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A Gift From James

Page 14

by Chris Bellows

  I promised him a treat and the relationship I was building demanded I be very careful to do precisely as I indicated, both in reward and punishment. Henceforth, James would understand that my word was final. My decisions were the ultimate. My judgement unquestionable.

  So we undressed. Alice could not help but fondle and kiss my breasts before releasing James. And I in turn hugged her in my arms crushing together our mammaries. Viewing James’ naked torso with attached parachute and his neglected penis thrusting out was distracting yet served to heighten my arousal.

  It was difficult but we finally we got down to business

  I released James from the harness being very particular to ensure that he realized my state of nakedness. I let the tip of his erection touch my abdomen and thighs and even pulled down his hooded head to allow him a lick of my breasts.

  The ‘male barometer’ waggled and both Alice and I smiled. The male submissive was so predictable.

  I removed his parachute, carefully recuffed his hands and led him to the bedroom. There I lay supine, and let James follow the sound of my voice until he found his treasure. Within a minute my hooded plaything was kneeling between my thighs feasting on my aroused love pot. It was like watching a hunting dog sniff down his prey.

  His tongue really was divine. Supple yet strong and when combined with well trained lips that gathered up and pulled on my labia with such gentle but ardent sucking...well...all my efforts were rewarded.

  As planned, Alice knelt behind him. She had donned well-lubricated latex gloves and James was in for the treat of his life. Unbeknownst to him...the final treat. The consent forms and a pen lay on a table I had moved just inches from the bed.

  When Alice initially touched his rock hard penis, James just about jumped off the bed. Nothing had touched it for days and the sensitivity built by weeks of chastity must have been overwhelming.

  “Relax, James. Let Dr. Alice take care of you. She knows more about your orgasm than you do.”

  With these words his tongue attacked with renewed vigor. James understood that weeks of built up frustration would end. What he didn’t know was that a lifetime of frustration would begin. Alice gave James a few strokes with her experienced right hand. A sample, Alice used to term it, in her more active days.

  “Once the male fully understands what awaits, he’s yours,” she used to lecture me.

  “And by intermittently stroking then stopping, plus varying the firmness, you establish control. He’ll become docile, waiting for the next stroke. Expecting more. But understanding that the timing is not his to dictate.”

  And so James found himself in the hands of a most accomplished masturbatrix with the added thrill of being permitted to utilize his newly acquired oral skills.

  Alice stopped stroking and merely held James’ penis, pulling in downward and using it as a handle while the fingers of her left hand began working his anus. Slowly, gently, she worked her way inwards, careful to make the penetration as sensuous as possible. This was to be James’ night of pure pleasure and before the ending, James would have every erogenous zone stroked and caressed.

  With three fingers inserted, Alice announced the prostate was hers and that James’ flow of pre-ejaculatory fluid was abundant. Meanwhile, James was bringing me to several vaginal orgasms and my clitoris was patiently awaiting the first touch of his lips.

  James was sedulous in taking in my juices. Much training and encouragement had taught him that wet sheets were a punishable offense and the attention he gave to his efforts reminded me of a mother cat attentively licking her kittens.

  Then Alice proclaimed full penetration. Her small but knowledgeable hand had completely disappeared, engulfed by James’ puckered pink sphincter and he groaned with that strange combination of pleasure and agony that the prostate gland so mysteriously provides.

  Meanwhile Alice firmed her grip around the dripping, turgid manhood and pulled further downward. James could not ejaculate. Not with Alice at the helm of his pleasure boat.

  He began to moan. Alice’s unseen hand was working deep in James’ colon, the underutilized gland receiving long over due attention, begging to be relieved.

  James spoke. In violation if the rules but expected. He could not help himself. He begged, beseeching me for relief and wrapping his lips around my clitoris as a proffer for pleasure.

  “Would you like to come for me, James? Yes, I think you would.”

  I paused letting Alice demonstrate both control and determination in preventing his climax by pulling down even more.

