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Sister of the Bride

Page 13

by Henrietta Reid

  I got the impression that she was reassuring herself and that, thinking things over, had become a little apprehensive about how Vance would receive the news. I felt that she was belatedly assuring herself that her explanations for my absence would be accepted.

  When she had gone I went into the kitchen to find Mrs. McAlister washing up in uncharacteristic silence, and I wondered how much she had overheard. After all, the cottage was so very tiny and Averil’s ringing tones must have carried quite clearly.

  Before going upstairs to pack I stood at the latticed window for a moment. A clear blue sky outlined the apple trees and I saw bursts of pale pink blossom flutter to the ground.

  Mrs. McAlister, following my gaze, sighed as she reached for a drying-towel. ‘One doesn’t notice the days passing: the blossom will be gone in no time, and if you ask me, this is the very nicest time of the year. When the fruit comes the orchard will be full of small boys—young Phillips now, I can’t count how many times I’ve chased him out, but back he comes, as bold as brass—as soon as the green apples are out.’

  She hesitated, then said carefully, ‘It’s a pity Mrs. Etherton turned up when she did and saw the mess those boys made of the living-room, for no doubt if she had stayed away a bit longer Mr. Vance would have got the cabinet repaired and things shipshape again before she came back. Then perhaps she wouldn’t have been so upset.’ She coughed discreetly and eyed me slyly as she polished a cup.

  So she knew that it had been arranged that I was to depart!

  ‘I’m going home, Mrs. McAlister,’ I said flatly.

  She nodded, tight-lipped. ‘So I gathered from something I overheard Mrs. Etherton say. Her voice was that loud I couldn’t help hearing,’ she added defensively. ‘Well, all I can say, Miss Esther, is that it’s a crying shame that you should have to go. Not, mind you, that I didn’t warn you about young Phillips,’ she put in virtuously, ‘but all the same it is a bit hard that you’re leaving—just when we were all getting on fine too. Even young Rodney has improved a lot since you’ve come, I notice. But I’ll be plain with you, I never got on so well with Mrs. Etherton. She’s a bit moody for my taste, although I will say this for her, she never interferes with the running of the house, but then, to be quite candid, she doesn’t take much interest in domestic things. But then why should she, when she’s going to marry Mr. Ashmore? He has a staff to run Ashmore House and she won’t have to wet her fingers.’

  Again I caught her glance at me covertly. How much had she guessed concerning the situation between Averil and myself? I wondered. I had no intention, however, of giving her an excuse for gossip and said as brightly as I could, ‘I’d better get my things packed: my train leaves in about an hour.’

  ‘How are you getting to the station?’

  ‘Oh, my sister’s phoning for a taxi when she gets to the Ashmores’.’

  ‘No doubt she will,’ Mrs. McAlister answered sardonically. ‘All the same, many a time I’ve said to Mrs. Etherton that she should have a phone put in here. It’s a lonesome wee place at night, and if anything happened, she said ominously, ‘there’d be no way of getting help.’

  ‘That will hardly concern me now,’ I said ruefully. ‘And when my sister marries she’ll get all the protection she needs, I should imagine, at Ashmore House.’

  Mrs. McAlister sniffed. ‘That is as may be. Well, everyone to his own taste, but if it was me I wouldn’t live under the same roof with Mr. Eric for anything. You wouldn’t know what he’d be up to from one minute to the next. He fair gives me the creeps, so he does. But then Mrs. Etherton’s able for him, for I’ve often heard them at it hammer and tongs. But there, I’m holding you up with my gossip,’ she said, bustling into the sitting-room and beginning to dust energetically.

  There was no longer any excuse for putting off my departure and slowly I climbed the narrow stairs and began to pack.

  I was glad Rodney was at school, for with a child s elasticity he would soon forget the previous night’s adventures. Soon I would revert to my original status in his mind—Aunt Esther who stayed with Grandma and to whom from time to time he went on rather tiresome duty visits.

