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An Unconditional Love (BWWM Romance Book 1)

Page 8

by Shanade White

  She was instantly on fire, the moisture forming between her legs lubricating his hard length even more. Leaning forward a little more, Lauren arched her hips wanting him to enter her, but Cole had other ideas. Sliding one of his hands across her belly and down her stomach, he found her clit and began to rub it, each time the hard tip of his penis slid away, his finger replaced it.

  It was as if he instinctively knew the best way to make her feel good, and it felt better than good, it felt wonderful. The pressure between her legs began to grow, first deep inside then swirling outward until it became all she was, the pressure finally broke as her orgasm flooded her with pleasure.

  As the last wave washed over her, Cole slid inside her in one long gentle stroke, his finger rubbing in a circle on her clit. Lauren’s breath caught in her throat as her orgasm peaked again before subsiding to a dull throbbing between her legs.

  Cole was buried deep inside her, his throbbing erection filling her fully. He grabbed her hips in either hand and began to move his hips, first in small strokes then harder and deeper, increasing his tempo until Lauren was crying his name in pleasure. With one final hard thrust, Cole buried himself deeper than ever before, nearly losing himself in Lauren's wet, hot core.

  He managed to stop his orgasm, pulling out of Lauren and pulling her over to the bed. He sat her down on the big bed, then pushed her down onto her back. Standing between her legs, he grabbed her ankles and slid her legs onto his shoulders. Then grasping her hips in his strong hands he entered her again, his eyes locked on hers as he buried himself deep inside her.

  There was a moment when Lauren lost all ability to breathe, Cole was buried deep inside her, their eyes locked, when something changed between them. It was like fate whispered in their ears that this was meant to be. Cole must have felt it too because his eyes widened, then changed to a deeper shade of green.

  What had been a purely sexual encounter had suddenly changed, their souls seemed to have merged and become one. Lauren should have been scared by the intensity of the moment, but Cole knew she’d react that way and immediately became gentle. He gathered her into his arms and slid up on the bed until they were tangled together.

  He took her face in his hands and kissed her with all the passion and love that was flooding his soul, he wanted to tell her what he was feeling, but knew she wasn’t ready. Instead he broke the kiss and said, “You’re so beautiful, I’m lucky to be here with you. Let me show you how I feel.”

  He began to place small kisses on her neck then continued down her body, Lauren closed her eyes and concentrated on the feeling of his lips on her skin. She began to relax as sensations took over all thought, her legs spreading to let him settle between them. He pushed her legs apart then gently slid his tongue between her parted folds, finding her clit with the tip of his tongue.

  Lauren’s hips lifted off the bed and her hands tangled in his hair, then grabbed handfuls in an attempt to keep herself anchored to the world. When he slid a finger inside her and thrust it in and out, she exploded with an orgasm so forceful she cried out with pleasure. As the ripples faded she felt desperate to have Cole inside her.

  “Please Cole, I need you inside me.” She managed to say, panting with the effort of putting the words together.

  “Anything you want, my love.” He said, sliding up her body and inside her.

  She arched her back, opening herself to him, then wrapped her legs around him pulling him deeper inside her. Her hands slid down his back and gripped his butt, holding him inside her. Cole groaned knowing that he couldn’t resists his climax for much longer, Lauren was wet and hot, her muscles beginning to clench as another orgasm began to build.

  Lauren knew that another climax was only moments away, but this time she wanted Cole to go with her, so she said. “You feel so good, so hard.”

  When those words came out of her mouth, Cole couldn’t hold back any longer, with one last deep stroke he let his orgasm take him. He cried out her name as the spasms rocked through him causing Lauren to go over the edge with him.

  As his body began to relax Cole resisted the urge to collapse on top of her, instead, supported himself on his hands placed on either side of her head. He looked deeply into her eyes searching for what he’d seen before and found what he was looking for.

  Lauren’s gaze was direct and full of all the things she couldn’t begin to say. As he watched, tears began to form in the corners of her eyes and he was suddenly worried that he’d hurt her in some way. Rolling onto his back he rolled her with him and cradled her in his arms.

  “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” Cole asked, the concern clear in his voice.

  “No you didn’t. It’s just that.....” Lauren couldn’t put into words what she’d felt.

  “Something happened?” Cole knew what she’d felt because he’d felt it too. But unlike Lauren he knew exactly what had just happened, but he wanted to hear it from her.

  “I’m scared. That was incredible, but Cole I don’t know if I can handle it. I’m not good at relationships. I’m afraid I’ll get hurt.” Lauren said, burying her head in his chest so she wouldn’t have to look at him.

  “I know it’s scary, but you don’t strike me as the type who runs away from what scares them.”

  “But this is different, this isn’t some mountain I have to climb or a cave I’m exploring. This is feelings and I don’t do feelings.” Lauren said, shaking her head.

  “I hate to tell you this but you do, you are right now. Lauren you have to realize that not all men are like your dad. My father’s been there for us our whole lives, even now he takes care of my mother when he doesn’t have to, but he loves her so he does everything he can.”

  “But he’s the exception to the rule. Even you have to admit that more often than not people don’t do what they promise. They hurt you, turn their back on you when you need them.” Lauren said, tears threatening again.

