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Nobody's Prince Charming

Page 7

by Walker, Aimee Nicole

  “I’m Danny by the way. It’s nice to meet you.” He extended his hand and I shook it, but Danny seemed reluctant to let it go.

  “Darren, but my friends call me Dare.” I tugged my hand back a little and he let it go with a laugh.

  “I’m sure I’ll see you around since you’re Wren’s neighbor.” I wanted to be so much more than just his neighbor.

  “See you around,” I called after him.

  Here was a guy who was blatantly interested in me but didn’t stir up the tiniest bit of reaction. Why must I want a guy who clearly doesn’t want me in the same way? I second-guessed myself the entire drive to the specialty shop out by the interstate. The last thing I wanted to do was make an even bigger fool of myself over Wren Davison, but I had to try once more. I knew he still wanted me no matter how hard he tried to hide it. Said every creepy stalker who walked the earth.

  I’d been to Kim’s Toys, but never by myself, so I was a bit intimidated. I expected protesters or religious zealots to be swarming around the parking lot to warn me I would go to hell for my wanton ways. Wanton ways? Maybe I should try to write a book. That would be a snazzy title. There were no protesters, religious or otherwise, and only two other cars besides mine in the parking lot when I pulled in. I casually ambled into the store like I did it on a regular basis and nearly ran back out when I saw a woman old enough to be my grandmother working the register.

  She must’ve seen my panicked expression because she gave me the same gentle smile you’d expect if she was handing out chocolate chip cookies. “First time visiting, dear?”

  “Uh… no.”

  “Let me know if I can help you find anything, although the store layout is pretty simple and items are sorted by category.”

  “Thank you,” I said quickly to prevent her from rattling off the various categories. I appreciated her willingness to assist me, but some things a man wanted to find on his own, especially if I was going to be the one using it.

  She was right about the store being laid out well. It didn’t take me long to find what I was looking for and make my way to the register. I was surprised to find that several people were in line to check out. Where had they come from? Did they carpool? I lowered my eyes while I got in the back of the line. You have no need to feel embarrassed. You have no need to feel embarrassed. We’re all here for the same reason. Sex is a natural thing and people shouldn’t be ashamed to enjoy it. I kept repeating these things as the people in front of me checked out and left the store. At least there wouldn’t be anyone behind me to witness my shame when the lady gave me the same spiel as everyone else as she tested the devices to make sure it worked before we left the store with the merchandise.

  “For obvious reasons, we don’t accept returns,” the lady said to everyone in front of me as she scanned the items with a handheld device. Beep. “That would be pretty gross.” Try outright disgusting. Beep.

  Luckily, the sales clerk kept the remarks about the purchases vague. Instead of saying she needed to test the vibrating lifelike dildo the young woman in front of me bought, she simply referred to it as merchandise. I tried not to giggle when the dildo bounced all over the counter, because I wouldn’t want someone laughing at me.

  Beep. “Yep, that’s our biggest seller,” the woman said, repacking the dildo and its remote into the box. “It’ll get you from ‘oh, hello there’ to ‘who needs a man’ in about fifteen seconds flat.”

  “Good to know,” the woman said. I could hear the embarrassment in her voice and vowed that I would speak clearly and with pride when it was my turn to checkout.

  I was doing good until I heard someone getting in line behind me. I could tell by the footfalls that it was a man, a rather large one, wearing work boots or something equally as heavy. It took everything in me not to turn around and look.

  “I’m so happy you found what you were looking for,” the clerk said when I finally arrived at the register. “I’m sure you heard by now that you can’t return any merchandise.”

  “Yep,” I said. I just wanted to get this over with so I could get the groceries bought and get back home.

  “Oh! This is a nice choice too, although we don’t sell many.” She held the box up higher to check it out. Beep.

  “You don’t say.”

  “Have you seen the one that has an app instead of a remote?” she asked.


  “I saw the ad on my favorite porn site.” She paused and tilted her head to the side. “Now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure it was a scene from the site and not an actual item you can purchase. That would be something though, right?”