  When I had packed Mrs. McAlister called me down for tea and apple tart. As she sagely remarked, a person always needed something in their stomach before travelling. The hands of the old grandfather clock seemed to spin around with increasing speed until I was seated in the taxi with Mrs. McAlister waving lachrymosely from the doorstep. I had a last glimpse of her roly-poly figure before the taxi rounded the bend in the land and Cherry Cottage with its Hansel and Gretel gables and roofs and air of having been transported directly from a German fairy-tale, was out of sight.

  When I arrived at the station it was to find that I needn’t have urged the taxi-driver to hurry. I was in plenty of time and when I had purchased my ticket I strolled along the platform and seated myself on one of the grimy-looking benches. There were only a few people in, the station and I soon became aware that a figure with his back to me at the luggage counter was vaguely familiar. When he turned I was not surprised to see that it was Bob. As he caught sight of me he came along the platform with a quick stride carrying a large box. ‘Esther! You’re not leaving, are you?’ His tone of concern warmed my heart. It was good to know that one person at least regretted my departure, I thought bitterly, as he sat down on the bench putting the box on the seat beside him.

  My first glow of warmth in seeing a familiar face gave way to regret that I hadn’t been able to slip away quietly without meeting him. It was clear that explanations would be expected, and something of the irritation I felt must have shown in my face, for he regarded me closely for a moment or two. ‘Deceitful girl! So you were going to sneak off without giving poor old Bob Pritchard an answer to his proposition! Do you think that’s fair?’

  ‘Well, no, I suppose it isn’t, Bob,’ I admitted guiltily, but I really didn’t think there would be much point in discussing it. I know how persuasive you can be and in spite of my better judgement I might be tempted to take you up on the offer.’

  He raised his hands in mock despair. ‘How typically feminine! Why on earth, my good girl, shouldn’t you allow yourself to be persuaded, or have you simply taken an overwhelming dislike to both Warefield and myself?’

  ‘No, of course not.’

  ‘Then why won’t you take the job? I won’t fly off the handle if you forget an appointment or if your typing isn’t up to scratch. Mrs. Purvis has me well trained: I’ll be a most docile and amenable employer, I can assure you of that.’

  Impulsively I laid a hand on his arm. ‘Dear Bob, I know you will.’ And then I added with an attempt to match his lightness of tone, ‘Also, may I say my memory is very good and my typing very much up to scratch.’

  Before I could withdraw my hand he caught it tightly between his. ‘Then why are you in such a hurry to leave?’

  I hesitated. The platform was almost deserted and as I turned my head the gleaming lines stretched into the distance looking as bleak and depressing as my own future. My train would be arriving soon along these unwavering austere lines that were so symbolic of the gloom that lay awaiting me and I gave a little shiver as though an icy hand had touched my heart. ‘You’re in love with Vance Ashmore, isn’t that it? But of course you don’t see yourself as standing an earthly chance with him—not while Averil has him on the hook. So you’re running out. Yes?’

  I kept my head turned away without answering. ‘But surely, Esther, you must know what a dreadful mistake you’re making in allowing yourself to fall for a man like Vance. There are too many unexplained incidents in his life, and he’s not the type of man who believes in explaining his actions, so naturally all sorts of rumours have sprung up around him.’

  ‘What sort of rumours?’

  He shrugged. ‘Oh, the usual old ones. That he had his eye on Eric’s inheritance and caused a convenient accident when they were out shooting one day. Of course I know Eric isn’t trustworthy. Still, as they say, there’s no smoke
without fire. As well, apart from that, the circumstances of his friendship with Averil have caused an awful lot of talk. As I say, he has never been a man given to explaining his actions, and one thing has led to another and gradually a sort of mystery has grown up about Averil’s husband. A woman in the firm who was down on business spoke indiscreetly in a local pub and before you knew what had happened whispering was going on that Vance had disposed of competition. Apart from that, he’s just not the type of man that a girl like you should fall for.’

  ‘A girl like me,’ I repeated a little bitterly. ‘Perhaps you don t really know an awful lot about me.’

  Enough to know that it’s not in character for you to act the coward.’

  I swung round on him. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Simply that you’re running away. Why haven’t you the guts to stay on and start afresh here? You admit that you’re competent and have plenty of office experience. There are lots of things you could do here—’

  ‘I don’t want to turn into another Sybil Wilson,’ I said shortly.