  “Lauren, I can promise you that I’ll never do anything to hurt you. I can’t promise we won’t fight or argue, but if you need me I’ll always be there for you.” Cole had no problem making that promise, he knew deep down that he and Lauren were meant to be together and he’d do everything in his power to make her happy for the rest of her life no matter what.

  “What if I get sick? You know that MS is genetic. How are you going to handle it if one day I suddenly can’t walk, can’t feed myself?”

  “If you get sick, I’ll take care of you, just like you would if I got sick.” Cole said, rubbing her back until she looked up at him.

  What she saw in his eyes took her breath away and convinced her that the words he spoke were true, at least for now. “I hope you mean that because I don’t know if I can handle having my heart broken again.”

  “Darling, I promise to take care of your heart and the rest of you for as long as you’ll let me.” Cole said, kissing her as if to seal the deal.

  Lauren wasn’t sure what she’d just agreed to, but the feeling of Cole’s lips on her erased all worries from her mind. Nothing that felt this good could be all bad. Her only choice was to give in and let things take whatever course fate might decide they should take.

  With a big sigh, a sigh that told Cole the crisis was over, she sat up in bed and looked at the clock. “If we’re going to make our dinner reservations, I’d better go take a shower.”

  “We could skip dinner and order room service, they have an excellent restaurant right here.” Cole said, pulling her back into the bed.

  “No way, I spent hours shopping this afternoon, we’re going out.” Lauren said, kissing him, then jumping out of bed before he could grab her.

  “Then I’m coming with you.” He said, following her into the bathroom.

  “Fine, but once we’re done you need to make yourself disappear while I get ready.” She said, laughing as he caught her around the waist as they went through the bathroom door. “And you better not hog all the hot water.”

  The shower took a little longer than it should have, b
ut in the end Lauren got her way, Cole dressed and left the suite before she’d emerged from the bathroom. She’d considered agreeing with his plan to order room service, but then she’d remembered the dress and decided that it would just go to waste if they didn’t go and she’d spent too long trying on clothes not to go out.

  Pulling the dress out of its plastic bag, she wondered if she’d have the guts to go through with wearing it. But when she remembered how good she looked in the dress she knew that she’d go through with it, if for no other reason than to see the look on Cole’s face when he saw her.

  Less than an hour later she was dressed and ready when Cole knocked on the door. Suddenly she was nervous, as if he was picking her up for a real date, but then she had to laugh at herself. This was a real date.

  Chapter 8

  When Lauren opened the door the sight that greeted her almost took her breath away. Cole dressed in a tuxedo looked good enough to eat. The black of the suit set off his green eyes making them look even greener. As he looked her up and down, the color deepened and she began to think they weren’t going to make their dinner date after all.

  “You look incredible, purple is a wonderful color for you.” He said, his eyes taking in every inch of her. “I brought you these.” He said, pulling a huge bouquet of roses from behind his back.

  “Oh, they’re beautiful.” She said, trying to remember the last time a man had given her flowers. “Let me put them in some water.”

  “Then we better get going. I was still going to suggest dinner in, but I want to show you off.” Cole said, following her into the suite and pulling her into his arms.

  “Hmm, don’t you start that now, we have to leave.” Lauren said when Cole began to nibble on her neck.

  “But you taste good too.” He said, “I just can’t help myself.”

  “Well, it’s time you learned some self-restraint.” She said, escaping from his arms.

  Knowing when the battle was lost, Cole took her arm and escorted her out of the suite. The restaurant was only a short walk away from the hotel but Cole had hired a limo for the night. When she looked at him a little shocked at the expense he’d gone to, he shrugged his shoulders.

  After they were seated in the back, he said, “I wanted to go in style tonight. Sometimes it’s nice to spend the money I’ve made on something frivolous.”

  “I’d argue with you, but I’m having way too much fun playing princess.” Lauren said, snuggling into Cole’s arms.

  Cole sighed contentedly, most of the women he’d dated would have expected a limo ride, Lauren, on the other hand seemed pleased that he’d gone to all the trouble. When they arrived at the restaurant, he felt that he needed to warn her about what was to come.

  “I hope you understand that for a few minutes we’re going to be the center of attention. A lot of people come here not just for a good meal, but to be seen. It’s going to create quite a stir when we show up together.”

  “How many ex-girlfriends should I be worried about?” Lauren asked, suddenly nervous all over again.

  Cole took her arm and tucked it into his elbow then gave her hand a squeeze. “There might be one or two, but don’t worry they’d die before they made a scene.” Cole hoped that he was telling the truth, but there was always a chance that Mandy might show up tonight since she was still leaving nasty messages on his phone.

  When they walked through the door, Lauren was immediately impressed, she’d expected the restaurant to be showy, but the décor was subdued. The tables were placed around the room with a lot of space between them to allow diners privacy. Gentle lighting and candles on the tables added to the ambiance, leaving the impression that there were few people in the restaurant when in reality it was full.