  “Yeah, something.”

  “Your guy, or lady,” she added quickly, “could pleasure you from miles away. I mean, if we can turn on our cars with an app from an airplane, we should be able to give our lover an orgasm.”

  “You wouldn’t want that to fall into the wrong hands,” the guy behind me said.

  Fuck! I recognized that deep voice. I wished the ground would open and swallow me whole, but I wasn’t that lucky.

  “So true,” the clerk agreed. I wanted to tell her that I changed my mind, but she fired up my new toy before I could say another word. “Perfect,” she said. “Need any lube or condoms?”

  “I’m good.”

  “I hope you’ll come back and see us real soon.”

  “Um, thanks.” I took my bag and made a beeline for the door. With any luck, I’d be gone before the guy behind me in line finished checking out. If I didn’t have bad luck, I wouldn’t have any because my car wouldn’t start. I’d been meaning to buy a new battery, but I kept putting it off. It was money I could better use elsewhere, but I probably should’ve put that higher up on my list of priorities.

  Fuck! I didn’t want to call AAA and give them this address. Damn me and my stupid ideas. I looked over at the silver truck parked next to me and confirmed the identity of the man who stood behind me in the line. It wasn’t that his truck was unique, it had his name plastered on the magnetic sign sticking to the door offering his carpentry skills. Andy Mason, aka Beefcake Andy.

  I looked in my rearview mirror and saw that he was coming out of the store. Bite the bullet and get out of the car, dumbass. This is a better alternative to having your mommy pick you up from the store.

  I opened the door and got out of the car. “Hey, Andy. Can I get your help a minute?”

  “Uh, like help with what you just purchased in there?” He gestured to the store with his thumb.

  “No!” Oh my God, I was going to stroke out and die right here in the parking lot of the sex shop in the middle of no-fucking-where. “My battery is dead!”

  “Oh, so you want me to jump you, but in a different kind of way,” he teased.

  “Andy,” I whined. “This is embarrassing enough as it is.”

  “No, embarrassing would be if you called AAA and they sent the guy who bought your grandpa’s auto body shop. Me? I’m not going to give you a tough time about it. How about this? I’ll jump your car and follow you to the auto parts store where you can buy a new battery. Or, we can leave your car here and I’ll take you to buy the battery and bring it back and install it for you.”

  “Let’s go with option one because I think that will be quicker for you. Thank you so much, Andy,” I said in relief. “I am so glad you were here when this happened.”

  “You weren’t five minutes ago,” he said then burst into laughter. “I’m sorry I made the comment back there. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” Andy gave me that big lopsided smile that turned almost every heart to mush. For me, I didn’t even feel the tiniest tingle. I was hooked on a guy who preferred to grimace and grunt. Damn you, Wren. “Don’t worry about me telling anyone about what I saw either.”

  “Thank you, Andy.”

  I was truly lucky he came to the rescue and had me back on track quickly. It was almost dark by the time I got home from the grocery store. I left my surprise for Wren in the glovebox of my car, knowing that I wou
ldn’t easily sneak it past the prying eyes of my mom and sister. Unfortunately for me, I forgot about it until I woke up on Tuesday morning. I hadn’t seen Wren since our brief chat on Sunday because the salon was closed on Mondays. I tried to talk myself out of retrieving the gift, but just the thought of teasing him and having him aroused all day was enough for me to brave the cold in my pajamas, robe, and slippers to get it.

  My self-imposed exile from Dare was making me cranky and question my sanity. Dare told me he had zero expectations, so why couldn’t I just set my worries aside and enjoy what he was offering? I was so fucking hot for him that I couldn’t see straight at times, and the only way I would get past it was to fuck it, or him, out of my system. If I could find a way to do that without hurting the guy, I was all for it, but I had serious doubts that either of us would come out unscathed. See, I didn’t want to like how Dare lit up when I walked into a room, but I liked it a lot—too much. I’d also become addicted to his laughter and good-natured teasing. Those were the things that I didn’t want to risk losing over a few orgasms.

