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His Mate - Brothers - Ain't Getting nun

Page 16

by M. L. Briers

  “Spicy,” Clara offered back.

  “And that’s tasty,” Clive said, offering his mate the crook of his arm and she lifted one eyebrow and considered it.

  “A gentleman,” Clara said.

  “Depends on the company I keep,” Clive offered back.

  “Good answer,” Faith chuckled.

  “Wasn’t it,” Clara grinned. “We’ll try this mate thing for a while.”

  “How long?” Clive asked.

  “Just, one – two hundred years, give or take,” she shrugged.

  “Best get started then,” Clive said, and she linked her arm with his.

  “A whole world to see,” Clara said.

  “And lots of nationalities to taste.” Clive grinned as they strolled away.

  “Wow,” Jason bit out.

  “Your friend, the vampire,” Mick chuckled.

  “And what’s Clive? A faerie?” Faith snapped back.

  “Compared to Clara, he’s a saint,” Mick shot back.

  “Let’s not talk about religion,” Vanessa groaned.

  “Too soon?” Jason chuckled.

  “I kind of liked that habit,” Mick grinned at his mate.

  “Pervert,” Jason chuckled.

  “What? It left a lot to the imagination,” Mick grinned. “And I have a great imagination.”

  “You don’t like seeing the real thing?” Faith asked.

  “I love seeing the real thing. In fact…” Mick reached out and yanked her body against his.

  “Hey!” Leslie called out as she strolled towards them from out of the woods, hand in hand with Devlin.

  “Didn’t want a mate?” Faith grinned at her brother.

  “I was… swayed,” Devlin offered back with a huge grin.

  “Watch what you say about my sister,” Jason growled.

  “Mine too,” Mick growled harder.

  “Our sister,” Faith said, jabbing Mick in the ribs with two fingers and making him groan. “See, it’s not just the elbows, sweetheart.” She teased.

  “Your sister, but my mate,” Devlin shot back. “Don’t forget it.” He added, and Leslie grinned from ear to ear.

  “Really?” Ryan growled.

  “Really,” Devlin offered back, pulling Leslie against his hip and wrapping a protective arm around her waist.

  “Fair enough,” Ryan offered back.

  “See, I told you they wouldn’t rip your head off, just yet,” Leslie whispered. “Especially, as I haven’t got my four pups yet.”

  Devlin almost tripped over his own feet.

  “F-four?” he asked.

  “At least, but four is a nice round number, don’t you think?” Leslie tipped her head back and gave him a teasing smile.

  “Anything you want, baby,” Devlin grinned.

  “Good answer,” Ryan growled.

  “Already whipped,” Jason chuckled.

  “Speaking of zapping,” Jeannie said, and Jason’s head shot around on his neck, and his body followed as he turned to eye his mate. The smile dropped from his face.

  “We weren’t,” He said fast.

  “We are now,” Jeannie grinned.

  “Now, hold on a…” Jason held up his hands to ward off any ideas that she might have had.

  “You promised,” Jeannie whined.

  “Not so much a promise as a suggestion of…” too late. She zapped him a good one, and he yelped.

  “Pussy…” Mick said on a fake cough into his hand. Faith eyed him. “Cat, pussy-cat.”

  “Wanna get zapped?” Faith asked, and he gave a slow shake of his head.

  “No I don’t,” Mick growled, just a little.

  “Better not disappoint,” Faith offered him a wicked grin and a beaming smile spread across his face. He reached down and snatched her up into his arms.

  “If I ever do, then you can zap me,” Mick offered.

  “Oh, I will,” Faith assured him as he stalked off towards the back door.

  “Where were we?” Ryan asked Vanessa as he rounded the table.

  “Physically here, mentally, upstairs in our bedroom,” Vanessa chuckled.

  “They get loving, and I get zapped?” Jason scowled.

  “Haven’t you ever heard that rule?” Jeannie asked.


  “No pleasure without pain?” Jeannie grinned.

  “I like the sound of that,” Jason said, stalking towards her and watching her cheeks flare red and her eyes widen in excitement.

  “How about you?” Leslie asked.

  “How about me?” Devlin offered back.

  “Wanna do it in a bed for a change?” she offered him a hungry growl.

  “Bed, floor, wall, shower…”

  “That’s sounds like good practice for my breeding cycle,” Leslie said, and Devlin frowned.

  “What’s that?” He asked.

  “Oh boy, will you find out,” Jason chuckled hard.

  “That’s sex, sex, and more sex,” Leslie whispered in his ear.

  “I should stock up on protein bars, and power shakes,” Devlin made a mental note.

  “You know what?” Jeannie eyed her mate.

  “What?” Jason looked a little suspicious of her.

  “I feel a breeding cycle coming on,” Jeannie gave him a wicked grin, and he offered her a hearty, hungry growl.

  “Hell yeah!” He whisked her up in his arms and started for the house with a spring in his step.

  “Ain’t getting nun, ha?” Mick chuckled as he shot his words back at his brother.

  “I suddenly see religion in a whole different light,” Jason grinned.

  The End.




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