  He smiled. ‘So you’ve heard of poor Sybil?’

  ‘Yes, I have,’ I answered quickly. ‘I’ve heard of her doglike devotion and that she doesn’t care what she does as long as she’s somewhere in the vicinity of Vance Ashmore and that she wears glasses and—’ I was on the verge of tears.

  ‘And has a face like a full moon,’ he concluded solemnly. I laughed shakily. ‘All right, I know I’m not being sensible, but when one falls in love it’s difficult to take a detached view of things.But you will in time, Esther. Don’t run away now or you’ll always be looking back and thinking of what might have been, whereas if you stay on you will, in time, be able to watch Averil and Vance march up to the altar without turning a hair.’

  ‘I told you you were persuasive,’ I said ruefully.

  ‘You mean you’ll give up this idea of leaving Warefield?’ he said eagerly.

  ‘You paint such a gloomy picture of the future that I think I’d better give your plan a trial at least.’

  ‘Good. Then it’s time you and I stopped sitting here on this hard old bench philosophising.’ He jumped to his feet and catching me by the hand hustled me out of the station. ‘You’ll never guess what’s in the parcel,’ he said as he slung it into the back seat.

  I shook my head.

  He regarded me with an air of mock solemnity. ‘All right, I’ll give you three guesses.’

  ‘Bandages, perhaps.’

  ‘Just because I’m a doctor must you show so little imagination! Ridiculous creature! If this box were full of bandages I’d have enough dressings to mummify the whole countryside. Actually it’s an electric blanket for Mrs. Purvis’s birthday. Accidentally-on-purpose she let the news drop a few days ago—although to be quite frank I didn't think that people as monstrous as my housekeeper had birthdays. However, I took the hint and decided to splurge. The problem was finding a suitable present. Somehow perfume and negligees didn’t seem to suit her. And then I had a brainwave: I remembered that she’s always wailing and moaning about the cold, although I’m not surprised, as I’d say she has ice-water in her veins. Anyway, I sent to London for a super-duper blanket and it’s arrived today, which is very convenient, considering—’

  ‘Considering you’ll have to placate her. She’ll object to me. Isn’t that what you’re thinking of?’

  He looked at me a little ruefully, ‘Well, I don’t think she’ll exactly welcome you with open arms. She’s used to ruling the roost and a young girl will put rather a spoke in her wheel. I suppose she may have a heart of gold,’ he said dryly as he started the car, ‘but I haven’t detected it so far. However, I’ll take you back now to the house and announce you and show you the ropes. I know it won’t take you long to get into things. After that we’ll find you somewhere to live nearby. Don’t look so apprehensive,’ he said quickly. ‘I’m merely exaggerating. I’ll bet you anything that once you get to know each other you’ll get on like a house on fire.’

  His words did nothing to reassure me. I could imagine Mrs. Purvis’s reactions when she was introduced to me in my guise as the new secretary. I began to wish heartily that I’d taken that train. Perhaps at any other time the thought of his housekeeper’s attitude wouldn’t have affected me so much, but I was shattered and confused by the events of the previous night and my departure that morning. Everything had happened so quickly that it had been impossible for me to find any equilibrium.

  Mrs. Purvis’s reception proved to be every bit as disastrous as I had expected. When Bob had introduced us—an introduction which, considering what I knew of his attitude towards his housekeeper, showed surprising composure—she nodded stiffly and said, ‘Well, I’m sure, Dr. Bob, you’d be the best judge as to whether you need a secretary or not, but I always understood that you were satisfied with the way I ran the place. I was always one for taking messages no matter what time of the day or night it was, and goodness knows I put up with a great deal considering I never know when you’ll be in for meals. But, as I say, who am I to speak? It’s not my place to criticize anything you may do or think.’

  She turned and surveyed me, her eyes boring me with gimlet-like intensity, and I saw in them not the smallest hint of possible friendship. ‘I’m sure, she said stiffly, ‘if you’re willing to pull with me I’ll pull with you. I was never one to make trouble and don’t intend to do so now, although, as I say, I wasn’t consulted about this. But then Dr. Bob has never been in the habit of bringing young ladies back with him not until now,’ she added with significant emphasis.