  “Well, if I’m going to release your hand, there are some papers here you can sign first, then you can show off for us. Masturbate like a boy and stroke yourself for Dr. Alice. She likes to see naughty boys abuse themselves.”

  I reached down and with a simple click released the clamp securing his wrist cuffs together. As planned, the legal papers acknowledging the need and desire for his alteration were ready with a pen nearby.

  Alice continued to hold and massage the prostate. Without inquiry and with amazing haste, James signed where I guided his hand and he quickly moved his hand to his penis.

  “I’m going to hold my hand here, James. You stroke away for Ms. D. She too enjoys watching naughty boys.”

  Alice slid her right hand down to his perineum. I knew from experience that she was pressing his urethra. James could stroke himself for a week without climax. Little did he realize, even with his hands free, he still did not have control over his own functions.


  Ejaculating became critical. I signed whatever was needed and urgently moved my hand to the incredibly large and throbbing pole so diligently held by Dr. Alice.

  As permitted, I stroked. My senses were overwhelmed with Dr. Alice’s hands, one deeply penetrating my backside the other held under my scrotum, the taste and smell of Ms. D, the feel of her naked flesh touching mine.

  She had taunted me to climax. Long overdue. And as I stroked, I thought about Eve. Yes, I would indeed show off for Ms. D, just as I had for Eve so many years ago. I wanted to satisfy her need. I wanted to please her...and nothing happened.

  My mind and body craved to spew the pent up supply of sperm. I was pulling the trigger on this overloaded gun and nothing was happening.

  Dr. Alice began to laugh.

  “What’s the problem, James? You seemed so eager. Maybe if you stand.”

  Still hooded, I slowly slid off the bed with Dr. Alice moving with me. Both her hands remained in contact. I resumed stroking and began toying with my scrotum just as I used to do for Eve. Again I felt my ejaculatory muscles working and again Dr. Alice laughed.

  D spoke. “Maybe if you ask nicely James, you’ll be allowed to entertain us with your climax.”

  And I did. Humbly asking permission to ejaculate, Dr. Alice removed her hand from my perineum and then expertly timed the motions of her penetrating left hand, massaging my prostate to coincide with my final long, powerful strokes.

  I exploded and sunk back onto the bed to the sound of feminine laughter.


  It was so easy to coax James’ signature. And for a brief moment afterward, I considered returning him to bondage without relief.

  But one has to have some degree of compassion. After all, it was his last orgasm, and watching Alice control the process from start to finish was amusing.

  We hog-tied an exhausted James and left him on the floor. I slept soundly curled up with Alice.

  Later, Laitai returned and dragged him away.

  The next morning James would arise early and Laitai would prepare him for a visit to the operating room.


  It has always amazed me how easy it is to remove that which the male finds so precious and holds so dear.

  D felt that James should watch, and I could not have agreed more. No general anesthesia would be used. Watching feminine fingers open up the proud scrotal sac and slip out the reproductive organs is a ceremony no male forgets. And in having him watch, the
level of submission and humiliation could not be surpassed.

  It is the ultimate act of submission to the dominant female. Watching as the gonads are whimsically extracted, perhaps to be saved as a souvenir, the lifetime remembrance will assist in making James the malleable pet which the dominant female most desires. Henceforth, D’s needs and sexual pleasure will be all that James thinks and cares about. His ability to achieve his own will be forever curtailed.

  Laitai has secured James in the special chair. He sits upright with his arms restrained by cuffs in the back. His legs protrude straight out in front of him encased in splint-like boards. They are so well bound that the numerous straps almost cover every inch of skin.

  As I prepare the topical anesthetic and test the laser, Laitai turns a crank and James’ legs slowly part. The splints can force the legs to very painful angles, but I don’t want to induce too much pain. Therefore when a knowing Laitai feels pressure and James grimaces, she stops. Still, I can easily stand between the splints and the short seat upon which James is propped allows his stretched and hormone filled sac to dangle most enticingly.