  They were seated at a prime table by the fireplace which had a small gas fire burning in it adding to the romance of the setting. Lauren had been afraid that she’d feel terribly out of place here, but with Cole by her side the feeling never materialized. Cole ordered for both of them after a quick perusal of the menu and a few questions.

  Lauren had plenty of experience with French food and was looking forward to the meal since it wasn’t often that she had the opportunity to eat it when she was in America. Once the waiter had left to get Cole’s wine selection Lauren noticed that the room had gotten very quiet. Conversations that had provided a low hum, had suddenly ceased. She knew that their entrance had probably been the cause, but found that she didn’t care.

  They’d enjoyed their wine and the first course before they were interrupted by the first curious person who was brave enough to come over to their table. Naturally, it was a woman who approached, her date hanging back looking embarrassed.

  “Cole, how wonderful to see you. I haven’t seen you around in ages. We miss you at the club.” She said, giving him air kisses on each cheek when he stood to greet her.

  “I’ve had a lot going on the last few months.” He said, sitting back down.

  “I can see that.” The woman said, looking right at Lauren and assessing her from head to toe.

  “Stephanie, let me introduce you to Lauren Witter, she’s a travel writer and the author of our new blog.”

  The woman didn’t even look at Lauren before she said, “Since when do you wine and dine your employees at a place like Le Mason?”

  Cole narrowed his eyes at her and she stepped back a little under his gaze. “She’s more than just my employee, but that’s really none of your business.”

  Stephanie retreated another step back, almost treading on her dates toes, but she wasn’t going to give up quite so easily. “Well, hopefully you’ve changed since we dated. I’d hate to think that poor Lauren will be pining away for you like I always was.”

  Lauren could see Cole getting angry so she stepped in. “I’m not worried about that, after all I have my own career to worry about. What do you do for a living Stephanie?”

  “Oh, I don’t have to work, my family has more than enough money.” Stephanie said in an attempt to make Lauren feel bad.

  “That’s too bad, it must be terrible not to have something that makes you happy. I’d be lost if I didn’t have my writing.” Lauren said, innocently.

  The remark must have hit home because Stephanie sucked in a deep breath and her face got a little red before she opened her mouth to reply. “I’ll have you know....”

  She wasn’t able to reply because her date cut her off. “Stephanie if we’re going to get to the theater on time we really must leave now.”

  She shot him a dirty look, but plastered a smile on her face and said, “It was nice to see you Cole, call me sometime and we’ll do lunch.” Then gave Lauren a curt nod and stomped out of the restaurant with her date following.

  Cole contained his laughter only until they’d made it partway across the room, then laughed and said, “Well, I guess I don’t have to worry about you holding your own with these people. Well done.”

  Lauren shrugged her shoulders and said, “I’ve known a few people like her, the ones who think they’re better than you because they have money. In my experience they may be rich, but usually aren’t all that happy. I’d take happiness over money any day.”

  Cole stared at her for so long that she’d begun to think she’d said something wrong. Finally he smiled at her and said, “Just another reason I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  Lauren was speechless for a second, but before she could reply another woman approached the table. Cole reluctantly pulled his eyes from hers to greet their new visitor. With a big sigh, he stood up again to greet the woman who was approaching the table.

  “Cole, where have you been keeping yourself? It’s been ages since I saw you. The city’s never the same when you’re not here.” The woman said, her words followed by another set of air kisses.

  “Hi, Robin. How are you?” He asked, sitting down again.

  “Oh, I’m fine. Just busy as always, the masquerade ball is in just a few weeks. I hope you got your tickets, they’re almost
gone.” Robin said, batting her eyes at Cole.

  “Robin, I’d like you to meet Lauren Witter.”

  “Lauren, you look familiar. Have we met before?” Robin said, studying Lauren’s face.

  “I highly doubt it, but it’s nice to meet you.”

  “I know I’ve seen you somewhere before. Are you related to the Hampstead Whitter’s?”

  “No, I’m from Prospect Falls.” Lauren said, beginning to become annoyed.

  “Lauren is a well know travel writer, she’s won numerous awards for her articles about extreme adventure.” Cole said, growing tired of Robin’s game.

  “That’s right, maybe we met in Europe.”

  “That must be it. Well, I’d better get back to my table. It’s good to meet you Lauren and I’m glad you have something to keep you occupied, Cole has a way of disappearing a lot. He always claimed it was for work, but who knows.” Robin said, then turned her back on them a disappeared to the back of the restaurant.

  Cole looked at Lauren who was suppressing a smile, “I assume those were both ex-girlfriends.” She said.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.” He said, looking frustrated. “This was supposed to be a romantic dinner and instead it’s turned into the parade of my failed relationships.”

  “That’s okay, I know you come with a past, just like I do. The only difference is that we’re not going to run into any of the men I’ve been involved with in the past.”

  “I’m glad because I don’t think I’d be as calm about it as you are.”

  “I didn’t peg you as the jealous type.” Lauren said, liking the fact that he might be jealous of the men in her past.

  “I’m not usually, but nothing about being with you is usual.” He said, smiling that wonderful smile of his.

  Cole picked up his wine glass and was obviously planning on saying something more but they were interrupted once again by a woman.

  “Cole.” She said, walking up to the table.


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