  It was plain along what lines her mind was travelling and I glanced at Bob beseechingly. ‘Oh, Miss Carson is staying in Warefield,’ he said hastily, ‘and I’m very lucky to get her. She’s used to office work and I believe is an excellent typist.’ I could see he was trying to put it on a purely businesslike basis to reassure Mrs. Purvis’s already heated imagination concerning our probable relationship.

  She clasped her hands firmly in front of her apron and sniffed disbelievingly. ‘Well, that’s as may be, but if you ask me, the young lady doesn’t look like a secretary.’

  I saw Bob glance over at me with a merry twinkle in his eye and I had to turn away to hide a smile. Little as Mrs. Purvis guessed it I found her diagnosis extremely flattering. It was a change for me to be considered a dark horse and not at all unpleasant to be looked on as a femme fatale.

  ‘I think I’ll show Miss Carson the office and brief her on her duties,’ Bob said very seriously.

  Still bearing a look of strong disapproval, Mrs. Purvis nodded coldly and departed for the back of the house.

  Bob’s office proved to be a tiny room adjoining his surgery and I found myself looking with dismay at the heaps of papers and general chaos that he seemed to have accumulated around him.

  ‘Now you can see how badly I need a Girl Friday,’ he said ruefully.

  ‘You certainly do,’ I said severely. ‘And now if you’ll disappear, I’ll try and get some law and order established here. If Miss Palmer saw your filing system she’d throw a fit!’

  ‘In that case I’m glad it’s not Miss Palmer—whoever she is—who’s taking on the job of reorganizing my life.’

  I had taken off my coat and was preparing to set to work, and glanced up at the tender tone of his voice. ‘Now, Bob,’ I said, warningly, ‘don’t you remember this was to be a completely platonic arrangement,’ but before I could prevent him he came over and kissed me lightly on the forehead and said ruefully, ‘You’re a hard-hearted, unfeeling female. After all, isn’t a man entitled to his softer moments?’

  ‘Not during business hours,’ I said briskly, and with a sigh of mock resignation he departed, shutting the surgery door after him.

  For the next hour I was engrossed in trying to create some sort of law and order out of the bundles of papers, but I realized to my dismay that his affairs were in an even more chaotic condition than they had appeared at first and several times I had to call him to elu
cidate some peculiarly puzzling entries. ‘After all, I’m a doctor, not a computer,’ he said grumblingly when I had for about the fourth time roused him out of his lair where he appeared to be engaged in reading a medical journal.

  It was just then the phone rang.

  ‘Put on your best phone voice and announce that this is Dr. Pritchard’s residence,’ Bob whispered teasingly as I picked up the receiver.

  Ignoring him, I listened as an agitated voice asked if Dr. Pritchard was there and if so would he come immediately to Ashmore House as there had been an accident. The speaker identified herself as Mrs. Ashmore.

  I glanced up in alarm and clasped my hand over the receiver. ‘Bob, there’s been an accident at Ashmore House and it seems to be something fairly serious.’

  Bob crossed the room swiftly and took the phone from my hand and I heard him snap some questions into the phone before laying it down.

  His face looked grim. ‘I’m afraid I’ve bad news for you, Esther,’ he said quietly. ‘It seems Averil has met with an accident, but I can’t make head or tail of what that silly Mrs. Ashmore was saying. She sounded all garbled and confused, so I don’t know exactly how serious it is. We’ll go up there at once.’

  He strode quickly into his surgery and grabbed a bag, and I marvelled at his air of competence when he was engaged on what was his true vocation in comparison to the state of helpless chaos in which he kept his office.

  ‘Don’t look so worried,’ he said when he came out. ‘It’s probably nothing serious. It’s impossible to get sense from that woman. It’s a pity she didn’t let Sybil come to the phone: she’s no chocolate-box beauty, but she’s immensely capable in an off-beat sort of way,’ he said as he slung the case into the car and we drove swiftly towards Ashmore House.


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