  With the excitement, his erection slowly blossoms and I can’t help smiling. It is saluting. Even in distress the submissive male cannot control the reaction to being under the thorough control of the dominant female.

  I step to James’ front, smiling professionally. In my gloved left hand is the jar of special ointment, a mixture of glycerin and procaine. I gently swab James’ well shaven sac. He stirs with the coolness, but the erection stiffens. After a moment I pinch the thin flesh. Observing no reaction, I know the ointment has penetrated and numbed the skin.

  D arrives. She has deliberately dressed in a most alluring manner. Her magnificent breasts are marvelously highlighted and James begins to whine with desire. Her thin silk dress is translucent and he knows too well what charms are beneath. Her attire provides quite the contrast to the medical uniforms worn by Laitai and me.

  James’ wanton gaze is fixed on her mammaries.

  “You may enjoy these glands even more after alteration, James. After today, you’re going to have a heightened sense of respect for women.”

  My words of comfort have no effect, as expected, and I return to test the laser one more time.

  Laitai pushes a small table under James’ low hanging scrotum. D steps directly in front and whispers in James’ ear. His overly sensitive, long neglected penis touches her silk dress. D ensures that the purple head gently caresses the smooth fabric. It’s the final tease. It waggles in an amusing signal of both gratitude and frustration.

  James seems somewhat comforted by her words and she steps away and nods to me.

  The operation, as stated, is a contrast of fright, simplicity and brevity. Frightening for the recipient of course. Simple and brief for me. Holding the ripe sac in my left hand, I pull it forward with a slight twist. With a push of a button and a slight motion of my right hand, the laser scalpel effortlessly opens up the left side of the sac. The skin is thin, and those few blood vessels encountered are instantly cauterized by the intense but localized heat.

  James looks down in a strange combination of horror and fascination. I have deliberately made the incision small. The depilated flesh of the castrated male can be diabolically pleasing to the Dominant female. I’m sure D will enjoy displaying the unblemished but empty sac to her friends. Thus the planned small cut to the side will not be readily discernable and within two or three months will heal completely and all but disappear.

  Laitai takes the laser and frees both my hands to gently push one testicle out the small incision. The egg appears tiny and helpless in my hand. I’ve often contemplated how much hormonal influence such a pusillanimous organ has over the male. I look up into James’ face. He’s in mild shock, and he should be. He is open. Vulnerable. A dominant woman is holding his most prized possession. Yes, James is facing the horror all males fear in their darkest nightmares. And in this dream, three smiling females are taking his maleness. He struggles. Even Laitai begins to laugh. Only his head can move. And his imploring words, so beseechingly enunciated in his final moments as an intact male, are amusing, but spoken in vane.

  The nerves and connecting vessels are curiously elastic, it’s nature’s design, allowing the testicle to move about within the scrotal sac. I slowly place the still attached organ into the stainless steel pan. D’s recent efforts in stretching the scrotal sac are evident, as the nerve is long and pliant.

  Within two minutes I tie off all the connections. I am careful to clamp the nerve very close to the testicle. This will leave James with much nerve tissue and therefore much sensitivity within the empty scrotum. Since I have suggested to D that a special addition to James orchidectomy be later performed, leaving as much nerve ending as possible will assist with my plans.

  When finished, I nod to D. She steps to James’ side holding a pair of stainless steel scissors. With a pleasant smile she positions her hand, looks into James’ eyes...and casually snips.

  James screams. The procaine was only topical and the quick snip of the nerves and blood vessels is felt, probably more mentally than physically. Laitai removes the pan with the testicle. I tuck the vessels and nerves into the sac and begin to sew. Very small and proximate sutures. As stated, I want no scarring.

  “Well, what a wonderful present for me, James We’ll wait and decide on the right at another time, Alice. We’ll see if James’ testosterone level becomes more suitable for submission. If not, he can present the other to me in a few days.

  “I think his attitude will improve.”