  It was easy to avoid him after we left the salon on Saturday, all day Sunday except when he popped in briefly, and even on Monday since the salon was closed. I would’ve rather spent it tangled up in my sheets with Dare instead of tearing down that hideous fake wood paneling that lined almost every wall in the apartment. I’d pulled back a small section first to make sure there was good drywall behind it. I worried that they’d gone the cheap route and just had plywood under the paneling, but it seemed like luck was on my side for once.

  I should’ve asked permission instead of just ripping it off the walls, but Dare had said that he wanted to remodel the place but couldn’t afford it. I was certain that any carpenter he hired would start with tearing off the wood paneling. Just in case Dare got mad, I cleared my bedroom walls first and carried the scraps down to the garage. I’d even pay to have the debris hauled away so Dare wouldn’t have to worry about it.

  By Monday night, I felt physically exhausted even though my mind didn’t want to shut down. I took a long shower, jerked off, streamed shows on Hulu, and jerked off again, but sleep still eluded me. I wondered what Dare was doing. Was he jerking off too? Did he really sleep naked beneath the ceiling fan because his room got too hot? How much hotter could the two of us make it? I pictured his hair dripping sweat onto his back as I pounded him from behind. I was mesmerized by the path those droplets would take down his back and pictured myself leaning over to lick some of them.

  I didn’t fall asleep until nearly three o’clock in the morning and was a grouchy bastard when I woke up. Luckily, I had time to pull myself together since I didn’t have to be at the salon until ten o’clock. Dare would leave at least an hour before me, so I didn’t have to worry about feeling bad by not offering him a ride if he chose to walk to work again.

  I took my time in the shower and let the hot water run down my back. My dick reared its thick head and demanded attention, as if I hadn’t practically pulled the skin off the thing since I met Dare. I ignored it in favor of letting the heat seep into my sore muscles from the physical labor of the day before.

  There was a knock on the door just as I got out. I knew damn well who was on the other side of the door and debated ignoring him for half of a second. Instead, I wrapped a towel around my waist and greeted him.

  Dare’s mouth fell open as his eyes raked over my bare chest. Did he remember how my chest hair felt against his smooth skin? Did it tickle his nipples and make them even harder? Fuck, there was no damn way I could resist him a second longer. I fisted his red sweater and pulled him into the apartment and slammed the door shut.

  “Wait!” he gasped before I could crush my lips to his. “I came here to give you something.”

  “And I very much want it.” I slid my hands down to cup his pert ass and pull him tighter against me. My towel wasn’t much of a barrier and I knew he could feel how much I needed him.

  “No, a different kind of gift.”

  “I have all I want right here.” I nuzzled my beard against his neck.

  “It’s something to keep me in line at work. It’s getting harder and harder to be good. I need help.”

  “I can feel how hard it is, Dare. Let me make you feel better.”

  “Wren, do you believe in delayed gratification?” he asked me, sounding so serious that I had to take a step back.

  “You mean a longer delay than the year I’ve known you?” I tilted my head to the side and studied his pretty flushed cheeks. Dare was embarrassed. Why? “Do you mean edging?”

  “Yeah, kind of. I hadn’t given it a lot of thought until I teased you about a cock ring the other day. Then I realized that the idea of denying myself for hours really turned me on.”

  It had the same effect on me, but I wondered if we could really pull it off. “We both have a very long day ahead of us. Are you sure you want to try this on a work day?”

  “Yes,” he said breathlessly then pulled a tiny remote out of his pocket. “I’m giving this to you to keep me in line today.”

  I studied the wireless remote then looked back into his eyes. He was as serious as a heart attack. “Dare, what does this do?” I asked nervously.

  “You won’t hurt me, Wren.”

