I was around her. She had a really warm quality to her,

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can get away from here. I love you, Yasmine. You just have to be careful around those people. It could be very dangerous – don’t trust them.” She had promised me she would keep to herself. I knew it was next to impossible once they had met her.

  “Rent, is that the road to the camp?” I was pulled from my thoughts as Marc pounded on the cab of the truck. I slowed as I turned down the newly paved road. I could see where the sand had gathered along the road. I wondered if the development would really mean an end to Klaus and his people.

  The sun had dropped as I pulled to a stop at the edge of the camp. I could hear the door to the truck already opening as I got out. I could see Octavius in the rearview mirror with his hands on his hips,

  “What sort of creature lives out here?” He looked around at the development being built all around the camp.

  “Well, the guy at the gas station said it was a card house.”

  “A casino? How original…looks like Klaus will definitely have to move now. Amazing that he’s lasted this long without someone hauling his camp out of here.” Marc kicked around a tumbleweed as he looked at us,

  “So are we going to stake him or what?” I felt my insides sink as I saw Klaus step out from around the truck,

  “I knew you were up to something.” He stood with his cane at his side. His dark hair was slicked back against his skull. His skin was pale as it glowed in the dark. He wore a long black robe that dragged in the sand. I looked to Marc as he shook his head,

  “You should have known it was coming.”

  “Those rules were not cemented in stone. Are you really going to let it end this way?” I managed a smile as I looked to Octavius; he nodded.

  “You know there is no such thing as forever.” He laughed as he leaned on his cane then shook his head,

  “Of course you would know well enough about that considering that you just won’t die.” I narrowed my eyes as he held his grin.

  “Klaus, you committed a crime against a living person.”

  “She was hardly living – I believe the woman was dipped in nicotine and slowly rotting away.” Octavius stood silent until now,

  “We have rules Klaus. We hunt criminals – the blood banks are in place for a reason. You set up those very rules and for you not to obey them is a crime. You left a body in Rent’s home like discarded waste.”

  “She was vial – I don’t bother with such things.” I watched as Marc pulled the wooden stake from his waistband as he stepped around behind Klaus. Octavius nodded to his son as the boy raised the stake. Klaus shut his eyes as he let out a growl and whipped around tossing his cane aside, he reached out and grabbed Marc by the throat. He let out a cry as he was slammed against the moving truck. Octavius shot forward,

  “Touch me and I rip his head off!” I grabbed Octavius by the arm pulling him back. Marc struggled against his grip, I cursed
as Klaus looked back at us both.

  “You see how fast the tables turned here?” Marc growled as he bared his fangs to Klaus, his eyes were dark now as he fought against his grip.

  “Let him go, Klaus.” Octavius’ voice was steady as he stepped closer to him now. I watched as Klaus loosened his grip on Marc as he held onto him.

  “We’re family, Octavius and you come here with your son to kill me. Tell me why feel you have to do this. Are we not brothers?” He looked to me as he said this as I shook my head.

  “No we’re not.” His grip had loosened enough for Marc to pull away from him. I watched as Octavius rushed forward and raised his fist high and brought it down on his chest. Klaus’ eyes widened as he opened his mouth to protest, I watched as Octavius’ fist sat within Klaus’ body,

  “Am I really going to do this?” I nodded as he pulled his fist out all the while holding Klaus’ heart. It had stopped beating and sat silent in his hand. I watched as Klaus’ body fell to the sandy floor and dissipate into nothing. Octavius still held onto his heart as he turned to his son and handed it to him,

  “Be done with it.” Marc nodded as he took the organ and smashed it to the ground as well. We stood silently knowing full well that the camp was coming to life and that we would have to take our leave. I rocked back on my heels as I looked to them,

  “Are you ready to go home?” Marc nodded as he said,

  “Yeah, but you think its enough to send Carter packing?” I shrugged as I looked to Marc,

  “Well let’s just say if he’s not satisfied he can join Klaus here.”

  “Here, here,” said Octavius as he made his way to the truck. I could hear someone call out for Klaus as I got into the truck with Marc. I looked out the rearview as I started the engine and headed for the road. I could see a small gathering standing in the road watching us speed off. We rode in silence back to the highway. I wasn’t sure what would come of Klaus’ death or even what the others would think once they learned who had killed him.


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