  And so we conclude. James’ right testicle has been given a reprieve. The clock indicates the procedure took fifteen minutes. I’ve done better.


  Alice did a marvelous job on James. He healed quickly and Laitai began his exercise program with zeal. With the diminished testosterone level came psychological and physical changes. His subservience came more naturally. But with the new hormonal balance, Laitai needed to apply occasional strokes of a handy crop to counteract laziness.

  Long sessions on the spa’s treadmill kept his weight down and although his stamina increased, the toning of his muscles began to change, slowly becoming more supple.

  I enjoyed sitting over his face and playing with his remaining gonad, teasing him that Dr. Alice was eager to complete his alteration. His reaction was to lick and suck with renewed vigor. It was marvelously effective. Whatever James had thought about my games in the past, he learned that I was in earnest.

  Alice and I skied daily while James was exercised. Afterwards, he was turned over to the spa’s skilled staff where he spent hours and hours being depilated. Costly yes, but the daily shaving was time consuming and tended over time to toughen the flesh. This would not do, and depilation has the advantage of being permanent.

  Evenings, a humble, mentally feeble James labored with his tongue for hours and hours. His penis would stand, but whenever he touched himself I would warn him.

  “Dr. Alice awaits, James. Your chastity is mandatory, otherwise your right testicle will join your left.”

  Laitai was somewhat disappointed. After all, a lifetime of training was only being partially utilized. Her frustration was illustrated by her unyielding hand and her crackling cane.

  Then it happened. Laitai caught James masturbating during morning ablutions. Despite constant supervision, she momentarily left the cleansing room to get more towels. Upon returning, Laitai reported he was stroking himself with the zest of a schoolboy. His fate was doomed.

  It had been two weeks since the first removal. Perhaps I knew all along that I would complete his alteration. But no matter, James would pay dearly for his disobedience...another gift. I informed Alice and she scheduled the special room for the next morning.

  James spent the evening beseeching me. He had the temerity to break the rule of silence, such is the level of desperation to which the doomed male will sink.

  And, as if to grant the condemned a last re
quest, I let him speak. His pleadings would go unheeded, but listening with the realization it was my prerogative to complete his alteration, that James was effectively my ward, to suffer the slings and arrows of my whims, that what only mattered was my own gratification, provided most heady satisfaction.

  Meanwhile his oral ministrations were unsurpassed. His last act as an intact male was to bring me to orgasm after orgasm. A fitting end.

  The next morning, it required a mere eleven minutes for Alice to capture the right gonad.


  With James’ castration complete, I was free to practice my skills.

  Eunuchs don’t initially understand their changed circumstances. Perhaps there is a psychological denial that such a permanent alteration could be performed so quickly and easily. Perhaps there is a stubborn life long build up of male self-confidence that does not easily dissipate.

  Whatever the reason, I lectured James daily during his exercise and ablutions.

  “Your hormone level will be changing drastically, James. You must exercise every day otherwise you’ll become fat. Thus my crop will work you to exhaustion.

  “You will also find yourself becoming easily confused. The lack of testosterone will affect your brain. That is why it’s important that you listen to me and follow instructions. My cane will help. Pain brings focus and the sting of my crisp strokes will serve to bring your mind back to the simple tasks required of you.

  “You’ll no longer experience the physical ecstatic pleasure of orgasm. You’ve had your last. You’ll become sexually frustrated, even more than before your castration. It will become apparent to you that serving Ms. D will assuage the frustration. That and more caning.

  “Yes, James. There will be times when you will ask to bear pain, and I will be there to assist. It will be meted out at Ms. D’s whim. But I suspect she will be generous, given your gift of sacrifice.

  “You’ll find that your body will change. First, you’ll most likely notice that your nipples will become increasing sensitive. Yes, James. It may shock you, but you’re closer to being one of us then being a male. And if desired, I can show you how to induce the growth of a very passable set of female breasts with Ms. D’s permission. There are many simple drugs that can be used, some available without prescription...”


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