  There was nothing around his neck, but I didn’t expect him to wear a fucking shock collar to the salon. It would be a more sensual form of punishment. “What have you done, Dare?” I placed my hands under the button-up shirt he wore untucked beneath the sweater and slid them up to touch his nipples. No vibrating nipple clamps. I shifted my hands to his cock and balls but couldn’t feel the outline of anything against his hard-on, which left… “Oh, Dare.”

  He’d inserted a vibrating butt plug in his ass, which would stimulate his prostate when I hit a button on the remote he entrusted with me. I hit the lowest number on the remote and he swallowed hard but didn’t make a sound. I smiled wickedly and tapped number two.

  “Oh!” he said breathlessly. “Oh God!” I wanted to hold my finger on the button a little longer, but I had two more to test out.

  I pressed his body against the door and lowered my mouth to his ear. “What does number three feel like?” I tapped it too.

  “So good.” He licked his lips to moisten them after breathing hard and fast had dried them out.

  “One more number to test. Do you want to know now or wait until you push your luck at the salon?”

  “Now!” I tapped the button and he let out a low, guttural moan that sounded like a mixture of pleasure and pain.

  “Don’t you come,” I growled then nipped his bottom lip.

  “I can have multiple orgasms,” Dare panted.

  I didn’t want to think of anyone giving him multiple orgasms but had to know. I needed to know what mark I had to beat, so I could be the best he ever had, although I didn’t want to think about why I felt that way. “How many?”

  Dare just blinked at me like he was afraid to answer. I held my finger on the first button so that it sent multiple bursts straight to his prostate.

  “Ohhhhhhhh, this was a really bad idea,” Dare moaned but he was too coherent for the damn thing to be working properly.

  I just couldn’t have that. I held his gaze when I placed my thumb over the second button. Zap. Zap. Zap.

  “TWICE! Dammit! I came twice on a few occasions.”

  I kissed Dare long and hard to reward him for his honesty. I pulled back and held up the remote where he could see it. I needed more answers from him. “Did you spurt cum both times? I’d heard of dry orgasms, but I’ve never had one.”

  “Yes, but not as much with the second orgasm,” he whispered. “My prostate is very sensitive and reactive.” He was too coherent for my liking.

  “Yeah?” Zap. I hit number three for a short burst.

  “Fuck! You’ll make me come.”

  “Not yet,” I said, shaking my head. “You don’t get to come until tonight.”

  “T-t-tonight,” he stuttered while nodd
ing his head. “I’ll be g-g-good.”

  I laughed then because I knew better. He wanted to push me to see how far I’d take things. I wanted to push him right up to the point where pleasure meets pain, but I’d be sure to do that once we’re alone. “Dare, can you come without anyone touching your cock?”


  “So, if I bring you back here tonight and hit this button enough times I will make you come without touching or licking your cock.” Fuck, I was ready to come myself just thinking about it.

  Dare swallowed hard but didn’t look away from my eyes. I raised the remote where he could see it. “Yes, more than once probably.”

  “Dare, I want you to save at least one more orgasm for my cock. I want your ass to strangle the orgasm right out of me.”

  “At least one more?” Dare licked his lips again and my mouth was close enough that the tip brushed against mine. “How many orgasms do you think I’ll have?”

  “More than any other man gave you.” I brushed aside the strands of hair that came loose from his style during his almost-climax. “I won’t stop until that happens.”

  “Oh God!”

  “It will be like a religious experience.” I leaned in for a final quick kiss then stepped back. “You better get to work or you’ll be late. I need to take care of this,” I gestured to the head of my cock that proudly poked out of the gap in the towel.

  “You’re going to jerk off?” Dare asked in disbelief. “Why do you get to come right now and I don’t?”

  “Because this is your little game not mine,” I reminded him, holding up the remote. “You put me in charge of both your pleasure and your pain.”


  “Ever heard of something hurting so good? That will be you tonight after I get ahold of that sweet ass, Dare.” I grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around to face the door. “Go to work, Dare. Oh, and leave that shirt untucked. We can’t have you sporting wood at the salon all day.”


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